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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 42

by K E Osborn

  She exhales but gives a small nod. “Agreed.”

  Grabbing both her hands, I pull her toward me and then wrap my arms around her waist, her arms instinctively wrap around my neck as I look into her somber eyes and lean my forehead against hers. “I apologize, but it has to be this way.”

  She smiles with a shrug. “There has to be one downside to you, I guess. You can’t be one hundred percent perfect.”

  I chuckle, a sense of playfulness sweeping over me. “But still ninety-nine percent?”

  She opens her mouth wide and scoffs in shock. “Holy shit! Did you, Raiden ‘Sensei’ Maki just try to crack a funny?”

  I crease my brows. “I believe you misheard,” I tease.

  She snorts leaning in and plants her lips to mine, hard. That spark shoots through me as her soft lips touch mine, and it fills me with such relief that she’s here kissing me. This could be so different right now. With one pull of a trigger she could have been gone. She has no idea how much danger she was in. But knowing the Yakuza like I think I do, it was all for intimidation purposes.

  He would never have pulled the trigger.

  It was all done to scare Torque and me.

  It worked.

  As I pull her closer, just relishing in the fact that she’s okay, she has given in, if only meeting me halfway to have a guard on her half the time makes me feel better. Knowing while here at work she is surrounded by a swarm of fit men, bar her father, Smokin’ Joe, makes me feel better. Sure, they aren’t armed like Tremor would be, but there’s a hell of a lot of them here, so if something went down, I know they would all step up to fight for her. That makes it easier to give in to her demands.

  But it won’t stop me from sending Tremor around on ride-bys, just to check.

  And she doesn’t even have to know.


  As I walk into the chapel, I see all my brothers already sitting and waiting for me. Torque’s at the head of the table looking weathered. He looks how I feel. Knowing that your girl is on the other end of a potential bullet and there’s nothing you can do about it—well, it scares the shit out of you. And because he’s our leader, and he has to keep his cool in front of us at all times, all while going through the mental torture of his girl being threatened—I don’t envy him.

  I take my seat between Surge and Scratch as I slump into the chair. Torque looks at me raising his chin. I nod in return to let him know that Sass is fine, and he weakly smiles. Leaning forward, gathering his gavel, he bangs it hard on the desk.

  “Brothers, we all know what happened, I don’t need to rehash it. I will tell you that Foxy knows, she’s aware she was targeted as was Sass. Sass has been given protection but isn’t aware of what happened as we all know she’s not in the fold… yet.” He looks at me as a warmth runs through my chest at the thought. “Sensei, you know more about the Yakuza than any of us. What are we dealing with?”

  I sit forward, my hands knotting together on the table in front of me. “Aiko gave us two weeks. So, we have the flexibility of having two weeks grace. They’ll allow us that time. But, be warned, Pres. When they say two weeks, they mean two weeks. If we go a couple of days over, there will be consequences…” I exhale and tilt my head. “Though they gave their word, so if they are true to form, we will have the full two weeks to issue the guns, or… find a solution.”

  Torque nods and sits back in his chair. “Then we have time to figure this shit out. Because we do not want to get into bed with the motherfuckin’ Yakuza… time to think boys!”


  A Week Later

  The last few days have been hectic. The garage’s been busy as usual, but Vince has been acting a little different. After Dad had a word with him, he’s been more distant, but I don’t miss the looks he sends me and the constant innuendos he spouts when I’m around. Heath and Bowie are starting to notice it too, and have commented on it to me. But I’m trying my best to ignore him. The last thing I want is my workplace becoming sour.

  Sensei has been tied up in club business for the past few days, so his head is all over the place right now, but I let him know I’m here for him if he needs me. Especially after seeing him at the garage the other day. He’s been to collect me after work, but he’s had to leave after dropping me home to go back to the club leaving a prospect to watch over our house. I know they have something going on. I’m not privy as to what, but I know it can’t be good. It’s taking up a lot of his time.

