Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One Page 68

by K E Osborn

  My body is throbbing all over. I hurt in every possible place I can think of, but I push it all aside when my mind instantly flicks to Mylee. I hear screeching tires, people are stopping to help, but I don’t care as I somehow find strength, climbing to my feet as I glance around to find Mylee. I yank off my helmet, throw it to the ground, my ears ringing as I look near the bike. It’s a fucking mess, the back tire almost completely gone, but then I see Mylee in a crumpled ball next to it. My feet don’t fail me as I grab my arm. It hurts like a bitch, but I drag my feet, one foot in front of the other trying to get to her.

  She’s not fucking moving.

  “Mylee!” I call out as fear fills every inch of me so hard, so fast, it’s almost crippling me. But I rush as quickly as I can to get to her.

  She’s facing away from me, but I drop to my knees as I reach her. Moving in, I yank off her helmet—I know it’s probably the wrong thing to do, but I need to check if she’s fucking breathing. A slight moan echoes from her beautiful mouth as she clutches her stomach.

  I pull her into my lap, looking her over to see if I can see anything. “Shit, baby, where are you hurting?”

  She finally opens her eyes, they’re glassy as she stares at me vacantly. It scares the shit out of me. “My stomach hurts, but so does my leg,” she murmurs, rolling on her side a little more making her leg turn. Then I see a giant gash with blood pooling from her thigh.

  It’s only now I register the sirens and the massive amount of people surrounding us. Traffic has ground to a halt on the highway, and somehow the police are already here as I look up to see two officers running toward us. One squats down beside me, while the other is on her radio calling for an ambulance.

  “We have help coming,” the officer relays looking directly at Mylee. I slump feeling like I have no idea what the fuck to do.

  “It’s fine, I’m fine,” Mylee murmurs.

  I let out a scoff. “Bullshit! We need to get you checked out. You’re not going anywhere but the hospital, Mylee.”

  The cop’s head bobs up and down. “I agree. Your leg’s probably going to need stitches at the very least.”

  She slowly sits up in my grip, shaking her head as she moves to stand. “I’m fine, I promise. No need to fuss.”

  I scoff. “You’re going to the hospital. Don’t argue this with me, woman.”

  She huffs as she stumbles on the asphalt looking a little woozy as the cop looks to me. “I think you should probably get checked out while you’re there, too. You came off hard,” he advises. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  I look back to the scene where my bike’s fucking totaled, and the two cars that caused the accident are nowhere to be seen. “There were two cars, one sped past us cutting in front making me slow down, thank fuck. Then the other came in behind him, bailed me up as he was trailing the other car. They were moving fast to get somewhere, I don’t know what the fuck they were doing.”

  The cop winces. “Running from us. We got a call about a burglary. We were in pursuit in a high-speed chase. Unfortunately, I think you’re the collateral damage. They’re from a street gang and are known to us. When we saw they’d taken you out, we stopped to help. They got away, but we know them. Don’t worry, they’ll be charged with fleeing the scene of an accident. Amongst other things.”

  I glance to Mylee as she stumbles again, but this time she starts to fall. I reach out grabbing her, pulling her to me as panic floods through me. “What’s wrong?” I ask as she looks at me, her eyes unfocused and glassy.

  She waves her hand through the air. “No, I’m fine, I promise. I just feel a little queasy. My tummy’s all tight.”

  The cop looks to me with a concerned gaze then stands up walking over to his partner radioing something into his coms equipment. Concern floods through me, too. I can’t help but wonder if Mylee’s hurt more than just her leg. She said her tummy felt weird. I’m starting to wonder if she has some internal shit going on. I’m starting to think the cop thinks this, too. “You’re gonna be fine, babe, just relax,” I tell her easing her into my lap as I sit and pull out my cell to send a message to Torque.

  Me: 911, ride totaled, taking Mylee to hospital. Meet me there.

  I hit send as the ambulance pulls up, and they rush over. My body aches like a bitch, but I don’t care about me right now. I only care about my woman and getting her to the fucking hospital where she needs to be right now. The paramedic bends down to look at Mylee, smiling at her.

