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Against the Odds

Page 13

by Tori Carson

  She already had enough of those. “I would never knowingly hurt Sid.”

  “Do you have any idea what he’s doing right now?”

  Alexa sat up a little straighter. There was an edge to Sammy’s voice she hadn’t heard before. “What do you mean? I assume he’s telling the police what happened and doing paperwork.”

  “He’s falsifying reports, lying to the cops and covering your ass at the possible expense of all our careers.”

  “What?” She jumped to her feet.

  “He’s telling them he shot Hackman,” Sammy explained.

  “He can’t do that. Call him, tell him to stop.” Alexa didn’t want Sid getting in trouble for her. When Sammy made no move to call him, she grabbed her satchel and headed for the door. “Fine. I’ll turn myself in.”

  Before she reached the knob, Sammy blocked her path. “You’re either sincere or one hell of an actress.” He took her by the arm and led her back to the couch. “Relax. He’ll be here soon.”

  She slumped against the cushions and breathed a sigh of relief. “You lied, just to see what I would do.”

  “Actually, I told the truth, just to see what you would do.” He threw her words back at her.

  “Then stop him.” She sat forward as the desire to wrestle his phone away from him became almost too strong to suppress. “I don’t want him to take the blame for me.”

  “It was a good shoot. Did you forget Sid was hit first?”

  “So why lie? Just tell them I did it,” she pleaded with him.

  “Think it through, Alexa. If Sid allowed that, your name would be all over the police reports and the danger to you would increase tenfold,” he explained patiently.

  Sid was putting himself and his friends in a terrible position to protect her. A lump formed in her throat and tears filled her eyes. She didn’t want anyone taking a risk for her, especially Sid, but it warmed her as nothing else could.

  “What can I do?” She needed to give back, to do something for him in return.

  “Don’t betray him.”

  * * * *

  Sid was anxious to see Alexa, but he owed Sammy the curtesy of bringing him up to speed. “The local PD didn’t question much. I think the cover story will hold.”

  “I never knew you had such bad aim. I guess the stress was just too much,” Sammy teased him.

  Sid flipped him his middle finger. He’d already endured enough ribbing from the locals. “I doubt she’s ever handled a gun before. I’m certainly not going to be pissed that it took her three shots to get the job done. The only thing that matters is she did it.”

  Sammy held up his hands. “You’ll get no argument there. She’s one tough lady. You’re a very lucky man. I’ll stand guard. You go be with her. She’s had a rough day.”

  Sid found Alexa in bed. He wasn’t sure what had transpired between her and Sammy, but she’d won his friend’s support. He breathed a small sigh of relief over that one.

  He sat on the edge of the mattress and marveled at the woman who had fast become more important to him than he’d believed possible in so short a period of time. Tears stained her cheeks and she sniffled every few seconds. She’d obviously cried herself to sleep. He watched her for a few moments as he stripped off his pants and shirt then lay down beside her.

  Alexa’s eyes fluttered and she started striking out. He tossed his leg over her thighs and clamped her wrists in his hands, protecting them both. “Alexa, wake up, baby. You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” Sid was concerned that if she kept thrashing about, she’d reinjure her wrist.

  Once her gaze locked with his, she relaxed. She trusted him whether she realized it or not. He released her immediately.

  “I’m sorry. I was dreaming…” she whispered as she buried her face in his chest.

  “Looked more like a nightmare from this side of the bed.” He ran his fingers through her hair and held her tight. It had been a long ass day and he just wanted to lose himself in her.

  “Help me forget, Sid.”

  “How?” He knew what she needed, but he wondered if she was willing to admit it.

  “Make love to me,” she answered with her head bowed.

  Sid tipped her chin upward. “Anything else?”

  Her face flushed. “Dominate me.”

  “My pleasure, baby.” He was honored she’d turned to him. Her independent streak was too highly developed for her to lean on others often. That she turned to him meant a great deal.

