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Lucas (Must Love Danger Book 5)

Page 8

by Emily Jane Trent

  Lucas leaned against the wall, knowing that what was coming couldn’t be good.

  “I verified that Kuzmin was released from prison over five years ago,” Jake said. “But it seems that he couldn’t behave himself. He hooked up with another performer and demanded that she pose nude. When she refused, he didn’t take it well. I assume you can figure out the rest.”

  “He ended up back in jail?”

  “Yep,” Jake said. “It’s a recurring pattern. I uncovered more of his background. Haylee wasn’t his first offense, but that assault was his first conviction and prison sentence.”

  Knowing what the guy had gotten away with made Lucas feel sick to his stomach.

  “I’ve gone over this with Hawke, and he has talked to the police,” Jake said. “When Kuzmin was picked up five years ago, he kept blabbering about Haylee. Hers was a name that everyone recognized, so they remembered his ravings.”

  “Sounds like he was looking for her,” Lucas said. “Only he just missed her. Haylee would have moved to Philly before then.”

  “Kuzmin had been in prison,” Jake said. “He wouldn’t have known that she’d moved. A celebrity’s residence is kept private in most cases. And there’s more.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “The police are familiar with guys like Kuzmin,” Jake said. “Stalkers become focused on their target and can react violently when frustrated.”

  “So, Kuzmin didn’t like it when he was unable to find Haylee.”

  “It appears so,” Jake said. “It wasn’t long after his first release that he assaulted his next victim. It’s likely she was the recipient of his frustration.”

  “The guy needs to be put away permanently.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Jake said. “He was sent back to prison after the other assault, but he served his time. I don’t think he’s learned his lesson, because he started stalking Haylee on tour as soon as he got out. And he’s digging himself in deep. Following Haylee on tour is a parole violation. He is supposed to stay in L.A. But he missed his last check-in.”

  “Then the cops can do us all a favor and pick him up.”

  “That is a problem,” Jake said. “From what Hawke learned, the cops can’t find Kuzmin. He rented a place but hasn’t been there in weeks. They’re trying to track him, but they have been unsuccessful. Hawke filled them in on his recent activities—including all the packages and letters he sent Haylee before he was released on parole.”

  “Where does this guy get all the money?” Lucas said. “It’s not cheap to fly around the country.”

  “He was a music producer, remember?” Jake said. “He must have some money stashed. He served his time and now he’s out, wanting what he couldn’t have before—Haylee.”

  “He had been harassing her from jail,” Lucas said. “Sending floods of packages and letters. I’m sure the return address wasn’t the prison, so he had help. And he seems to know a little too much.”

  “Even criminals have friends,” Jake said. “You know…like minds?”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not impressed,” Lucas said. “We need to find this guy, and now. Haylee has another concert tonight, and for all I know, the guy has something planned.”

  “I’m working on it,” Jake said. “And Hawke has contacted the LAPD to gain intelligence. We’re doing all we can to sniff this guy out. He will have to leave a trail. There’s no way he can evade us, and the police, for much longer.”

  Lucas prayed that was true. Haylee was at risk, and he didn’t like it one bit. He would use his skill and training to protect her, but he didn’t like fighting an enemy he couldn’t see. Kuzmin was sticking to the shadows, and Lucas needed to find a way to flush him out.

  Chapter 10

  Haylee stepped into the hallway and Lucas had difficulty breathing. She was stunning, even more than usual. Her short leather dress was bright green and pink with a long right sleeve, but on the left, her shoulder and arm were bare. The hem of the dress barely covered her hips, revealing her long legs.

  She wore tights with high-heeled fuchsia boots that ended just below her knees. Her hair was twisted up on her head with long pieces escaping on one side and flowing over her shoulder. She seemed to glitter from her hair to her eyes to her shiny boots.

  Haylee beamed. “You like it?”

  “That doesn’t begin to describe it,” Lucas said, trying to regain his composure. “Your fans will go crazy.”

  “And I can sing, too,” Haylee said with a grin, then took his arm.

