Rising Star
Page 248
Charny, David, 412, 429, 456
charter schools, 633, 697, 721, 730, 833–34
Chase Manhattan Bank, 3, 4, 9, 11, 18
Check Acceptance Firm Act (Ill.), 646, 649, 651, 652
derailment of, 653
Check, Please (TV show), 741, 742
Chemerinsky, Erwin, 377, 379
Chen, Jim, 396, 402, 427, 428, 429
adherence to Bluebook rules by, 437, 444
on stigma of affirmative action, 385, 397, 443
Chen, Micki, 386, 389, 411
Cheney, Dick, 964, 1072
Chester, Marty, 732
Chew, Earl, 115, 122, 128–29, 136, 141
“Chicago” (Sandburg), 191
Chicago, University of. See University of Chicago
Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), 510–11, 521–24, 546, 551, 730
“Breakthrough Schools” challenge, 660–61
Obama as board chair, 551, 563, 570, 591, 592, 612, 632, 641, 648, 660, 749
Obama chair resignation, 668–69, 715
Obama’s view of, 624
Small Schools Network grant, 612–13, 660–62
wind-down of, 715–17
Chicagoans Against War on Iraq, 778–79
Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, 21
Chicago Bears (football), 1018, 1024
Chicago Better Housing Association (CBHA), 719
Chicago Black Renaissance, 68–69
Chicago Bulls (basketball), 348
Chicago Children’s Museum, 907
Chicago City Council, 645, 738
redistricting case, 330–32, 486, 498, 506
slavery reparations resolution, 714
Chicago Community Trust, 13, 28, 523
Chicago Council of Lawyers, 780
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 930
Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 1014
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 605, 606
Chicago Defender
on expectations for Obama, 934
on Eyes on the Prize, 249–50
Obama campaign letter to, 668
on Obama’s landmark criminal-justice bill, 831
Obama U.S. Senate endorsement, 951
Obama U.S. Senate primary endorsement, 892
on state Senate primary, 553, 562
Chicago Freedom Movement (1966), 15, 249–50, 260, 288, 318, 460
Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), 17, 25, 31, 35, 216, 524
and asbestos removal, 223, 224–26, 227
mismanagement reputation, 244, 639
and Project VOTE!, 474
and Robert Taylor, 30, 464, 475
and tenants’ periodical, 692
Chicago Law Foundation, 711, 732
Chicago Magazine, 199, 216, 241, 481, 482, 547, 1071
Chicago Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation, 499
Chicago Panel on Public School Finances, 242, 303–4
Chicago Park District (CPD), 221, 222, 229–30, 419
Chicago Parks, 221–22, 230
Chicago Public Schools (CPS), 220, 230, 249, 612, 1058–59
and African Americans, 279–80, 524
Annenberg grants to, 551
autonomy pilot program, 265
and bureaucratic inflation, 283
and Byrd’s funding complaints, 294
Career Education Network, 251
and citizen demands, 283–84, 296
and Daley policies, 645
dropout rates, 235–36, 238, 242, 244, 251–52, 264, 266, 268, 312
and governance change, 523–24, 645
and local councils, 523
Mayor Washington’s forum on, 281, 283
and parent training, 235–36, 283, 289–90, 296
reform bill, 350, 405, 523–24, 588
and teachers’ strike, 279, 280–81
See also school reform
Chicago Reader, 554
Chicago Roseland Coalition for Community Control (CRCCC), 284
Chicago School Reform Collaborative, 511, 546, 571
Chicago Slag & Ballast, 4
Chicago State University (CSU), 249, 284, 289, 867
Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), 205, 215, 279, 280–81, 289, 610
Chicago Transit Authority, 33, 541
Chicago United, 283, 289, 294, 296, 303–4, 316, 350
Chicago Urban League, 249, 265, 303–4, 463, 665, 715
Chico, Craig, 817
Chico, Gery, 523, 612, 645, 799, 890
campaign fund-raising, 797, 813, 814, 817, 831
and gay marriage support, 887
and Iraq war, 880
opposition research on, 826
