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Welcome to Superhero School

Page 25

by Gracie Dix

  A few hours later, once everyone had been Teleported back to the school, Teddy went back for the twins, who were still talking. Teddy noticed that Mason’s hair looked a bit redder than when he had last seen him. Yikes.

  “It’s been a long day, guys,” Teddy said, sounding tired. “It’s time to head home.”

  Mason stood up slowly and tried to walk on his own, but he fell as soon as his foot hit the ground. He whined defiantly.

  “I want to walk! Heck, I want to run! I can’t even use my Powers. What’s wrong with me?” he asked miserably.

  “Hey, I’ll come to you,” Teddy assured the twins. He walked briskly toward them, and they Teleported back to the school.


  In Which Oliver Gives A Final Speech

  Back at the school—which, because of the process of capturing The Universe, was destroyed beyond self-repair—the entire gang was now back together.

  Oliver, Jessica, Rachel, Nick, Damian, Spencer, Ondrea, Avery, Mason, Jason, Teddy, Darla, and even The Boss and Francis were all gathered together. Of course, Nick and Mason still had their problems. Meanwhile, Damian still didn’t completely trust Spencer, and The Boss still didn’t like Damian.

  Avery and Ondrea were still sisters, Oliver and Jessica were still twins, Francis and Jessica were still annoyed with each other, and Samantha Macintosh was still upset over the death of Mrs. Thomas. Rachel still acted like an animal every once in a while, and Mason and Jason’s house was still on fire. Unbeknownst to them, their house had been on the news multiple times. Lastly, The Boss had decided to give Oliver back his phone, since he’d been using it the entire time. And Oliver gave Darla back her phone, since he’d used it to call Will. Darla still had a little attitude.

  “All right!” Oliver addressed the entire student body, “The school is in shambles beyond any repair, but no one in this general crowd is hurt right?” He heard a few mumbles from the crowd, but no one said ‘yes,’ so he continued. “I know this is going to be hard for you, but you’re all going to have to go home and forget about this. You can’t tell your parents everything we’ve been through, or they’ll FREAK. Unfortunately, since the school is destroyed, you can’t come back here. Tell your parents this story: A giant beast came out and attacked the school, which is now destroyed. You may give as many details as you want. I know that isn’t much to go on, but please do your best.

  “My group still has some problems that we need to work out, but the school year is ending and a new one will begin soon. We’ll have to spread across the world to find other Superhero schools, or just go to our local regular school. Do not reveal your Super Powers to anyone.

  “Before I let you all go—this school year has been basically garbage, but thank you so much for your help in keeping the world safe! Now, you should go home and just sleep. It’s been a long year,” Oliver announced, finally done.

  He stepped down from the rock he was standing on as Supers began Teleporting, Super Speeding, Rocketing, and using other Powers to get home.

  All that time, Spencer had been examining Mason as well as Nick, and even comparing them. Oliver and the rest of the gang crowded around Spencer to see if he had any news. He did.

  “Guys! I’ve figured this out! Mason used up all the Power in his Power cells, converting him to a basic human without Powers. But the Power cells aren’t gone, just shriveled. His Power was the only thing keeping him looking like Jason,” Spencer explained. “Jason, he is your twin because of what you both were destined to be by the fate of your Powers. Now that he’s lost them, he’s no longer your look alike, but I can fix that. Nick is overloaded with Power, and Mason has no Power. Both situations have to do with Power cells! It would take a very strong electric current to put some of Nick’s Power into Mason,” Spencer explained.

  “Then we should do it!” Jason yelled.

  “Wait!” Damian snapped quickly, “I’m not sure about this.”

  “Jason, it has a potential of going wrong both ways. Nick could explode as the electric shock needed to transfer the energy could overload him even more,” Spencer explained grimly. “But Mason’s genetic structure might continue to deform, causing his color to change, until his genetic structure got overworked and killed him entirely.”

