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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 40

by K E Osborn

  “Out with it, woman,” Torque demands through a smirk.

  “We want a ladies night… us three, Freckles, Ari, maybe Ruby? What do you think?” Foxy’s voice comes out so sickly sweet I almost choke on all the sugar in the air.

  Torque’s shoulders sink as he looks at me, and I wince while shaking my head subtly. He turns back to Foxy running his hand up her leg and looks into her eyes. “As much as I want to say yes—”

  “I know there’s something happening with the club right now. I don’t know what, Sensei didn’t tell me, but before you say no, what if the girls hang out and you guys are there, too. But just like… you know, in the background and away from us, so we can dance and drink while you stare at our asses and shit,” Sass interrupts Torque.

  Foxy’s eyes light up as Neala bounces on her toes, and I look to Sass as she glances at me gnawing on her bottom lip in hope.

  “You do like to stare at my ass,” Foxy murmurs as Torque chuckles.

  “I don’t need to know that,” Neala mumbles under her breath.

  Torque glances to me, and I shrug. I guess if we’re there, we can protect them. I don’t like it, but we can’t shelter the ladies forever—they’ll end up resenting us. Plus, going out and seeing Sass dressed up sounds fucking good to me. I mean, I love her in her coveralls, but seeing her dressed up will be something for me to look forward to.

  “Fine, one night soon we’ll all go to Club Modesty. But you will stay in VIP where we can watch you. You will not drink excessively, and you will leave when we tell you to. Understand?” Torque demands.

  They all smile as Foxy leans in pressing her lips to his firmly while we all roll our eyes.

  Sass steps up to my side and wraps her arms around me. “Save one dance for me,” she whispers in my ear, and I let out a stifled laugh.

  “I do not dance, Sass.”

  She grins placing her hand on my chest and leans in against my ear. “I’ll get you dancing, don’t you worry about that.” Then she moves in further biting the side of my neck in a half-hickey half-bite making a tingle run straight down to my cock. Sass certainly knows how to tease a man as I wrap my arm around her. She giggles then presses her lips to the tender area softening the harsh sting while she stands next to me like nothing’s happened as my cock strains against my pants in a semi-erect state.

  “You can dance up on me, but I won’t be dancing, Sass... I can assure you of that. No matter how fucking hard you try to tempt me.”

  She chuckles and nods, her hand wrapping around my waist. “Fine… I’ll dance up on you then.”

  “Sheesh, I’m outta here. Two couples who can’t keep their hands off each other, when my guy’s still deciding whether his patch is more important than me. Fuck, guys are such hard work,” Neala grunts out. “See you soon, ladies,” she chimes and saunters off down the hall as Torque raises his brow.

  “Tremor’s still not making a move on Lala?” Torque asks, and I shrug.

  “I have no idea what’s happening, Pres. But I must admit, I haven’t seen them together as much. I do know he takes his patch with the utmost of seriousness, as do we all.”

  Torque nods and lets out a heavy sigh. “As he fuckin’ should. I thought I made myself clear, he’s okay to be with Lala as long as he doesn’t fuckin’ hurt her. I should talk to him. Up you get, Foxy.” Torque pats her legs, she smiles while jumping up and then leans in kissing his cheek.

  “Maybe… I mean, I know it’s none of my business, but maybe you should let them fix their love life up on their own?” Foxy states.

  Torque glances to her and raises his brow. “Don’t you think me chatting with Tremor and telling him to pull his head out of his ass will make him start treating Lala better?”

  “Or you’ll make him pull away from her even more,” Foxy states.

  I wrap my arm around Sass’s shoulders and pull her with me as we walk off leaving Torque and his Old Lady to discuss their family business alone. They don’t need us interfering with any of that.

  “So… are they about to have an argument?” Sass asks as I pull her toward the other end of the room.

  I chuckle. “Either that, or it will end up with them tearing each other’s clothes off in the middle of the clubhouse… Probably the latter.”

  “Does she always talk to him like that?”