poll results, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 821supporters, 862, 863
televised debate, 848, 849
TV advertising campaign, 847, 885
U.S. Senate primary candidacy, 757, 761, 775, 795, 800, 817, 827, 829, 834, 839, 844, 853
U.S. Senate primary results, 900, 901
Children and Family Justice Center, 546
Children’s Defense Fund, 286
Children’s Health Insurance Program. See KidCare
China (Butterfield), 155
Chisholm, Shirley, 440
Choan, Myrtle, 87
Choom Gang, 91–94, 97, 101, 104, 111
Chorowsky, Jack, 400
Christian, Amy, 334, 335, 342, 344
Christian Reformed Church (CRC), 25, 26
Christianson, Dino, 846
Christ Temple Community Baptist Church, 473
Chun, Marisa, 369, 396, 424, 427, 439
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Cicchino, Peter, 375
Cima, Tom, 14
Cimino, Chapin, 575, 614
Cities in Schools, 461
Citizen Action of Illinois, 852, 855
Citizens for a Better Environment, 35
Citizenship Education Fund, 665, 729, 796
Citizens United to Reclaim the Environment (CURE), 240
City College of New York (CCNY), 182, 183, 184, 185, 186
civil liberties, 833, 848, 862–63, 911, 1069
civil rights, 848, 862–63, 883, 887
Civil Rights Act (1964), 745, 887
Civil Rights Institute, 948
civil rights movement, 249–50, 271, 282, 345, 373, 451, 563
Obama assessment of, 555, 725–26, 909
civil unions, 865, 1030
Claffey, Michael, 749, 750–51, 752
Claretian Social Development Fund, 12, 13, 22, 32, 219, 223
Clark, Frank, 518, 602, 713, 770, 807, 868
Clark, Robert C., 328, 353–54, 371–72, 409, 411, 450, 455
Class Action Fairness Act (2005), 968
Clauss, Carin, 509, 571, 751
Clayborne, James, 599–600, 605, 611, 649, 655, 717
as African American state senator, 477–78, 638, 658
on Obama’s 2004 DNC keynote speech, 941
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 759, 868
Claypool, Forrest, 774, 989, 992, 1022
Clayton, Fay, 513
Clemons, John, 610
Clifford the Big Red Dog, 907
Clift, Eleanor, 1057
Clinton, Bill, 561, 613, 725, 775, 825, 891, 973
and 1996 presidential election, 578, 1024
endorsement of Rush, 693, 701
and Hurricane Katrina evacuees, 974
and Lewinsky scandal, 618
Obama compared with, 1005, 1007
Obama’s view of, 506, 573
and Project VOTE!, 477–78, 480
and welfare reform, 563, 574, 576, 601, 607
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
and Hurricane Katrina evacuees, 974
Iowa caucus loss, 1040, 1050
and Obama DNC keynote speech, 938, 939
and Obama relationship, 876, 923, 968, 1040
presidential primary (2008) candidacy, 967, 987, 1009, 1014, 1016, 1019, 1020, 1034, 1036, 1038, 1040, 1056, 1069
presidential pri
mary state wins, 1041, 1042, 1045, 1047
as U.S Senate member, 962, 968, 983
Cloobeck, Richard, 331, 334, 339, 340, 342–43
Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom), 448
Coalition for a Free South Africa, 148, 159, 160
Coalition for Civil Rights (CCR), 446, 455
Coalition for Diversity, 339
Coar, David H., 754
Cobb, Delmarie, 557, 669, 738
Coburn, Tom, 975, 981, 989, 999, 1001, 1002, 1044–45
Cody, John Patrick Cardinal, 8, 10, 11, 14, 19, 209
Coffey, Peter, 812–13, 901, 906, 910, 920, 922, 943
Cohen, Julie, 385, 386, 396, 397, 424
Cohen, Michael, 387, 396, 421, 422, 423, 427, 438–39
Cohen, Richard, 1056, 1076
Cokely, Steve, 314–15
Colb, Sherry, 340, 341, 342, 346
Cole, Mary K., 420
Cole, Thomas A., 349, 647
Collery, Arnold, 138
Collins, Cardiss, 886
Collins, Earlean, 852
Collins, Eric, 331, 334
Collins, Jacqueline, 816, 868
Collins, Jennifer, 386, 396, 426
Collins, Raymond “Big Man,” 435
Collins, Scott, 369, 386, 395
Colmery, Harry, 114
Columbia Law School, 430
Columbia University, 140–44
