Submitting to the Doctor (Cowboy Doms Book 7)
Page 12
His deep tone washed through her with its usual warmth, another reason she needed to do whatever was necessary to end this odd infatuation. “You heard that, huh?”
“Yes. And given your constant gripes about bossy men, I’m wondering why you would consider it.”
She sent him a teasing grin as he turned on his street. “How do you know it’s not just your high-handedness I’ve complained about?”
“Is it?” he returned with cool insistence.
Sighing, she admitted, “No. It’s not my thing, but I am curious.”
Pulling into the drive, he swung toward her as he cut the engine. “I didn’t prove you wrong about that last week?”
He would have to remind her of that. She wouldn’t deny what had been so obvious, but neither would she admit that meant she would enjoy a regular dose of his kinks. Instead, she planted another seed by saying, “Who knows? Maybe I’ll discover I get off on voyeurism. Goodnight, Doc. Thanks for the lift.”
Lillian’s hopes of getting away with having the last word were dashed when she’d no sooner gotten out of the vehicle and he was there, pinning her against the door with his towering, ripped body pressed against hers. She went hot, her heart rate tripping even as irritation over his domination rippled under her skin.
Before she could tell him to back off, he bent his head and nipped at her chin and then took her lower lip between his teeth and bit. The sharp sting ricocheted straight down to her pussy in an undeniable heated gush. Swallowing back a moan, she gripped his biceps and demanded in a hoarse voice, “What are you playing at, Mitchell?”
“Not playing, proving a point.” Gripping her shoulders, he spun her around and placed her hands on the hood of the SUV.
“I don’t care for your caveman tactics,” she stated, proud of her scornful, rigid tone despite her quivering muscles as he worked his hands inside her coat.
“So you say,” he returned with the same arrogance lacing his voice. “But your body says otherwise whenever I put my hands on you. Wonder why that is?”
Gripping her nipples, he plucked at the tender buds, and even through her sweater and bra, his pinch and rotation was strong enough to elicit another body quaking response. She wouldn’t fight it, or deny it, couldn’t if she wanted to get over it and move on.
“Lust is easy to explain,” she answered on a deeply indrawn breath.
“Now, there I can agree with you.” Mitchell released her nipples and moved back as fast as he’d commanded her senses.
Lowering her hands, she turned and pulled her coat closed. “We can agree on something. Good for us. Goodnight, again.”
He waited until she was halfway up the stairs on the side of the garage before he said, “You could have dropped your hands and moved away at any time. If you go tomorrow night and see anything that interests you, let me know. I’ll be around.”
Gazing down at him, she replied, “What if there is someone else I’d rather have… enlighten me?”
“Better the Dom you know than a stranger, at least the first time.”
Lillian eyed his back as he strode toward the house, resisting the urge to stick out her tongue. Why did he have to be so good at countering her taunts with such effective comebacks? He didn’t even offer to escort her out to the secluded club, maybe hoping she wouldn’t go? Damn, but he irritated her even as he turned her on and left her aching for more of his touch, and just his.
Chapter 8
Bryan looked up as a car passed him and turned the corner onto the street he’d been surveilling since spotting Lillian Gillespie earlier that day and following her to the local doctor’s residence. It had been easy to track her whereabouts through credit card and phone records, proving she wasn’t overly concerned about or on the run from her assault on Brad. Dumb bitch. As soon as it appeared she’d settled in Podunk, he’d taken vacation time and jumped in his car. After checking into a local motel in Billings, paying cash for a few nights stay, he’d made the drive to Willow Springs every day for three days, checking the places where she’d used her credit card in the hopes of catching sight of her since she hadn’t rerouted her mail delivery yet.
Slumping in the seat, he watched the car turn into the doctor’s driveway. A flutter of excitement stirred inside him as the light at the top of the steps leading to the room above the garage shone on Lillian’s red hair as she emerged. He stayed hidden in the dark corner until they drove off then waited another five minutes before getting out and winding his way behind the neighbors to reach her new residence. Lifting his cigarette to his mouth, he held it there with his lips as he unscrewed the lightbulb and then squatted in front of the door to work the flimsy lock.
