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Finding Hope (The Others Book 2)

Page 16

by Sabrina Rue

  The timbre of it struck to the bone, made her turn slowly to face him. He placed a midnight blue silk robe over a fallen log and turned his back.

  He wanted her to slip from Change. She backed up a foot, her paws silent on the earth.

  “Don’t leave. I won’t hurt you. I swear it.” He held his hand out to the side in a fist and she could see the blood dripping between his fingers. He spread his long fingers and she thought he had beautiful hands. “I vow it in blood.”

  Moving back into her human form, she put the robe on and tied it. Walking closer to him, she used her canines to nick the pad of her palm. As the blood welled, she took his hand.

  The instant they touched, everything about her life changed.

  He looked over his shoulder. A tall male with a face that was too stunning to look upon. He had thick silver hair that moved in the breeze and silver eyes.

  “My name is Titus.”

  “I know.”

  He turned to her fully and removed a handkerchief from his elegant three-piece suit. Lifting her hand, he cleaned it of their blood. He didn’t release it.

  “Do you know why I’m here, Desiree?” She nodded. “I know you’re young, frightened.”

  “I’m not going to get older very quickly.”

  The curve of his lips made her heart slam in her chest. “The time I must wait is nothing to one such as me.”

  Inhaling carefully, she asked, “You…would wait?”

  “For eternity. I’ve already waited an eternity.” From his pocket, he removed a small leather pouch. “When you return to Change, take this with you.” He placed it in her other hand.

  “What is it?”

  “A gift. A promise.”

  She stared at him for a long moment in silence. “I’ll try not to be afraid.”

  Stepping closer, he held her hand between both of his. “It’s alright to be afraid. You’re stronger than you believe yourself to be, Desiree.” The glint of his canines was bright in the dim light of the crescent moon. “You’ll soon know it as I do.”

  Swallowing, she whispered, “Thank you, Titus.”

  He closed his eyes. “To hear you utter my name after so many millennia…” Opening them, the silver glowed bright. “I look forward to hearing you say it in the future.”

  Lifting her hand, he kissed the back. “You should return to your home. Dawn approaches.” He turned and added, “I’ll bring the robe with me when I visit.”

  Slipping it from her body, she laid the robe on the log and entered Change. He turned to her when she released a huff.

  Crouching in front of her, he stroked long fingers over her head. “How beautiful you are, little Wolf. I’ll see you again.”

  She picked up the pouch in her teeth and ran for home. Stepping up on the porch, she pulled on her dressing gown and went to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  Opening the pouch, she poured a necklace into her hand as well as a slim cell phone.

  As she turned it on, a text appeared on the screen.

  Until we meet again, little Wolf…I dream of you.

  Dropping her robe over her vanity chair, she slipped into her bed and pulled her blankets over her naked body.

  In her mind, images she’d taken from Titus when their hands met returned to her. Some were memories, good and bad. Others were people he’d known.

  Then there were his dreams.

  In them, she looked down at her own face from his body, watched her eyes flutter in obvious pleasure, listened to the moans she made, the way she sighed his name.

  Every part of her body was hot, trembling with need she’d never experienced outside of Heat. Need she’d never expected to feel so young or with a male not of her kind.

  Need that required sating or she’d never get to sleep.

  Touching herself, she stayed in his dream, experienced his ecstasy in fucking her, and came with a low gasp.

  She’d been restless, irritable, and off-balance since returning from Montana.

  It seemed, at last, she’d found the cure.


  The Others – Book One

  Eugene, Oregon

  Harmony Kassis was hurting, filthy, and so fucking tired.

  Tired of running, tired of hiding, and tired of wondering if today would be the day she died…or worse.

  There were many things worse than death.

  Anyone who believed dying was the most destructive event that could happen to a person hadn’t been pushed to the edge of their sanity.

  She no longer feared death. She feared every sunrise signaling another day, another fight to survive.

  If today was her last day to breathe, only Hope would mourn her.

  From where she stood, Harmony could see her parked car. She might be able to shake them long enough for a head start.

  They found her so fast now.

  Someone new had joined the hunt over the last two weeks.

  Because he was stronger and faster than the ones who came before him, Harmony hadn’t been able to stay in one place more than a few hours before being forced to run again.

  She hadn’t seen his face, thank the gods. He hadn’t gotten close enough to her…yet. Each time, the hunter closed the distance to his prey a bit more.

  This time, she watched the silhouette of his body against the setting sun from her hiding place. He faced in the opposite direction, two buildings away. His build and stance told her she’d never be able to take him in a hand-to-hand confrontation in the condition she was in.

  If he caught her, it was over.

  He traveled with two others she’d never glimpsed before. They scoured the rooftops further away as he watched, head slightly tilted, dark hair lifting in the breeze.

  Her car was in the parking garage that separated them. She had to leave it. There was nothing in it worth her life.

  Though she didn’t fear death, her parents raised her to understand life was sacred, worth the struggle, worth the pain.

  One did not quit because they were tired.

  For them, for the beautiful memories they gave her, for the twin sister she believed was still alive, Harmony prepared to run yet again.

  Perhaps she’d make it.

  There was no one faster on level ground. If she failed, it wouldn’t be because her parents’ child gave up.

  She wouldn’t go down easy, that was for damn sure.