African American professors, 160–61
African American students, 148–49, 160
atmosphere of, 141–43
core curriculum, 138, 141, 142, 149
Obama as transfer student, 131–32, 138, 160, 161–62, 367
and Obama’s later political prominence, 911
Obama’s senior-year classes, 146–49, 153–59
and political activism, 148, 159, 160
Said’s Modern Fiction course, 146, 632
Sundial publication, 157
Comdisco, 512–13, 514
Commercial Club of Chicago, 633, 647
commercial-driver’s-license bribery scandal (Ill.), 693, 732, 739, 754–55, 783, 861
Committee for the Spanish Speaking, 8
Committee on Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), 136–37
Committee to Protect the Prairie, 33
Common Cause, 612, 626, 627, 630, 782
Commonwealth Edison, 518
Commonwealth Edison PAC, 713
Communist Party USA
Davis and, 68–69, 70, 72
Lumpkin and, 2, 7, 14, 318
Palmer and, 461
Community Careers Resource Center, 40
Community Jobs, 40–41, 189, 199
Community Organized for Action & Reform (COAR), 201
community organizing. See Alinsky, Saul; under Obama, Barack Hussein; specific organizations
Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI), 508, 517
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA; 1977), 284
Community Renewal Society (CRS), 225, 473
Conard, Enos 200
Cone, James H., 258, 469, 1030
Coney, Les, 675, 770, 785
Confronting Authority (Bell), 511
Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), 776, 847, 910
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 233
Conlon, Suzanne, 512–13
Consortium on Chicago Schools Research, 613
Constable, Burt, 886, 980
Constitution, U.S.
Bill of Rights, 285
and civil rights, 726, 833
and Court originalists, 415
Tribe on contrasting conceptions of, 377, 417
See also specific amendments
Constitutional Law Cases and Materials (Lockhart et al.), 370
Contracts: Exchange Transactions and Relations (Macneil), 332
Cook, Anthony E., 426
Law Review article, 369–70, 374–79, 398, 399
Cook, Charlie, 1068
Cook, Genevieve, 167–78, 180–82, 184–90, 237, 245, 271, 315
as Dreams From My Father composite girlfriend, 531, 1061
end of Obama relationship, 188–89, 191–92
internationalism of, 367
Maraniss Obama biography on, 1061–62
Obama’s birthday greetings to, 227–28
Obama’s emotional ties with, 214–15, 324
Obama’s letters to, 193–94, 197, 198, 202–3
poems by, 188
retrospective assessment of Obama by, 1074, 1078
Siddiqi relationship with, 208, 228
Cook, Mariana, 568
Cook, Michael J., 167
Cook County Circuit Court, 525, 563
Cook County Electoral Board, 558, 559, 561, 563–64
Cooper, Anderson, 1042
Cooper, Frank, 336, 378, 383, 384, 386, 388–91
Cooper, Melody Spann, 1004
Corrigan, Jack (Kerry aide), 913–14, 928, 934, 937, 939
Corrigan, John (state Senate staffer), 602, 636, 668, 734, 739, 742, 746
Cortes, Ernie, 231, 232
Corzine, Jon, 935, 981
Cosby, Bill, 933
Cose, Ellis, 497, 999–1000
Cottroll, Robert, 352
Couric, Katie, 930, 935
Cox, Garland, 492
Craig, Greg, 851
Craig, Larry, 976, 1017
Crane, Tom, 890
Craven, David, 88
Creamer, Bob, 857
credit discrimination, 641–42, 645, 651, 653
Criglar, Beverly, 557, 585, 683, 872
Crisp, Harry, 654, 657
Cronin, Dan, 594, 731, 754
Cross, Tom, 630, 733
Crossroads Africa, 122
Crossroads Fund, 13, 38
Crowhurst, Megan, 817, 829
Crown, Henry, 791, 814, 885, 904
Crown, James, 505, 791, 814, 856, 885, 904
Crown, Lester, 505, 791, 814, 885, 904
Crown, Susan, 505, 814, 904, 1063
Crown Publishing, 911, 943, 963, 999
Crucial Concessions, 418–19
Cruz, Rolando, 783
Cruzan v. Director (1990), 426
Cullen, Lori Joyce, 593, 596
Cullerton, John, 649, 682, 683, 725, 728, 731
Hawkinson friendship, 594
