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Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe

Page 56

by Anthony Summers

  170 Monroe condition: Los Angeles Times, Oct. 6, 1954; AP Oct. 4, 1954.

  170 Krohn: int. Dr Lee Siegel and colleague’s int. Dr Krohn, 1983.

  170 Monroe operation: I.N.S. Nov. 4 and 8, 1954; Los Angeles Daily News, Nov. 8, 9, 1954; Hollywood Citizen-News, Nov. 8, 1954; Los Angeles Examiner, Nov. 9, 1954; Motion Picture Editor, I.N.S., Nov. 13, 1954; Los Angeles Times, Dec. 13, 1954.

  171 DiMaggio inquiries: int. Inez Melson, 1983.

  172 Itch party: Sidney Skolsky column, Hollywood Citizen-News, Nov. 9, 1954; Life, Nov. 29, 1954.

  172 Zonk alias: int. Milton Greene, 1983.

  Chapter 17

  176 Relationship with Greenes: int. Milton and Amy Greene, 1983–84; int. Rupert Allan, 1983.

  176 Monroe’s aspirations: Los Angeles Mirror, March 10, 1953.

  177 Stay at Greenes: Helen Bolstad, Photoplay, Sept. 1955; Dorothy Manning, Photoplay, Oct. 1956.

  178 Dumping of friends: int. Steffi Skolsky, 1983; Lytess.

  179 Monroe’s interests at Greenes’s: Mailer, Of Women and Their Elegance; int. Milton and Amy Greene, 1983–84.

  181 Endometriosis: int. Dr Lee Siegel, 1983; Robert Berkow, M.D., The Merck Manual, Merck Sharp Dohme Research Laboratories, N.J. 1977; Dr Michael Carrera, Sex, London: Mitchell Beazley, 1981.

  181 WAIF: int. Jane Russell, 1983.

  182 New York press conference: I.N.S., Jan. 1955; Louella Parsons, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Jan. 11, 1955; New York Daily News, Jan. 7, 1955; UPI, Jan. 6, 1955; Carpozi, 119.

  183 Pink elephant: int. Milton Greene, 1983; Photoplay, Sept. 1955; Michael Todd, Jr., and Susan Todd, A Valuable Property, New York: Arbor House, 1983.

  184 Berle as lover (fn.): Berle, 266.

  184 ‘Person to Person’: transcript of program, April 8, 1955; int. Amy and Milton Greene.

  185 Haspiel: int., 1984–85.

  185 Height: 1956 passport application, released under FOIA, 1984.

  187 Monroe’s 1955 reading: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 251.

  Chapter 18

  188 Monroe and Collier: int. Amy Greene, 1984; Capote, Music for Chameleons, 227; Time and Newsweek, May 9, 1955.

  189 Actors Studio and Strasberg: Adams, Imperfect Genius, 254–79; Strasberg, Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 236ff.; Lee Strasberg, Swank, Aug. 1980; Paula Strasberg, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 10, 1962; Parsons, 229; int. Kevin McCarthy and Maureen Stapleton, Eli Wallach, and Susan and John Strasberg, 1983–84. Monroe sketches: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 265; W. J. Weatherby corr., 1984; int. Susan Strasberg, 1983. Monroe bequest: int. Jim Haspiel, 1984.

  193 Monroe and Rostens: corr. and int. Norman Rosten, 1984; Norman Rosten, 1952. Sonnets: Slatzer, 136. Manhattan: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 253. Yeats: Selected Poetry. Patricia Rosten: Peary, 321; Norman Rosten, Newsday, Aug. 1, 1982.

  Chapter 19

  202 Miller response: corr., 1982–84.

  203 Miller background: Arthur Miller, ‘A Boy Grew in Brooklyn,’ Holiday, March 1955; Allan Seager, ‘The Creative Agony of Arthur Miller,’ Esquire, Oct. 1959; Samuel Freedman, New York Times, Oct. 23, 1983; Jim Cook, ‘Inside Story of a Romance,’ New York Post and Los Angeles Mirror-News, July 1956; Robert Martin; Tony Schwartz, ‘Miller’s Return to die “U”,’ New York Times Magazine, Dec. 2, 1973; Josh Greenfeld, ‘Writing Plays Is Absolutely Senseless,’ New York Times Magazine, Feb. 13, 1972; ‘It’s Miller Time — Again,’ Los Angeles Times Calendar, June 10, 1984; Profile, London Observer, Oct. 14, 1956; Ira Wolfert, ‘Arthur Miller, Playwright in Search of His Identity,’ New York Times, 1953; Murray Schumach, ‘Arthur Miller Grew in Brooklyn,’ New York Times, 1949; Dan Sullivan, ‘Arthur Miller, Harvest Time,’ Los Angeles Times, Oct. 5, 1980.