  There was no time to dwell on what might happen. She crawled from the ventilation system and straightened slowly, silently.

  Shrugging her narrow backpack over her shoulders, she readied her body to take the first step toward the edge of the roof, toward escape, toward one more day of life.

  No matter how futile it felt.

  As her foot lifted, a sharp wind whipped passed her, blowing her long ponytail in the direction of the hunter.

  Even from a distance, she sensed his body still.

  He started to turn. His body hadn’t completed the full movement before he was running, coiling to jump from his roof to the roof of the parking garage between them.

  Oh, fuck. No.

  Running hard to the edge, Harmony leapt over the side in desperation, uncaring if there was anything for her to grab. The fire escape of the building next door was there, and she used it to reach the drainpipe.

  On the ground, she didn’t waste a second to check the location of her pursuer. Mentally calculating the layout of the city streets, she put all her resources into her legs.

  They’d never failed her before and she had to trust they would do their best to save her now.

  One block, two, and she warmed to the pace. Relaxing into the movement, she allowed her body to do something it loved.

  She shoved the danger from her mind and focused on how many times she’d outrun people bigger and stronger.

  With a trace of a smile, she recalled their expressions of shock and frustration every time it happened.

  Time and time again, her body accomplished what Harmony t
hought impossible. Despite exhaustion, malnourishment, lack of clean water, and a never-ending chase, she was strong.

  Days before the new hunter joined the chase, she was cornered by two others. Beaten and nearly raped, she bit and clawed her way to freedom. Even then, her body hadn’t failed her.

  Malnourished, unable to seek medical attention, and without the resources to tend herself, the worst wounds she’d sustained that night still hadn’t healed.

  She’d been running for almost four years and she questioned why the man continued to pursue her. He didn’t want her and there was no one left to stand for the Kassis sisters.

  Why wouldn’t he let her go and forget her existence? Had she done something to cause his fury? Had she unknowingly offended him?

  There was little time to question the men intent on capturing, raping, and killing her. She usually slayed them and kept running.

  Above and behind, something heavy hit the roof of a building she passed in a blur.

  Unfamiliar terror threatened to rise up and strangle her. She thought she heard her name, but the blood pounded too loudly in her ears to be certain.

  Harmony was too tired for a distance chase and her hip hurt so fucking bad. Her only chance of survival was to put miles between herself and the hunter.

  Otherwise, this time they’d catch her, beat her, and finish her rape before taking her life. Another nameless casualty in a never-ending war she did not understand.

  Please. Someone help me. Please.

  Crush down the fear.

  Ignore the pain.

  Don’t fucking think.

  Just run.

  Look for “Chasing Harmony” on Amazon!


  The Others – Book Three

  Desiree Blackwell’s first memory was of her mother Redbird. A woman so beautiful, so kind, that she infused her small child with feelings of light and peace with every touch.

  At three, her brother’s best friend grabbed her as she fell. Her screams startled Jax and everyone around them. She babbled about Daemons and death for hours until their doctor diagnosed her as one of Were kinds’ few empaths.

  From that moment, every touch she received was carefully orchestrated.

  Only her mother was capable of consistently blocking every negative emotion and memory without conscious thought. Everyone else had baggage she was not to be exposed to under any circumstances.

  It left her lonely, isolated, in ways that were difficult to explain. Her charmed life as a member of Were royalty, a rare female of full blood, meant little when she was alone with her thoughts at the end of each day that went on and on.

  Other than comforting the elderly and very small children, she had little purpose among her Pack.

  She endured her Heats alone to strengthen her body. Taking a casual lover to spend time with when she wasn’t in Heat was impossible.

  Were males couldn’t be trusted to guard their thoughts at their most vulnerable and Desiree couldn’t promise not to absorb every moment of their lives at her most vulnerable.

  So, she existed alone. Maintained strong relationships with her family and the members of Texas Pack but was unaccustomed to physical contact or affection.

  Without preparation, she could not be touched.

  After two decades of living in such a way, she began to wonder if anyone would ever touch her in moments of laughter, joy, love, or desire.

  Then she learned about her Mate.

  Look for “Keeping Desiree” on Amazon!


  A Paranormal Romance

  Delaney survived a nightmare as a child. Now a grown woman, she puts on a happy face for friends and family so they don’t worry. When her parents bring her a rescue dog named Kody, she clings to him to ease her loneliness and feelings of isolation.

  Kody was born a Shifter. The shape that always came easiest was a small dog he’d seen as a child. When he finds himself captured, locked in pet jail, and adopted by a nice older couple, he bides his time to make his escape. Then he meets Laney and understands she needs him more than he needs his freedom.

  You need this heartfelt love story from paranormal author, Sabrina Rue. It will keep you reading until the very last page.

  Read “A Devoted Companion” now.


  Sabrina Rue is a paranormal author who focuses on the human condition...with all the horror and beauty it entails.

  She’s been writing and publishing for several years under another author name and looks forward to sharing the fruits of her secretive labor. If you love the crazy, upside down spaces, you need more Sabrina in your life (and your reading list).

  Writing as…

  Sabrina Rue – Amazon Author Home

  Writing as…

  Shayne McClendon – Amazon Author Home

  Writing as…

  Charlize Rojos – Amazon Author Home




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