Book Read Free

Designed by Desire

Page 18

by Pamela Yaye

  “What do you want?”

  “Sir, I’d rather not discuss it over the phone. Is there somewhere we can meet and talk?”

  “I have nothing to say to you, Mr. Childs.”

  “Please, don’t hang up.” His voice was a desperate plea. “Sir, just give me a chance to explain. I know I screwed up, and you have every right to hate me, but I’m not the monster you think I am.”

  Silence came over the line, and it dragged on for several long, awkward moments.

  “There’s a coffee shop in Soho called Espresso & Things. Ever heard of it?”

  “I’ll find it.”

  “Be there in half an hour.”

  Relieved, Collin hung up the phone. Finally, he was making progress. Logging off his computer, he pushed to his feet and stuffed his cell phone into his pants pocket. Enough was enough. Collin refused to live without Brianna. Couldn’t do it. Not another day. Not another night. Not another second. Despite the risks and the mistakes he’d made in the past, Collin believed they could make it. Would make it. No matter what.

  Without breaking his stride, Collin snatched his wool jacket off the metal coatrack. He was going to get his woman back—back in his arms, back in his life, back in his bed where she belonged—and nothing was going to stop him.

  Collin yanked open his office door, and there, standing on the threshold, was Daniel Hamilton. His dark hair and thin, perfectly groomed moustache gave him a mature look, but Collin knew from his conversations with Brianna that Daniel was her younger brother. And that the marketing whiz was protective of his sisters.

  “Leave my sister alone,” Daniel growled through clenched teeth. “Quit blowing up her phone and sending her expensive crap she doesn’t need. She. Doesn’t. Want. You. When are you going to get that through your thick skull?”

  “Have you ever been in love?”

  Daniel frowned as if confused by the question and dropped his hands at his sides.

  “I didn’t think so,” Collin said smoothly. “I made a mistake, but I’m determined to right my wrongs. And if that means calling Brianna 24/7 until she finds it in her heart to forgive me, then so be it. I won’t lose her.”

  “It’s too late, Mack Daddy. You already have.”

  “I’m not a player,” Collin argued.

  “Tell someone who cares.”

  The men locked eyes, shooting daggers at each other.

  “Stay away from my sister, or you’ll be sorry.” Snarling, Daniel jabbed a finger at Collin chest. “If I have to come back down here this week, it’s not going to be pretty.”

  “I’m going to get Brianna back and there’s nothing you can say or do to stop me.”

  “Where was all this love and undying devotion when Evangeline was throwing her tits in your face?” he asked in disgust. “Actions speaker louder than words, and your actions reek of deception and deceit.”

  Returning to his desk, Collin picked up the white poster board beside the brass lamp and showed it to Daniel. “Evangeline’s the new face of Childs International and a spoiled diva, too. It’s my job to keep her happy, but she’s not making it easy.”

  “Do you screw all your celebrity clients, or just the gorgeous ones?”

  “I don’t want Evangeline. I want Brianna. Only Brianna,” he said, stressing his words. “After my divorce, I was a mess and dulled my pain with booze, gambling and women. I had a fling with Evangeline, while vacationing in Mexico, but that’s all it was. A fling. It ended months before I met your sister.”

  Daniel scratched his cheek. “Then why does Brianna think you’re cheating on her with Evangeline?”

  “Because I’m an ass.”

  “You can say that again!” Daniel chuckled, and for the first time since barging into Collin’s office, his posture relaxed. “It sounds like you and my sister need to talk.”

  “None of this would’ve happened if I’d been honest about my feelings, but when Brianna said she loved me, I—”

  Daniel waved a hand in the air. “Hold up. Brianna told you she loved you?”

  Collin smiled at the memory, but when he remembered the explosive argument they’d had in Columbus Circle, his heart ached with regret. “I haven’t dated anyone since my divorce, and Brianna’s confession scared the hell out of me.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “With all my heart. More than I’ve ever loved anyone,” he confessed, his tone thick with emotion. “And I’m going to get Brianna back if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Daniel now wore a big, bright grin. “Sounds good to me.”

  Collin glanced at his custom-made Rolex, saw that he had only twenty minutes to get to Espresso & Things and felt a swell of panic. “I have to get going. I’m meeting your dad for coffee, and if I don’t hurry I’m going to be late.”

  “You’re meeting my old man?” Daniel said, his eyes wide with shock.

  “Yes. I owe him, and the rest of your family, an apology.” Collin was trying to play it cool, as if meeting Mr. Hamilton was no big deal, but he desperately wanted to impress Brianna’s father, and showing up late would be a boneheaded thing to do.

  “Damn, you are serious about winning my sister back, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am. I can’t lose her. She means everything to me.”

  Nodding, Daniel clamped a hand on Collin’s shoulder and led him down the corridor. “I better come with you.” His tone was touched with a hint of humor, but his expression was somber. “My dad is a real laid-back guy, but when it comes to his daughters, he’s as ferocious as a pit bull with a chew toy.”

  Chapter 20

  “You look like you could use a hand.”

  Brianna saw Collin standing at the corner newsstand wearing a broad, megawatt smile, but she breezed past him into the night as if he was invisible.