  “Tell me what you want, Alexa.” Being what she needed was his top priority.

  Her eyes widened and she tried to turn away. Sid held her by the chin, refusing to let her hide. For a moment they were in a silent battle of wills, their gazes locked, neither ready to give any ground.

  “I don’t know,” she answered softly.

  That he understood. “Fair enough.” It wasn’t always easy to put feelings into words. He decided to offer her choices. “Do you want to be restrained?”

  She froze for a moment while searching his face for something. Reassurance? A second or two later, Alexa shrugged.

  “Use your words, baby. That action can mean different things to different people.” He also wanted her comfortable sharing her innermost thoughts with him. The only way to achieve that was to talk. A lot.

  “Like before…where I can get free if I need to.” She was timid in her response, as if unsure of how he’d react.

  Sid wondered how long it would take before she freely spoke her mind. “Impact?” he asked, watching her closely.

  A shy smile danced across her face. “Yes.”

  “Yes, please,” he corrected.

  Alexa repeated the phrase as pink dusted her cheeks.

  “Good girl.” He decided to press his luck. “Pain?”

  She flinched and closed her eyes as if reluctant to answer. “Maybe the tiniest little bit.”

  “I’m proud of you, Alexa, I know that wasn’t easy to admit. Thank you.” He kissed her forehead. “I can work with that.” He altered his tone, made it slightly more commanding. “Get undressed for me.”

  As she carried out his order, he grabbed his gym bag he’d dropped by the door as he’d come in. He set several condoms on the nightstand then pulled out an eye cover.

  Alexa followed his directive then sat on the bed with her knees pulled up. She gripped the sheets, but only drew them over her feet.

  He handed her the black satin sleep mask. “Put this on.” He had to bite his tongue not to add ‘please’. Manners were ingrained in him, but Alexa didn’t need a nice guy right now. She needed him to take charge. “Lay down on your back, arms over your head, legs apart.”

  Once she complied, he gathered a few other implements and put them within reach.

  She was so beautiful, he had to dig deep to maintain control. His cock was already hard and ready to take her. He didn’t doubt her innocence any longer. Now he only had to figure out how to remove the threats to her so they could build a future together.

  He slipped his belt under her forearms and pulled it through the buckle without latching it. “Lift up your head.”

  She followed his instructions immediately, allowing him to slide the tail under her. Alexa would have no way of knowing whether he’d honored her request unless she tugged on it. He was curious to see whether she would. In a small way, it was a test to see how much faith she had in him.

  Now that her sight was blocked, he set a few more implements within easy reach.

  “You saved my life. Thank you.” Sid ran his hand along her cheek.

  Alexa cringed. “I took a life.” She looked sad and shaken. “You did what he asked. You put down your gun, but it didn’t matter. He was going to kill you regardless. I just couldn’t let that happen.”

  “Why?” Sid had little doubt that Alexa would have allowed Hackman to harm her, yet she’d gone against her principles to save him.

  “You’re a good man. And… And I care about you,” she answered softly, hesitantly.

��m falling in love with you,” Sid confessed.

  Alexa turned her head in his direction and her complexion lost several shades of color in an instant. He chuckled knowing the blindfold was hampering her view.

  “Don’t freak out on me, baby. You’re very loveable. It was bound to happen.” He tried to keep it light, hoping that would allow her to remain calm.

  “It’s not safe.” She shook her head in agitation. “Even if I avoid jail, I’m still on the run. That horrible man wasn’t the first one to come looking for me. I’ve started over so many times.”

  “Shh, baby. It’s okay. I’ve got a plan that I’ll tell you about later. Right now, we’re going to get your mind off this unpleasant business.” He drew his hand between her breasts.

  Her lips parted and a soft moan urged him on. Sid continued down to her pussy. He lightly teased his fingers over her lips and down her thigh. Though her senses seemed heightened, her muscles were relaxed. Her trust in him was growing quickly. Now was the time to keep the momentum going. “Tonight, if you need me to stop I want you to say the word ‘red’. Do you understand?