  Lucas escorted her to the elevator and, with a sweep of his arm, let her step in first. Haylee was all confidence and composure. He admired her for that. Despite all that was going on, she was a professional, and was there for her audience. He had dealt with many challenges, but not personal ones like Haylee faced.

  Lucas wanted to sweep her away, feeling much more than friendship for her. He cared deeply, and he wasn’t sure when that started. Maybe from the day he met her, Haylee had found a place in his heart. He adored her and felt an overwhelming need to protect her.

  Once they were in the limo, Haylee’s façade seemed to crack just a little. “Have you checked social media today? The fans are going nuts.”

  “They can’t accept that this is your final tour.”

  “I just don’t know how the crowd will be tonight,” Haylee said. “Will they be enthusiastic, or will they be bitter?”

  “Once you start singing, you’ll captivate them.” Lucas didn’t care how rowdy the audience was; security would ensure the fans kept their distance. He wanted to tell Haylee that she had more to worry about than the audience.

  Kuzmin was off the radar. That made him a wild card, unpredictable and dangerous. But Lucas didn’t want to share that with Haylee before her concert. She had enough to deal with, and that would only upset her. The bad news could wait. For now, Lucas had to get her through the performance without incident.

  When they arrived, Jeffrey was dealing with the musicians and getting the instruments set up, preparing for Haylee’s entrance. While security hovered, Lucas took a moment to speak with Jeffrey. He had an idea, and after a short explanation, Jeffrey nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”

  With that handled, Lucas went back to his post. He was stationed backstage, close enough to Haylee to keep any threat away—but there was one that he hadn’t anticipated.

  Lucas could see past the curtain to watch the audience take their seats. The roof of the theater was shaped like an enormous potato chip, slanted up and over the seating. The structure was lit with pink and purple lights, and he envisioned Haylee strutting out in her pink costume.

  Lucas snapped out of his vision of Haylee on stage when he heard her gasp. He turned to see that she was staring at a note, looking white as a ghost. “What is it?”

  Haylee put her hand to her throat and handed the message to Lucas. It was a demand for Haylee to sing a particular song to let him know that she cared, to acknowledge their love affair. It was signed, Your Destiny.

  “He will be in the audience,” Haylee said. “He’ll be listening.”

  Lucas spoke into his earpiece. “Stalker on site. I repeat, Haylee’s stalker is here.”

  “I won’t do it,” Haylee said. “He wants me to sing a song that he helped produce. But I haven’t sung it since…”

  “He is in no position to make demands,” Lucas said. “He’ll be too busy dealing with security.”

  Haylee took some deep breaths. The music started, then fans cheered and shouted. She was clearly shaken, but Amy hugged her then whispered something in her ear. Haylee nodded, lifted her head, and walked toward the stage.

  Lucas took his position off stage with a view of Haylee and her audience. He was pissed off at Kuzmin’s nerve. The guy was a convicted sex offender, but that didn’t prevent him from buying a concert ticket. Well, he was going to be disappointed. Haylee wasn’t going to give him what he wanted.

  But Lucas wasn’t naïve; Kuzmin would be livid over Haylee’s d
efiance. If security didn’t nab him, there was no telling what he might do. That was why Lucas had a backup plan.

  The concert was a hit. If the fans resented her decision to retire, it didn’t show. They screamed, shouted, and sang the songs along with her. Haylee poured emotion into each song. Her delivery was flawless, and she looked radiant on stage.

  After two encores, the audience shouted for more. That was Lucas’s cue that it was time to leave. Security hadn’t found Kuzmin, so if he was out there, Lucas didn’t intend to take any chances. He had told Adam the strategy, and while the crowd still cheered, he went into action.

  In the dressing room, Lucas told Haylee the plan. Quickly, she slipped off her shiny boots and Amy put them on. Then she put on a long coat with a hood. From a distance, she could pass as Haylee. The noise in the theater had died down.

  The concert was over, so the fans would be leaving. No doubt some were already waiting outside for a chance to spot Haylee, or to get her autograph. The deception was going to be dicey, but it should work. Adam put his arm around Amy. “Ready?”