  Tonight, though, I get to see him, so hopefully, I can make him feel a little better, even if from afar. We’re having our girls’ night with the ladies of the club, while the guys hang back watching us like creepers. I smirk as I apply the last line of mascara to my lashes and stand back from the mirror looking at myself. It’s summer, so it’s a good excuse to put on my shorts. I’m wearing my super short denims which are frayed on the hem, and the left leg is embellished with rivets giving them a punk feel. The rips on the other side show a worn look. My top is a simple black drop armhole racerback tank. I paired it with my black stilettos which have inserts of black lace in a pattern around the sides, and then the front is laced up with leather ties finishing at my ankles. They’re sexy-as-fuck, and I know Sensei is going to have a coronary when he sees me in them, either that or a permanent hard-on for the entire night.

  I walk over to my bed and grab my clutch as the unmistakable sound of his Harley barrels down the street. I smile as I walk down the hall toward the living room where Bowie and Heath are sitting eating the rest of the pizza from dinner. Heath lets out an almighty belch and Bowie is scratching his balls. I laugh as I walk in and they both turn around to look at me and simultaneously raise their brows, looking like twins, though they’re three years apart.

  “Who the hell are you, and what have you done with our sister?” Bowie asks, and I roll my eyes.

  “Shut up, man, I’m still me.”

  Heath snorts. “Getting all dressed up for a guy? He must be some special kind of ass.”

  Letting out a laugh, I walk to the front door and yank it open as Sensei pulls into the drive. “Don’t be a dick, Heath. I mean the color suits you and all, but most of the time dicks are shriveled and are pretty close to an asshole.”

  Bowie bursts out laughing shoving Heath in his side as I blow them both a kiss.

  Heath nods. “Just be safe, okay?”

  “Yes, I will. Don’t wait up,” I call out as I pull the door closed behind me and walk toward Sensei.

  He pulls off his helmet, his eyes roaming my body as he grins salaciously. I step up to him while he stays seated on his bike. I’m not sure if that’s because he doesn’t want to waste time, or because he’s scared that if he gets off his bike, he’ll take me inside, and we won’t make it to the club. That’s the type of look he’s sending me right now anyway.

  “Sass… you look—”

  “Stunning, gorgeous, panty dropping. I know, I know. Now shut up and kiss me.” I lean forward and grab the sides of his face yanking him to me. He chuckles as his lips press against mine, and that spark surges through us without hesitation. Sensei’s arm loops out pulling me to him. Our tongues entwine as we make out in my driveway.

  We slowly part as I look into his eyes, he smiles and hands me his helmet. “Put this on.”

  I smirk feeling like giving him a little hell right now. “And what are you going to wear?”

  He narrows his eyes like he’s trying to look sinister, but he has a hint of the faintest sly smirk. “I’m going to live… dangerously.”

  Oh snap, and he’s giving it right back.

  Letting out a small snort, I stand folding my arms over my chest. “And if we get pulled over by the cops?”

  He grins. “Who says they’ll catch us?”

  My stomach flips in excitement. “Why Sensei, I like this wild-child side of you. I didn’t think you had it in you.” I squint back at him and lower my voice making it deeper, sexier. “I’m kinda turned on right now.”

  He takes a deep br
eath, moving slightly in a way that makes me think he’s having a situation in his pants as he grabs the helmet and shoves it over my head obviously to stop me from talking. Then leans in doing up the straps. “You’re changing me, Sass… I can’t explain it, I can’t fucking understand it, but I’m… loosening up around you.”

  I slide in behind him wrapping my arms around his waist. The sensation of Sensei in front of me is a feeling I could quickly become addicted to. “Well, I like it. I’m glad I’m having a positive effect on you.”

  He nods, turning back to the front and revs the engine. I chew on my bottom lip as the vibration rumbles between my legs, and I giggle slightly loving the power I feel surrounding me. I’ve ridden on the back of bikes before. Hell, we have them in the shop all the time, but I’ve never been on the back, cuddling into a guy who I’m crushing on right now. This is a new feeling for me, and I have to say I’m really digging it.

