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Human Milking Farm

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by Fiona Thompson

  Copyright 2013, Fiona Thompson

  All rights Reserved.

  Keeping it Kinky…..

  The Milking and Breeding Farm

  Amy is down on her luck. Just out of college she has more bills than she can pay and her job as a stripper is over after she was dumped by her boyfriend, who just happens to own the place.

  She’s down on her luck when an offer comes in the mail. A group of men has offered her over a million dollars if she’ll spend three months on a farm. She barely even reads the fine print before she packs and arrives.

  Soon she discovers she isn’t working to milk cows. She is the cow. Forced to graze and lactate with nowhere to run or hide, Amy is horrified and terrified. But three months isn’t very long…

  But the longer she is there, the more she craves the milking process. Will she ever really leave? Or is she in it for life?

  Chapter One

  “Get out of here!” Frank screamed at me and threw my clothes at me. I caught them and was thrown off balance. I was still in my stilled pumps, fishnets, and just a sparkling glitter bra. Basically my stripping outfit.

  “You can’t do this to me. I have nowhere else to go!” I screeched as he pushed me back toward the door.

  “Out, Amy. I never want to see you again.” Frank snarled.

  “I promise, it was just one time. I didn’t mean to…”

  “Sleep with my brother?” Frank spat at me and forced me out the door and then gave me a push. I fell onto the pavement, right into a giant puddle.

  “Please!” I cried, the rain pouring down on me hard. “I don’t even have enough money for food.”

  “Not my problem you can never balance your own money.” He slammed the door and I watched his shadow through the window go back upstairs.

  Now what the hell was I going to do?

  Being a stripper had never been my plan, but when you looked like me and were twenty-two, trying to make ends meet, sometimes you did things you shouldn’t. Things that made you ashamed. And that was exactly what happened to me.

  I picked myself up, holding my clothes to my chest and walked. I was practically naked, walking the streets of New York by myself. If the police drove by, they’d think I was a prostitute. Might as well have been, my self-esteem was that low.

  Without a working cell phone I couldn’t even call anyone. So I hobbled along until my feet were so sore I couldn’t keep my shoes on. When I kicked them off and sat down on a bench, barely protected by an overhang.

  I sat there, my stomach growling and saw across the street was a homeless shelter. God, was I really that desperate?

  I kind of was.

  I picked up my stuff and went inside. There were people laying on cots and I was approached by a woman. She had a kind smile and it made my shoulders, round. I wanted to hide from people like her. “I don’t…”I whispered. “Have anything else to wear.”

  She put her arm around me. “You my dear, are welcome here as you are, but I have some spare pajamas in the back. How about we get you into some dry clothes?”

  She seemed nice. And her pajamas were comfortable. She gave me a bowl of soup while she cleaned the soup kitchen. “This is the prefer opportunity, dear,” she said to me, “to turn your life around. Whatever got you here, there is a reason.”

  I nodded. “I hope so…”

  “Alice.” She smiled.

  I returned it. “You can call me Amy.”

  “Well now, Amy. Finish your soup and get some sleep. In the morning I’ll show you some resources that can help you find a job, a place to stay.”

  “I have a sister.” I offered. “Maybe tomorrow I can call her an see where it leads.”

  “Wonderful. Now get some sleep.” She was stern, but kind a she took my bowl away. In the morning I hoped I would feel better.


  I slept well and in the morning I had breakfast and helped out in the kitchen. After that Alice helped me fill out some forms to get into group housing, find a job, and I used the internet to search for work. A few promising leads, but nothing that would make my parents proud. But I guess I gave up on that a long time ago.

  After all that I took a long shower and braided my long blond hair wet so when I took it out it would be wavy and full of life, something I was sorely missing. But I was on a new path and maybe, just maybe I would be able to turn things around. Get a job, honest money, maybe find a guy….

