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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 44

by K E Osborn

  I shrug. “I think we’re bound to be spending more time together, Sass. But for now, we’re both spent, so let’s… ‘chillax,’ as you so eloquently put it on that sofa for a while before I take you home.”

  She bursts out laughing as she shakes her head. “Holy shit, did you just say chillax?”

  My tongue clicks to the roof of my mouth as I lead her to the sofa. “No.”

  Sass grins and wraps her fingers through mine as I sit on the sofa and lay down, then she positions herself in front of me. Her fingers link through mine as I hold her to me and press my lips to her neck. She nuzzles back, and I smile liking the closeness between us right now. The dull thump of the bass echoes through the floor, but other than that, it’s relatively quiet in here. The soothing sounds of her slow breathing filters through the room with my rapid heart beating in my chest, and right now I’m not sure why but I feel nervous.

  Nervous because I want something more perhaps?

  I want a life with Sass, and I know while I’m part of this club, a life—a long life—is never guaranteed.

  Not only that, trouble is brewing in my family at the moment, and bringing her in right now could only bring her harm. The thing is, though, I don’t know if I have the strength to let her go, now that I have a firm hold on her.



  A Week Later

  Over the weekend I spent most of my time at the club just hanging out with the girls while the guys talked shop, and then I caught moments with Sensei when I could. I like the atmosphere and could get used to being there more often, and I’m pretty sure they like having me around. Not only because I take care of all their mechanical needs, but also because they seem to think I’m pretty funny.

  I know things are happening in the club. There’s definitely something going down. The whispers and chatter is constant, and even though everything inside me wants to know what the hell it is, I know they won’t tell me. It’s not my place, I’m not an Old Lady. But I do hope they can figure it out, whatever it is because these guys are cool, and they don’t need shit baggage dragging them and their club down.

  I spent my time with Ruby and the other club girls, and also some time with Neala and Freckles. These women are a bunch of fun. Foxy also came in a couple of times, and it’s so interesting how the dynamics change when she enters the room with the amount of respect people instantly give her. It’s crazy, but also super fucking cool.

  Who knew being an Old Lady would give you that kind of power.

  But then again, she’s not just an Old Lady, she is the Old Lady.

  Foxy’s the top dog around here, so everyone has to fall in line behind her, and they do. Plus, she’s taken the role on like a duck to fucking water. She thrives on it. She was made for it. She is perfect for it. Leading the women of this club with not only firmness but kindness.

  She’s great, I respect the shit out of her.

  The idea of being Sensei’s Old Lady, I have to admit, has crossed my mind, and I like the idea, but it’s way too soon for that—isn’t it? I never saw my life as being an Old Lady, but being here in this club, seeing Foxy and how she fits in, I know I could easily fit in too.

  I’ve spent my entire weekend here and all the way through until now which is Thursday morning, and although I’ve been going to work, Sensei has been wanting me at the club more. I’m not sure if it’s because he wants me here, or if it’s because something is happening at the club. But either way, I don’t have my truck, but I did bring extra work clothes with me knowing I’d probably be in this predicament.

  As I get ready for work, Sensei lays in bed watching me get dressed with a smirk on his face.

  I turn back to him looking at his gorgeous naked body lying in his bed, and I smile raising my brow. “You going to ride your bike naked to take me to work, Raiden?”

  Sensei chuckles and casually slides out of bed, his perfect cock standing at attention, and I pout that it has to go to waste this time but grinning at the memory of our kinky fucking last night as he grabs his jeans and starts to pull them on. “I was hoping you might take the day off.”

  I chuckle. “Well, that’s not a very good work ethic… coming from you, I’m slightly surprised.”

  He chuckles. “I’m surprised, too, but I want you all to myself.” He yanks up his jeans and then walks over and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me to him.

  I loop my arms around his neck and smile. “Why Sensei… that’s starting to sound romantic.”

  He scoffs but smirks. “No… I don’t think that’s correct. It was merely a lapse in judgment.”

