The Warrior of Sapin

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The Warrior of Sapin Page 13

by Whiskey Flowers

“Well too bad" Jason replied. “I would have loved the challenge but I cannot leave here fast enough. You take my place."

  “Bells" Doroteo began. “Grayland was just trying to look out for you. I do not believe he meant any disrespect. Use your sight and see the truth."

  “What are you talking about Doroteo?” Jason said confused. “What do you mean sight?”

  “If you can heal like you claim then you must have the sight" Doroteo replied. “From what you told me about your past, a priest refused to heal the Baron's son."

  “He said he found Patrick distasteful” Jason replied.

  “The only people priests refuse to heal are those with a dark soul” Doroteo replied. “If you don’t show up, the princess will look bad. Right now I think you are just angry, just ask the goddess for the strength to see true character. You will see Grayland is not a bad man, something I think you already know.”

  “I don’t care how this goes” Jason replied. “Whenever this contest is over I am gone.”

  “I hope you will reconsider but that is your right” Doroteo replied.


  “The final event is going to be the gauntlet” Tenkay said as he pointed to seven circles holding squires. “One by one each warrior will enter a circle and face off against one of my squires. Defeat the squire and you can move on to the next circle. If you lose your match you will be brought back to the first circle to start over again. Lose two matches in a row and you are eliminated, lose to the same opponent twice and you are eliminated. To lose a match you have to step out of the dueling circle or get hit with a blow that would have been deemed fatal if you were carrying real weapons. The first three circles are worth a point a piece, the second three are worth two points a piece and the final circle will have me as your opponent. That circle is worth five points. The top competitor has distanced himself somewhat but his lead is not insurmountable, four of you can still catch him.”

  “Can we get points for doing the same circle twice?” Walgren asked.

  “Yes” Tenkay replied.

  “When does this competition begin?” Walgren asked.

  “Right now” Tenkay replied. “I know you all of you are tired from the last competition but so are all of your rivals. Those of you with the least points will go first.”

  Jason turned to walk away then paused, in front of him were five squires, the only squires he had really seen during the competition. Tenkay must had brought in others for the warriors to spar with. Jason looked in the first circle and saw Darwin was waiting with a wooden practice sword. Jason remembered Darwin and thought his day had gotten a little bit better. Corporal Darwin had used Jason to prove a point and had the other army trainers beat Jason unconscious, Jason was never able to properly return the favor without getting into any trouble but he would do it now. Jason didn’t plan on hanging out after the competition anyway, he had no job to worry about losing and what he would do to Darwin would be legal.

  Jason watched Darwin work, he was a decent swordsman who had a fresh pair of arms and legs. The last competition revolved around how many times someone could pick up a decent sized rock. Jason should have seen through the set up, the first place person only got four points. The boulder was heavy enough so than the smaller men wouldn’t be able to lift it too many times while the bigger guys like him would tire their arms out. Darwin had taught many people how to fight and performed everything he taught Jason flawlessly. His thrusts were short and compact, his swings came from his hips and his footwork kept him on balance. Despite facing a much bigger man Darwin was handling him easily, his in and out style was suited to the fight and even without the weariness Jason was unsure if Darwin’s opponent could have won the battle. Jason saw the first three competitors lose to Darwin in both of their matches, they were eliminated and given ovations as they left the field of battle. Darwin was rotated to the middle of the pack for the next three, the competitors started finding their range at this point and some got out of the first duel and one even made it to the third. All the while everyone at the top of standings got a chance to rest. The so called Champion definitely had some kind of point to prove, Jason thought it was because he probably had spent the last year hearing how lucky he was and came up with something to humble the competitors. Jason found out throughtout the day the Best Warrior normally involved feats of strength and brutality, only the roughest men could be called Champion. Those same rough men were out of the competition now as only those with skill and fitness instead of only strength remained. The strong were utterly humiliated, some only had two or three points before they were tossed out. What was left were warriors with a diverse skill set, maybe they were a better representation of the overall best warrior.

  “You probably have this” Walgren said approaching Jason. “I thought either me or Janes would catch you.”

  “You still can” Jason replied.

  “You have been in the top three in almost every event” Walgren replied. “This last competition suits you better than it does either me or Janes. Davies is a long shot and all you need is a single point to defeat the man after him. Davies would have to make it all the way to the seventh duel, lose on purpose and fight his way back to the Champion and win. Even if he could do all of that he would only be four points ahead of where you are now. Janes needs 12 points to pass you up and I am eight points away. Janes is a little guy and two of those new squires are some brutes, no way he makes it past any of them. I have a good shot because I have length on my side and I have trained with the blade since I was small with some of the best instructors money could buy. Even with that I still need to reach the final opponent at least once to have a shot at beating you and you have strategy on your side.”

  “What kind of strategy?” Jason asked confused.

  “I go before you” Walgren replied. “All you have to do is watch where I end up at and just beat that score. You would have been a good man to have on my side, I don’t blame Her Highness for taking one like you.”

  “On your side?” Jason asked. “Are you in the army?”