  203 Time: Robert Ajemian, int. Arthur Miller, April 1956.

  204 ‘Triangle’ in plays: Zolotow, Marilyn, 259.

  204 Marilyn and Miller reunion: Zolotow, Marilyn, 263. April contact: Robert Ajemian, int. Arthur Miller.

  205 Leonardi: New York Post, July 8, 1956.

  205 Marilyn dinner parties: Robert Ajemian, int. Arthur Miller; int. Maureen Stapleton, 1983.

  206 MM on political freedom: Alan Levy, ‘A Good Long Look at Myself,’ Redbook, Aug. 1962.

  206 Close friend: Alan Levy, Redbook, Aug. 1962.

  206 DiMaggio’s reading: Meaker, 39.

  206 Miller’s intellect: Parsons, 232.

  206 Rosten: Norman Rosten, 36.

  206 Time: Robert Ajemian int. Arthur Miller.

  208 Kargers in New Jersey: int. Bennett Short and Anne Batté, 1983.

  208 DiMaggio pursuit: Wilson, Show Business Nobody Knows, 312; int. Wilson and Henry Rosenfeld, 1984. Row: Zolotow, Marilyn, 243; Haspiel: int., 1984.

  209 Marilyn joke: int. Patti Karger and Bennett Short, 1983. Karger in New York: Guiles, Norma Jean, 202. Rosenfeld: int. Henry Rosenfeld and Norman Rosten, 1984.

  210 Rainier scheme: int. Gardner and Fleur Cowles, and Milton and Amy Greene, 1983–84. Call to Kelly: Graham, Confessions, 135.

  211 Brando: int. Milton and Amy Greene; Movieland, Dec. 1954; George Barris int. MM, New York Daily News, Aug. 17, 1962. Sex appeal: int. Pete Martin, Saturday Evening Post, May 5, 1956. Photograph: collection of Amy Greene. Phone calls in last days: corr. and int. Ralph Roberts, 1983–44.

  212 Wilson interview: New York Post, Oct. 2, 1955; int. Wilson, 1984.

  212 Marriage discussion: Jim Cook, New York Post, July 8, 1956.

  212 Anna Christie: int. Maureen Stapleton, 1983. Lytess: Bill Tusher, Movie Mirror, May 1957. Kim Stanley: American Film, June 1983.

  213 Strasberg praise: Logan, 43; int. Joshua Logan, 1984.

  213 Dressing room: Dorothy Manning, Photoplay, Oct. 1956; Sidney Skolsky, New York Post, Aug. 2, 1955.

  213 Contract: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 266; int. Amy Greene, 1984.

  214 Olivier press conference: Time, Feb. 20, 1956; Kiernan, Sir Larry, 257; Manning: Photoplay, Oct. 1956.

  215 ‘Schizoid’: Olivier, 205.

  215 Psychiatric care (during 1954): Carpozi, 114; and Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 207.

  215 Gottlieb: int., 1984.

  215 Corday: int., 1983.

  216 Drug equipment: Otash, 80; int. Fred Otash, 1983.

  216 Psychiatric care: Stopped: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 226. Greene: int., 1983. Haspiel: int., 1984.

  216 Miller: Robert Ajemian int. Arthur Miller.

  216 Wilder: Goodman, 227.

  216 Rosenfeld: int., 1984.

  216 Fletcher: Photoplay, Sept. 1965.

  217 Leonardi: New York Post, July 15, 1956.

  217 Notebook: Richard Gellman, American Weekly, May 1, 1960.

  217 Pills: int. Milton and Amy Greene, 1983–84.

  218 Strasberg help: Adams, Imperfect Genius, 263; Int. John Strasberg, 1984.

  218 Time: May 14, 1956.

  218 Goodman: Goodman, 231.

  219 Rosten: int., 1984; Norman Rosten, Newsday, Aug. 1, 1962.

  Chapter 20

  220 Reception: Time, May 14, 1956.

  220 Bus Stop: int. Joshua Logan and Milton Greene, 1983–84; Logan, 42.

  221 Adler row: Robert Ajemian Int. Arthur Miller.

  221 Lytess: Lytess, 27.

  221 Paula Strasberg: int. Susan and John Strasberg; Adams, Imperfect Genius; Strasberg, 75.

  222 ‘Iron fence’: int. Rosie Steinberg, 1983.