  “Red?” she asked quizzically.

  “That’s right, babe. Say the word ‘red’ and I’ll stop immediately.”

  “Okay, but why can’t I just say stop like before?”

  He appreciated that she was willing to question him. “Sometimes, as our play intensifies you might feel like you should say stop without really wanting our session to end. Does that make sense?”

  “Not even a little bit.” She smiled, teasing him. “I’ll take your word for it and keep ‘red’ on my tongue’s speed dial.”

  “Good plan.” Sid took his Wartenburg wheel and followed the same path his fingers had just traveled.

  Her lips parted and he half expected her to call out her safeword, but she cooed instead.

  As he neared her clit, she clenched her jaw shut and drew her legs closer together.

  “Open.” His tone was firm and unrelenting.

  She whimpered but went back to her previous position.

  “Good girl. Have a little faith and give this a try. If you don’t like it or it becomes too intense, you know what to do.”

  Her breathing had quickened and her hands balled into fists, but she nodded.

  Slowly, he continued. The only pressure he was applying was that of the wheel itself yet the sensation, he knew, was potent. He was exceedingly careful, making sure the spines stayed on her labia only. After she relaxed a little, he’d explore her limits.

  Once he’d completed the path, he traced another. This time in ever tightening circles leading to her nipples.

  “Oh! Sid…I’m scared.” Her voice quivered the slightest bit.

  “And it’s exhilarating, isn’t it? You’re getting wet and your need is growing.” He spoke with confidence.

  “Yes,” she answered begrudgingly. Her knuckles were turning white as she strained to stay still.

  Sid was diligent, always keeping the teeth of the wheel moving freely, never allowing them to bind and truly hurt her.

  With the circuit completed, Alexa breathed a sigh of relief.

  “You love it. You know you do.”

  She tipped her head sideways as if considering his statement.

  Sid gave the side of her breast a subtle whack with a crop.

  A surprised shriek sent him laughing. “You shouldn’t keep your Dom waiting for an answer, subbie. I want immediate, honest responses, not ones you think I want to hear.”


  He gave her a series of strikes with the flexible leather square before he returned to using the wheel. This time he rolled those sharp points directly over her nipple.

  Alexa bit her lip, moaned and pushed her torso deeper into the mattress, away from him.

  “I would advise against moving around.” He was pretty sure his arrogant, amused tone was setting her teeth on edge, but also helping her to sink further into a submissive mindset.

  “I can’t help it,” she complained.

  If they’d been together longer, he would have offered to tie her down, but she wasn’t ready for that. “Continue squirming and I’ll stop.”

  She pushed out her bottom lip in a cute as hell pout. “You’re being mean.”

  Sid swung the crop direct onto her pussy.

  Alexa’s fingers flared out as if reaching for something and she yelped again.

  “I am not mean.” He told her with infinite patience. “I’m giving you exactly what you need.” To emphasize his point, he dipped his index and middle finger into her channel. “Aren’t I?”

  She shook her head. “I want you inside me.”

  He set aside the crop and continued his leisurely stroll across her body with the wheel. “That’s a desire not a need. You need me to take you on a journey, to explore your senses and show you what your body is capable of. There’s a big difference.”

  “I’m on fire, Sid.” Her breath was coming in pants and her coos were growing louder with each touch.

  “Let me stoke those flames even hotter, baby.” As he bent forward and took her taut peak into his mouth, he shimmied out of his briefs. She was so expressive she had his body begging for mercy.

  With an urgent need to be inside her, he pulled away long enough to slide a condom over his cock. Before he climbed on the bed and between her legs, he grabbed one more toy. Good thing she was wearing a sleeping mask because his grin was likely evil.