Slipping inside, he spotted the computer right away and got to work. The faster he found and deleted those pictures, the sooner he could return with a warrant.
What the hell am I doing, Sis? Lillian had asked herself that question numerous times all day and continued to do so on the way out to this private club. Am I going tonight to appease my curiosity, to keep from missing you so much or because there’s a certain doctor I can’t seem to get out of my system, even knowing he’s into the whole dominant sexual control thing? Her sister had always been the one she confided in, the one she could bounce ideas off of, vent to or seek advice from. The acute void from Liana’s loss had threatened to drag her down all day as she’d struggled to choose from riding to The Barn with Nan or telling her she’d changed her mind. What the hey, she’d thought, using Liana’s favorite expression as she dashed out to Nan’s car when she honked. I’ll be packing up and leaving anytime now, so why not go and see what the big draw is for these people? That thought drew a tightness in her chest she refused to think about right now.
“Thanks again for picking me up,” Lillian said, running her hands down her black, pleated skirt. “You’re sure this is okay?” She waved a hand in front of her white, button-up silk blouse.
“Perfect. You’re still covered more than the Masters like, but as a guest you’ll be fine. Master Grayson approved your guest pass and a waiver on attire, but like I said this morning, you’ll be more comfortable meeting in the middle of the required dress code of short skirts or shorts. Dan went early for a meeting with the Masters, but I can show you around before I meet up with him.”
“Okay, that’s just weird, needing a waiver on wearing jeans and a sweater to a club.” And she had a feeling that was a minor oddity compared to what she would be viewing soon.
Nan chuckled as she pulled onto the highway. “You remind me of my first visit. The only difference is I already knew I was sexually submissive and was eager to explore my options.”
“I already know I’m not, but I’m not a prude. Doesn’t everyone fantasize about voyeurism?”
“Probably, but few are brave enough to appease their curiosity. Stay open to other potential turn-ons and you might surprise yourself, or not, considering Master Mitchell has already given you a taste of what he likes.”
Two tastes, Lillian reflected, intending to keep that tidbit to herself. She still had trouble reconciling with her easy capitulation of lying over Mitchell’s lap for a bare-butt spanking and she wasn’t about to give Nan more ammunition to use against her denials of possessing even one submissive bone in her body.
“He caught me at a grief-stricken moment, when my defenses were down.”
“And he’s an excellent Dom, experienced in knowing what, and how much to control and give. I’ll bet you climaxed more than once.” Nan smirked as she turned onto a narrow, unpaved road that bisected woodsy trees.
“I was long overdue,” Lillian admitted with a rueful smile. “Where the heck is this place?” Other than the headlights illuminating their way, they were enshrouded in darkness.
“Right… here.” They emerged into a clearing and Nan whipped into a space between two oversized pickup trucks in the gravel lot as Lillian took in the huge renovated barn.
Following Nan across the lot, she resisted the urge to look for Mitchell�
��s SUV. “A lot of work went into this place,” she said as they stepped through the wide double doors into a spacious foyer.
“Yes, it did, and they keep adding changes. Shoes off and in one of these cubbies.” Nan toed off her ankle boots and Lillian followed suit, assuming this was one of those weird rules that went with the required shorts, skirts or anything else that left a lot of bare skin showing. Shrugging out of her knee-length coat, Nan asked with a wicked grin, “Ready, girlfriend?”
Eying her friend’s black lace corset that showcased and revealed her full breasts and the matching thong, she already felt out of place before even entering the club. “As I’ll ever be.”
“Relax, you’ll have fun no matter how far you go tonight.”
Instant denial sprang to her lips. “I’m only… holy shit.” Stopping dead in her tracks as soon as she entered the main club space, strident cries echoing down from her upper left drew Lillian’s eyes. The lighting was dimmer in the open loft but she could still make out the naked woman whose arms and legs were stretched in wide V’s, bound to what appeared to be a wooden X frame. A few feet from that contraption, another woman’s wrists were cuffed to a dangling chain and two men held her between them, their tandem thrusting in and out of the petite blonde’s pussy and ass the most erotic thing Lillian had ever witnessed. The pose, with the men’s heads bent to each side of her arched neck, their hands roaming in soothing caresses as they used her body with care, kept her gaze riveted on the threesome.
