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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 74

by K E Osborn

  His lackeys flank him either side, none as tall as him as they stare us all down. The tension in the air rife with unspoken words.

  Enzo steps forward, the hard edge in his stance lets me know he isn’t fucking around. “If you’ve hurt Zia, I swear to God, Matteo…”

  I raise my brow. Matteo Scarsi, the Don of the Scarsi Dettagli, in the flesh. Well damn!

  “You’ll what, Enzo? You’re a small fish in a very big pond, stronzo. And I don’t care much for seafood.”

  “Asshole? Is that the best you’ve got?” Enzo goes to lunge forward, but Torque and Franky both reach out grabbing him before he gets himself shot and his little girl shipped off to Cuba. Enzo curls up his lip. “You like what you see in Cindi? Take her and give me back my principessa.”

  Matteo curls up his lip with a shrug, then looks over to Cindi and me. “Bring me the feisty fighter.”

  Cindi screams under my hand, her hot tears run over my fingers and down her face as she kicks against me again. I’m almost having trouble remembering this is all for show. She’s doing such a good job, it’s making me want to light this place up instead of handing her over.

  I struggle to walk with Cindi over toward the Scarsis. I feel every set of eyes on me as she kicks and screams against my hands. But I push through, dragging her in front of Matteo. His eyes linger up and down her body as a sly smile creeps up on his face.

  “I like it when they fight.” His hand comes out grabbing the hem of her top, and he yanks it down, ripping her top right open exposing her naked breast.

  She stills looking down at her top as she tries to back away, but she’s only backing into me as I shudder on the inside hating that she’s going through this.

  Matteo takes a deep breath as he licks his lips, his finger moving out, and he slides it over her neck. She stops thrashing, stilling, her body shaking as his finger slides down her neck and then onto her breast. I feel like a dick for not doing anything as I look away.

  “Enough of the games, Matteo. You have your trade, now give me Zia!” Enzo calls out, and Scarsi snaps his head up dropping his hand from Cindi to look at Enzo.

  “Fine. The girl is a good trade. You can have Zia back, and your effort to get out of trafficking is accepted. But this is it, Enzo. Our alliance is done. You can’t come to me for anything ever again.”

  Enzo nods once, a slight look of relief flooding his features.

  “Bring the principessa, take the fighter. I’m going to have fun with her.” He waves his hand through the air as one of his men yanks Cindi from me. I hesitate to let her go as my hand drops from her mouth, and finally, she’s able to scream to her heart’s content as he pulls her into his arms, fucking guilt consuming me.

  “You fucking traitors, Defiance. I’m going to kill you all for this. How could you do this to me, you fucking biker scum-ass bastards? I hate you, Trax,” she screams making me glance up at her as he drags her inside, but she looks right at me as he pulls her through the door. “I hate you,” she yells, but I catch the sly smile on her lips and the wink she throws my way.

  Fuck, she’s so damn good. She really does need to be an actress. I just hope whatever they do to her, she can handle because that performance really had me fooled.

  Another man walks out with a small girl in tow, but she has a black sack over her head, and I sigh as I take in the sight. Shit.

  “You put a bag over her head, you fiche fottute!” Enzo runs forward, but suddenly the Scarsis all draw their guns on us. My muscles tense as I grab for my Glock without hesitation, and draw it up aiming it right at Matteo’s head as my brothers all do the same. I notice the Andrettis don’t move.

  Scarsi’s men smile at us as I glance to Torque who holds firm. “I see your bikers aren’t so smart, Enzo, pull on the leash, and if you call me a fucking cunt again, I will revoke our deal.”

  I furrow my brows as I aim it higher and click off the safety making Matteo look directly at me and take a deep breath. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Trax. Things are going smoothly, and if Zia is going to go home tonight, you and your brothers should stow your weapons. Now.”

  “You drew yours first, we’re just playing copycat,” I mock.

  He chuckles. “I like you.” He looks to Torque and raises his brow. “I like him, president. Watch him, he has spirit… drop your guns, boys. Enzo, get the girl, let’s get this all over with. I’m done with this boring shit.”

  The Scarsi’s all stow their guns, so I click my safety back on and place my Glock down my pants as my brothers follow suit. Enzo races forward and pulls the sack off his daughter’s head. She’s really sweet with curly black hair. Her eyes blink rapidly as she looks up at her dad. Zia’s eyes light up, and then she bursts into tears.

