The Warrior of Sapin

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The Warrior of Sapin Page 12

by Whiskey Flowers

  “The other two are still with her then?” Grayland asked.

  “And they are worth their weight in gold” Jason replied. “I’ll start towards the carriage, Roy is a bit weak from blood lost, he is going to need a ride.”

  Grayland nodded as Jason turned and went into an easy stride, the sound his bells made soothed him as he thought back on healing Roy. Mages could do a lot of things but healing was definitely not one of them yet he healed. That power was only given to the most faithful of the Light Bringer’s followers and even then it was only if they had been blessed at a temple by a high level priest and some other things Jason wasn’t privved to. Jason became loss in thought and soon he could see the wagon, many dead men lay around the carriage, not all of them the enemy. Jason couldn’t see Gilbert anywhere in sight, it was unlikely he killed anyone since Jason could make out Reginald along with some of the horsemen from earlier.

  “He got away?” Jason asked as he came upon them.

  “The bastard took off as soon as we left” Reginald replied. “No wonder Grayland didn’t trust any of us. When I find that coward I am going to cut him down where he stands.”

  “How is Her Highness?” Bridgette asked as she came out of the carriage.

  “She was alive when I last saw her” Jason replied as he noticed Bridgette’s eyes focus on the dead people littering the ground. Bridgette vomited as Reginald took charge.

  “I told you to stay in the carriage” Reginald screamed. “You don’t need to see any of this.”

  “You think we can catch Gilbert?” Jason asked.

  “No” Reginald replied. “But that coward has to leave everything behind now. He was supposed to be sponsored by the Queen to enter the best warrior competition. Wait, is the Queen in on this?”

  “You have to talk to Grayland” Jason replied.

  “Bells” Doroteo said as he climbed out of the carriage and shut the door behind him.

  “I made it” Bells replied. “And somehow I channeled the power of the goddess and helped heal Roy.”

  “What do you mean you channeled the power of the goddess?” Doroteo asked. “That is impossible, it must be a mage trick.”

  “I wasn’t holding my halberd” Jason replied.

  “What are you two talking about?” Reginald asked. “Why would he know something about magic.”

  “It is okay Doroteo” Jason replied. “Gilbert escaped and I am sure he is not going to keep things secret. I am a mage Reginald.”

  “A mage?” Reginald said surprised. “Sapina’s sweet tits you are a mage, now what is this really about?”

  “I am really a mage” Jason replied. “Why do you think I had the most important part of this mission.”

  “Grayland really didn’t trust anyone to keep something like that to himself” Reginald grumbled. “I am going to request the king fire anyone not currently with us. I have a mark on my back now.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jason asked.

  “Whoever is in on this plot knows I am not a part of it” Reginald replied. “They will also know I killed their traitorous brothers. They won't have the stones to meet me straight up, they will be as sneaky as possible. I don’t want to have to keep watching my back.”

  “Then in the mean time you can ask Grayland to join me and Doroteo” Jason replied. “The rest of the men and women will need to be trained. This was their audition and I think they passed, how many tried to attack you?”

  “About twenty not including the traitors” Reginald replied. “They came on us quickly without realizing how many people we had, before they could withdraw they found themselves under siege quickly. They were well armed but not ready for all of the hidden archers that started firing at them, before they could turn to get away the rest of us started laying into them. Then things got dicey, some of the guard started attacking your secret protectors and that’s when I knew I was in a shit show. I started cutting down any man I saw attacking the fake servants, luckily the archers started in on them as well. Some got away though, they just threw everything away and for nothing.”

  “Well we need to get this cleaned up” Jason replied. “Grab our dead, the honored and the dishonored and see to them.”

  “I’ll personally escort the dead back to the palace” Reginald replied. “And there will be hell to pay when I get there.”

  “Wait on Grayland” Doroteo replied. “He may give you enough people to see you safely there.”


  Jason looked out at the city of Chival, it had changed greatly from the last time he saw it. Many new buildings he did not recognize were built or still being constructed. Merchants were all around the gate itself, peddling whatever they could when trumpets started blaring. Someone had recognized Mellony’s entourage and Jason could hear cheering. Jason was used to it now, almost every city they passed through Mellony had to stop and acknowledge the citizens and meet with whoever was in charge. Jason doubted this would be any different, this was her final stop and from what Jason was told many nobles would be there. Jason rode slowly on his horse as he neared the city, the changes that had taken place was even more evident up close.

  “Now things can begin” said a man in a white surcoat with gold trim. The insignia in the middle of his surcoat was a golden crown in the middle of crossed swords. The man looked like most Sapins, he had light brown hair and hazel colored eyes and carried a sword with a jeweled hilt. Jason was unsure of his size but the man looked to be on the smaller side, despite puffing his chest up.

  “Bells this is Tenkay, the reigning Champion of the King” Grayland said gesturing to the man.

  “I could win this award again but the King saw it as unfair to let me compete this year” Tenkay said as he looked Jason up and down.

  “You know as well as I do it is customary for the Champion to host the next year’s games” Grayland replied. “Besides you got lucky.”

