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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 14

by K E Osborn

  Pulling my bottom lip in by my teeth, I grin widely as I jut my hip out to the side and raise my brow. He shakes his head, placing his helmet on the ground beside him. “Don’t say a fuckin’ word about how I’m dressed, foxy.” He steps up to me, his hands moving either side of the doorframe holding himself in place. As he looks into my eyes, his are sparkling with mischief. He leans down pressing his lips to mine quickly before pulling back and looking me up and down.

  “Wasn’t going to say a word about how you actually scrub up quite nicely when you put some effort in.” I shake my head. “No, I wouldn’t dare say anything like that.”

  A low grumble echoes from his chest as he narrows his eyes at me. “It’s lucky I like you, Heeley. I let you get away with way too much.”

  Running my hand up his chest, I grip onto his shirt and smile. “Best you keep letting me get away with shit, too. If you know what’s good for you.” I lean up at the same time and yank him to me pressing my lips to his again before I quickly pull away. Turning, I walk into my house leaving him leaning against my doorframe with a cocky smirk on his face.

  He chuckles as I grab my cell and bag, no time to change into jeans now, then I turn back to see him watching my every move like a creeper. I let out a laugh and shake my head, walking up to him and push his chest making him turn around as he grabs his helmet from the ground and heads back toward his ride. I close the door behind me and lock it as I place my keys in my small clutch then wrap the long strap around my torso. He smiles at me as we walk to his bike, and I can’t contain my smirk.

  He chuckles. “Like the idea of riding something with some real power?”

  I nod. “Yeah. Plus, hanging onto you kinda gets me excited.”

  He raises his brow. “Wait… what? Did you just say something nice to me instead of throwing me sass?”

  I jolt back in fake shock. “Shit! I’m losing my touch. This whole you asking me on a date thing has thrown me off my game. Quick, call me woman and remind me you’re nothing but a caveman.”

  He steps in close to me, so close his aftershave floods my senses and makes my stomach dance in appreciation. His hand gently slides up my arm making goosebumps pop up all over my skin as he looks deep into my eyes. “Tonight, it’s about you and me. No club business. No Andrettis. Nothing but you and me. No caveman necessary. I wanna do this right, Heeley.”

  My chest tightens as a wave of excitement flows through me. This is a different side of Torque—I haven’t met this man. He seems interesting, not that I don’t like the bossy caveman, but I like this side of Torque just as much. I merely nod with a genuine smile as his hand shifts up and caresses my cheek. I curl into his hand, needing to feel him as he leans in pressing his lips to mine tenderly. The kiss isn’t rushed. It isn’t hard. It isn’t furious. It’s soft. Gentle. Passionate. So I kiss him back letting him know he couldn’t have said anything more perfect if he tried.

  My lips tingle, a popping sensation igniting, sending a wave of energy all around us. Kissing him is a euphoria I’m quickly overwhelmed by but loving every second. I could kiss him forever, and it still wouldn’t be long enough. Eventually, though, he does pull back with the biggest of grins on his face as he looks into my eyes. His stunning blue orbs are sparkling with light and life in them I haven’t seen before. He looks illuminated, and I relish watching the energy I see in him right now.

  He lets out a deep, contented sigh and subtly looks at his watch. “As much as I want to stay here and kiss the shit outta you all night in your driveway, if we wanna make the movie, we need to go.”

  Nodding, I let him go, and we move to his ride. He hands me the passenger helmet, which I’m grateful is not pink, and I slide it on as he throws his leg over his bike. I jump up on my toes excitedly as I look to him, and he tilts his head in a gesture of ‘come on.’ So I grab hold of him and slide on behind him. My legs wrap around him effortlessly as my feet find the rests. My hands slide in around his waist, and I grip on tight as the engine starts and the vibration rumbles between my legs. It’s like an instant aphrodisiac. The moment I feel the power of the engine, I’m already weak at the knees. I find the rush of riding my bike somewhat euphoric, so I can only imagine what being behind Torque and feeling the power of his Harley is going to be like.

  I can’t wait!