  “I’m Michelle. I can see your leg’s injured, but are you feeling pain anywhere else?” she asks Mylee.

  “Not really pain other than aching everywhere from the fall, but I feel nauseous, and my stomach’s tight.”

  Michelle looks at me as if to assess if I’m in need of medical assistance.

  “Don’t even worry about me, just take care of Mylee for now. We need to take her to Northwestern Memorial. No exceptions,” I demand.

  Michelle raises her brow, looking at my club cut. “Okay. Let’s get you in the ambulance, okay?” She gestures to Mylee as my cell begins to ring.

  Michelle grabs Mylee from my lap and starts to walk with her toward the ambulance. She’s unsteady on her feet as she hobbles, but I take the moment to grab my cell. It’s Torque. I figure I better answer while Mylee’s getting in the back of the waiting ambulance. “Hey,” I murmur.

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “What the hell, man? You can’t send a text like that. What the fuck’s going on?”

  “We got tangled up in some fucking high-speed chase. Not us. We were the collateral damage. My bike’s toast… Mylee’s hurt. She’s getting in the back of an ambulance now. I gotta focus on Mylee. Can you send a crew to get my bike? I gotta go with her.”

  “Yeah, of course, brother. Shit! Are you both okay?”

  I run my good hand through my hair. “I don’t know, man. Mylee’s going to Northwestern. Can you call ahead, tell Kline we’re coming in. I don’t want anyone but Bex on Mylee.”

  “You got it! I’ll send Vibe and Chains to get your ride. Sensei and I will be at the hospital… Trax, you okay?”

  I rub the back of my neck. “Yeah, brother. Let me get back to my woman.”

  Torque mumbles, “See you at the hospital.”

  I end the call and walk over to the back of the ambulance where Mylee’s now on the gurney. Michelle looks down at me. I raise my brow in an unspoken question. She dips her head in understanding. “You’ll have to sit in the front with Havier. We’ll be leaving in a minute, so I suggest you get in.”

  I glance up to Mylee. Her eyes are closed, and I wonder if she’s deteriorating or if she’s just resting. I really hope it’s the later. Pain fills in my chest, but I turn walking around to the front of the ambulance and hobble in. Havier’s sitting in the driver’s seat punching some shit or other into some machine. I close my door, turning back to look at Mylee as Michelle takes her blood pressure, working on her silently.

  “Hey man, can we get there quick? She was complaining about her stomach. I’m not a doctor, I don’t know anything about medical shit, but I’m worried about internal injuries,” I ask Havier quietly.

  He jumps out of the seat, rushing to the back of the van. He leans in whispering something to Michelle, probably so he doesn’t startle Mylee. Michelle nods, then Havier closes the back of the ambulance racing back to the front, jumping in and starts the engine.

  I take a deep breath as Michelle starts to talk to Mylee asking her what the pain level is in her stomach. I crack my neck to the side hoping like hell I’m fucking wrong about this being worse than it looks.



  The ride to Northwestern didn’t take too long. Then the admittance seemed to take merely a flash. Kline was alerted to our arrival, so she must have arranged priority. Thank you, Bex!

  So right now Mylee and I are in a bay in the emergency ward. Mylee’s on the bed, her face pale as she lies quietly. I’m beside her holding her hand with my good arm, the othe
r I’m favoring, trying not to let on that it’s hurting like a bitch. But honestly, I think I’ve just pulled the muscles in my shoulder, nothing too bad. It’s definitely not dislocated or anything.

  The curtain slides back, and Kline rushes in. Her blonde hair pulled back in a high bun, her slim face with a thin layer of makeup making her already pretty features stand out even more. She smiles at me then she pulls the curtain closed behind her letting out a heavy sigh.

  “You totaled your ride, Trax? How will you live without your baby?”

  I chuckle as she walks over placing her hand on my bad shoulder making me wince slightly. She notices straight away frowning. I look straight at Mylee. “I can get another bike, Bex. What I can’t get is another Mylee. So make sure to fix her real good, yeah?”