  “I beat you” Tenkay replied. “You just remember that. You came here and gave your best and lost to a man almost half your size. It must burn you, to know that in the end you just weren’t good enough. But since I am not competing this year, maybe you will have an easier go at it, of course you have to pass my final trial, I made it especially for types like you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Grayland asked.

  “Nah, nah” Tenkay said wagging his finger. “You can find out when everyone else does. That is a secret for me and my squires, trust me when I say this is going to be the best games yet. Of course everyone probably already knew that since the greatest warrior the kingdom has ever seen is in charge.”

  “If you are so great then why are buildings still being built?” Grayland asked.

  “That is my fault” Tenkay replied. “I should have known so many more people would come out to see me, more inns were needed this year than there were last year. But by the end of the day they should be completed and staffed.”

  “Whatever move out the way” Grayland replied. “Her royal Highness, the Princess Mellony needs her rest.”

  “Ah, even the princess made a special trip out here to see me” Tenkay replied. “I can't blame her or any other girl for coming out here to see me, you may pass.”

  Jason passed the man by and didn’t know that Grayland had competed for Best Warrior, that was a detail his commander had left out. Jason couldn’t blame him though, Jason thought he would be embarrassed to lose to such a man. Tenkay did not look like anything special, but the fact he had beaten twenty of best warriors in the kingdom made Jason think maybe luck had nothing to do with it. Grayland led them to a building that had a big gate built around it, Jason knew this is where the princess would stay. The same building was built for every Best Warrior competition and was built according to a blueprint that made the building easily defensible and secluded enough so that if any of the royal family wanted to take a walk outside they could do so in peace. The carriage and every thing barely fit into the space though, the princess came out of the carriage and gave h
im a smile. Her doppelganger Elizabeth was next and Bridgette followed them both, Jason thought she still looked shaken up from the ambush. Jason felt sorry for the girl as she disappeared inside the building.

  “Alright” Grayland replied. “I want only the princess’s carriage and horses to pull it kept here. Everything else needs to be secured outside of the town’s boundary. I need you all to draw straws, the three losers will set up the royal tent outside of city limits and be in charge of watching all of this gear until the end of the games. As for the rest of you, I already have a schedule worked out, I just need to write down the names of whoever is not selected to watch the gear outside the city. Doroteo and Bells, you are not a apart of this selection process. You already have a room in an inn and wil be on standby until I need you.”

  “Standby?” Jason asked confused.

  “Yes, on standby” Grayland replied. “You two have already done enough, you might as well enjoy the games. The place you are looking for is called the Guardsman.”

  Jason gave a smile and excused himself, he really wanted to see the competition and wondered what would be in all of the trials. Jason and Doroteo found their inn, apparently to cut down on planning each year the city hosting the game was built up much in the same way. The inns were all built the same and had the same names, even the street names in town were temporarily changed. Grayland said it helped cut down on confusion, all the new money that was pouring in knew exactly where they should set up or live for the short period during the games.

  “Well hello” a female voice said from behind Jason and Doroteo. Jason turned around to see a pretty girl, she looked a little younger than he was and Jason doubted she had any problems finding a date.

  “Hello” said Doroteo stunned by her beauty. Jason looked over at the other guard and turned to walk away.

  “Me and my friend were looking for escorts to see the games” the girl replied and batted her eyelashes. “So far we haven't had any luck in finding suitable gentlemen for the job. The others here seem interested in other things instead of just good company.”

  “I am a follower of the Light Bringer” Doroteo replied as Jason could tell he was slightly offended. “Any such thoughts are far from my mind, it is against the goddess’s teaching. On my honor I remain untouched and will continue to do so until I am married. My companion Bells is also a follower of the Light Bringer and has been shown her favor, he has never talked in such a manner about any woman, no matter how beautiful.”

  “Then it looks like I met the right gentlemen” the girl replied. “My name is Gilly.”

  “I am Doroteo” Doroteo replied. “My fellow guardsman is Bells.”

  “Are you both here guarding one of the Dukes or one of the Barons?” Gilly asked.

  “Neither” Doroteo replied. “We are guarding Her Royal Highness.”

  “You are guarding the princess?” Gilly replied. “No wonder you are so gentlemanly and polite. Baron Dawson’s men are here and they are absolutely horrid.”

  “Did you say Dawson?” Jason replied as he turned around.

  “Yes” Gilly replied. “He has three guards who are staying here, brutes all of them.”

  “And you are sure they are Baron Dawson’s men?” Jason asked.

  “I am positive” Gilly replied. “They grabbed on me and my friend like we were ladies of the night, one even waved money around. When I told them we weren’t interested in being a bed warmer one told me they had a good job looking after Baron Dawson and his son.”

  “They could have been liars” Jason replied. “Did you actually see any of them with the Baron?”

  “No but I saw the man who they called Lord Dawson” Gilly replied. “He was um, different.”

  “Did he have a scar?” Jason replied.

  “Right down the center of his face” Gilly replied. “If I am being honest, part of the reason I want an escort to see the games is so I can avoid those guards.”

  “Why are you so interested in these men?” Doroteo asked as he looked at Jason.

