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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 67

by K E Osborn

  Mylee sways from side to side.

  “Yeah, for a bit. We’ll be back later.”

  Torque rolls his neck. “Keep an eye on your six. Any problems, call.”

  Tension rolls through me with the Andrettis in strife and Everett looking for Mylee. This may not be the best of ideas, but Mylee’s been cooped up, and it was Torque’s idea to take her out. If he didn’t think it was okay, he wouldn’t let us go without a tail.

  “Got it. I’ll let you know when we’re on our way back.”

  Torque gives me a two finger salute. I smirk as he turns, walking off leaving me with Mylee. Mylee looks to me gnawing on her bottom lip like she’s worried.

  I slump my shoulders with a heavy sigh. “What’s wrong?”

  She winces. “Should we not be doing this?”

  “Probably not, but I want to take you out. You deserve some freedom, Mylee, and where I’m taking you is safe. Nothing’s going to happen to you. I won’t let it.”

  She grips onto my hand. “I know.”

  “Good, let’s go.”


  Having Mylee holding onto me while riding is exactly as I remember.

  Fucking perfect.

  She holds on with just the right amount of grip, moving with the bike at the exact right times. She’s made to be an Old Lady, and I swear she’s heading that way. We just need to figure out what the hell is going to happen when shit’s over and done with—with this fucking Everett character—and where Mylee’s going to be based. If I claim her, she’ll have no choice but to stay in Chicago. But I need to talk to Crest about that first. She, by all rights, is Notorious Knights’ property. She belongs to their club, not Defiance, so me claiming her is a big fucking deal.

  She can’t swap clubs without permission.

  I know that.

  There’s a process.

  It needs to be done right.

  And if I’m going to do this, I need to make sure I do it the right way. But I have time, time to think this through, time to make a plan. Time to grow a set of balls and talk to Crest because taking his daughter from him is fucking massive.

  I pull into the parking lot of Garfield Park Conservatory. Basically, it’s a massive greenhouse filled with exotic plants and shit. Not a normal place for a biker to hang out, but I know Mylee will love looking at all the unique crap. Plus, it’s a place full of people, usually school kids on excursions. So in my mind you can’t get much fucking safer than this, right?

  Bringing my bike to a halt, I kick out the stand, the loud rumble vibrating to a stop as I switch off the engine. The buzz from the ride waning as Mylee slowly releases her grip and slides off the back of the bike. I grab my helmet, yanking it off as she stands up tall pulling hers off. Her hair is swaying from side to side like something from a Hollywood movie as she places the helmet on the back of my seat as I stand up. We attach the helmets to the bike securely as she looks over to the large building letting out a small huff. I can’t tell whether it’s a shocked huff or a disappointed huff. So I turn to face her to see a smile broaden on her face, and I’m instantly relieved as her eyes twinkle.

  “Never thought I’d see the day you’d come to a place like this, Trax.”

  I raise my brow. “Well, I’m just shit full of surprises, baby.”

  I reach out pulling her to me making her let out a small squeal, and then she giggles. We start to walk toward the entrance. I can’t help but notice the teacher from the school tour that pulled up at the same time as us staring us down like we’re some thug lowlifes threatening to tear their world apart.

  Who the fuck cares what they think. So we walk straight past them, the kids staring at my club cut in awe as I wink to them, the teacher gasping while we continue to step up to the entrance. I waste no time heading inside. There’s no admission fee, but you can make a donation, so I walk up handing over a fifty.

  Mylee’s eyes light up as I grab her hand and we walk through the lobby. It smells fresh, like a rain forest, and we haven’t even gotten inside yet.

  “Trax,” Mylee murmurs.

  “Yeah,” I ask stopping at the door.

  “Thanks for this.”

  We step over to the door, and I push on it, the temperature difference in the room hits me first as we step inside to see a giant room decked out like a palm paradise. The massive room has a glass roof, the heated temperature mixed with the mass of palm trees makes it look like something from Jurassic Park. I glance to Mylee, the sheer look of awe on her face makes coming here worthwhile. Her bright green eyes sparkle with such luminous intensity as her mouth drops open taking in the magical sight in front of us. Watching her is far more impressive to me than looking at the scenery.