  “Well, we clearly need to do something!” Jason cried, glancing at Mason’s now completely maroon hair beginning to turn blond around the edges. Suddenly, a boy stepped out from behind a tree. Will was the first to notice.

  “Hey, aren’t you that kid who was watching us earlier?” Will asked, walking forward.

  The boy flinched back, and Will stopped.

  “Aw, relax. We aren’t going to hurt you,” Oliver cooed.

  “Uh, I don’t like being talked to like I’m afraid,” he stated quietly.

  “Then don’t act afraid, tough guy!” Darla hissed.

  “Darla!” Ondrea scolded.

  “I think I can help you,” he said a little louder.

  “I highly doubt that,” Darla sneered.

  “Whoa, guys, calm down. What the heck?” Oliver yelled.

  “What’s your name?” Avery questioned.

  “My name is Michael Atrius,” he answered, stepping forward. “I can provide a steady current of electricity. My Power is electricity, since my body is basically a conductor. You need me.”

  “We could use him,” Spencer commented. Michael walked up to Nick and Mason. He placed his hand on the side of their necks and closed his eyes. As soon as that happened, the air began to crackle loudly around him, causing his hair to stand on edge. Michael’s hair strands began to stand up one by one on his head. The hand that was touching Nick began to glow, and neon green bolts of electricity shot up Michael’s arm, flowing into Mason. Spencer suddenly realized something very important.

  “Shoot, shoot, shoot! Jason, I need you to place your hand on the other side of Mason’s neck! Damian, do the same with Nick. Hurry!” Spencer yelled.

  Jason rushed up and placed his hand on his twin’s neck, and suddenly felt Mason’s energy flowing through him. Damian felt the same with Nick. Mason’s hair began to highlight over brown once more, and Nick’s color returned. Mason’s skin color returned to normal. Finally, Michael stopped.

  “That was intense,” he said plainly.

  Nick coughed and woke up very slowly. His eyes came open only slightly because he was afraid of what he might see, but when he saw a glaring sun, he snapped his eyes open and sat up.

  “I made it!” he yelled, his voice cracking.

  Everyone rushed to hug and congratulate him except for Spencer, who wanted to make sure the other member of the party was okay. Mason was lying on the grass with his eyes still closed. His hair and skin color were back to normal. Jason noticed something abnormal.

  “Is that red streak in his hair supposed to be there?” he asked.

  “Yeah, that won’t go away. I’m pretty sure if you dye it, it will just return the same color. Magic works in the weirdest ways,” Spencer said, smiling.

  Mason’s eyes fluttered open.

  “Jason!” he yelled, throwing his arms around his brother.

  “Yo!” Spencer said, taken by surprise at what he saw. “Dude! Your right iris is red!”

  Jason took a quick peek. “You’re right! That’s pretty cool, dude,” Jason confirmed.

  Nick stood up and walked over to greet Mason. “Whoa! Mason, you got an upgrade! Either that, or you’re trying to start some kind of fashion trend,” Nick said with a laugh, offering an arm out to Mason.

  Mason took his hand and stood up. Jason put his head between his knees and sighed.

  “It’s finally over. All this,” he thought. “I’d be surprised if I’m ever bored again!”


  In Which A New Journey Will Soon Begin

  Summer had finally begun. The previous year had changed them immensely, of course. Jason and Mason Mackenzie were finally able to put out the fire in front of their house with the help of Damian, Nic
k, and Spencer. The Boss decided to go Superhero instead of staying Super-villain so he could keep an eye on Spencer Knight. He’d planned to get a job as a physics teacher at a local public school. Instead, he went on a vacation with his son to Miami, and they’re living in an apartment, where both are very happy.

  Nick Gator and Damian Fletcher decided to head back to New York and, for income, Damian joined the police force. Damian’s wife and son are planning to join him in New York soon. Rachel Fletcher was officially adopted by The Fletchers as a human girl. They even got her a birth certificate to make her feel more part of the family.