  I chuckle. “Foxy has a tendency to throw sass and fight for what she believes in. Remind you of anyone?”

  She glances to me raising her brow. “Is that why you call me, Sass?”

  I nod. “Yes, it’s like a road name, my brothers and the old ladies will call you it as well.”

  She smirks waggling her eyebrows. “I like it when you call me that.”

  Warmth floods through me. “It’s getting late—”

  “You kicking me out?” Sass’s eyes droop as she puts on a fake smile through her chirpy tone.

  Looking into her beautiful hazel eyes, I pull her to me. “Just the opposite. I was wondering… would like to stay the night?”

  Her eyes light up, and she grins. “You wanna have a sleepover? Braid each other’s hair?”

  I cock my head. “Sass!”

  “Okay, okay. Sorry. Yes. I want to stay, but I need a shower first.”

  We head off toward my room.

  “Okay. Shower it is.”


  Sass and I had a hot shower together. We cleaned ourselves and then got dirty all over again. I couldn’t help myself and shower sex with her, though much more vanilla than our first sexual encounter, was fucking amazing. And now as I lay in my bed, completely naked with her, her back pressed against my front as we spoon, I only now realize that I’m doing things for her I’ve never done for any other woman. I’ve never held a woman in my bed before. Sure, club girls have slept in my bed once or twice, but I’ve never held them in my arms. Especially, not like this in such a tight embrace, where my heart is pummeling in my chest so fast I can hear it in my ears.

  Sass’s soft breaths echo through the silence of the room. She’s asleep, has been for at least an hour, with her fingers laced through mine. And the fact that I’m loving every fucking second of this is scaring the absolute hell out of me.

  I’ve never been a man for relationship commitment. Hell, I’ve never really had a proper girlfriend. I’ve been too committed to my training and then to the club. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing here. I don’t even know if that is what this will turn into. If Sass is heading into relationship territory? I’m probably overthinking this, but I can’t help it.

  My mind needs to focus because I have much bigger issues at hand. My blood father is in town, and he could threaten the very foundations I have built. He could ruin the life I’ve created here. The life my parents created here. Let alone the club I live for, the family I breathe for. If Ishikawa is coming for me and mine, then I really need to let Sass go. Now. Before she gets hurt, but the thought of letting her go when I’m only just starting to know her and her brazen ways is abhorrent to me. And even if I wanted to, she’s now the mechanic for the club, so my hands are tied. If we stopped whatever this is, I will undoubtedly be seeing more of her as time passes.

  Pressing my lips against her delicate pale skin of her neck, she murmurs softly but doesn’t wake as she nuzzles back into me. I smother myself in her while I take a breath and finally close my eyes.

  The darkness takes over as I try to will myself to sleep, but I know it’s going to be a hell of a night with my mind doing all the talking.


  The Next Morning

  A blasting alarm reverberates through the room making me open my eyes and jolt awake to a room I’m not used to. Another thing I’m not used to is the heavy arm draped over my body, and the man wrapped up behind me making me a little too warm. But I smile as the memories flood back, and turn my head to see Sensei lift his to greet me. First thing I notice is his red eyes—it’s like he’s not slept a wink.

  I smile and lean in pressing my lips to his as I r
oll over locking myself against him, our mouths colliding together, all the while the alarm continues to blast. He chuckles against my lips as I slowly pull back and smile.

  “You laughing while I kiss you? That’s not how a woman wants to wake up.”

  He grins and looks at my cell behind me on the bedside table. “Well, my ears don’t want to be continually assaulted by that incessant noise while kissing you.”

  Giggling, I roll over and press the off button and then turn back to face him. His dreadlocks are slightly disheveled this morning. I bring my hand up to cup his cheek as I look into his eyes. “Didn’t you sleep well?”

  He leans in pressing his lips to mine then pulls back. “I was comfortable all night with you in my arms, Sass.”

  I stifle a laugh. “Comfortable maybe, but did you sleep?”