  “Baron Dawson is the man who had my father killed” Jason replied.

  “Miss Gilly I would love to continue this conversation but I have to see to my friend” Doroteo replied. “I am unsure if we will be able to accompany you and your friend, I wish you luck in finding suitable escorts.”

  “What are you doing?” Jason replied as Doroteo grabbed ahold of his arm and practically dragged him to the room Grayland said was reserved for them, room 1.

  “I am seeing to a friend” Doroteo replied. “I think you need a friend to be here for you, one that will try to drive away old demons.”

  Jason stayed with Doroteo throughout the night, Doroteo tried his best to take Jason’s mind off of things. Doroteo talked about Grayland and the Best Warrior competition along with what he had planned when he reached the capital. The Queen came up a lot but very carefully, Doroteo probably didn’t want to be tried for treason if the wrong person heard him so he watched his words carefully. Just as Jason and Doroteo were about to go asleep Grayland showed up and told them to wear their gear tomorrow. It was the opening day of the games and the Princess would have to be there for the warrior introductions. Also Tenkay would have to reveal the ten trials that would make up the best warrior competition. Jason slept soundly and woke up and almost forgot all about Baron Dawson, until he went to the area where the competition would be held. Jason walked up to where the princess was already being watched over by Grayland and six of the newcomers Grayland had hired. Jason looked across the crowd and spotted Baron Dawson and Patrick.

  “I just can't stand that horrid leering man” Mellony replied. “I am not meeting with him again this evening. Grayland ask one of the noble ladies around my age to join me this evening to give me an excuse not to see him again. In fact invite all of them, they will need an excuse also, less they get the attention I do not want.”

  “You met with Baron Dawson Your Highness?” Jason asked.

  “Supposedly” Mellony said looking visibly ill. “In reality he showed up with his son then pretended to have some kind of stomach ailment and left me alone for the entire night with that lecherous troll.”

  “You remember your place Bells” Grayland spoke. “What Her Highness does with her time is none of your business.”

  Jason eyed Grayland and nodded. Patrick’s scar healed better than Jason would have liked but his face was still split right down the middle and even from across the area Jason could make out the angry pink line. There were the men responsible for killing his father, they had even taken his father’s sword which Jason was unlikely to get back. Jason wasn’t even allowed to see to the body, his father was probably discarded like rubbish. Jason walked a little ways down to get a better look at the men, they would recognize him. Patrick had hated him for a long time, why the fat little man was jealous when he had all that power still got to Jason. He could always exercise to lose the weight, it wasn’t like he had a real job or other responsibilities to look after.

  “I know of your history with Baron Dawson and his son Lord Dawson" Grayland said looking over at Jason. “You might as well forget about any notions you have of revenge, they are here to enjoy the competition and you are here to guard Her Highness."

  “I know my damn job" Jason growled. “You weren’t so worried about my competence when you left the princess in my care."

  “I am not doubting your competence and do not ever speak to me in that tone again" Grayland said in an commanding tone. “I am still your commanding officer."

  “That can be easily rectified oh commanding officer" Jason said in a mocking voice. “I quit right now, you can take your command and shove it in your ass."

  “I think this conversation has taken a path it was not intended to" Doroteo said as he stepped in between Grayland and Jason.

  “Oh it took the path it was meant to" Jason replied. “I don’t need any of this, I was given my freedom from my sentence when I agreed to become a guard. Even if I was made to go ba
ck it would be better than this."

  “If you think you are so irreplaceable then leave” Grayland replied. “And take off your uniform and leave all your weapons before you go."

  “You can have your shit" Jason replied. “But the halberd is mine, I made it with my own two hands."

  Jason turned and walked away, just being in the same place with Patrick Dawson was making him beyond angry. The competition hadn't yet started and although Jason was looking forward to it he could definitely pass. Neither Patrick or the Baron even looked in his direction when the participants were being introduced, that slight made Jason even angrier. Jason found the room he was sharing with Doroteo and began taking off his surcoat and armor, he thanked the Light Bringer he was smart enough to pack some regular clothes and had taken a little money. Whatever he left in the palace would stay there, he wouldn’t go crawling back over a little money. Jason finished getting dressed and wondered if there was a way to ambush the Baron, he knew their were only a few roads the Baron could take to get back to his barony. Jason was a mage now, he could blow apart their carriage and run back into the Untamed Lands. No kingdom would refuse having a mage and they definitely wouldn’t refuse a healer. Mages only came from Sapin as far as Jason could tell and those that left were not able to have mage children, at least that is what Jason was told but it didn’t matter now. Jason walked out of the place he was staying and thought about getting a horse but quickly dismissed the idea, he only was carrying a halberd, a coin purse and a bag of bells with him. Ever since his magic was discovered Jason had felt like he could run forever, if he really needed a horse he could get one from one of the cities on his journey. Now that he was ready, what was his destination? Would he really kill the Baron?

  “Bells" Doroteo said running up to him and interrupting his thoughts. “Thank the goddess I found you before you left. Her Highness put you in as her participant, you and Grayland got into such a fight he was unable to tell you. It was meant as a surprise.”


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