  I snort and nod. “Yes, that’s better. That’s definitely sounds more like you.” Leaning in, I press my lips to his and kiss him briefly before I pull back and then slap his shoulder and waggle my eyebrows. “Now put a shirt on, don’t want you getting wind burn while you ride.”

  He chuckles and spins, walking off to grab a shirt and his cut as I head for my boots to finish my outfit, and once we’re both dressed, we leave to get on his bike for him to take me to work.

  The ride is fun, Sensei taking the corners short making them sharp and more exciting—the adrenaline pumping through my veins as we ride, the wind flicking through my hair as he hammers down on the throttle. I love the feeling of the engine at full speed. He holds nothing back knowing I’m not scared of the power of his beast. It’s exhilarating for me. My love of mechanics and motors only makes it easier for me to appreciate the feel of a good engine.

  Sensei turns into the driveway of the garage, the gravel crunching under the weight of the tires, and I smile as everyone inside turns to watch us pull in. I don’t miss the subtle downward frowns from Bowie and Heath as they watch me slide off the back of Sensei’s ride. He stays on his bike, and I give him a smile.

  “Thanks for the ride. And for letting me hang out at the club.”

  “The pleasure’s all mine… in more ways than one, Sass.” His eyebrows waggle up and down as I step closer and lean in planting a chaste kiss on his lips. “I’ll call you later,” he offers as I pull back and nod.

  “So you’re the dick spendin’ all his time with my girl?” a gruff voice calls out who I instantly recognize.

  I spin to see Dad stepping over to us as I plaster on the biggest of smiles while Sensei’s eyes widen. “Dad, I thought you’d be inside, or in the house doing… stuff?”

  He grunts out a snort as he places his hand on Sensei’s shoulder looking him up and down. “And miss this… no bloody way.”

  “Smokin’ Joe, I just want to say that I truly—”

  “Save it, kid. What are your intentions for my daughter?” he grunts.

  I roll my eyes. “Jesus, Dad.”

  Sensei shifts uncomfortably but puffs out his chest. “She’s a good woman, Joe. Do I know where we’re heading? Not entirely. But do I know I want her in my life, yes, sir.”

  Dad chuckles which then turns into a fit of coughing. I pat his back as I wince at him. “All I’m saying is that I want to be around for the wedding. You hearing me?”

  “Shit, Dad, you’re gonna scare the poor guy off.”

  Sensei smiles wide. “Sir, if you’re giving your blessing for me to be with Ayla, that means more to me than you know.”

  Dad stands taller and sighs. “Look, kid, all I know is she’s different whenever she’s around you. Don’t fuckin’ know why or what the hell it is about you. I certainly don’t see the appeal, but if my girl is happy, that’s all I fuckin’ want. You keep her happy, you keep me happy, we’re all damn happy… you understand?”

  Watching Sensei getting an earful from my dad, is not why he came to drop me off at work this morning, but he’s taking this shit so damn easily, almost like he’s been expecting it to happen at some stage. But hell, we haven’t even had this discussion ourselves, so him having it with my dad is kind of strange.

  “I understand. I’ll take care of her, don’t worry about that.”

  Warmth flows throu
gh me as I relax slightly looking at the ease in Sensei’s body language. He doesn’t seem uptight about this conversation at all unlike me.

  “Right, I’m gonna go do some actual work—”

  “Dad, you should be taking it easy—”

  “Spanner, I can rest when I’m dead.”

  I groan. “That’s what I’m worried about,” I mutter under my breath as he waddles off inside the garage as I turn back to Sensei.

  He smiles, and I pull my lips in together. “So… I had no idea that was coming.”

  He chuckles. “It’s fine, Sass. It was bound to happen one day. Better to get it out the way.”

  Raising my brow, I smirk. “You’re not angry?”

  He pulls me to him, a tingle shudders down my spine as I look into his eyes. “No, in fact, I like that Joe said it’s okay to go forward. Would have made it awkward if he’d said no.”

  Bobbing my head, I smile. “Okay, we’re going to discuss this more, but for now, I have to start work.”