  His Adam’s apple bobs up and down as he looks away from me and rolls over pulling the blankets off him. “I think the answer’s more about the fact that you slept well, and that’s what keeps me happy.”

  Tensing, I sit up in the bed, the sheets falling showing my exposed breasts as he walks naked over to his jeans and starts to pull them on without underwear.

  “Sensei… did me being here keep you awake all night?”

  He turns to face me, and I see a small slump in his body. “There’s no right answer to that question.”

  My face falls, my stomach sinks. Shit! Maybe he didn’t feel right with me being here. Maybe I am the only one feeling this connection. Maybe he thought he was feeling it, but then during the night, something changed. Maybe he was embarrassed by the way I spoke to his father, and how I acted with regards to his mother.




  He purposefully walks over to the bed and sits down taking one of my hands in his. With his other hand, he places it under my chin making me look up to him, my eyes heavy as he gazes into them. “Stop! You’re overthinking. This isn’t on you. I have a lot of things happening at the moment. With the club. With my family. With you. You being here last night, in my bed, was… new to me. And even though it threw me, I enjoyed it very much…”

  Nodding, I let out a small sigh. “Okay,” I say not really knowing what else to say.

  “My trouble sleeping was an accumulative effect, Sass, it wasn’t you. Holding you all night was a highlight for me… as it was a first.”

  A flitter of butterflies swarm in my stomach as I realize Sensei has never held a girl in his bed before. Then I realize if he has never done that, then he must never have had a girlfriend before. It’s no wonder he’s so uptight about everything. He’s never had anyone show him how good life can truly be. When you have someone on and by your side helping you through, being your partner in all things, it really is an amazing feeling. He’s never had that. I get now why he’s so… tense.

  His brows crease while he studies me and his thumbs caress the back of my hand. “Sass, say something.”

  Clearing my throat, I smile. “I think I know why you’re the way you are. You haven’t experienced this before. What we’re going through… the early stages of finding someone you click with. This friendship with you, Sensei… it’s not what I would have imagined either. But don’t block yourself off from exploring what this could be when it gets scary, okay?” I tell him.

  He raises his brow at me and nods. “Right…” He swallows hard. “You want to get some breakfast?” he hesitantly asks.

  “I’m not huge on breakfast, and I should get going if I’m going to get to the garage on time. But I had a really good night with you and the club. I want to keep coming here and get to know everyone more. I’ll be seeing everyone soon for girls’ night, though, right?” I ask, and he nods.

  “Right, but we will talk before then?” he asks.

  I smile wide. “Every day,” I tell him.

  Sensei finally smiles and leans in kissing me strongly, that buzz filters through the air as I kiss him, needing to get my fill of him before I have to go into work and deal with the idiots.


  Heath and Bowie were already gone by the time I arrive home to get into some clean coveralls for the day, which I was kind of glad about. Getting a serve from them about why I didn’t come home last night was not something I was looking forward to, so putting it off for another few minutes is fine by me.

  Quickly, I got changed and made my way to the garage, where I’m now walking inside to the unmistakable sound of air impact wrenches in all their glory removing lug nuts with speed.

  Smiling, as I walk in, my body aches from the rounds of adrenaline-fueled sex I had with Sensei last night. My mind wanders over the memories making my tummy swirl with giddy butterflies while I walk inside the garage toward Dad’s office to grab my job sheet for the day.

  A thunderous round of applause erupts from behind me as I turn to see Bowie with a bright smirk on his face as he rushes up to me, a dirty white rag over his shoulder as he grins so wide he appears like he’s going to burst. “It’s so nice to see you made it here, Spanner, after pulling an all-nighter,” he calls out, and all the other guys pop their heads out from under their car bonnets or bodies. Heath steps out from behind the dyno tune area to have a ‘chat’ with me too.

  Placing my hands on my hips, I purse my lips at them both. “Shut up, slick. I’m allowed to have a life outside of you two idiots,” I scald and they both bounce back like I’ve hurt their feelings, but I know they’re only joking as they chuckle.