  He starts to back the bike out of my drive, and I’m grinning so hard my cheeks hurt. He reverses out on to the road then moves it into position to pull on the throttle, while I twist my fingers together around his stomach and hold on tightly. I know he isn’t going to go easy, so my knees push into his thighs. I want to wrap myself in him completely. I’m beyond excited.

  He revs the engine a couple of times to let me know we’re ready, and before I can prepare myself, he pulls back, and we’re off. The wind is flowing through my hair as I let out a small shriek at the pure power of his baby. I hold tightly and move with him as I need to in just the right way, our bodies riding the bike as one. We’re moving in perfect unison as he takes turns, and he doesn’t take anything lightly. He makes no hesitations. Let’s face it, he doesn’t take anything easy.

  Right now, the bike is full throttle—to the max—and I’m loving every fucking second. My energy levels are spiking as I cling to him. It may be a wild ride, but the thrill of it arouses me even more.

  The fact I’m having my first Harley ride with Torque? That thought’s even better.

  The fact my pussy’s pressing against his ass, and add in the vibration of the engine? Well, it’s only making for an invigorating experience as my libido gets a work out too. I chew down on my bottom lip as my clit begins to throb. I inch closer to him needing that little bit more pressure against myself as I rub against his ass.

  The intoxication of being free on the road, the power of the engine, and the pure energy of Torque all wrapped up in one is having a profound effect on me. I never thought I’d be the type of woman to openly try to seek my pleasure in public, but right now, I need some relief, and if pressing myself against Torque’s ass is going to do that, then I’m all for it. I just hope he thinks I’m hanging on tighter so as to not fall off, not trying to ease the ache in my pussy.

  I press harder, biting my bottom lip as the pressure releases slightly, but not entirely as he turns into the parking lot of the theater. I grimace as he pulls into a parking space and turns off the bike. I distance myself, trying to calm my breathing and gather my thoughts before he sees me, and I make a fool of myself in front of him.

  He taps my leg, so I slide off behind him making the tension roll away from my clit. As I move to undo my helmet, he slides off the bike and quickly loosens his. He looks at me, and a cocky grin adorns his face. “You okay?”

  I raise my eyebrows and swallow hard while pulling off my helmet. “Yeah. Why?”

  Shit. My voice comes out higher pitched than I mean it to, and I’m more defensive than I was aiming for.

  Torque places his helmet on the seat of his bike as he looks me over assessing me. “You were holding on really… really, tight.”

  Smiling, I nod. “Excitement. The power of your bike… yeah, sorry, got a little carried away.”

  He grins knowingly. “Okay. As long as you weren’t scared.”

  I scoff. “Hell no!”

  He steps up to me and reaches out taking my hand. “C’mon, we got a movie to see.”

  “What are we watching?”

  He snorts. “I have no idea. Some RomCom or some shit.”

  Tilting my head, I smile. “You want to see a RomCom?”

  He shakes his head adamantly. “No, not particularly. But I figured it would be your kind of movie, so I picked that one.”

  As we walk into the building, I let out a surprised huff. “Huh! Well, aren’t you pulling out all the stops.”

  He shrugs. “I told you, I wanna do this right.”

  Smiling, I tighten my hand in his. “So far, so good.”

  His grin is extra wide as we approach the cashier’s desk. We step up, a
nd he purchases the tickets, a large popcorn, and two massive sodas which I’ll never be able to drink in a month of

  Sundays. We head down awkwardly carrying everything, including our helmets as we make our way to the theater.

  We take our seats at the back and to the side. It’s a Tuesday night, so it’s pretty dead in here. There’s another couple in the middle of the theater, but other than that, the place is empty.

  We pull the armrest between us up so we can sit closer to each other, and I smile as he wraps his arm around me. I cuddle into his side, and we make small talk as the preshow previews roll on. Though, the entire time all I can think about is how my clit is still throbbing from that bike ride, and how nothing we talk about or anything I think about is dulling the damn ache. The fact he’s being a complete fucking gentleman right now is only making matters worse because he’s being so fucking perfect, he’s melting my heart. You wouldn’t even know this man beside me is the president of an MC by the way he’s acting tonight.