  She smiles as Mylee sighs. “I’m fine, honestly, so much fuss over nothing.”

  Kline instantly looks at Mylee’s leg. “Well, that’s a lot of blood pooling on the bandage, Mylee. I’m going to have to have a closer look. But when I’m done with Mylee, I’m going to check you out, Trax. No arguments.”

  I groan knowing I won’t win with Kline, she’s one of the most stubborn women I’ve ever met. “Fine.”

  She shoves me out of the way without a second thought. She’s never been one to care about bossing bikers around. “Okay, so I’m going to check your leg for starters then I’m going to run a few tests, check for concussion, then examine your stomach, okay?” Kline asks.

  I step back right out of the way. I don’t want to interfere with anything as Mylee simply nods. The pain in her eyes evident.

  I promised her nothing would happen today. I promised her the perfect damn day, now here she is in a hospital bed being poked and prodded. I just hope it’s nothing more than a simple gash on her leg and we’ll be home in a couple hours.

  Kline goes about taking her temperature, her blood pressure, pressing on her tummy, then tending to the wound on her leg, and ending it all with a blood test. I say nothing, just sit back wincing when Mylee jolts in obvious pain, but I don’t do anything to stop Kline from her work.

  She’s the best.

  I know it.

  I glance up as the curtain slides slightly to see Torque and Sensei standing in the entrance. I tip my chin to them as Kline continues to work with Mylee, so I look to Mylee. She glances at the curtain and smiles with a nod, letting me know it’s okay for me to fill them in.

  Standing up, I walk, more like drag my feet to them. They nod in unison as I slump past the curtain out into the main area with them away from Mylee.

  Torque rolls his neck. “Jesus Christ, Trax. Way to scare me half to fuckin’ death.”

  I smirk, slapping his shoulder. “Fuck, brother, anyone would think you cared about me saying shit like that.”

  “I’m not even going to joke around, Trax. You and Mylee… coulda died. By the look of you, you hit the deck damn hard. I’m not gonna fuck about and pretend this isn’t a big fuckin’ deal.”

  We’ve had some tough times over the last two years, but through it all, we’re still blood. Even though I’ve been a dick, somehow he still cares. I don’t know why.

  “Yeah… it was damn scary. All I can say is luckily it was low speed. After the first car pulled in front of me, I was able to slow the bike enough not to make this turn out a whole shitload differently. I’m still not sure something isn’t up with Mylee, though, but Bex is on it. Me, I’m fine, big bro, just a sore shoulder. I remembered to go limp.”

  “Stop, drop, and roll is not just wise for fire… as it were,” Sensei adds, and I chuckle.

  “Yeah man, exactly. Just let my body go floppy and hang on for the damn ride.”

  “Glad you both came out relatively unscathed as it seems for the most part anyway. We will wait to see how Mylee is doing, but for now… I’m fucking pleased you are both breathing at least,” Sensei offers.

  “Hmm, yeah, I think if the car had hit us any harder, we would have been toast. I’m just glad he clipped the tire and didn’t ram us completely. If he’d gone straight into the back of Mylee…” A shudder runs through me as I swallow a lump in my throat not able to finish my sentence.

  “She’ll be fine. You both will be. At least it was just an accident… nothing malicious… not Everett related is what I’m saying,” Torque adds.

  “I have to admit, at the time, it’s all I was thinking. But once the cops explained, I knew it was simply wrong place, wrong time.”

  “Chains and Vibe are bringing your ride back to the graveyard. We’ll look into getting you another bike tomorrow. But for tonight, you be here with Mylee,” Torque tells me, and I nod—like there was any other option. Torque looks me up and down shaking his head. “Sure you’re fuckin’ okay? You look like shit.”

  I roll my shoulder, cracking my neck to the side. “I’m fine. Just hurt my shoulder. Nothing too serious. A few cuts and scrapes, nothing like Mylee. I’m concerned about her stomach. I know Kline was prodding and poking around. She’s running bloods, but I have no idea what she’s thinking. She’s not giving any-fucking-thing away.”