  “You took off to go to the biker club and never came home. Can I guess who the lucky man was?” Bowie waggles his eyebrows running his hands up and down himself while he kisses the air for added effect.

  “Just ‘cause I was the only one who had a good night while you two bozos stayed at home with each other is not my problem, boys.”

  Everyone else in the garage lets out a collective ‘oooh.’

  “Shut up! Get back to work, guys,” Heath calls out as he looks at me sternly, and the other workers go back to their jobs.

  I stare at Heath and tilt my head in a gesture of rebellion.

  He groans as he walks toward me, and Bowie chuckles stepping off humping the air as he goes while I prepare myself for a battle with my brother as he approaches me. “Ayla, a word?” Heath asks, grabbing my arm and leading me toward the back corner of the garage.

  “Heath… what? I’m your big sister, you know?”

  He lets out a small chuckle and nods like he sees the irony in him telling me off for having a night out. “I know, and I have no right in telling you what to do, so I’m not going to. Just… next time, tell me where you are, okay? I know you’re a big girl and can look after yourself, but… honestly, I was worried.”

  Softening my stance toward him, I smile moving my hand out to touch his arm. He weakly smiles as I look into his sincere eyes. “Heath, I know you have concerns about the club, but trust me, I met all the guys there last night. I’m safe, honestly. I feel safer there than here sometimes.”

  I wince as Heath’s expression changes into a hard glare. He nods as his shoulders stiffen. “I know what you mean. The guys here can be… well, they accept that a girl is here and some treat you fine, some treat you like an outcast, or some hit on you constantly. I get all that, I know what’s happening around here.”

  “Yeah, well, all I’m saying is please don’t think badly of the club or of Sensei. I think I’ll be seeing a fair bit of him, so… don’t get an attitude. Okay?”

  He raises his hands in surrender, his eyes wide in surprise as he nods. “Okay. Just… be careful, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “Speaking of which, have you told him about your new, loveeerrr?” he teases the last word out mockingly, and I reach out slapping his arm playfully which makes him laugh.

  “No, and I’m not going to until there’s something solid to tell him.”

  He nods. “Fair play. Okay, ‘spose we better get to work.”

  Heath turns to walk
off, but I grab his arm, and he turns back to look at me. “Thanks for looking out for me, little bro.”

  He smiles winking at me. “Always, sis, always. You might piss me off, but I still love you.”

  Scrunching my face at his cuteness, he rolls his eyes and heads off as I smile and walk toward the office. Dad’s gone, and I wonder where he is. He’s more than likely grabbing himself a coffee or having a cigarette knowing him.

  As I walk in the office to get my job sheet, I pick up the piece of paper, and I hear the door shut behind me. Turning around, I notice Vince standing in front of the door blocking my exit.

  My eyes widen in shock as I plaster on a smile watching our auto-electrical mechanic’s eyes linger on me a little too damn long. Why he’s shutting the door, I’m not sure, it’s throwing me off, but I widen my smile anyway taking a breath in through my nose. “Hey, Vince.”

  “So, you stayed out last night?” he asks with a sly smile, his long blond quiff flopping a little as he juts his head to the side.

  I nod. “Yeah… you know me, life of the party and all!”

  He smiles his toothy grin. I guess with his broad shoulders and chiseled face he could be seen as good looking, but he just doesn’t do it for me. But I can see how he would be attractive to women. “I’d love to party with you, Spanner. I think we’d have a great time.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Maybe, we’ll have work drinks, and we can all have a good time.” I think I can see where this is leading and as much as Vince is nice and all, a work romance is not on the cards. Not only because having a relationship with someone you work with is just a ‘no’ for me, but I’m interested in Sensei now, so I’m not doing anything to jeopardize that.

  He steps closer, his face dropping his smirk as he reaches out for my hand. Tension ripples through the air, my stomach lurching in dread as I look at him. His blue eyes shining in hope as he looks at me.



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