  Oliver and Jessica Fletcher agreed to change their sleeping schedule to get more sleep after having stayed up for so long, and are now able to stand each other a little better. Ondrea and Avery Kendal went to Dragon World and then to the dinosaur museum. Avery decided to get a job in the museum to give tours and teach about what she resembles—a dragon!

  Jennifer Kendal continued to teach at a different school, Desperado Prep, and endure witty banter with her daughters. Teddy Baird spent months using his Teleportation to help the Mackenzies rebuild their home. Later, he took it upon himself to get a summer job mowing all the lawns on his block.

  Darla Madison spent a few weeks in an anger-management course. Her father insisted on it due to her many temper tantrums. That helped seal the deal on anger management. Afterwards, she became a better person, deciding to improve her community by taking care of neighborhood criminals. That was also really fun for her and a good way to let out her still-unbridled rage.

  Francis Heat decided he wanted to start a program to teach animals to swim. It was surprisingly successful, and he was featured on the news three times. Some people thought it was stupid, but he had his friends’ support—and that’s all he needed.

  Will Brookes jokingly decided it would be better for the world if he stayed on his couch for the rest of the school year, but ended up having fun with his friends and going to parties. The rest of the school year turned out just the way he wanted it! Samantha Macintosh and her husband, Jerry Macintosh, went on a cruise in the Caribbean for four weeks. They went home afterwards feeling refreshed for the first time in years.

  Luke Dowry is gone forever. Serves that evil scrooge right, anyway. Too bad he made the wrong decision.

  Lady Caldria and her daughter, Solis Caldria, kept relaxing in their alternate realm, not knowing that so much had happened. Solis excelled in her training and hoped to be at her mother’s level in about eight years.

  When summer began, everyone got back together and hung out occasionally. Every now and then, Darla accidentally burned something, Will made a sarcastically funny comment, Jessica became overprotective about Oliver, Rachel went animal and annoyed people, Nick put his life in danger, Damian scolded Nick, Spencer made some smart prediction that ended up coming true, Ondrea got all ooey gooey over Teddy, Avery rolled her eyes at Will, Mason made an impulsive decision, Jason worried over it, Teddy surprised Will, Francis asked Rachel to help teach his animal swimming class, and The Boss emptily threatened to destroy the planet out of anger. All in all, everyone got along and had an amazing summer.

  Near the end of summer, they all planned to try to get into the same school in order to be together. Damian stayed on the police force in New York, but sent Nick back to everyone else to start school. The Boss got a job as a physics teacher, but he knew he had to be patient. He couldn’t wait to start at Desperado Prep.


  Somewhere off on a distant planet…

  “Chaos! I’ve got scans!” a blond-haired man yelled triumphantly.

  The Man walked toward Chaos with a false sense of confidence and an evil smile plastered on his face.

  “SCANS! What scans?” Chaos shouted. “Wait! I didn’t send for you! Where is that tyrant, The Boss? I sent for him! Not you, The Man!”

  “Sir, The Boss turned against us because of his son. Now, about the scans . . . ” The Man started.

  “I’m sure your son won’t be a huge problem like that urchin? Right?” Chaos asked menacingly.

  “SIR! THE SCANS! I was able to scan a blond-haired boy who seemed weak and powerless, as well as a man who was undefinable but appeared to be immensely powerful. My assistant, The Menace, triple checked the scans and identified one to have the same results as The Stranger, previously known as The Shadow. The young blond had shown a family resemblance,” The Man yelled, panicking. “And you had better not bring my son into this! He’s all I have!”

  “I know those scans! I recognize them from The Stranger’s previous reports as well as The Stranger himself. Yes, Vixsten Knight disappointed all of us. The Boss’s history is dead to us. Your son will NOT get in your way, will he?” Chaos growled.

  “No, sir. I will make sure Michael doesn’t get in my way,” The Man said in a quiet, unsure voice.

  “Good! The heroes of the former Superhero School will never defeat Vork. We will make sure of that!” Chaos finished, with an evil laugh.

  Special Thanks

  Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.