  Still, her feelings for him rushed back all at once, sending her thoughts fluttering into a tailspin. She tried not to notice how flat-out sexy he looked in his crisp, slim-fitting suit, or how dreamy his cologne smelled, but her flesh seemed to have a mind of its own. At the sight of him, her heart pounded with excitement, her hands itched to touch him and her wayward eyes ogled his lean, muscled physique.

  More than anything, though, Brianna longed to be back in his arms, holding him, caressing him, loving him like he’d never been loved before.

  Knock it off, her inner voice snapped. He’s the enemy, remember?

  “Baby, how have you been? I’ve missed you.”

  Brianna ignored him marching briskly beside her. Continuing down the street, she concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and not wiping out on the icy sidewalk. The crescent moon gleamed in the sky, and Brianna’s thoughts returned to Paris, to the night she’d strolled down Rue de Rivoli with Collin.

  The memory came to a screeching halt when Brianna remembered how Evangeline had brazenly thrown herself at Collin last Wednesday night.

  “How’s Evangeline?” she asked, knowing full well her question would get a rise out of him. “Is she at your bachelor pad keeping your bed warm?”

  “We had a fling last summer, but it ended long before I met you.” His tone was even, steady. “And to prevent her from ever coming between us again, I’ve appointed my VP to oversee our new ad campaign. I assure you, Evangeline won’t be bothering us anymore.”

  His announcement shocked her, but Brianna told herself she didn’t care. They were over, and she didn’t want anything to do with Collin anymore.

  Not after he’d lied and deceived her.

  “I don’t want Evangeline or anyone else. I want you.”

  “Lucky me,” she scoffed.

  Moving swiftly, Collin opened the front door of her Central Park West building with one hand and seized her grocery bags with the other. Brianna didn’t put up a fight onl
y because the lobby was crowded and she didn’t want to cause a scene.

  Stuck inside the elevator with a Spanish-speaking family, Brianna had no choice but to hold her tongue, but the moment the elevator stopped on her floor and the doors closed, she let Collin have it.

  “Go away!” Snatching her grocery bags out of his hands, she marched down the hall, determined to get as far away from him as possible. “I don’t want you here.”

  “Brianna, we need to talk.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, she narrowed her eyes and glowered at him. He’d publicly humiliated her, and a small part of her wanted to get even, to hurt him as much as he had hurt her. “No. We. Don’t. I have nothing to say to you.”

  “I screwed up. I admit it. I should have been open and honest with you.”

  Her feet slowed.

  “I won’t live another day without you, Brianna. I can’t. Life is unbearable without you.”

  His words stopped her dead in her tracks, but she didn’t turn around. She couldn’t face him. Not after he’d shattered her heart into a million pieces. Her hands were shaking so hard, she couldn’t open her apartment door.

  “Baby, let me help you.” Covering her hands with his, he helped guide the key into the lock and pushed the door open with his foot.

  The moment Brianna stepped inside the foyer, Collin wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. “Your smile hit me like one of Cupid’s arrows, and I haven’t been the same since.” His words were a gentle caress, a soothing balm that healed her broken heart. “I love you, Brianna. More than you will ever know.”

  “Then why did you freak out in St. Thomas when I said I loved you?”

  “Because I was scared.”

  “Scared of what?”

  “Of putting myself out there again, of being burned by love.” Collin exhaled a ragged breath and raked a hand over his head. “My ex said she loved me, then split at the first sign of trouble. But that wasn’t enough. She slandered my name, emptied our bank accounts and, to make my humiliation complete, had babies with someone else.”

  Overwhelmed with compassion, Brianna faced him. “Collin, I’m not your ex. I would never do anything to hurt you or to betray your trust.”

  “How do I know that for sure? How do I know you won’t put your career before me? Or decide one day that you’ve had enough and walk out?”

  “You don’t.”

  His face fell, and his eyes filled with alarm.

  “In life there are no guarantees,” she said, touching a hand to his cheek. “You just have to trust me and believe in the strength of our love.”

  “I want to, Brianna, but it’s so damn hard putting the past behind me. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone, and I don’t know what I’d do if you ever left me—”

  To quiet him, she pressed a finger to his lips and stared deep into his eyes. The truth hit her then, struck her like a fastball to the chest. Collin had no one. His ex-wife had left him, his brother was nowhere to be found and his parents were in the south of France hobnobbing with their socialite friends. No wonder he’s scared, Brianna thought, circling her arms around his waist. Everyone he’s ever loved eventually abandoned him.

  “Collin, I love you, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m yours for as long as you want me.”

  “How does forever sound?”

  “Like music to my ears.”

  Sighing with relief, he slowly, tenderly stroked her neck and shoulders. “When you sent back the necklace, I feared the worst. I thought you hated me.”

  “I could never hate you. You helped me believe in myself again and showed me what real, unconditional love is,” she said. “Instead of obsessing over the mistakes I’ve made, I’m concentrating on my future. My future with you.”

  “I love the sound of that.”

  “And I love you.”

  Gently touching his cheek, Brianna leaned forward and kissed Collin passionately on the lips. His hands tightened around her waist, making her feel safe and secure in his arms.