“That’s Kelsey and Masters Greg and Devin. The guys broke the news of their relationship to their families last Christmas and got their support and blessings to marry. Now they have to decide which man will be her legal husband.”
Tearing her eyes away from the scene, Lillian followed Nan toward the circular bar in the center of the lower floor, winding through the tables and chairs on the way. From that brief observation of the trio, she didn’t envy their decision. Her steps faltered as she spotted Mitchell at the bar the moment he scowled at something a young, pretty blonde said to both him and the black-haired, black-eyed bartender as she trailed her fingers down Mitchell’s rigid arm with a coy smile. In a quick move, he pinned her hands behind her back and pressed her torso down on the bar top. The three hard smacks he delivered on her wriggling, silk panty-covered butt caused Lillian’s cheeks to clench in remembered pleasure/pain.
Mitchell pulled her up and the chastised girl lowered her eyes, saying something to the bartender that seemed to appease both men. Lillian couldn’t help it, she rolled her eyes, put off by the girl’s subdued posture and the pleasure reflected on her face as both men nodded their approval. Naturally, Mitchell would have to swing his observant gaze her way at that precise moment. One dark brow winged up as he eyed her with cool reproach.
Nan sighed next to her. “If that look doesn’t make you shiver, there’s something seriously wrong with you, girlfriend.”
“You go for that heavy handedness, I don’t. It’s just a difference in preferences,” Lillian returned, her heart thumping faster as Mitchell slid off the bar stool and strolled toward her.
“Uh, huh. And how many orgasms did you say he gave you?”
“Shut up.”
Nan laughed and then turned her smile on Mitchell with a devious gleam in her eyes. “Master Mitchell. I think you could give Lillian a better tour and insight into our lifestyle than me. Do you mind?”
“Not at all. I can start with explaining the necessity of showing respect, not only to us Doms, but the submissives who don’t hide from or deny their needs.”
Disapproval colored his deep tenor and that shiver Nan mentioned rippled under Lillian’s skin, his chastisement hitting its mark. He was right. She didn’t understand the draw of dominance but could have sworn she didn’t judge. It wasn’t pleasant discovering a new flaw in her character.
“She seems young to know this is what she wants,” Lillian said in defense, watching the girl bounce off with another man as if nothing unfavorable had just happened.
Mitchell grasped her elbow, as if to ensure she didn’t take off, and nodded at Nan. “I’ll take good care of our guest, Nan. Thank you.”
“Have fun, Lillian.”
It was hard, but Lillian resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at her friend’s smug face before Nan pivoted and went to join Avery and another woman at their table.
“Good call,” Mitchell murmured with a twitch of his lips.
“What? Are you a mind reader, too?” she snapped, not sure why she was annoyed.
“No, just getting good at reading your expressions. Would you like to dance or get a drink before I show you around upstairs?”
A drink sounded good, a double even better, but didn’t think that request would go over well here. “I’ll take a scotch on the rocks, but I have to get my wallet out of the foyer.”
“No need.” Steering her toward the bar, he grasped her waist and lifted her onto a stool. “Two drinks are part of your guest pass, or membership if you join.”
She frowned, refraining from chiding him over the assistance she didn’t need or ask for. “Why would I join if I’m leaving soon?” And why did voicing the truth produce a constriction in her chest she couldn’t explain?
“Just saying. Master Kurt, this is Lillian, our guest tonight and she’d like a scotch on the rocks,” Mitchell told the bartender.
Master Kurt’s mouth curled in a smile that softened his dark, five-o’clock shadowed face and ink-dark eyes. “Feel the need for a strong nerve booster, do you?”
Lillian shrugged. “I admit to being green about all this,” she waved her arm, indicating the room at large, “so, yeah, a good punch to the system wouldn’t hurt.”