  He reverses out of my drive onto the road, then pulls back on the throttle hard not hesitating for a moment. I squeeze him tight as we take off, and I smile as the wind licks at my hair while it flows through the breeze, the moonlight shining through the trees as we make our way down the suburban street toward Club Modesty, to where the girls and his brothers are waiting.



  We pull up around the back of Club Modesty where a row of my brothers’ bikes are already lined up. Sass’s arms are squeezing around my torso hard as she giggles against my back, and I love how effortlessly she moved with me. Having her ride on my tail has brought a whole new connection between us. Feeling the arms of a good woman behind you—I now understand why men get a rush from it. I felt it, I’m still fucking feeling it as I turn off my engine.

  Sass slides off from behind me and yanks off my helmet, her red-toned hair swaying from side to side as she releases it from the helmet. I slide off my ride as she places my helmet on the seat and then lunges for me, wrapping her arms around my neck and planting her lips on mine. I chuckle against her lips as I kiss her back while she rocks her body against mine.

  Her kiss is brief as she pulls back and shakes her head. “I’m definitely going on plenty more rides with you, Sensei.”

  Nodding, a sense of excitement washes over me. “You can count on it… come on, let’s go inside.”

  She detaches from me, and I grab her hand as we head for the back door. The security guard on the exit gives me a nod then he opens the door for us to walk through. Since the Andretti attack on Neala, Torque added an extra security layer out the back of the club.

  We walk in, the music assaulting my ears instantly. I’ve never really been one for the club scene, but this is the club’s club so we come here more than I care for. And for tonight, it’s the safest place for our women.

  Sass’s eyes open wide as she takes in the glittering spectacle around her. We step up and enter the VIP room—the opulent area always tends to have that affect the first time people see it. Neala did a great job designing this place.

  I lead Sass through to where Torque, Foxy, her best friend Ari, Freckles, Ruby, and Neala are standing—our brothers linger around in the background already drinking.

  Foxy’s eyes light up as she notices Sass, and she opens her arms wide pulling her in for a tight embrace. Sass hugs her back as if they’re long-lost friends.

  I grab Sass’s arm gaining her attention as she looks at me and smiles. “We’ll need to go upstairs for club business. Stay here with Foxy and the others. There are brothers out here watching you to keep you safe. Don’t move from the VIP area… understand?”

  She snorts out a laugh, but nods. “Sure thing… I like it when you get all controlling.” She shuffles her body. “I get all tingly,” she murmurs with a wink as Foxy pulls her off to meet Ari.

  I know they will get along fine. As my girl is pulled away from me, I step in beside Torque while the girls all intermingle and talk amongst themselves.

  “How’s tonight going to pan out, brother?” I ask over the music.

  He shrugs. “Don’t really know. Enzo and his guys should be here any minute to discuss shit. I figured with the noise in here, it’s as good a place as any to discuss our… issues. Enzo prefers somewhere away from the clubhouse, which is fair enough. No one can overhear, and I will station prospects at the door. Plus, there’s a ton of security, and the prospects are down here to watch while we discuss our options. And, we can keep an eye on the ladies at the same time.”

  Nodding, I glance over to our ladies who are all making their way to the VIP bar. I purse my lips and sigh. “You think it’s going to get messy for them?”

  Torque chuckles. “Probably. I told them to behave themselves, but get a bunch of women together, and you can never fuckin’ tell what the hell’s going to happen!” He slaps me on the back.

  Trax nods to us signaling that something’s happening, and we all look up to see the Andrettis walking in. It’s almost as if the crowd of dancing clubbers part like the Red Sea to let them through, wearing their telltale black pinstriped suits and gold chains.

  Enzo steps up to Torque, and he throws his hand out for Enzo to shake. Enzo shakes his hand a little overzealously.

  “Torque, my boy, it’s so good to see you, eh?” he calls out, and Torque nods and subtly detaches from Enzo’s grip.

  “Enzo, welcome to our club. We can talk a little easier upstairs. Come…” Torque requests, and he nods with a casual shrug as Torque gestures for Chains to lead the way.

  Chains walks off through the back of the VIP area and climbs the stairs as Enzo and his goons follow with the rest of us behind them. The room’s going to be crowded up there, but better to talk in a semi-soundproofed room than a thumping club.