  “Papa!” She throws her arms around her father, and he lifts her up cuddling her to him as the Scarsis turns one by one leaving only Matteo and two guards.

  “You’re done with us, Enzo. We won, remember that.” He grunts then turns, walking inside the building as I step over with Torque to Enzo. Tears fill his eyes as he plants a kiss on his daughter’s face.

  “Zia, I will always fight for you, my principessa.”

  “I know, Papa. I knew you would come.”

  He clears his throat as he looks into her eyes. “Did the bad men hurt you?”

  She shakes her head. “They gave me milkshakes and a whole load of candy. But I did watch a horror movie, they said you wouldn’t be happy about that.”

  Enzo laughs shaking his head. “Principessa, you can have all the candy in the world. I don’t even care about the movie. You go with Uncle Franky and get in the car. Papa will be with you soon.”

  She nods as he puts her down. Franky takes Zia’s hand and walks her to the bright red car. Enzo turns to Torque and me and lets out a heavy sigh. “Thank you, boys. I mean it. Thank you.”

  I glance back to the building to see all the Scarsis have left. “It’s not over. Plan B has to come into effect yet.”

  Enzo nods. “Yes, let’s hope like hell it works. We need to do everything in our power to make sure it does.”



  One Week Later

  Things have been tense at the club over the last week. For Trax and me, it’s getting used to this whole pregnancy thing, but for the club, it’s them getting used to Cindi not being here. I know plans are in place to bring her home, I just hope whatever their plan is they can pull it off.

  Today, though, is our first appointment with the OB/GYN. I’m nervous. Trax is doing everything right. He’s making sure to keep me calm, and honestly, I’m so fucking lucky to have him.

  I’ve begun feeling a little queasy, so I think unfortunately morning sickness has started to kick in, which I’m not looking forward to. My knee’s bobbing up and down as we sit in the waiting room. I’m anxious. I want to know our baby’s doing okay.

  Trax chuckles placing his hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing. “Will you stop, you’re getting yourself worked up. It’s not healthy for you or little squirt.”

  Swallowing hard, I sigh. “I know, but I can’t help it.”

  He leans in grabbing either side of my face, forcing me to look at him. “I know this is scary, but I’m here, I’m not going to let anything happen. Everything’s gonna be fine.”

  I let out a staggered sigh as I hear someone call out my name. Trax lets me go, so I drop the magazine I was holding on the table as we both stand up and walk toward the room.

  A bed sits in the middle as I stride in. Trax moves to the chair next to it.

  A woman walks in wearing a bright smile and a white lab coat. “I’m Kaylah, your technician for today. I’ve read up on your case, and I’m glad to be working with you. How about we get started and have a look at your baby?”

  I’m so nervous, I can’t say anything in response, so I simply nod.

  She gestures for me to lie down. “Okay, Mylee, unbutton your jeans and lift up your top,” she instructs.
r />   Trax reaches out grabbing my hand for support.

  Kaylah picks up a bottle of gel giving it a shake. “This might be a little cold.” She squeezes some onto my stomach. Instantly, I flinch from the harsh coldness even with the warning.

  Kaylah grabs the probe positioning it on my tummy as my hand tightens on Trax’s so firmly I worry I might break his fingers. But he doesn’t say a word.

  I glance at him, but he’s watching the screen. It momentarily makes me smile that he’s so happy about us being pregnant. His demeanor soothes me as I turn to look at the screen seeing nothing but black and white blobs.

  “Umm, not to sound like an idiot, but can you point out squirt for me?” Trax asks.

  Kaylah looks back to the screen focusing on the black parts, clicking on a few things. “Yes, sorry, of course, but first I just want to check something with the OB/GYN. I’ll be right back.” She places the probe down and abruptly walks out of the room.

  “What the hell? Is something wrong?” I ask, my stomach churning.

  Trax studies the screen intensely. “No. It’s fine. She’s just checking something. It’s fine. It’s fine... it has to be,” he murmurs the last part.

  “Trax…” I whimper.

  He holds my hand tighter and stands, leaning down kissing me, but it doesn’t help.

  He’s scared too.

  Something’s wrong.

  There’s something wrong with our baby.

  I just know it.