  The lights dim, the curtains open wider, and the movie starts. Torque and I stop talking as I face the screen to watch the movie. His arm tightens around me, and his hand drops around my neck as I rest my head on his shoulder. My hand moves to pause on his thigh. It’s all innocent enough, sweet even, until about a quarter of the way through the movie, when my clit is in overdrive and on comes the love scene in the movie.

  I tense up slightly as I watch the couple on the screen going at it like rabbits. My breathing’s becoming heavier as I try my hardest to keep it together, but every part of me is screaming for some kind of relief. I feel Torque tensing beside me as well, like he’s as affected by what’s on the screen, probably thinking about what it would be like for us to be together.

  I can’t contain myself anymore. My hand on his thigh moves without my permission. It slides up, slowly, but he doesn’t flinch or react to my movement as my hand slides over the prominent bulge in his pants. His cock is hard, and I chew on my bottom lip as I begin to slowly rub on top of his pants. He shifts slightly as if to give me approval, and it’s all I need as I try to be as quiet as I can and undo his buckle, then his button and zipper to pull out his cock. I can’t see in the darkness, but as I grab his dick in my hand, I know it’s freaking huge. It’s hard, long, and thick, and feels fucking perfect as I begin to stroke it up and down.

  He lets out a low hiss through his teeth as his arm around my shoulders moves so I can sit up higher, then his hand moves down and he begins to pull my skirt up.


  Moans echo through the theater, and as much as I wish I were able to let mine out from what I expect Torque is about to do to me, they’re coming from the movie, which is only heightening this moment. His hand runs up my thigh as I continue to stroke up and down on his cock. His fingers slide in between my legs as I part them just enough for him to gain access.

  Pulling my panties to the side, his finger doesn’t waste time as it heads straight for my clit. I let out a small whimper as I swallow hard trying to keep myself together. The jolt of pleasure flows through me. This is what I have needed all night. He circles on me, and it’s like a fucking burst of energy rushes through me. I’ve wanted this for so long it’s like I can barely stand it. It’s almost painful as he presses on me in an absolutely perfect way. I stoke him, he circles on me, and we work each other up together in blissful harmony at the back of the theater.

  We’re trying to keep quiet, but our breathing is both rushed and harsh as he circles on my clit making my entire body flame red hot. Watching the couple on the screen going at it, while having Torque playing with my clit and thinking about riding on the back of his Harley, is like a sensory overload which I’ve not experienced before. I’m so close to the edge. I never knew tonight was going to end up like this, but fuck, I’m glad it has.

  He flicks my clit as I stroke on him a little faster. He jolts slightly, letting me know he’s close, and I know I’m right on the precipice too. My body is riddled with goosebumps as it begins to shudder.

  The couple on screen reach their climax letting out deep throaty moans as I clench my eyes shut. My breath catches as the pressure builds inside of me. He circles on me once more, and it’s enough to send a waving inferno throughout my entire body. I shudder and shake, trying my hardest to keep quiet, all while trying to maintain my strokes on him. Flashes of light strobe behind my eyes, and my body quivers as I explode in an intense orgasm. I pull my lips in together tightly trying to ride out the storm, and not to let any noise out of my mouth as I come down from my high.

  I’m attempting to hold my focus as I keep up the pace on Torque. He tenses, his cock stiffens and jolts. So I think quick, my head bobs down, and I place my lips over his thick cock, the saltiness hitting me straightaway as he comes hard while letting out a heavy breath as he thrusts his cock forward, and it almost hits the back of my throat. His hand smooths through the back of my hair as I swallow.

  I take a moment to smooth up and down his cock taking in the feel of his thick, hard length. His hand grips my hair as I leisurely ease off him with a pop and slowly sit back up.

  As I glance at him, I smirk, but before I know what’s happening, Torque turns to me and pushes me against the chair, kissing me hard. I smile into his mouth and kiss him back. This is the furthest we’ve gone, and fuck if it wasn’t amazing. If he can do all that to me with just his finger, imagine what his tongue… hell, imagine what he’s like with that giant cock.