neutrality on U.S. Senate primary, 811, 829–30
and partial-birth-abortion bill, 597, 600
and racial-profiling bill, 812
and seat-belt measure, 799, 811, 829
skit impersonations of colleagues, 735
and state Senate Judiciary Committee, 787–88, 811
Culver, Chet, 1011
Cummings, Jeff, 486, 499, 512, 513, 546, 576, 949
Obama campaign contributions, 666, 747, 781
Cunningham, Peter, 779
Cunningham, Russ, 92, 93, 94, 104
Cuomo, Mario, 187, 980
Curlin, Farr A., 902–3, 994
Currie, Barbara Flynn, 600, 631–32, 739, 774
and Mendelson memorial service, 624
and Obama congressional bid, 666, 707–8
on Obama’s frustration with state Senate, 659
and Obama state Senate campaign, 517, 521, 540
and redistricting map, 731
Curry, Lacey K., 255
“Curvature of Constitutional Space: What Lawyers Can Learn from Modern Physics” (Tribe), 377
Czachorski, Violet, 36, 240, 274, 300, 307, 310, 311
Dabbouseh, M. A., 886
Dahlin, Lyle, 51, 52, 53
Daley, Bill, 1011, 1057, 1060, 1061
Daley, John, 800
Daley, Richard J. (father), 18, 460, 581, 664
Daley, Richard M. (son), 18, 374, 406, 586, 646
African American support for, 516
and Axelrod political consultancy, 774
board of education appointees by, 523
challenges to machine of, 515–16
as Chicago mayor, 459, 464, 465, 466, 472, 481, 482, 490
r /> Chicago school control by, 523
Claypool as aide to, 989
and funeral for Rush’s son, 678
inner circle of, 466, 482, 867
and mayoral fourth-term bid, 645
Obama analysis of success of, 645–46
and Obama congressional bid, 664, 665, 669, 703–4, 709, 710
on Obama DNC keynote speech, 941–42
Obama endorsement of, 1024
and Obama presidential possibility, 1001, 1019
Obama relationship with, 867, 893, 956
on Obama White House, 1058
and Palmer congressional bid, 539
political machine of, 623–24, 650–51, 727, 740, 748–49, 1036
reelection campaign, 504, 505, 515–16, 1024
Rush’s mayoral challenge to, 645, 646, 659, 660, 665, 670, 675, 677, 679, 709
and Safe Neighborhoods Act, 684
and “Taste of Chicago” reception, 607
and U.S. Senate candidate poll results, 762–63
and U.S. Senate primary candidates, 757, 769, 774, 807, 893
Daly, Charles U., 509, 749, 751
Daniels, Gregory, 749
Daniels, Lee, 630, 684, 720, 769, 822
Darmawan, Isabella, 64
Dart, Tom, 579, 602, 659, 663, 700, 753
backing of Obama, 739, 759
poll positives vs. negatives, 762
Daschle, Tom, 948, 952, 957, 961, 1013, 1016, 1022, 1056
Daves, Ira, 383, 384
Davies, Dave, 204
Davila, Yvonne, 478, 480, 508, 616
Davis, Allison, 484, 486, 498–99, 750
and civil rights litigation, 455, 465
and ISBI, 851
and Obama campaign funding, 747, 814
and Obama golf match, 947
and Obama quote controversy, 1061
and Obama’s book blurbs, 511
and Obama’s congressional campaign, 674
and Obama’s Project VOTE! job, 472
and Obama’s state Senate campaign, 519, 576
and Obama’s visit with daughters, 979
at Obama wedding, 478
and Rezko real estate projects, 590, 625, 639
Davis, Andy, 771, 813, 814
Davis, Artur, 423–24
Davis, Bette, 48
Davis, Danny, 315, 459, 545, 745, 792, 844
and Obama U.S. Senate primary, 850–51, 855, 894, 898
Davis, Frank Marshall, 68–72, 95, 103, 135, 229, 232
advice to young Obama, 107, 119–20, 324, 325
death of, 277
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 529, 543
poetry by, 68, 69, 96, 119
Stanley Dunham’s friendship with, 68, 72, 85, 119, 120, 543
Davis, Helen Canfield, 68, 69, 70, 71
Davis, Lennard “Len,” 153–54, 155–56, 158
Davis, Lynn, 70
Davis, Maggie, 34, 35
Davis, Mark, 70, 71
Davis, Miles, 348, 405, 557
Davis, Monique, 538, 544, 550, 551–52, 701, 908
Davis, Rochelle, 220
Davis, Ron, 481, 494, 539, 541, 547, 552, 610, 637