  He nods. “Yes, good idea. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay… laters,” I chime as I hand him my helmet for him to put on. He slides it over his head and revs the bike as I step back, and he winks at me then slowly edges the bike around and takes off out of the garage and down the street with me watching his sexy ass as he rides away.

  Letting out a contented sigh, the unmistakable sound of the gravel crunching alerts me to two sets of feet coming up behind me. I already know who they are as they both step up. One arm loops over my shoulders pulling me to him, and I turn to see Bowie while Heath grins.

  “So are you two officially a thing now?” Heath asks.

  Raising my brow, I shrug because I don’t actually know. We’ve not had a discussion about being exclusive, but in my opinion, we probably should be. Maybe it’s too soon to be talking like that. But I guess after that discussion with Dad, it’s a step closer in that direction.

  “Wow! You should see how your face crinkles when you start thinking too hard, sis,” Bowie mocks as he pulls me closer to him in a teasing way.

  “Shut up! I don’t think we have an official title. But we’re hanging out and getting to know each other, I suppose.”

  Bowie chuckles. “That’s code for fucking, Heath.”

  Heath groans and punches Bowie in the arm as I sink further into myself. “Yeah, I got that part, dickhead. I don’t need the confirmation, though, thanks,” Heath grunts.

  “You’re so protective of me. Sensei’s a great guy, Heath. I promise you, if you got to know him, you’d really like him. I think you guys could be good friends.”

  “Well, bring him over one night, and I’ll make my own mind up... So Dad knows you’re seeing him?” Heath bursts my bubble.

  I grimace. “Yes, I don’t know how he gathered there’s something going on. But I guess he’s not blind.”

  “You need to figure out where you’re going with this, Ayla. Especially if this is more than just a fling.”

  I roll my eyes. “Fine! When did you become the fun police?”

  He chuckles. “When you started dating one percenters and going to their clubhouse all week.”

  Bowie snickers and I scoff. “They’re not like that. Sure, I assume they’re not completely aboveboard, but they’re not hardened criminals either, Heath. Dad wouldn’t work for them all these years if he thought they were scum, you know that.”

  “Oooh… she’s got you there, bro,” Bowie defends pulling me tighter to him almost in a headlock.

  Heath huffs and tilts his head. “Okay, you’re right. I’ll give him a chance. Bring him by the house so we can officially check him out, yeah?”

  Tensing slightly, I know exactly how that will go. They will test Sensei to see if he’s good enough for me. Mock him. Push him to breaking point. Fuck! But this will have to happen sooner or later, and I guess maybe it’s better to rip off the Band-Aid as it were. “Fine.”

  Bowie chuckles bringing his other hand up as he pulls me into a headlock and gives me a noogie. I try to fight him off smacking at his hand as Heath laughs at him. “Good choice, big sister.”

  “Get off me, you dumb fuck,” I call out as Bowie persists in tussling my hair while I continue to slap at his arms until he lets me go. I finally break free from him as both my brothers laugh and go to walk off.

  Heath turns back to look at me. “I want to meet him, Ayla… soon.”

  Groaning, I nod. “Okay. God, you’re like a dog with a bone, you’re so whiny.”

  He snorts and walks inside the garage while I smile and go about fixing up my hair as I follow in behind and step off to grab my job sheets for the day.

  Dad’s not in his office again, so I sink slightly. I wanted to talk to him more about Sensei, but I guess that will have to wait until later. Stepping up to the desk, I grab my sheet and look it over, seeing a busy day scheduled, but I smile loving the multitude of jobs cataloged on the sheet. As I turn around, the click of the door behind me startles me as Vince comes into view.

  Shit! I tense all over hating that he’s trying this on again.

  “Vince, good morning. Sorry, slick, I don’t have time to chat…”

  His gray eyes turn darker as a stern look comes over his face. The air in the room turns stale and frigid as an icy blast washes over my skin. The normal playful, flirty look from him is gone, and an intense hardness takes hold. Instantly, I feel uneasy as he looks me up and down. The urge to duck around behind Dad’s desk and grab some kind of weapon is seeming more like an obvious choice right now, but he takes a step closer stopping my plan as he shakes his head.