  “Pipe dreams,” I muttered to myself as I returned to my cot and saw someone waiting for me. A guy in tight jeans, a flannel shirt and with long black hair with enough stubble on his face to turn me on. I always had a thing for the rugged type. His sleeves were rolled up and from the size of his forearms it was clear he worked out.

  “Can I help you?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Forgive me for staring. I just wasn’t sure if you are who I am looking for. Amy? Alice said you were looking for a job.”

  A prospect so soon? “I’m Amy.” I was nervous, but stuck out my hand.

  He shook it. “Mark. Nice to make your acquaintance, Amy. I head a farm a few hours out west. A milking farm. I am looking for a few people to do some work for me. Three months, short term. But pays very well if you stay on the full time.”

  Farms? Cows? I scrunched my nose. “I appreciate the offer…”

  “Fifty thousand.” He said quickly. “At the end of three months. Until then we pay for your room, board, your meals. It’s just ninety days.”

  That was a lot of money. It could turn my life around. I knew it, but I had never been on a farm or around animals outside of a few cats and a dog. But the money…I took a deep breath and nodded; here went nothing. “All right. Where do I sign up?”

  Mark smiled and relief washed over his face. “Wonderful. Come with me to the farm and we’ll sign you up and start orientation. Get you a hot meal.”

  I nodded and picked up what stuff I had, which wasn’t much. Mostly my purse and a tube of lipstick. I left behind my stripper shoes and my fishnet stockings. I was sure I wouldn’t need them again.

  Outside Mark’s pickup truck waited. He opened the door for me, a real gentleman. And I climbed in. I smiled at him as he slid behind me and started the engine. “You’re being very kind to me. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  He smiled at me, his finger brushing against my jaw bone. “Stay the three months and do your job well. That’s all the repayment I need.”

  Chapter Two

  The drive was long, and by the time we reached the farm, my stomach was rumbling with hunger. The pastures were so large, as far off in the distance as I could see. There were numerous barns and fences designed to keep the cows from wandering off, but the funny thing was, I didn’t see any animals. Not even a rooster.

  “Where are the cows?” I asked as we parked in front of the main house. A large home painted white with blue shutters. Out front several woman were tending to the flowers in giant pots.

  “Oh, in the barns and getting ready for milking. But you can see that later. Come right in.”

  I followed Mark in but couldn’t settle in my belly something was wrong. I told myself to keep an eye on the money, but when the ladies out front looked at me, one of them shook her head. They both looked so sad…

  Inside the house I met the rest of the hands, most of them were men until I went into the kitchen. I sat down at the table while a pregnant woman with long brown hair dished out some food for me.

  “Thank you.” I said as she slid the plate across to me. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, it smelled incredible.

  She smiled, her eyes were tired and she was dressed in a tight t-shirt that rod up slightly against her swollen baby belly. She had to be just about full term and her belly was one of the largest I
had ever seen. I ate while I watched her waddle around the kitchen, her hand beneath her belly like she thought the baby might pop out at any moment.

  “Why don’t you sit?” I asked.

  “That’s kind, but no. I have much to do before the twins are born.” She smiled, stroking her belly lovingly.

  “Oh twins, that’s…nice,” my voice trailed off as I felt something happen to me. I was getting dizzy and my head was suddenly spinning. My vision separated into two. I rubbed my forehead. It felt like….being high. Like I was on drugs.

  I grimaced up at the woman as she slid the plate of food away from me. She smiled kindly like a mother would to a child. “Sweet dreams.”


  I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but when I woke up I was aware I was laying on the ground. I could feel grass beneath me.

  My head was pounding. I groaned, squinting my eyes.

  “Don’t worry.” Mark’s voice made me jump. “Your head will feel better soon.”

  My eyes snapped open and I tried to sit up, but was yanked back down by a chain around my neck. When I tried to touch the chain, I couldn’t because there were leather hoofs attached to my hands, and padlocked so I couldn’t try to get them off.

