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Gangsters In Time: Good Gangster, Crazy Good Gangster (A Leo and Capone Book, #2)

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by Stanimir Mirov

  “You’re right. There is no time to rest. This area will soon be ours,” answered Leo. “But do you know what is more important? That fucking Automorgue! There we can hide goods, cars, corpses, and it is suitable for headquarters.”

  “It’s a big bonus, I know. But first, we need to make a team and then remove those suckers that keep it.””

  “Don’t forget that half of the neighborhood is paying them for protection. It will be a big step for us,” Leo slyly rubbed his hands.

  They continued with the conversation and soon arrived at the pimp. The brothel wasn’t great and there were only five or six prostitutes, but with endless work. And the bartender poured whiskey all the time…

  The gangsters entered the house and a slut met them, “What do you want, gentlemen?”

  “Take us to your boss, today!”

  The whore walked them through the hallway at the bottom to the office of her boss. She knocked and opened the door, “Two guys want to talk to you.”

  “Invite them in,” said a hoarse voice.

  Leo and Galfonino entered the office and sat in the chairs beside the desk. The man against them was a typical gangster. He had little hair, a scar on his forehead, a golden tooth and a malicious face. On the table beside his hand stood boxing iron and knife, and under his desk, he had at least a loaded pistol and shotgun.

  The pimp leaned back in his chair, slightly stretched his lips and carelessly moved his tongue through his teeth as if to check for food between them.

  “I haven’t seen you before. Do you want whores?”

  “As far as we know, you work alone. And we have a proposal for you,” spoke Leo. “We offer you to work with us, and in return, you will get immunity from the police and protection from others. As a bonus, you will get a recent business expansion and more money than you could ever spend.”

  “I understand,” answered the stranger, “and out of curiosity, what exactly do you want from me?”

  “Sixty percent.”

  “Ha, ha, ha,” the pimp laughed falsely with all his strength that he even started coughing for a moment.

  Galfonino noticed that a name was written on his chair, Jack. Apparently, it was his.

  “Listen to me carefully, Jack!” snapped Capone. “As I see it, you have two options. The first one is to do what my partner says and to work for our organization or to choose the second one.”

  After hearing the word organization, the mafioso turned to the gangsters, moved his chair to the desk and asked, “Let’s say I agree. Does this mean that I will be a full member of your organization? Because I’ve heard...”

  “Of course!” Leo answered quickly.

  “And what is the name?”

  There were several seconds of silence. No one had thought about it. The time travelers exchanged glances.

  “Lepone!” answered The Sock.

  “I haven't heard it.”

  “It remains to be heard,” said Capone. “We work in the dark. And you know that the first to join will get the most. If you are interested in history, you should be aware that when the Greek colonists settled in a new place, only the first wave received full civil rights and privileges. You have a chance to be like them.”

  The pimp leaned back in his chair and started to think. He liked the history lesson. Although giving sixty percent, they promised to make more money than ever, and he would finally become a full member of a family, even though he is not Italian. At least that’s how the things looked inside his head.

  He suddenly rose up and made a sign to the door. Both gangsters turned and saw a dark entity remove his gun, “Good. So be it.”

  “I’m Leo, and that’s Capone.”

  “Jack "The Bat". Nice to meet you.”

  “After a few days, we will send our man to help you with the expansion.”

  Everyone stood up and shook hands.

  It was already dark when the two hungry gangsters entered the "Galliano" restaurant for dinner. It had been a long and productive day. Everything was going according to plan.

  As it became clear, the gossip spread quickly and, in this part of the neighborhood, people knew who Leo and Capone are. The restaurant, where they had dinner, was not very big, but the service and food were excellent. Having finished, the owner approached their table. He was an old Italian, but seemed like a good person. Earlier he had sent a bottle of his best wine, at his expense.

  “I hope you liked the wine and the food?” he began shyly.

  “Not bad,” said Leo. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”

  “Can I?” asked the owner and pointed to the empty chair.