Kurt nodded, the approval stamped on his face giving her a jolt of pleasure. Another one of those responses that perplexed her.
“Mitchell, are you ready for another beer?”
“I’ll hold off for now. We’re headed upstairs for a tour and a few ground rules.”
Both of them smirked as she unintentionally scowled at the word ‘rules’. “What?” she groused.
“Not one for rules?” Kurt asked.
“As Mitchell knows, I’m not one for bossy men. I understand rules are necessary.”
“Ah, that’s what that look was for. I’ll get your drink.”
Mitchell placed two fingers under her chin and drew her head up to face him. “Good. You’re required to show a modicum of respect to all the Masters, but I’ll give you a pass on addressing me as Master Mitchell, or Sir for tonight. If you return, remember that.”
Since she didn’t think that was likely, she agreed and let it go. “Is he a good friend of yours?” She glanced at Kurt, or rather, Master Kurt.
A contemplative look crossed his face as he shifted his gaze toward the bartender. “He returned to his family ranch for good after living a few years in Texas about the same time I moved to Willow Springs. We met when his father suffered a stroke, so, yeah, I know him best out of everyone else. I’m stabling my horse out at his place, so I try to get out there once a week.”
Tonight, dressed in tight denim, cowboy boots and a black tee shirt that emphasized his broad shoulders, thick biceps and six-pack abs, she could easily picture him astride a horse with his Stetson pulled low. She could just as easily recall the vision of him naked and the proof his lean build was made of sinewy muscles that drew the eye as he walked.
“The last time I rode was at girl scout camp. Liana and I,” she paused to swallow down the lump rising to her throat, “we were ten, I think, and the horses were on the smaller size. It was fun.”
He reached for her but she drew back, afraid a conciliatory touch or word would shake her even more. Kurt returned with her drink and she welcomed the distraction.
“Thank you.” Sipping the liquor, she relished the fortifying burn down her throat as Mitchell cupped her elbow again and addressed his friend.
“I’ll be back to introduce Lillian to Leslie, if you’re still
manning the bar.”
Kurt nodded. “I’m on for another hour. Nice to meet you, Lillian.”
“You too.” Gripping her glass, she slid off the stool at Mitchell’s tug, ignoring the flutter of unease in her stomach as he led her toward the stairs leading to the loft where she’d seen the apparatus coming in. All she could see of the upper level on the other side of the barn were three closed doors.
Pausing at the foot of the stairs, he asked, “Are you ready for a tour, or would you rather stay down here longer?”
Putting it off would only delay proving she was right, that this whole scene wasn’t her thing. “No, I’m ready. I came tonight to satisfy my curiosity. I’m sure it won’t be more shocking than what’s been flitting through my imagination.”
“Let’s see.”
Okay, maybe I spoke too soon, Lillian thought as they reached the top floor and her eyes landed on a webbed swing in the corner. The dim lighting didn’t allow for a clear view of Nan’s displayed crotch even though her raised legs were cuffed above her head in a wide vee. Dan stood at her side, a fierce look of concentration on his face as he flicked a multi-strand flogger directly on her sensitive, bare flesh. There was no mistaking the rapture spreading over her friend’s face, or Lillian’s confusion at her response to both the humiliating pose and what must have been blistering pain.
Mitchell gripped her chin and pulled her head around, holding her there as he said, “That’s her thing, and her Master’s. Some enjoy that extra bite, a few a more rigid, rule-structured approach. Most members in this club concentrate on the physical aspect. None of this is wrong.”
Standing in bare feet brought Lillian’s head only up to his chest and the way he held her head arched back emphasized his towering height. She didn’t care for the intimidating tactic or his cool tone insinuating she was silently judging the couple. “You misinterpreted confusion with distaste. Let me go.” To her surprise, he released her chin immediately and stepped back, a closed expression on his face. A wave of disappointment swamped her, whether from the loss of his nearness and touch or that unreadable look, she couldn’t figure out, adding to the jumbled chaos of her thoughts.