  We arrive at the top of the stairs and turn to head into Torque’s office. Torque spins around to the security guard at the top of the stairs. “Make sure all the guards keep their eyes on the ladies in VIP at all times. Any signs of anything… you fuckin’ come get me. No hesitation. Understand?”

  The guard nods and heads off leaving us alone with the Andrettis as Torque walks in and closes the door. The thumping noise almost fades to nothing. Enzo and his men walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows and look down below. “Nice room you got here, Presidente. Let me guess… soundproofed, bulletproof. Is it one-way glass, too?” Enzo asks.

  “Yes, all of the above.”

  “Clever, it’s exactly what I would do. I might need to open my own club. Actually, maybe we should open one together? We seem to work well. What do you say?”

  Torque let out a stifled laugh. “Baby steps, Enzo. We called you here for a reason, I think you know that.”

  “Of course. I’m guessing it has something to do with the Ishikawa? What have they done now?”

  I step forward taking a breath. “They’re after more guns. After the shipment they stole from us last time, they said they require… more. They gave us two weeks grace to think over our decision. So we’re bringing you in, just like last time, to see if we can work together on a damn solution.”

  Enzo grins and nods. “Excellent. I love foiling a plan. Can you give us some time to think it over? I realize you’ve not got much time left, so time is of the essence. We will be quick with an answer. We need to put our heads together and come up with a plan. They’re always a step ahead. We need to think outside of the box on this one. Can you do that, Torque? Can you trust me?”

  Those last four words are full of years of distrust between us.

  Can we honestly trust Enzo?

  Probably fucking not, but right now we have no other option.

  Torque looks at me, and I raise my brow in a look of ‘it’s up to you.’ Torque glances back to Enzo and nods moving out his hand for Enzo to shake.

  Enzo shakes Torque’s hand then slaps Torque on his shoulder. “Pleasure doing business with you, Torque. Don’t know why we haven’t worked together sooner. We could be a powerhouse in this city,” Enzo chimes reaching in and kissing each side of
Torque’s face, making Torque push Enzo hard on his chest and causing Enzo to laugh. “You’re so worried about saving face, Torque. Be humble, let a man celebrate our newfound friendship the Italian way.”

  Torque glares at Enzo and shakes his head. “You kiss me again, I’ll punch your cock right up into your fuckin’ mouth.”

  Enzo chuckles and nods his head as he waves his hand through the air dismissively. “Ahhh… you bikers are so damn tense. Fine, we do things your way.”

  “Enzo….” Enzo turns back to look at Torque. “Thank you.”

  Enzo nods. “Prego.”

  Chains opens the door, and one by one everyone files out of the room leaving Torque, Trax, and me alone. Trax and I both look to Torque, and I exhale. “Do you think we’ll have enough time?”

  “The more important question here is do you think we can trust that little scum sucking—”

  “Trax, e-fuckin-nuff! I thought you were on the Enzo train. What? Now you’re off again? I can’t fuckin’ keep up with you!” Torque interrupts Trax’s tirade of abuse. Torque lets out a heavy sigh running his fingers through his hair. “Look, I don’t know if we have enough damn time or not. Last time we dealt with Ishikawa, we only just got through it with Enzo’s help. Sure, we didn’t come out with our guns, but that’s only because they weren’t there… if they were, it may’ve turned out to be a different story. We need Enzo as much as that pains me to admit. We gotta wait for him to come up with something… an idea, or at least part of one.”

  Enzo’s saved our asses before, sure. I’m not saying he’s a good guy, far from it, but at least he’s attempting to work with this Defiance slash Andretti alliance. We all need to push toward a peaceful Chicago. Trax has to see that.

  “I don’t know, brother. My head’s all over the fucking place. He helped us, yes, and for a moment, a brief moment, I was grateful. And what the fuck will we have to do when Andretti calls in the return favor? I can’t forget everything he’s done in the past, and I certainly don’t have to like that he’s helping us again now, or trust that he will come through,” Trax blurts out.


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