  Capone gave him a sign to sit down.

  “My name is Giovanni Galliano. I have owned this restaurant for nearly fifteen years. I’ve always paid someone. But lately, I have problems with the clientele. I have to admit that I almost have no customers, and it wasn’t like this before. Some thugs come to the restaurant and threaten the people not to enter. They work for a competitor from the next street with a large restaurant and that’s why they steal my customers.”

  “Dirty dogs!” said Capone. “What can we do for you?” Galfonino asked with his stupid face.

  The man was confused for a moment, but gained courage and continued, “If you bring back the customers, I will pay you.”

  Leo intervened, “What’s the restaurant name?”

  “"At Bruce". That’s the name of the owner, a young Irishman who hires the thugs.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  The old man rejoiced, “Thank you, Don Capone. How can I thank you?”

  “Favor for a favor. Today me, tomorrow you.”

  “Of course,” agreed on the senior man.

  After dinner, they went to the hotel to sleep.

  The next morning, they got up at 7:30 am, took a shower and went down for breakfast. In exactly 8:00, Lazo and Peruzzi arrived. Galfonino handed a gun to Danielo. The purpose of the gathering was mainly for people to see that they were not alone. The number was important for the image.

  “We need a car. Peruzzi, what can you find for two hundred dollars?”

  “Give me thirty minutes.”

  Twenty-seven minutes later, the young man pulled a brand new Hudson Phantom in front of the restaurant.

  “From now on, you are in charge of the organization’s vehicles!” grinned Galfo. “You earn your money.”

  Everybody entered the car, and Lazo drove to Bruce’s restaurant. It was the first stop for the day. Gangsters, appropriately dressed, made an impression from afar.

  They parked the car right in front. Lazo and Peruzzi went down and opened the doors of Leo and Capone quite ostentatiously as if they had rehearsed all morning. The gangsters rushed into the restaurant and directly at the owner. The giant stood in the doorway with his arms folded, Danielo drew his gun and pointed it at Bruce. Then Leo spoke, “I understand that you are paying some thugs to harass Joe. Let me explain to you what it will be like in the future, if you value your life that is. First, you will go to him and publicly apologize. Second, once a week, you will have lunch there, for all to see. Third, and it’s pretty significant, you will pay three hundred dollars compensation for the damage that you’ve inflicted. And last, which is implied, you will forget about the services of various bandits. "Galliano" is protected by the Lepone organization. Am I clear?”

  Capone adjusted himself at the desk to the owner and pulled his revolver. He emptied it out and put one bullet inside. Then spun the drum, pointed it at Bruce, who almost shit in his pants, and pulled the trigger.

  “Crystal clear, sir!” the owner replied, almost tearful. “I promise to do everything you said.”

  “Correct,” added Capone, “because next time, there will be more bullets in the drum and I’m not sure that the luck of the Irishman will help you then.”

  The man stood up, trembling, barely able to get to the safe. He pulled out three hundred dollars and handed them to Leo.

  “And tomorrow, you will give ano
ther five hundred dollars to Joe. Clean accounts, good friends.”

  “Certainly, sir,” said the sweaty owner.

  The four gangsters left the restaurant, got inside the car and drove away to Manhattan for shopping. Each took a few costumes, on Leo’s orders, who wanted to keep a good image. Peruzzi also bought several for his brother.

  It was already lunchtime, and they sat in a restaurant downtown.

  “Listen Danielo. Keep the Hudson, but I want you to buy a regular car. I’ll give you more money. When we need a stolen car, we will use it.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  Chapter III

  Capone started a new topic, “We need more faithful people in which we could have some trust. Lepone is rapidly expanding and the moment is fragile. Leo and I also have plans for a big hit. If we play our cards right, in a few months, we will be able to retire.”

  “Boss, I have a cousin in the industry. Clever and good with weapons. He works as a security guard. I can vouch for him...”