  “You know, Spanner, seeing you is always the highlight of my day.” His words are kind, but his voice is dark, laced with venom.

  I weakly smile. “Well, that’s nice… can I go now?”

  He steps closer again making me back up, my knees hitting the edge of Dad’s desk.

  “But, today it’s like you’re trying to make me angry… why would you do that?”

  Scrunching up my face in confusion as I let out a huff. “I… I don’t know what you mean.”

  He inches closer again making me have to sit back on the desk.

  Shit! Bad move. Now I’m trapped.

  “Riding in here with that idiot biker. You think I wouldn’t see that? You think I wouldn’t notice him?”

  I let out a loud scoff. “You think that’s any of your business?”

  Vince steps into my space placing his closed fist on the desk right beside my thigh. His face inches nearer to mine. Instinctively, I turn my nose up as his horrendous body odor assaults my senses, while his floppy blond hair falls into his face menacingly. “I think you’ve been playing your little games with me all this time, and you knew we were heading somewhere. But for you to be suddenly off with a biker… it’s bad manners, Spanner.”

  I scoff, suddenly feeling a litter braver. I thrust my hands forward and shove his chest making him stumble back as I jump from the desk and point a finger at him. “You think there was something going on between us? You’re insane, Vince! I’ve never once showed you any kind of reciprocated attraction. If anything, I thought I was quite clear on my feelings toward you, slick.”

  His lip curls up as he steps toward me again, but I stand firm, and he grits his teeth while glaring at me. “You think you can talk to me like that? You think you can backtrack when you clearly have mixed emotions running through you?”

  I shove him again. He takes a step back, but then when his eyes meet mine, there’s a fire burning there. My stomach sinks, and instantly I know I’m in trouble. I glance past him through the window to see Heath watching and making his way over. But then I look back to Vince—his eyes hard, stern, a bead of sweat running down his temple—he’s shaking his head.

  “I don’t have mixed emotions, Vince. I only have one emotion for you... impartial.”

  He grunts as his nostrils flare, and instantly I know I’ve done the wrong thing when he lunges for me, his hands thrusting out an
d wrapping around my neck quicker than I can react. His thick fingers latch tight around my throat, squeezing and blocking off my air supply as I fall back on the desk knocking things off. He lands on top of me, a vein in his forehead throbbing with the force of his attack as I cough, splutter, and claw at his hands trying like mad to get him off of me.

  As I hear the door slam open to a mass of yelling, it’s all masked through the ringing in my ears as I start to zone in and out. Gasping for air that simply isn’t coming as the firmness around my neck presses tighter and tighter. My head feels like it’s going to explode, my lungs burn, and the pain…

  My eyes close, and I stop struggling as I vaguely hear an “oomph.”

  Then, suddenly, the pressure is released.

  Pulling in a loud intake of air, I slump against the desk completely as I’m freed from his grasp. With my eyes closed, I hear commotion, but can’t focus on anything right now. I need to concentrate on breathing.

  In. Out.

  In. Out.

  I know someone’s above me. I realize they’re looking over me and assessing my neck, but I don’t know who. I know there’re multiple people in the room, but I don’t care, I just need oxygen.

  In. Out.

  In. Out.

  “Ayla,” a familiar voice softly speaks near my ear, and I slowly come back to the present as I try to focus on the voice. “Ayla… c’mon, sis, come back to us.” Bowie’s desperate voice is enough for me to open my eyes to see his scared ones looking back at me. His panting body is hunched over me as I sniff and look at him. He visibly relaxes as he brings his hand to my cheek and cups it. “You had me worried there for a moment.”

  “You, fucking little asshole, I knew Dad should have fired your ass,” I hear Heath snap as I slowly sit up from the desk with Bowie helping me. Heath’s sitting on top of Vince’s back who’s face down on the linoleum with Heath pulling one hand behind Vince’s back for good measure.

  “Smokin’ Joe’ll keep me on, I’m too much of an asset to lose. Plus, Spanner was asking for it,” Vince grunts out, and Heath pulls back further on his arm making Vince groan out in pain.


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