  Her eyes dart all over the place taking everything in as her lips turn upward, making her dimples sink in further. Her perfect teeth glisten making her glow like a ray of fucking sunshine.

  “Oh. My. God… Trax, this place is amazing.”

  She turns to look at me like a giddy little teenage girl. I knew she needed something to make her smile. She needed something to get her out of the clubhouse, so coming here seemed like the right thing to do. I reach down grabbing her hand threading our fingers together as I start to walk us along further into the palm jungle. Her free hand stretches out wafting over the palm fronds jutting out from the path as she shakes her head in disbelief.

  I love seeing her like this.

  So happy.

  So carefree.

  It eases the tension about what’s happening in our lives. Sure, right now everything’s going okay, but eventually, something’s going to shift, something will happen. News of Everett will change the mood, and his efforts to find her will increase. Or something will be done about him, and Crest will want her to go back home. Eventually, this happy bubble we’re living in will come to a screeching halt.

  Then what?

  She leaves, and I go back to being that guy? That broken shell ready to take my vengeance out on the world and anyone in my fucking way. Hell, that guy even fucked me off. I like this Trax version better. I’m calmer around Mylee. I don’t know how, but she soothes me as much as I soothe her.

  We make our way through to the Fern Room. Mylee’s eyes light up again as the sound of a waterfall trickles in the distance, and she tightens her hand in mine as her eyes widen in awe. “Trax, you’ve outdone yourself, bringing me here… this gives you big bonus points.”

  I let out a small chuckle. “That’s the plan, to woo you with my suaveness, so then you’ll suck me off later,” I tease making her laugh.

  Mylee slaps my chest with a roll of her eyes. “Trax, remember there’s kids,” she chides.

  I smirk turning back to Mylee pulling her to me, leaning in I kiss her temple. “I still want a blow job when we get back, though.”

  She bursts out laughing. “I think I can schedule you in.” She winks as we walk together through the room toward the waterfall. I look around at all the kids in the room while holding Mylee in my grip, and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a family one day. I want nothing more than to put my kids in Mylee’s belly. But there’s this thing about Mylee. Before she left last time, she told me in no uncertain terms she never wants kids.

  Mylee’s mother passed her bipolar disorder onto Mylee. It’s genetic in her family. Her children will possibly develop the illness in their lifetime. She never wanted to be responsible for putting the burden on another human being. So she confided in me she’d never have children. Being with her means never having a family for us. But, that’s the price you pay for being with the woman you love. I’m sure if we stayed together, and we wanted kids, there’s other ways we haven’t discussed.

  But again, I’m getting way ahead of myself. Just seeing all these kids in here is making me wonder, making me think, what if? My life always planned for Mylee to be in it. When she left, I went off the rails, we all know this. Now she’s back, and I want to make plans.

  With my mind wandering all over the pl
ace, we finally make it to the waterfall. I look up at it, the water trickling down the rocks, crashing, making a soothing sound that’s calming my raging thoughts. I move in behind Mylee wrapping my arms around her from behind as she looks over the waterfall in awe. She leans back against me, and I take a moment to just be here with her. I let all my thoughts disappear, and when she sighs, I press my lips in behind her ear as she turns her head to look at me.

  “You know, I had no idea today could be so freaking perfect.”

  I hold her a little tighter. “Perfect, hey?”

  “Yeah. I’m so fucking lucky to have you. The perfect blend of badass and teddy bear.”

  I chuckle, gripping her a little tighter again making her let out a little squeal. “Teddy bear? You ever say that shit again, and I’ll spank some sense into you, woman.”

  She giggles turning in my grip, her fingers running up around my neck and into my hair. “Fine, more like an untamable lion… that any better?”

  I tilt my head curling up my lip. “Marginally. But don’t say this shit in front of my brothers.”

  She snorts throwing her head back with laughter. “God no, they’d slaughter you.”

  I poke her in the ribs making her jolt as she continues to laugh at my expense. “I should slaughter you. I let you get away with far too much.”