  “I have an old acquaintance from the orphanage, a good thief. He has no fear and is a pro with the safes.”

  “He may be of great benefit. Bring them tomorrow at 8:00 am at the hotel. We will decide who is what on site.”

  “Capone, I think it’s time to call in the heavy artillery!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about Ernak!

  “It’s true. Now we’re talking.”

  After lunch, they split in order to do their tasks. Leo and Capone entered the Phantom and went to the machine. They teleported themselves one minute after they had left Ernak the last time. Seeing his friends, he could not believe his eyes. After all the hugs, they briefly explained how things were now. It did not take much to convince the Khan. They dressed him in a suit, laughed a bit at his strange appearance and teleported back to the evening of the same day.

  Tomorrow was important, so once they planned everything, they went directly to bed.

  In the morning, they all had a shower and breakfast. The gangsters rented a separate room and gathered at 8 o’clock. In the room were Leo, Capone, Ernak, Lazo, Peruzzi brothers, Lazo’s cousin and the friend from the orphanage, which turned out to be a Serb.

  The gangsters entered the room and first presented the brother, “I’m Giacomo Peruzzi.”

  “Ah, the notorious brother,” smiled Leo. “I hope you’ve healed completely. We have work to do.”

  “I’m ready for action, boss.”

  Here came the turn for the others to be presented.

  “This is my cousin, Michele. In the pubs, he is known as the "Gypsum" because his arm is very strong and when he hits someone, he makes him a cast.

  Michele was not talkative. He just pushed his hat and saluted, “Boss.”

  “I am a friend of Peruzzi’s. My name is Dimo. But my friends call me "Hoe".”

  The time travelers smiled.

  “I’m Leo Smith Cassis, and this is Galfonino Capone. The man with the braids is Ernak. He’s the right-hand of the organization and executor of the wet orders, also known as “The Hammer”. The man who seems like he ate two Jews is Lazo. He will be your direct boss. Peruzzi brothers, Michele and Hoe, will be under his command. From there on, everybody else works for you. The hierarchy in the Lepone organization will be followed in order to avoid any unnecessary problems. I hope you understand what chance has been given to you, so do not squander it. There will be money for everyone. Mark my words. When the time comes, the people in this room will have made money for their grandchildren. Now it’s time to take the oath.”

  They stood up to a round table on which an empty bowl was placed, along with chopper and a bottle of Canadian whiskey. The thugs timidly looked at the cleaver and the bowl…

  “Should I cut off my hand with this thing?” Lazo was the first to ask.

  “Ah, I forgot to remove it last night,” embarrassed Leo emptied the table quickly. He handed out cups and poured alcohol to everybody. “Cheers!”

  The whiskey was gone in a single gulp.

  “Welcome to the organization.”

  They shook hands and embraced each other. Now everybody was part of the family. On this day, the secret organization, Lepone, officially saw the light. Its goal was not to manage Brooklyn but to use it skillfully...

  Lazo, Leo, Ernak, and Capone got into the new Stanley Steamer purchased by Danielo and went to the other members of the organization, Jack, and Ogustas, to have them take the "oath" as well.

  In the evening, everyone from the original eight gathered in "Galliano". The owner came personally to thank them for Bruce, for that morning he brought him five hundred dollars and apologized. Not even a week had passed, and the restaurant again run at full speed, but the corner table was always reserved.

  During dinner, Capone began the conversation, “While we’re in business, the money will be distributed along the chain. All objects will be divided among you. Fifty percent of the profits will go to Leo and me. With the remaining fifty, you will pay for whatever is needed. You will receive a percentage of all heists and deals and, naturally, the largest share will go to the organization. Lazo will take care of you. He will take ten percent of your share plus a percentage of all transactions. All the money will go through you and Ernak. The goal here is to raise enough money for what we’re up to, but we must not forget the regular expenses. When the time comes, I will explain. Any questions?”

  “No, boss,” everybody confirmed.