  With security surrounding them, Adam swept Amy out of the theater and into the limo. If all went well, the fans would accept that they’d seen Haylee get into the car and leave. Lucas allowed enough time for the limo to get away, then he assisted Haylee with her escape.

  Haylee wore a wide-brimmed hat, dark glasses, and a baggy coat that covered her down to her ankles.

  “Even I wouldn’t recognize you,” Lucas said. “We’ll go out the front. Jeffrey has a cab waiting for us, and he reserved the penthouse suite at the Henry Norman.”

  “And when Amy arrives at the Grammercy, security will escort her to my room.”

  “You catch on quickly,” Lucas said. “If Kuzmin is paying attention, he will believe that you are in that suite.”

  “It’s amazing what a pair of pink boots can do.”

  Lucas kissed her cheek, then took her arm. “Keep your head down.” He guided her outside and into the waiting cab. When Lucas slid in beside her, Haylee rested her head on his shoulder, eyes on her lap, so the driver wouldn’t get a look at her face.

  “Henry Norman Hotel,” Lucas said, and the cab sped away.


  Haylee hadn’t stayed at that hotel before, although she knew about it. The boutique hotel was smaller than she was used to, but luxurious. It was a nineteenth-century warehouse that had been converted to a hotel. When they pulled up to the striking brick building, Lucas paid the driver then helped Haylee out.

  “Jeffrey handled check-in,” Lucas said. “It’s booked in my name, so I’ll get the key at the desk then we’ll go straight up. Adam arranged for our luggage to be moved to the suite, so it should be in there already.”

  Haylee kept the hood on and her eyes cast down, even in the elevator. But once inside the room, she took off the disguise and tossed the coat, hat, and glasses onto a chair. While Lucas made a call to check in with her security, she took the opportunity to look around.

  The room had high ceilings, an expanse of windows, and hardwood floors. It was a charming suite with antiques, artwork, and a writing desk. There were two bedrooms and skylights, but the feature that drew Haylee was the rooftop patio.

  Haylee stepped out to the deck and looked at the sparkling city lights of Brooklyn and New York City. She breathed in the night air, feeling better.

  Lucas followed her out. “I spoke to Adam. Everything went off without a hitch. Amy is in your room and your security is posted as usual.”

  “I wonder how she likes being me for a night,” Haylee said.

  “What’s more important is that you are safe. The public has no idea that you’re here. And Jeffrey chose a smaller hotel, so even if anyone was looking, this wouldn’t be where they’d start.”

  “By anyone, you mean my stalker?”

  “Yes, he made a mistake tonight,” Lucas said. “He came in person, no messengers this time. Unfortunately, he managed to slip by security. But he’ll get desperate, make another mistake. And when he does, I’ll be there.”

  Haylee was unsettled, unable to feel completely safe. “He was there tonight, watching.”

  “That’s why you’re here,” Lucas said. “I’m not taking any chances with you.”

  The look in his eyes melted Haylee’s heart. He really did care, and not just as her bodyguard. The hard part was that she cared too. With danger closing in, she was even more drawn to Lucas and craved his embrace.

  “I need to change clothes,” Haylee said. “This costume is gorgeous, but not all that comfortable.” She found her bags in one of the bedrooms and dug in her suitcase for suitable loungewear.

  Haylee’s mind worked against her. She couldn’t help but think about Lucas changing clothes in the other room—or she hoped he was. Certainly, he wouldn’t wear slacks and a blazer for the rest of the night.

  When Haylee returned to the living room, Lucas was sitting on the sofa with his right ankle crossed over the opposite knee. He wore a cotton shirt that left little to the imagination. At the edge of his sleeves, his biceps bulged, and the shirt stretched over his muscled chest.

  He wore faded jeans, and the only sign that he was prepared for action was the running shoes he had on. When Haylee walked in, he smiled, making her feel weak in the knees.

  “I hope you don’t mind me getting more comfortable,” Lucas said.

  “No, please,” Haylee said. “You look good, uh…dressed down.”

  Lucas’s eyes drifted over her body, making Haylee feel undressed. “You look beautiful.”

  Haylee’s cheeks warmed and she felt awkward, as if they were on a first date. “Is there anything to drink around here?”