  “Nothing that bad” Walgren said with a shiver. “My grandfather was Duke Tedford’s best friend growing up and later his advisor and guard. That position was handed down to my father and his brothers. When my parents had me, my life was already planned. Since I was going to eventually protect the lives of the Duke and his descendants, nothing was spared on my training. I thought I could win this entire thing, but there is no shame in losing to you.”

  “No shame in losing to you either” Jason replied.

  “I admit when you were first introduced I didn’t think highly of you” Walgren replied. “Her Highness’s best guard, came late to the competition then wore some damn bells during the foot race. But you are as tough of a competitor as they come, even if this whole thing was biased against you.”

  “You noticed that as well?” Jason asked. “None of these competitions catered to bigger guys, if anything, having extra weight was a hindrance. The events where being strong did come in handy there were hardily any points to make things worth it.”

  “Well it looks like Janes is up next” Walgren replied. “I have been here yapping with you and not paying attention to everything. Who do you think is the best amongst the squires in these kinds of duels?”

  “No one and everyone” Jason began. “The squires are all different sizes and use different techniques. You see that one over there, the one with the short hair cut?”

  “I think that one is named Darwin” Walgren replied.

  “Oh, that is his name alright” Jason began. “He doesn’t do anything fancy and just sticks with simple technique. The same with that big man over there, both of them are in this to make you work for it. To beat Darwin you have to be better physically than he is, he is not the tallest, strongest or even fastest person here by a long shot. The bigger man is a poorer copy but will be a lot harder to beat by trying to use strength alone. The squire holding the two blades is there for show, he isn’t a very good sw
ordsman but is an excellent showman. Anyone who can keep their cool should be able to beat him, I think that is the reason he has been hiding towards the back of line. Anyone losing their cool though can be baited into one of the traps I know he will set and be dispatched. That other big squire the Champion has is a tough one.”

  “I have kept my eye on him” Walgren admitted. “He uses punches, kicks, headbutts and anything else to win. I don’t see how Janes can get past him.”

  “Well don’t count him out yet, he just won his first match” Jason said as he watched Janes beat the big man Jason thought was a poor copy of Darwin.

  “Yeah but he looks too shaky” Walgren replied. “Ah pit, it looks like the puncher we were just talking about is up next.”

  Jason watched Janes step into the circle. A signal was given and his opponent dug his wooden sword into the ground and flicked dirt up at Janes. Janes dodged the cheap shot and a follow up sword strike but those were feints. The squire was now up on him and grabbed Janes by the shoulder and kneed him hard in the stomach then spun around and tried to hit the back Janes head with the pommel of his sword. Janes fell down and rolled though, barely missing the blow. Janes got to his feet and swung out just as his opponent ducked and landed a good punch to the much smaller man’s face. Janes was flat on his back as his opponent kicked him hard in the ribs. The man was about to give Janes another as the smaller man rolled away and thrusted his sword out before he fully came to his feet. If it was a real weapon the larger man would have impaled himself, the wooden sword crashed right where the squire’s heart was.

  “That’s how you do it Janes” Walgren said loudly and clapped for his rival. “That little man has no quit in him.”

  “He is hurt though” Jason replied. “And all he made up was two points.”

  “That is good enough” Walgren replied. “I wasn’t going to let him beat me anyway and catching you was next to impossible. He has enough to keep third place, he can hold his head up high.”

  Jason watched as Janes limped into the next circle, Darwin was waiting for him and flew out at him as soon as the signal was given. Janes looked like he was nursing a cracked rib and was still wobbly on his feet, the fight was over almost as soon as it began and Janes was not allowed to go to a healer. Rather than fight his first opponent again Janes bowed out of the competition to thunderous applaus. Walgren went next and had to face Darwin as his first opponent, Walgren was faster, longer and knew more than just the basics. Almost immediately Darwin was on his back foot and circling out of trouble as Walgren was on him. Walgren also had perfect form and was able to strike quickly and retreat, Darwin couldn’t keep up with the man but was doing well on defense despite the discomfort Jason could read on his face. Darwin was able to keep the fight going for about five minutes and must have known he was going to lose, his strategy changed from trying to win to trying to tire Walgren out. Darwin did not give him a second to rest and tried attacking whenever Walgren tried to take a couple of breaths. Walgren went right into his next fight and his opponent did the exact same thing, this was a man Jason had only saw fight once who used a sword and shield combo instead of just one sword like almost everyone else was using. Walgren dispatched that foe as well after a hard fought fight and had to fight another opponent quickly. Walgren was eventually defeated by the sixth opponent he faced, which turned out to be the man who punched. Walgren had to immediately reset and face Darwin again who went after him after a good rest. Walgren was able to beat him and the man with the shield but fell to his third opponent. Jason looked over at Darwin and made sure the man was making eye contact as he put his bells on.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen” Tenkay began. “I thought we might crown the new Champion without him even stepping out onto the field. But it looks like our last competitor took the lead. Her Highness’s guard needs to win one match to tie, two matches to win. Who knows, maybe he can even make it up to fight me, the reigning Champion. Will he be crowned or will his nerves get to him? He is a big man, let’s see if he can handle a blade. He is already putting his bells on, maybe he thinks it will intimidate my squires.”