  Torque exhales reaching out grabbing my good shoulder. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”

  “Thanks, brother. Right now I need to get back to my woman.”

  Sensei and Torque both nod as I turn, moving back toward Mylee’s bay. I slide back the curtain to see Kline finishing up with Mylee as she grabs the blood tests. “I’m just going to take these to the lab, but then I’m coming back to look you over.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, yeah.”

  She walks out as I make my way over to the edge of Mylee’s bed. I look down at her then take a seat, running my fingers gently over her arm.

  Her lips turn up but only slightly, looking at me sleepily.

  “You doing okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Dr. Kline gave me something for the nausea and pain. I’m feeling quite lovely right now actually.”

  I chuckle leaning in kissing her forehead as I rub her tummy. “You good in here?”

  She shrugs. “Not sure. She’s doing some blood work to make sure everything’s okay. When she pressed on it, she seemed to think nothing was ruptured or that there’s anything too nasty going on, so that’s got to be a good thing. Probably just winded.”

  “That’s great. Now you lay back and rest, I’m not moving from here.”

  She looks up to me gently stroking my arm. “How’s your shoulder? You were favoring it. I know it’s hurting.”

  “Nothing gets past you, does it?”

  She shrugs. “Nope, nothing. Now stop avoiding it and tell me you’re okay.”

  I lean in kissing her head as she melts into me. “I’m fine. I’m pretty sure it’s just a strain and some scratches, you’re the one who really got hurt in this.” My mind’s racing through how I’m going to tell Crest what happened. “Your dad’s gonna annihilate me.”

  Mylee chuckles with a grimace. “Guess he’s not going to be happy, but I’ll make the phone call once we know everything. It’ll be better coming from me, and he knows how much you love me, so I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

  I tense up. As much as I want to be a man and tell Crest myself, Mylee knows her father better than me, even though I feel like I know him well enough. If she feels it’s better coming from her, then I need to respect her wishes. I don’t want to be on Crest’s bad side, but I also don’t want to get on my woman’s bad side either. Especially not when I want to convince Crest to let Mylee stay with me.

  Now with her being injured, I’ve made everything a shit ton harder.


  Kline came back in and looked me over like she said she would. She fucked about with my shoulder making it even worse, but told me it was a sprain after I had an X-ray taken, and that it will heal on its own. She patched up my cuts and scratches even though I complained the entire time, much to Mylee’s amusement.

  As Kline puts the last butterfly stitch on my arm, she leans in gently slapping my chest. “Good boy,
see wasn’t so hard, was it?” she mocks.

  I let out a loud huff. “I thought the guys said your bedside manner was excellent. I think you’re quite rough actually,” I tease. She leans out flicking my recently bandaged wound. “Oww, woman!”

  Mylee giggles behind us as Bex stifles her own laugh, standing up from her rolling stool as she pulls off her rubber gloves with a swift snap. “It’s not too late to fake your death Mylee and run. I can help you with that,” Kline mocks making Mylee burst out laughing.

  “You’re lucky you’re club family, Kline, or I swear…” I look at her with my lopsided smile as she grins.

  “Yeah, I know, I push my luck with you guys. Chains grills me for it all the time, the big lug.”

  She starts to walk out, but I grab her hand halting her exit making her turn back to look at me. “How are Mylee’s tests coming along?”

  “I’ll put a rush on them, I should know in a couple more hours. I’ll make it as quick as I can, okay?”

  I let her go as she walks out of the room.

  Torque and Sensei step in.

  “We’re gonna head out. I need to talk more to Cindi about…” He tilts his head, but I know what he means. “But if you need us, let me know.”

  “Thanks, I’m grateful you came.”

  “Anytime, but there’s some other people here to see you, too.”

  I raise my brow wondering who the fuck’s here. “Who?”

  “Brodie and Grier,” Sensei replies.

  “As in Brodie and Grier the cops that helped us out with the Yakuza?” I ask.

  “Yeah, fucking small world. They’re the cops assigned to take your statement. We’ve just had a catch-up. Told ‘em what you told us, but they need it from you… obviously.”


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