  Panic rose in my throat and I felt like I was going to vomit. I was completely naked except for the leash around my throat. My breasts were beginning to tingle in a way I had never felt before.

  Tears rose in my eyes. Mark was sympathic. “You get three questions.”

  I gritted my teeth. “What are you going to do with me? Rape me?”

  “Oh heavens, no no. You were picked to be a cow. A milking cow. Breast milk is a very valuable commodity these days on the black market for it’s healing properties. Body builders, anyone who wants to keep a strong muscular foundation. But you can’t just go in the store and buy it. The FDA won’t allow it. So farms like mine, come into play.”

  Breast milk? But I had never had a baby. “How can I have breast milk?”

  “It’s already started with the food we gave you. Now, after we talk we’ll being feeding you some healthy grains with some herbal remedies we came up with to enlarge your breasts, start your supply. Then we will begin milking you daily. Remember,” Mark smiled, “it’s only three months. Then you will be willing to go if you like.”

  Tears spilled down my cheeks. “Please, let me go. Please.”

  “Can’t do that, Love. Sorry, but you already signed the contact.”

  “Please, I can’t--.”

  “Sorry.” Mark cut me off. “I said three questions. You’ve had your three. Now cow’s do not have permission to speak unless authorized by a farm hand. If you step out of line, you will be whipped. Adhere to the rules and everything will be fine.”

  Whipped? What had I gotten myself into.

  I watched Mark retrieve an iron rod from outside the stable. The tip was glowing hot red with flame. My eyes opened wide. “Don’t….” I screamed as he placed it against my ass. I gritted my teeth, there was so much pain as he branded me.

  I was his now. He owned me.

  “No speaking, cow. That is your last warning.”

  A large wooden bowl was put into my stall. It was over flowing with uncooked oatmeal that shimmered even in the darkness of my corner. But I didn’t move toward it. I refused to eat it.

  Mark watched me. “You can’t resist for too long. Soon you’ll be ravenous and you will get no water until you’ve eaten your bowl of grains.”

  He left and I refused to move. I curdled up in a ball and laid there, my head resting on my hooves.


  Soon the smell of the grains was driving me crazy. Mark was right. My stomach felt like it was gnawing on myself I was so hungry. And the smell….had anything ever smelled so incredible before?

  I crawled over to the bowl and took a big sniff, moaning at how good it seemed. My mouth was beginning to salivate. I glanced around, making sure I was alone.

  Then I did it.

  Like an animal eats from the bowl, I did. At first I gingerly licked up a few pieces with my tongue. Slowly tasting it. Cinnamon sugar, it seemed was in it. Or something that made it taste that way.

  It was good. And I couldn’t control myself any longer.

  I dug into the grains, taking as much as I could into my cheeks as I munched. I chewed and swallowed as quickly as I could so I could eat more. By the time the bowl was empty, my belly was stuffed overfull, but I still couldn’t stop myself from eating.

  I ran my tongue along the bowl, picking up every stray bit of oats I could into my mouth. The bowl empty, I sat back on my heels, my hooves on the ground to support my weight. My belly was usually tight and muscular from my stripper routine, but now it was slightly enlarged, swollen with all the grains I had eaten.

  My stable door unlocked and Mark came in. “Good, cow.” He took my chain from the wall and gave it a tug. “Follow.” He commanded and I had no choice but to crawl after him like an animal.

  He led me outside into the sunshine. On the pasture I saw woman just like me; naked and with leashes. Except their breasts were so large, it was scary. So overextended with milk, their nipples engorged, that I became terrified.

  Some were eating grass while others were drinking water from the trough.

  Mark took my leash off and wrapped it around one of his hands. “The fences are electrocuted. Death is your only means of escape, Cow. I’ll be back at sunset.”

  I put my face to the water and slowly lapped some up, my eyes studying the faces of the other girls. Some of them were younger than me. But others were older, like they had been there awhile.