  He pulls back, and I can only just make out the cocky smile on his face in the darkness as he looks at me and whispers, “Fuck if that wasn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever done, foxy.” He puts his cock away, and then pulls down my skirt, taking my hand in his and grabs the popcorn and begins to eat it like nothing happened. I giggle to myself and go back to watching the movie feeling my body relax in a wave of relieved calmness.

  That’s what I’ve needed.

  Probably since the moment Torque ran into my store.


  The credits roll for the movie, the lights come up, and Torque glances to me, but for some reason, I feel embarrassed to look at him.

  He chuckles, grabbing my chin and turns me to look at him, swiftly planting a chaste kiss on my lips. “Don’t ever feel ashamed for feeling the need to have some pleasure, Heeley.”

  “I can’t believe I threw myself at you like that.”

  He laughs and looks to me. “I’m glad you did. I know I enjoyed myself.”

  “Me, too,” I say with a smile.

  “See, nothing to worry about…” he pauses, “… dinner?” Torque grabs his helmet and stands up.

  “Dinner,” I reiterate.

  Reaching around, I grab my helmet, and we walk out. Torque dumps our trash, and we head across to the attached café.



  During dinner, we talked about all kinds of things. About his family, about my family. We just got to know each other. The chemistry clicked, and we hit it off in every sense of the word. Everything just feels right.

  Then he hit me with one sentence, and it threw me. “Would you like to come back to the clubhouse tonight?”

  At first, I was hesitant. The idea of going to the place where his fellow bikers are located scared the hell out of me. But I could tell by the look in his eyes it meant a lot to him, and hell, he’s really been trying tonight. So I gave in, and now we’re pulling inside a massive set of gates with my nerves shot to pieces.

  The roar of his engine dulls to nothing, and I take a deep breath and slide off his bike. Spinning, I take a look around. The compound is large, and the area is mainly concrete. There’s a huge building which is the clubhouse, I’m guessing. A row of bikes are lined up where we’ve parked, and down the back is a truck.

  Torque slides off, taking off his helmet. I follow suit, and we place them on his seat as he holds my hand, and we walk toward the entrance. He looks at me and smiles. “You’re okay, you’re with me. The brothers will be coo

  Nodding, I weakly smile and pull up my big girl panties. I showed Torque, Trax, and Lift sass when they showed up in my shop. I can do that here too. Just because there’s more of them and it’s their turf, it shouldn’t faze me too much.

  Keep your balls, Heeley.

  We step up to a door that’s inset in a big roller door. It has a logo on it of a bike engine, and on either side of the engine is a skull with wings bursting out of the sides. It’s really tastefully done, and it makes me smile as we walk in, and I look around taking everything in. I thought there would be pictures of naked women, stripper poles, and, in general, man shit everywhere, but it’s actually nice in here. As you walk in, there’s seating directly in front and to the left. It’s almost like what I’d imagine kids have at summer camps—long wooden tables with wooden benches for seats. Then directly opposite that on the right-hand wall is a modern style bar, even set up with barstools.

  A single pool table is near the back and behind it is a giant set of cream double doors which are closed. Sporadic seating, bean bags, and other generic chairs are scattered around the entire area. The décor tasteful—not all boobs and naked women like I was totally expecting. I actually really like it.

  “Huh,” I murmur, and he glances at me with a smile.

  “Good huh, or bad huh?”

  “Good… I like it.”

  He smiles wide as a woman rushes over. Her boobs bouncing a little more than normal in her boob tube.

  “Hey! Glad you’re back, and you brought a friend. Can I get you guys anything?” she asks, and it surprised me how sweet she is.

  I guess I was expecting the women here to be—I don’t know—bitchy?

  “Hey, Ruby, I don’t know? Do you wanna drink, Heeley?” Torque asks walking me further into the area where I can see a few bikers sitting around. A couple of the brothers have women on their laps, but nothing too over-the-top is going on. And none of them seem to be looking at me strangely or sizing me up which, to be honest, I was fully expecting.


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