  “From what I saw, there’s about anything you could want.”

  “I’d love a glass of wine.”

  Lucas hopped up and went to the small refrigerator. “Is white okay?”

  “Sure.” Haylee couldn’t take her eyes off him. When he bent to get into the fridge, she ogled his ass, and when he opened the wine, she admired how his muscles flexed. He was way too hunky for his own good.

  Lucas handed her a glass of wine then sat across from her to drink his beer. It should have been a comfort to have the coffee table between them, but it didn’t help. Every time Haylee looked up, she had a clear view of Lucas—and every time her desire ratcheted up.

  “You can relax,” Lucas said. “Even if your stalker senses the switch—which is highly unlikely—discovering this hotel would be like finding a needle in a haystack.”

  Haylee understood what he said, but all she heard was that they were alone and secluded for the entire night—which was a little too much temptation for her.

  “So how is it that you’re still single?”

  Lucas took a swig of beer. “I suppose I didn’t find the right woman.”

  Haylee looked into the depths of his coppery eyes, finding it hard to fathom that women hadn’t fallen all over him. He must have had many to choose from. “There was Anna. Why did she break it off?”

  Lucas shrugged. “I was away a lot on deployment. I guess the waiting was too hard for her.”

  That was all Haylee was going to get out of him. She could tell that he didn’t want to get into it. Her thoughts went to her own failures. She hadn’t been looking for a relationship; she didn’t want to open her heart only to be hurt. Yet, by some magic, Lucas had found her.

  “Do you always follow the rules?” Haylee said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…just for one night, do you have to be the bodyguard?” Haylee said, unable to repress her need.

  Lucas was sensitive that way. He seemed to know how she felt. He put his beer on the table and came over to sit beside her. “I’m with you, honey. Just you and me.”

  Haylee’s heart skipped a beat. “Do you feel what I feel?”

  Lucas took her hand. “I’ve thought about you every day…for the past fifteen years.”

  Haylee wanted to reach out, to throw he
rself into his arms—yet something held her back. With her voice barely above a whisper, she said, “But…I’m damaged.”

  Lucas pulled her into his arms and looked into her eyes. “You’ve got that wrong, honey.” He kissed her softly on the lips. “You’re perfect.”

  The world shifted, and Haylee didn’t feel like a tainted woman. She didn’t feel like a big star or a failure. She felt so much love for Lucas that her heart swelled to aching. His breath grazed her cheek and his male scent intoxicated her. Feeling dizzy, she leaned into him and pressed her lips against his.

  Only this time, it wasn’t a sweet kiss. The touch ignited the passion between them, and Haylee gave in to overpowering desire. Her need for Lucas was all-consuming, and he responded in kind. The kiss deepened and Lucas dipped his tongue into her mouth.

  Haylee wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning as he kissed her hard, giving her what she needed—and taking what he needed. But it was unlike anything she’d felt before. It was more like Lucas was a part of her, as though separation was impossible.

  Lucas lifted off her top then cupped her breasts. Then he leaned down, biting her nipples through the satin fabric. Haylee whimpered, clawing his shoulders, then raking her palms over his body—trying to touch him everywhere.

  In a swift motion, Lucas stood and scooped Haylee into his arms. He carried her to the bedroom, kissing her without taking a breath. Then he yanked back the covers and lowered her to the mattress. “I’ve wanted this for so very long,” he said, then kissed her again.

  As Lucas undressed her, he kissed her skin. His hot mouth pressed over her collarbone, her shoulders, and down her belly. When she was naked before him, Lucas took a moment to stare, his eyes filled with lust. Then he stripped his clothes off and stood next to the bed.

  Haylee looked up at him in awe. He was sculpted of muscle, and his gaze made her flush from head to toe. She reached out to fist his hard cock. It was hot, yet the skin so soft. She leaned over and put the swollen knob in her mouth. He tasted as good as he looked.

  Lucas moaned, but before long he pushed her back onto the bed. “Careful, you’ll make me come.” He grabbed his pants from the floor and retrieved a condom from the pocket, then rolled it on.


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