  Once Mark was gone, one of the woman whispered to me. “My name is Marcy. How about you?”

  “Amy.” I said sheepishly. “How long have you been here?”

  “Two years.” She said.

  My heart skipped a beat. “But…why so long?”

  She shrugged. “You’re new. Just starting. But you’ll see soon how addictive it is. The food, the milking. It makes you so so horny. And the pleasure of the milking machine…well…you’ll see tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” I nearly screamed, my heart galloping inside my chest.

  “Quiet or they’ll hear.” Marcy hissed. “Yes, tomorrow. Your breasts are already growing.”

  I glanced down and saw she was right. My breasts had never been a handful, but now they were plump, filling up. The tingling I felt earlier was back as was a racing hotness to them. I wished I could touch them to relieve them.

  A female groan attracted me to across the pasture. On the other side of the fence I saw a woman, another cow, down on all fours.

  Her head was rocked back in ecstasy as a man behind her was driving his penis deep into her. He was completely naked with a rippling chest and popping biceps. A necklace swung around his neck.

  Marcy followed my gaze. “She’s not a milking cow. She’s a breeding cow. If you’re lucky enough to get upgraded, that’s your future. But only special cows get picked to produce livestock.”

  God, what a horrible place this was. “And him?”

  “He’s a stud. All the cows born here come from him. The males are sold to other farms to breed. And females become milkers.”

  “Doesn’t that take forever?”

  Marcy shook her head. “They have formulas to accelerate pregnancy and rapid growth. It doesn’t take long for the children to grow.”

  She left me to graze. I was suddenly very tired, so I laid down on the pasture on my back. My breasts soaring in the air. I rested, wondering what was going to happen to me.

  I guess I only had twenty nine days left.

  Chapter Thee

  All I did all day was sleep and eat. The oats were somehow the most delicious thing I had ever tasted. And the more I ate, the more I wanted. But it made me sleepy and with the other female milk cows, I slept in the pastures, aware I could smell the sweet aroma of milk coming from them as their bodies produced more and more of it.

sp; By sunset, we were led into the barn. Mark pulled hard on my leash and I was forced to crawl on my knees and my leather hooves. It was hard to keep up.

  “In you go, cow.”

  I crawled inside my stall and for a moment forgot myself. “When will I--.” I cut myself off, but it was too late, the whip cracked against my bare ass hard enough to break the skin and I could feel where the leather had hit me.

  Tears welled in my eyes. I didn’t say anything as I laid down on my heels. My eyes were squeezed shut and then I heard the gate behind me latch. There was nothing left for me to do, but sleep for the night.

  By the time it was three in the morning, I was startled awake, groaning in pain.

  My breasts were on fire. My eyes startled awake and I pushed up on my hooves with a deep moan. I felt….heavy. Glancing down I saw why. My breasts had been growing overnight. They were so round, so heavy, they put a great strain on my back.

  I sat down on my plump ass, my leather hooves tried to touch my breasts, but they couldn’t grab anything. Just a graze against my skin, made me groan in pain. My breasts were so sensitive and so full, I could barely stand it.

  They felt like they were about to burst. My nipples had turned a deep brown color and were extended an inch from my body. I could smell it again, the milk. I realized it was coming from me this time. There was a drop of liquid clinging to my skin.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, but I was in a state of panic. How large were they going to get? How long would I have to wait for someone to come milk me?

  A voice whispered from the stable next to me. “Lay on your back. It’ll go easier and feel better if you do.”

  I laid myself down, doing what I was told. It did feel better to have my massive breasts soaring in the air. I could see a large vein through my skin. They were growing, getting large, even as I watched. My nipples tingled and I wanted nothing more than to have them pumped.

  The pain, the pleasure of having them grow, was making me so horny. I wished that someone would come in and fuck me. I rubbed my pussy with my hoof, but it wasn’t the same. I couldn’t even get access to my clit.


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