  222 Murray incident: Carpozi, 133.

  223 Tranquilizers: Guiles, Norma Jean, 229.

  223 Limousine: Adams, 269

  223 Illness: New York Times, April 13, 1956.

  224 Press: int. William R. Woodfield, 1984.

  224 Time interview: int. Brad Darrach, 1984.

  225 Newcomb: int. Pat Newcomb and Rupert Allan, 1983–84.

  226 Lange: Hoyt, 176.

  226 Psychiatrist: int. Milton Greene, 1983.

  226 Reviews: New York Times, New York Herald, New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 1, 1956.

  226 Award: Graham, Confessions, 114.

  226 Logan: int., 1984; int. Wil
son, New York Post, Sept. 1956.

  Chapter 21

  227 ‘Mr and Mrs Leslie’: Goode, 17; Jim Cook, New York Post, July 8, 1956; Robert Ajemian Int. Arthur Miller, April 1956.

  227 Mann: int. May Mann, 1983.

  228 House Un-American Activities Committee: Transcript of proceedings for June 21, 1956, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1956; Feinman, 170ff.; Huston, chap. 11; Bentley; Cogley. McCarthy: Richard Rovere, ‘The Frivolous Demagogue,’ Esquire, Aug. 1958; George Will, New York Times, June 15, 1984. Miller session: Jim Cook, New York Post, July 13, 1956. Winchell: undated column, June 1956. Steinbeck: John Steinbeck, ‘The Trial of Arthur Miller,’ Esquire, June 1957; Weatherby, 125; Los Angeles Times, June 22 and July 1, 1956, June 1 and 19, 1957; New York Daily News, June 22 and July 26, 1956; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, May 29, 1957; Hollywood Citizen-News, Feb. 18, 1957. Walter: Robert Martin, 291.

  230 Marilyn on HUAC: Newsweek, July 2, 1956; Los Angeles Times, Aug. 8, 1958. In Washington: int. Eli Wallach, 1984; Guiles, Norma Jean, 247; Signoret, 290; int. Henry Rosenfeld, 1984. Skouras threat: Signoret, 290; Life, Aug. 3, 1962; Weatherby, 54.

  230 Greenson: int. Danny Greenson, 1984.

  231 Strasbergs and ‘communism’: Adams, Imperfect Genius, 172ff., 242; Capell, 43.

  231 FBI releases: 1956 segment of Monroe documents released to author, 1983, and to Robert Slatzer, 1980.

  231 Hoover: Wallace et al., 628.

  232 Rosten call: Norman Rosten, 34.

  232 Repairman: Newsweek, July 2, 1956.

  232 Wedding: New York Daily News, June 22 and 27, 1956; Los Angeles Times, July 2 and 3, 1956; Los Angeles Herald-Express June 28, 1956; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, June 30, July 3 and 4, 1956; Los Angeles Mirror-News, June 30, 1956; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 287ff.; Westchester News, July 3, 1956.

  232 Miller’s parents: Flora Rheta Schreiber, ‘Remembrance of Marilyn,’ Good Housekeeping, Jan. 1963; Life, July 16, 1956.

  235 Jewish ceremony: Susan Wender, ‘Marilyn Enters a Jewish Family,’ Modern Screen, Nov. 1956.

  235 Greene: int. 1983–84.

  235 Rosten: Norman Rosten, 38.

  235 Ring: Guiles, Norma Jean, 252.

  235 ‘Hope’: Wagenknecht, Seven Daughters of the Theater, 202.

  Chapter 22

  236 ‘Gershwin’: Harris 186.

  236 Press coverage: London Daily Mail, March 21, June 13, July 13, 14, 1956; London Daily Herald, April 27, 1956; London Daily Mirror, May 14, 1956. Bicycle: London Daily Sketch, July 16, 1956.

  237 Millers at home: London Daily Mail, July 16 and 17, 1956; AP, July 14, 1956.

  237 Coward: Payne and Morley, 308.

  237 Olivier and Monroe meetings: Winters, 299; Harris, 183.

  237 The Prince and the Showgirl: Olivier, chap. 10; Kiernan, Sir Larry, 257; Time, May 14, 1956; int. Joshua Logan, John Huston, Billy Wilder, 1983–84.