  “Now go to work,” continued Leo. “Today we will make a small robbery. We will hit two trucks with alcohol. Peruzzi has inside information from his former friends in the morgue. Rather than buying it for our places, we will get it for free. Until then, I want you to rent a safe place to store it.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  “Did you find me extra people for the war that lies ahead of us?”

  “No, boss. In this part of Flatbush, everybody works either for you or the competition.”

  Ernak asked, “How many people is this competition that stands in our way?”

  “There should be about 20-25 people.”

  “OH MY GOD,” snorted the chief. “I killed more over the weekend.”

  The others looked at his shaved head with three braids gathered in one and somehow believed him.

  “We’ll have to arm ourselves.”

  After twenty minutes, they wentinto the hotel room. Little Peruzzi and Dimo​​stole two cars for the evening action. An hour later, they were all dressed and ready. The group went to the place on the highway where the trucks had to pass through. One car was hidden, while the other was stopped on the road with opened hood. Everybody hid, except Capone, who stood in front of the car and Danielo, who was waiting to stop the vehicles. The drivers traveling on this road were armed to the teeth so that they could stop without worrying.

  Headlights were seen in the distance and they all prepared for the interaction. When approached, Peruzzi waved with hands. The driver recognized him, and the trucks stopped. The one next to the driver showed out of the window, “Danielo, is there a problem?”

  “We’re out of gas, and the city is ten kilometers away. Can you lend me a bit, enough to get us home?”

  “What about your friend, what is he looking for under the hood?”

  Galfo showed up with a smile, pretending to be drunk.

  “I’m ch’king the oil boys!” he staggered a little after the last word.

  “He is a little drunk,” grinned Danielo.

  The drivers laughed, and one went down, “Do you have a tube and a hose to drain some gasoline?”

  “Of course.”

  “It will cost you, just so you know.”

  “No problems. We will pay with interest.”

  Peruzzi took the tube and the hose from the trunk and approached. Suddenly, several people jumped from both sides. The younger brother pointed a gun at the head of the thug, and Galfonino turned his against the glass behind which was the other. Weapons were p
ointed from both sides.

  The situation was the same with the other truck. They could not even react. Once they had removed the people, Lazo and Leo entered the second vehicle. Peruzzi and Capone jumped in the front one. Ernak, Dimo, Giacomo, and Michele entered one of the cars. They reduced speed for a moment and the chief shot down the thugs.

  “Sorry bitches, no witnesses...”

  Soon they arrived at the warehouse. The hit was solid. The gangsters parked the trucks and departed.

  Chapter IV

  After a few days, the brothers managed to sell the stolen cars and trucks. The alcohol was delivered as intended. The warehouse became a temporary headquarters. There was an office and enough space for cars and goods.

  It was time to equip themselves. Michele had associates in the city, who had provided him with new weapons: two Tommy guns for Leo and Capone, and several military grenades.

  All week, everybody was gathering information about the band from the morgue. Leo sent the Peruzzi brothers to collect the money from Ogustas. The fat one was already seeing the rise of theorganization and was pleased. Michele and Dimo​​gathered the money from the brothel. Jack sent greetings to the bosses and a message that he was waiting for the family to send him someone. In the evening, everyone gathered in the warehouse.

  “Tomorrow we act,” began Capone. “We understand that their boss will be with a few guards in the restaurant of Bruce in the evening. He personally told us. Apparently, they pressed him tightly.”

  “That smells like a trap. The Irishman doesn’t like us.”

  “Yes, but he doesn’t like them even more.”

  “His right hand, at the same time with his guard, will be gathering the money from the two casinos they hold,” added Ernak.

  “And finally, the auto morgue. Several people should die.

  “What about the rest?” asked Danielo.

  “The rest will join us.”

  “What about the police?”

  “By the time the police arrives everything will be over. You know that. Anyway, nobody will hear about those in the morgue. You will throw them into the swamp. Then we will hide for a few days until everything calms down. Now, sleep well and tomorrow we act according to plan.”


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