  Jason stepped into the circle and saw Darwin looking across from him.

  “I haven't forgot what you did” Jason said looking at the man. “I am going to kick the shit out of you.”

  “You think you can get past me Bell Ringer?” Darwin joked. “I hear you are close to winning this whole thing.”

  “I don’t care about getting past you” Jason replied. “I am going stomp your face into the dirt.”

  “You can try” Darwin smiled as the signal was given.

  Jason rushed forward and delievered a thrust, it was as quick as he ever had given one and aimed right for the throat. Darwin barely blocked it and had to throw himself to the ground to avoid it. Jason stopped and kicked just as Darwin was getting up. The blow landed right in Darwin’s ribs and Jason felt the blow travel up his leg. Darwin was lifted off the ground a bit and rolled, Jason could see the man was holding his side in obvious pain. Jason brought his boot around and caught Darwin in the chin, silencing the man and knocking him unconscious. Jason looked down on his foe and went to the next circle where the puncher was looking at him nervously. As soon as the match started Jason stepped out of the circle and went back to the first. Darwin was still on the ground and had people trying to get him up.

  “Did I win or is your man going to fight?” Jason asked Tenkay who stood around in shock.

  “He can't fight like that” Tenkay said gesturing to Darwin.

  “Not my problem” Jason replied. “Is he in or out?”

  “You win” Darwin said softly then louder as Tenkay raised Jason’s arm in triumph then explained Jason was the winner since his opponent could not meet the signal.

  Jason waved to the crowd and almost forgot Patrick and Baron Dawson were both there and were looking right at him. Jason ignored them as he continued waving then bowed for the Princess who was surrounded by her friends. Grayland was by her side and clapped for Jason and had a genuine smile on his face.

  “This was a long and hard fought competition” Mellony said as the applause died down. “No man should leave here disappointed, just being invited to compete is a big honor. Either you were the best in the royal army or someone thought highly enough of you to pay your fee into the games. When it was finished however, one of you stood out above the rest. Tonight we feast and at that feast our new Champion will be crowned.”

  Jason bowed again and left the area, Doroteo was waiting for him with a confused look on his face. Jason grabbed his halberd and thought it felt good in his hand, he thought about what his father would think of it in an attempt to get the Dawson’s out of his mind. Jason took a deep breath and was going to walk away when he was stopped by Doroteo.

  “Was that personal out there?” Doroteo asked.

  “Yes” Jason replied. “It was as personal things could get, barring murder or rape.”

  “I thought so” Doroteo replied. “Congratulations, I thought you would be hard to beat. I wonder how I would have fared in this years games? On the outside looking in I can spot different strategies, two of the events I wouldn’t have even tried, especially the one just before the last one. I think I could have been in the top five, but that is only with the knowledge I now have.”

  “You would do fine” Jason replied. “I think I am off.”

  “You can't leave now” Doroteo replied. “Remember I told you there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. Make good with Grayland and let Her Highness know you will no longer be around to protect her. Tonight will be a good time to do that, you can be appointed Champion at the feast and sneak out without Her Highness losing face. I doubt Grayland would feel ill towards you as well.”

  “You keep saying that” Jason replied.

  “When are you going to listen?” Doroteo replied. “Now let's get you dressed up, I know seeing the Baron has you angry. No one can dim the goddess’s light for you except yourself.”
r />   Jason nodded and followed Doroteo back to the inn and took a nice long soak. When he finished he got up and began getting dressed. He packed his now smelly clothes away, he could change back into them tonight once he left to parts unknown. Jason walked outside of his room and could see Doroteo had his weapon out and Gilly and another girl was behind him. In front of Doroteo were two men, both holding swords, one of which Jason recognized from when he was in the Baron’s cell. The man Jason recognized had a fresh wound traveling down the right side of his face dripping blood. A fireball erupted from the end of his halberd and struck one of the guards in the face. The man was so surprised by the move it took him a second to start screaming as and ice cicle impaled the other guard’s left foot to the floor of the inn. The entire thing happened so fast that Doroteo didn’t even realize he had back up or what was going on until Jason spoke.

  “You dare attack the royal guards?” Jason shouted as he raised his halberd up to strike down the man that was putting the fire on his face out.

  “Yield” Doroteo said as he grabbed ahold of Jason’s arm. “They have learned their lesson.”

  Jason put his staff down as the man with the ice cicle was struggingly to get his foot from the floor. “What was this all about?”

  “He grabbed me” Gilly replied as she pointed to the still moaning guard with the burned face. “He tried to pull me into his room and started grabbing things he has no right to. Doroteo came in just as he ripped off my top, it made him pause long enough that I was able to grab his dagger and strike him with it.”

  “How did the one with the foot get involved?” Jason asked.

  “He was already trying to assault someone and came running out his room” Doroteo replied. “He darted back in to get his weapon but by that time I had already walked his boy out in front of me. You came right after that.”

  “Well this one should kiss your feet” Jason replied. “He is one of the people who held me and my Da so long ago. I could have split his head open right now.”


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