  Sid nuzzled her breasts, licked and flicked the nipples until she was arching her back off the bed. “This is going to pinch, baby. Tell me when you’ve had enough.” He slid the clamp around her rosy peak and began to tighten it.

  Alexa was biting her bottom lip again and her hands were balled into fists. His heart clenched as she squirmed and he willed her to say the word. This was as much an exercise in building trust as it was a moment of pleasure. He needed to trust her to communicate with him in these matters.

  “Stop. No more.” She drew her elbows closer to her breasts.

  He knew she’d waited too long and backed it off slightly. This wasn’t a test of her endurance or a punishment. When she gave him a short sigh of relief, he knew he’d been right.

  To distract her and to give himself a modicum of relief, he gently pushed his cock inside her. Her worried expression vanished and desire took its place. After a stroke or two, she matched his rhythm. A few more and he stopped.

  Her groan of annoyance put a grin on his face. “You’re lopsided, baby, we have to fix that.”

  “No, no we don’t. I don’t mind,” she replied quickly.

  Sid took a moment to read her body language. A pretty pink blush covered her cheeks. She could have been embarrassed for speaking up or she could be shy because she liked the bite of pain and her mind was playing games with her again. He glanced at her hands as he continued to look for clues to the truth. When he saw Alexa’s fingers were relaxed, not curled into a ball, he decided to continue.

  “You know how to stop me,” he reminded her as he forged ahead.

  His earlier statement rang loudly in her ears. ‘You might feel like you should say stop without really wanting to.’ That was exactly it. She felt she should make a token effort to avoid adding another ache to her overly sensitized body, but she’d be disappointed if he didn’t continue.

  Her mind was swirling. Though she tried to get a handle on her emotions and logically process what was happening, it was impossible. Nothing made much sense anymore. Being scared was exciting, she craved it. Somehow Sid walked the line between enough pain to heighten her arousal, but not so much that it turned her cold.

  This time as he tightened the clamp, she spoke up sooner. She’d learned the ‘too much’ threshold happened quickly. “Stop.”

  Part of her was surprised he listened and she felt a twinge of guilt for doubting him. She hadn’t trusted anyone in so long it seemed a foreign concept.

  “That’s my girl.” He laid the chain in the valley between her boobs

  The cold metal almost took her breath away. Even the slightest brush of his skin against hers felt electric, like her nerves were hyper aware.

  Sid’s long, sure fingers gripped her waist as he began to thrust deep inside her. Each forward stroke jiggled her throbbing nipples, sending fire straight to her pussy. It was too much. Panic started to rise.

  “I’ve got you, Alexa. Relax, baby, and let it happen.” He tipped his pelvis forward, connecting with her clit.

  Every muscle was clenched tight as she fought the inevitable. It was too much. If she came now, she feared what would happen. The feelings were too intense, she’d lost control.

  He slowed his pace. “You belong to me, Alexa, and I’m going to take care of you. We’re a team, together in all things. Give yourself to me.”

  His words were killing her. She wanted everything he was offering and she wanted to be there for him, to give him the moon and stars in return. “Sid!” She screamed his name, a plea for him to catch her as she let go.

  Her orgasm tore through her, a tornado of sensations and emotions. She rode each wave, amazed at their strength. As the force began to ebb, Sid removed the nipple clamps. Fire raced along her veins. Sid’s hoarse cry as his orgasm hit was the last thing she noticed before the world faded away and pleasure took over once more. For a time she simply floated in a sea of white noise, her mind at peace as her body hummed with delicious aftershocks.

  Slowly she became aware of Sid cradling her against him. He was nuzzling her hair and whispering softly. She never wanted this moment to end. She feared it was a dream, but it seemed too perfect to even be that. Her nightly adventures into dreamland resembled horror film more than a romantic naughty girl flick.

  “I’m not going to let you escape me.” His hot breath bathed her neck, causing chills down her spine.

  “Is this how you subdue all your prisoners?” She was definitely putty in his hands.


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