  “I’m sorry for blowing up at you.” Brianna wore a sad smile. “When I saw you with Evangeline, I lost it and wanted to get back at you for cheating on me.”

  “I would never cheat on you. You’re all that I want, all that I need, and no one could ever take your place in my life. That’s why I bought you that necklace. To prove how much I love you, and first thing tomorrow I’m going to buy it back.”

  “Collin, please don’t. It’s way too flashy and expensive—”

  “Too expensive?” he repeated, his tone incredulous. “Isn’t that what every woman wants? To be wined and dined and showered with jewelry and expensive gifts?”

  “I don’t need any of those things.”

  Her words stunned him. He’d never met a woman who wasn’t anxious to spend his millions, and the fact that Brianna didn’t care about his wealth made him love and adore her even more.

  “What do you want more than anything? Tell me, and it’s yours.”

  “I just need you, baby. Only you.”

  His eyes sparkled with amusement. “That’s it? You’re sure?”

  “All I’ve ever wanted is to be with someone who loves me for me.”

  “I’d never dream of changing you, Brianna. You’re perfect in every way.”

  “I hope you’re still singing that tune after I’ve popped out two or three kids!”

  “Kids?” Collin broke out into a wide grin. “I love the idea of you having my children. Baby, it would be a dream come true, something I’ve always wanted.”

  Staring into his eyes, Brianna could see that he was envisioning them, too—their children—and she couldn’t resist kissing him again softly on the lips.

  “How do you feel about exchanging that Cartier necklace for an engagement ring?” Gazing at her and his lips holding a broad smile, Collin dropped to one knee and clasped her hands in his. “You’re the one, Brianna. The right one, the only one, the woman I’ve been waiting my whole life for and...”

  Brianna willed herself not to cry, but her tears broke free.

  “...I will always put you first, in every situation, no matter what. You will be my equal, my partner, and I will never take you, or our love, for granted. Will you marry me? Please?”

  Smiling through her tears, she sat down on Collin’s lap and clasped her arms around his neck. “Baby, are you sure about this? We haven’t known each other for very long, and—”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I love you, Brianna, and I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children. Please, marry me.”

  “Of course I’ll marry you!” she cried, showering his face with kisses. “There is nothing in the world I’d love more!”

  In one swoop, Collin lifted Brianna up in the air and spun her wildly around the room. “You’ve made me the happiest man alive!” he said, nuzzling his face against her cheek. “I love you, baby, and I’m going to spend the rest of the night showing you just how much.”

  And with that, Collin set off toward the bedroom, holding the woman he loved cradled in his arms.

  Chapter 21

  “Collin, Brianna—I’m so glad you’re here!”

  Her mother’s voice echoed in the foyer of the penthouse, deafening Brianna in one ear. To her shock and surprise, her mom lobbed her arms around her neck and squeezed so hard Brianna couldn’t breathe. Feeling dizzy, she leaned against Collin for support, wondering what in the world had gotten into her calm, soft-spoken mother. Sunday dinner was usually a quiet, laid-back affair, but when she heard music playing in the living room and loud, animated conversation, Brianna knew something was up. Something big.

  Adrenaline coursed through her. Had there been a break in Bailey’s case? Did the police identify the culprit?

“Congratulations on your engagement!”

  Blinking, Brianna gawked at her mom, wide-eyed with disbelief.

  “Let’s go inside and share the wonderful news with the rest of the family.”

  “How do you know we got engaged?” Brianna asked, her frown deepening. “Collin only proposed last night, and we haven’t told anyone yet.”

  Mrs. Hamilton shielded her mouth with the back of her hand. “Is it okay if I let my daughter in on our little secret?”

  Nodding, Collin chuckled. “Go ahead, Mrs. Hamilton. I don’t mind.”

  “On Wednesday, Collin met your father for coffee, and after a long, very interesting conversation, he asked for your hand in marriage.”

  Brianna glanced over her shoulder and gazed quizzically at her fiancé. “You did?”

  “Of course I did. Your family means the world to you, and it was important to me to get your father’s blessing before I popped the question.”

  “Baby, that’s so sweet. Thank you.” Brianna knew that her mom was watching them, but she couldn’t resist giving her husband-to-be a kiss on the lips. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  Collin winked. “Because that would’ve ruined the surprise.”

  “And that’s not all. The following night, he showed up here with dinner and the most exquisite wine basket I’ve ever seen.” Mrs. Hamilton beamed. “We had a lovely visit, and now that I’ve gotten to know Collin a bit better, I think you two are a perfect match.”

  “You do?”

  “Oh, yes,” Mrs. Hamilton gushed, fervently nodding her head. “Collin assured your father and me that he’s going to take good care of you, and that’s all we needed to hear.”

  Tongue-tied, all Brianna could do was stare at her mom. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  A month ago, her mother had been on her case about reuniting with Rick, and now she was gazing at Collin with open admiration. It shouldn’t have surprised her, though—her fiancé was a charmer and no doubt had impressed her parents during dinner.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Brianna whispered, giving her mother a peck on the cheek.


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