  She looks back to me, her eyes meeting mine. “You can teach me a lesson when we get back. I’ve been very, very, naughty and need some punishment.”

  My cock strains against my jeans as I let out a small groan. Leaning in, I grab her bottom lip with my teeth biting it. She giggles kissing me.

  Eventually, I pull back remembering we’re in public, there’s children about, so I break away opting to take her hand once more. “Stop taunting me. Think of the children, Mylee.”

  She bursts out laughing again as she turns to face the waterfall. “Sorry, I’ll just admire the pretty flower…” she pauses. “Weird how there’s only one. It’s like it’s a rare occurrence or something for a flower to sprout up right there.”

  Without hesitation, I bend down picking the little white flower from behind the railing. Mylee gasps as I bring it up handing it to her. She purses her lips like she’s scared we’ll be busted as she looks around.

  “Trax, what if they’ve been trying to grow that for like fifty years or something, and you just killed it?” She twirls it in her fingers looking happy as shit that I did it for her even though her words say something different.

  “You said I was half-badass. I needed to prove I was full-badass by breaking the rules and destroying shit.”

  She lets out a small giggle as she brings the flower to her nose giving it a sniff. “You do realize… yes, it was badass, but Trax, you picked me a flower that was sweet and by definition not badass at all. So your effort to go full-badass was actually only half-badass because the act itself was half…” she smiles “… teddy bear.”

  I groan as I throw my hands in the air watching her eyes light up as she giggles. “Goddammit, I can’t fucking win. That’s it, I’m gonna have to do something real fucking manly tonight to make up for this shit! I need to go shoot something or punch someone. Maybe I need to wrestle a fucking bear. Will that give me my goddamned balls back?”

  She plants a kiss on my cheek. “I can think of something I can do with your balls to make you feel like a man if you like?”

  I groan again as I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn to see an elderly woman looking at me sternly, her eyes hard, wrinkles framing her face making her seem older than I think she is. I look down to see she’s wearing a uniform with the Conservatory’s name embroidered on it. Not only that, she’s flanked by two security guards. I raise my brow smiling my cocky lopsided grin, but she doesn’t budge, not even a bit. Normally ladies melt, no matter what age. Shit.

  “Excuse me, sir, I don’t want to make a scene, but we’ve had a couple of complaints about you and your friend…” she accentuates the last word, “… being a little too overly affectionate, talking inappropriately...” she looks to the flower in Mylee’s hand, “… and I see we can add destruction of property to the long list. We would appreciate it if you would respectfully leave the premises.”

  My chest swells in anger. I brought Mylee here to show her a good time. I wanted today to be special, and this upstart old bag’s going to kick us out? No fucking way!

  “I think what you mean to say is… this your first and final warning, and you can continue on. Have a good day,” I comment.

  Mylee reaches out grabbing my hand, shaking her head as the old woman looks a little rattled. “Trax, it’s fine. I’ve had the best time.” She looks up at the old bag. “Your place is really lovely. I’m so sorry we caused a scene. We didn’t mean to. We’ll leave right away.”

  “Mylee!” I warn.

  She looks to me with pleading eyes. “I’ve had the best time. We’re pretty much done anyway. Let’s not ruin it.” Her big doe eyes look up at me, and while I want to make a fuss—I want to fight this shit for her, I want to be able to stay so she can see the rest of the place—but if she’s ready to leave, then I guess I’ll let it go.

  The two security guys sneer, and I raise my head in defiance. “You will not be escorting us out. You don’t need that scene on your hands, boys. We’ll leave.”

  The woman signals to the guards, and they turn walking off as the woman looks to me with a sigh. “For the record, I have nothing against bikers, but if the visitors complain, I can’t look to be playing favorites.”

  I raise my brow tilting my head.

  She looks around then rolls up the sleeve of her uniform to reveal a property patch tattoo.

  Mylee giggles as I smirk. “Bullshit!” I let out a laugh finding newfound respect for the old woman.