  238 ‘Count?’: Johnson and Leventhal, 206.

  238 ‘Amateur’: Los Angeles Mirror, Dec. 3, 1956.

  238 Cardiff: London Sunday Dispatch, series in Nov. 1956.

  239 Monroe on Olivier: Weatherby, 61.

  239 Lateness: Harris, 188.

  239 ‘Child’: Parsons, 232.

  239 Miller journey: McKnight notes (Zolotow collection); Maurice Zolotow, ‘Who Runs Marilyn Monroe?’ Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Dec. 12, 1956.

  239 Greene: London Sunday Dispatch, Nov. 8, 1956; Maurice Zolotow, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, int. Milton Greene, 1983–84.

  240 Greene ousted: Los Angeles Times, April 12 and 17, 1957; New York Times, April 12, 1957; Guiles, Norma Jean, 263–73; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 303.

  240 Coward: Payne and Morley, 358.

  241 Queen: Daily Sketch, Oct. 30, 1956.

  241 Apology: London Daily Mail, Nov. 17, 1956.

  241 Definition of love: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 265.

  241 Note incident: Guiles, Norma Jean, 260; int. Bob Josephy and James Haspiel, 1984; Bigsby 589; Miller, After the Fall, 114.

  243 Greene affair: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 227; Davis, Suitcase, 238; int. Milton Greene, 1984.

  243 Press and sleeping: New York Daily News, July 16, 1956; Guiles, Norma Jean, 259; int. Milton Greene, 1984.

  244 Sitwell: London Daily Mail, July 16, 1956; Newsweek, Aug. 6, 1956; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 6, 1962.

  244 Leigh miscarriage: Strasberg, 85.

  244 Monroe pregnant?: Alan Arnold, publicity director of Prince, in Sunday Dispatch, Nov. 1956; Louella Parsons, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 2, 1957.

  244 Tynan: Kiernan, Sir Larry, 259ff.

  Chapter 23

  246 Marilyn on marriage: int. Richard Meryman, Life, Nov. 4, 1966.

  246 Jamaica: AP, Jan. 15, 1957; Carpozi, 145.

  246 Apartment: Guiles, Norma Jean, 271; int. James Haspiel, 1984; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 314.

  246 Piano: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 14.

  246 Apartment: Elsa Maxwell, American Weekly, May 12, 1957.

  247 Marilyn on marriage: Movieland, March 1957; Redbook, Feb. 1958; Parsons, 232; Alan Levy, ‘A Good Long Look at Myself,’ Redbook, Aug. 1962; Lester David int. June 1957, pub. This Week, Los Angeles Times, April 12, 1964; Adele Whitely Fletcher, Photoplay, Sept. 1965.

  247 Nicknames: Look, Oct. 1, 1957.

  247 Collected plays: Corrigan, 5.

  247 Miller: Redbook, Feb. 1958.

  248 NY activity: Look, Oct. 1, 1957.

  248 Father: Flora R. Schreiber, Good Housekeeping, Jan. 1963.

  248 Stepmother: Alan Levy, ‘A Good Long Look at Myself,’ Redbook, Aug. 1962; int. Lionel Newman and James Haspiel, 1983–84.

  248 Domesticity: int. Maureen Stapleton and Norman Rosten, 1983–84; Norman Rosten, 54.

  249 McCarthy: int., 1983.

  249 Miller: ‘Marilyn Stands by Her Man,’ Movieland, July 1957.

  249 Marilyn summoned: Carpozi, 146.

  249 Slatzer: con. Slatzer; Confidential, May 1957.

  249 DiMaggio: Roderick Man, London Daily Express, July 16, 1956.

  250 Note: Norman Rosten, 50.

  250 Amagansett: N. Polsky, ‘And the Lord Taketh Away,’ Modern Screen, Nov. 1957; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 312; Look, Oct. 1, 1957.

  251 Premiere: Los Angeles Times, This Week, Dec. 11, 1960.

  251 Superintendents: Joe Hyams, New York Herald Tribune, July 3, 1957.

  251 Baby: Los Angeles Times, This Week, April 12, 1964; int. Danny Greenson, 1984; Norman Rosten, 46; Wagenknecht, Seven Daughters of the Theater, 208, London Observer, Oct. 14, 1956.