  —A. A. Milne

  Publishing my first novel is hugely exciting. It is the realization of a life goal. There are so many people who have helped me and, like Piglet, I am filled with gratitude.

  Thank you to my wonderful editor Janis Dworkis. You are the sweetest and most patient woman I’ve ever met. You’ve guided me through a long, and sometimes grueling, editing process. Now, because of your help, I am a published author! You have taught me to look at my work through the readers’ eyes, and this is a lesson I will use for the rest of my life.

  Thank you to the wonderful Anné Hughes for the introduction to Janis. You, Blair King, and Beth Riggs are not only some of my greatest mentors, but also like family. I will always remember the three of you and I’m grateful for everything you have done to help me grow into the person I am today.

  Thank you to all my proofreaders. It means a great deal to me that you took the time and effort to proofread the original 387-page manuscript! I know it was a daunting project! Your comments and suggestions changed my book for the better:

  Matthieu Debic. You made Honors English fun. You are lively and funny, you love books, and you inspire deep conversations about them and about life. Thank you for generously taking time out of your schedule to proofread during the busiest time of the school year.

  Laura Gordon. You have a wonderful and charming personality, with intelligence to match. You have added a lot of color to my life, and your comments and wise suggestions also added color to my book and inspired important edits.

  Kim Quinn. I have known you since I was a toddler, and you’ve had a big influence in my life. You have a charismatic laugh and you always make me feel special. I know how busy you are, and I really appreciate the time and effort you took to proofread my novel. You caught so many grammatical errors and your insights on the flow of the story were really valuable. Thank you.

  Janna Winchester, Mom-Mom. I love you so much. You make me feel adored in every way. You are always there for me and you make me feel special. Thank you for the meticulous detail you put into the process of proofreading. Just like you do for me when we spend time together, you put extra-special attention and love into my novel.

  Jennifer Dix. You have been a great proofreader, chapter listener, and special assistant. I have loved sharing my novel with you from start to finish.

  Also, thank you to Jan Rich for agreeing to serve as a reviewer and for encouraging me to make additional revisions to my novel after I thought I was done. It was daunting to think of making more revisions, but your guidance helped me to change my novel for the better.

  Thank you to the wonderful Winchester Carlisle Team for supporting me in getting organized when it came time to promote and publish my book. Jessica Allen, Bethany Carla, and Shelby Onstot, thank you for sitting through strategy meetings, taking notes, listening, brainstorming, and
helping. You’ve been a blessing to me and to everyone who is going to read my novel. Getting Welcome to Superhero School to print could not have happened without you.

  Thank you to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International for believing in me as a young writer. Animals make me and so many others happy. I love them with all my heart, so I love what you accomplish with all my heart too. Thank you for agreeing to partner with me so Welcome to Superhero School could be a part of your mission to help animals around the world.

  Speaking of animals, thank you to Snowball and Sandy, the two best dog babies in the whole world. When the process of writing and editing this book got stressful, I had my two best therapy dogs with me all along the way. Remember to appreciate your pets! They bring so much love and joy into the world.

  Thank you to all the teachers I have ever had. Your charm, charisma and belief in me has influenced the best characteristics of the adult characters in this book. Thank you for the life lessons. I also want to thank the many teachers and staff at the June Shelton School who have nurtured, encouraged and supported me as a learner, a writer, and a person.

  Thank you to all my friends. The second you entered my life, you sparked inspiration in me as a writer. You have been influential to my growth and I love you all. You’ve taught me so much about friendship, and your lessons influenced the characters in my book. Even though this story is about superheroes, it is also about friendship, love, and teamwork—all of which I learned from you.

  Special thanks to my amazing grandparents, Penny and Larry Dix, for always supporting me and being awesome. Your love has helped me through this process. I love you so much.

  Thank you to my brother, Nate Dix. Even though you were away at college through this process, your love helped me keep moving forward. Thinking of us as siblings inspired me to make sure the sibling relationships in this story were strong and loving, and that the siblings appreciated each other. I love and appreciate you. I could never ask for a better brother.


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