  She quickly rolls down her sleeve. “Going on forty years. Married into it. Wouldn’t change it for the world. My old man had to give up riding only a few years back when the arthritis kicked in. His hands are too far gone now. That’s when I started working here to get some extra cash flow.” She looks to Mylee. “Bikers take care of their women, girl. If you’re in, hold on tight, it’s a bumpy ride, but hell if it isn’t worth it.”

  “Oh, I know… club brat.”

  “Mmm, the best kind. Sorry for the formal talk, had to do it in front of security.”

  I wave my hand through the air like it doesn’t matter. “Forgiven. I hope the flower wasn’t an issue.”

  She chuckles. “The flowers are rare, but it’s going to a good cause, so I can let it go this once. But you best be off before security comes back to drag your asses out.”

  “Cheers!” I grab Mylee’s hand and head toward the exit. Mylee looks to me, and I smile. “What are the chances?”

  She shrugs. “I really liked her. She has lady balls.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, guess she would. Most old ladies do.”

  Mylee’s eyes narrow looking like something’s running through her mind. I don’t want to ask her what considering we were just talking about old ladies, so I let it go leading her out, back out to the parking lot toward my ride.

  “Sorry shit got cut short, I wanted you to see it all.”

  She twirls the flower in her fingers. “Trax, stop! I had the best time. Even at the end when I thought it was turning to shit, it turned around and surprised me. Today’s perfect. Utterly perfect. I haven’t had this much fun in a really long time. To be with you is all I’ve ever wanted.”

  My chest swells with pride, so I grab her, pulling her to me, and smash my lips to hers kissing her strongly. Her arms wrap around me. Our tongues collide in a flurry of passion. She lets out a small whimper as a fit of giggles echo from beside us, making me pull back from Mylee to see a tour group of kids. Fuck! Their faces alight with glee at the frantically kissing couple while their teacher ushers them away.

  Mylee smirks as she grabs my shirt, pulling me to my bike. “We really need to stop kissing in front of children. We’re going to scar them for life.”r />
  Grabbing our helmets, I restrain myself from kissing her once more. I slide onto my ride, and she moves in behind me, the motion feeling like she’s done it a million times as she glides into place perfectly while I start the engine. The roar of the Harley erupts to life making the school kids all turn to look at us. I know my baby demands attention when she purrs, I don’t blame them for looking.

  I hammer down, pulling out of the parking lot leaving the kids behind as I make my way out onto the road to start the fifteen-minute trek back to the clubhouse. The wind flicks past me, my woman gripping my stomach. The summer sun reflecting off the asphalt is making for a warm, leisurely ride. I’m taking my time. Having Mylee holding onto me again while I ride is an all-new high, so I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth. Even if it makes me look like a fucking Sunday driver. I’m going to enjoy this casual ride, nice, easy and clear, with the wind blowing and the relatively free-flowing traffic on the highway.

  I’m just about to pass under the Ogden Avenue overpass when suddenly, a sedan flies past the bike at crazy speed. The shift in air making the bike waver as the car darts in front of us, then turns into the right hand off ramp forcing me to have to drop my gears to avoid a collision with the fucking idiot. My heart leaps into my chest as I rush down trying to bring the bike to a stop before we hit the motherfucker, but before I have a chance to work fast enough, another car comes up behind us, racing at full speed as if to try and catch up with the first car. It too turns for the off-ramp, but in doing so, the edge of the car catches the back wheel of my bike.

  My ride slides out to the side, out of control. Mylee’s grip on me tightens, but we’re both flung from the bike as it hurtles over. I can’t catch myself as Mylee’s grip on me is forced away. We both fly from the bike, barreling toward the ground. I smack the asphalt with a thud. The moment of impact, my body aches and shudders as I roll in on myself with the force. I hear the unmistakable sound of crunching metal from my bike slamming into the ground which grates on my ears. I let out a loud groan as I roll, letting my body go limp remembering, the more you tense the worse it will be. So I try to remain as loose as possible while my body takes the full impact of the hard asphalt. My jeans rip and tear, my leather jacket holds together, but my arm jars as I groan out in pain finally come to a tumbling stop on the road.


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