  252 Miscarriage: N. Polsky, ‘And the Lord Taketh Away,’ Modern Screen, Nov. 1957; ‘Let My Baby Live,’ Movie Stars Parade, Nov. 1957; Louella Parsons, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 2, 1957; UPI, Aug. 1, 1957; AP, Aug. 1, 1957; Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 316; Graham, Confessions, 141; Carpozi, 148; Norman Rosten, 72.

  253 Pepitone: int. 1984; Pepitone and Stadiem, 27 and 48.

  253 Estate: int. Bob Josephy, 1984; Hollis Alpert, The Dreams and The Dreamers, New York: Macmillan, 1962; Look, Oct. 1, 1957; Harris, 191; Norman Rosten, 66ff.; author’s research on Diebolds, 1984; Patricia Rosten on Marilyn, Peary, 321.

  254 Marilyn and nature: int. Inez Melson, 1983; Miller, ‘Please Don’t Kill Anything,’ Stories by Arthur Miller, 1967.

  255 Boys in park: int. James Haspiel, 1985.

  255 Nasturtiums: int. Rupert Allan, 1983.

  255 Rosten: corr. and int. Norman Rosten, 1984; Norman Rosten, 75 and 55; ‘A Friend Remembers Marilyn,’ Newsday, Aug. 1, 1982.

  256 ‘Help’: Norman Rosten, flyleaf.

  Chapter 24

  257 Beaton: Cecil Beaton, The Face of the World, New York: John Day, 1957.

  257 Life issue: Arthur Miller, ‘My Wife Marilyn,’ Life, Dec. 22, 1958.

  257 Clift: Bosworth, 297; LaGuardia, 191.

  258 Arrival: Los Angeles Times and Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, July 9, 1958; This Week, Los Angeles Times, Oct.5, 1958.

  258 Some Like It Hot: Zolotow, Marilyn Monroe, 320; Guil
es, Norma Jean, 285; LaGuardia, 192.

  258 Obscenity: int. Billy Wilder, 1983; Guiles, Norma Jean, 287.

  259 Champagne: New York Daily News, Feb. 3, 1960.

  259 Arrogance: Carpozi, 152.

  259 Shearer: Parade, Dec. 7, 1958.

  259 Wilder: Parade, Dec. 7, 1958; int., 1983.

  261 Rosten letter: Norman Rosten, 76.

  261 Doctors: Carpozi, 150.

  261 Wilder and Miller: int. Billy Wilder, 1983.

  263 Rosten letter: Norman Rosten, 77.

  263 Pregnancy ends: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Oct. 18 and Nov. 17, 1958; Los Angeles Times, Nov. 1 and Dec. 18, 1958; AP, Dec. 18, 1958; Carpozi, 153; Norman Rosten, 71.

  263 Marriage founders: Norman Rosten, 79; Strasberg, 125; Adams, Imperfect Genius, 267; int. Maureen Stapleton and Martin Ritt, 1983.

  264 Miller at work: Allan Seager, ‘The Creative Agony of Arthur Miller,’ Esquire, Oct. 1959.

  264 British interview: David Lewin, London Daily Express, May 6, 1959.

  265 Khrushchev: Fisher, 172; Guiles, Norma Jean, 292; int. Hildi Greenson, 1983.

  265 Sukarno: int. Joshua Logan, 1984; AP and UPI, May 31, 1956; int. Gloria Romanoff and Robert Slatzer, 1983; Smith, chap. 14; Powers, 341; Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders; in Marshall Noble, formerly U.S. State Dept., dealing with Far East Public Affairs, 1985; Adams, Dictator, 160; int. Joseph Shimon, 1985; Author’s correspondence with Smith, 1984.

  265 Monroe and Sukarno: Norman Rosten, 72; corr. Joseph B. Smith, 1984.

  Chapter 25

  267 Dressing room: Norman Rosten, 79.

  267 Leading man: Joe Hyams, ‘The Frenchman Who Rescued Marilyn,’ New York Herald Tribune, This Week, Aug. 21, 1960.

  267 Marilyn on Montand: Joe Hyams, New York Herald Tribune; Look, 1960.

  268 Miller on Montand: Joe Hyams, New York Herald Tribune; Look, 1960.

  268 Montand and Marilyn: Signoret, chap. 11.

  269 Waiting: Life, Aug. 15, 1960.

  269 Marilyn and doctors: int. with doctors and family of psychiatrist, Dr Ralph Greenson, 1983–84.

  270 Censor: int. Frank McCarthy, 1983.


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