  The door opens, Kaylah and our OB/GYN walk in both sporting smiles in stark contrast to how I’m feeling right now.

  “I’m Dr. Branson. You’ve been referred to me by Rebecca Kline. I’m happy to meet you finally. How are we today?” he asks in an upbeat manner.

  What the fuck! I want to punch him in his fucking face. Maybe I have anger issues too. I cock my brow as I glance to Trax, the king of anger issues.

  “Is something wrong?” I whisper.

  He slides onto the stool looking over the machine picking up the probe and pressing it to my stomach. “Kaylah picked up something. She just wanted to confirm it with me before she said anything.”

  My heart leaps into my throat. “We can’t make out anything on the screen, please tell me the baby is okay.”

  Dr. Branson’s warm smile does nothing to soothe me as he presses onto my stomach a little firmer then points to the screen. “See how there are two black spots?” he asks, and I squint. He then points to a scan on the wall of an ultrasound picture. “When there’s a baby in the womb, there’s usually one black spot like in that picture up there... You, however, have two.”

  Trax gasps like he’s understanding. I, however, still don’t have a clue. “So what does that mean? Is the baby in trouble? What’s going on?” I blurt out in quick succession as Trax’s hand tightens in mine.

  “You want to see? Here’s one…” He points to the little pebble inside the first black dot.

  My heart squeezes. “And it’s okay?”

  “I think you’re missing what I’m saying, Mylee.”

  “What do you mean?” I grunt out in frustration.

  He points to the second black spot, to another pebble. “And here’s baby number two.”

  “Two babies? Twins?” I stutter out.

  “Yes, two healthy, little babies. Measuring at eight weeks.”

  I gasp for air. “Whoa two? I don’t—”

  Trax tightens his grip on my hand making me turn to look at him. The soft look in his eyes eases my tension straight away. He looks into my eyes, bringing his hand up to my face gently stroking my cheek as he breathes in and out slowly, making me mirror his breaths. I didn’t even realize he was doing it or that I was in a place where I needed it. He knows me better than I know my damn self.

  “You’re okay, baby, just breathe. In and out. Breathe with me.”

  I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he keeps his eyes focused on mine. “Sparx, this isn’t a big deal. This is cool, having two means twice the fun.”

  I let out a stifled laugh, my shaking hand coming up to wipe a falling tear from my eye. “Trax, this is huge for us.”

  He smiles, his eyes glistening as they sparkle. “We will raise our twins tough, their mother is one of the strongest women I know, and look at their father. I mean… he’s pretty fucking epic.”

  I can’t help but laugh as he wipes the single tear away that’s escaped my eye. “We got this. You, me, and the twins. This is going to be amazing, babe. Right now just enjoy the moment. Look at the screen… take it in because Sparx, we’re having twins. That’s fucking amazing. You need to remember this moment for how utterly fantastic it is.” He beams looking into my eyes.

  His encouraging words are making this all seem so emotional. I have to remember this is all new territory, but if I spend this entire pregnancy being nervous, I’m going to miss out on the journey and the exciting parts.

  I need to enjoy it.

  I need to remember it.

  So, I turn back to the screen while Kaylah and Dr. Branson smile kindly as if they have seen this all before.

  He clicks on some more buttons. “You want to hear their heartbeats?”

  “Oh gosh, we can do that?”

  He smiles as I look to Trax feeling suddenly overjoyed as a small excited giggle escapes me. “Yeah… yes, please.”

  A whooshing sound filters through the room, and after a short time, Dr. Branson starts taking some snapshots for us to take home.

  I can’t believe this. We came in here this morning thinking we had one baby, but we’re going to be leaving here with two. How the hell did that happen? All I know is I’m so glad I have Trax here with me. I’d be lost without him.

  “Okay, I think we have all we need. I’ll book you in for another scan in a few weeks, but you can check in with me at any time if you need to.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much. Sorry about the tears,” I murmur.

  “Don’t be. Finding out about twins is daunting. Seeing one baby’s a shock, add in another unexpected one, and most people are terrified. Your reaction was quite normal.”

  It’s weird because I generally put my reactions down to bipolar disorder, but I know my psych has often said I have normal reactions and nothing to do with my illness. I guess this was a normal reaction.

  All I know is this changes things. Lucky we hadn’t started decorating the room, now we’ll need to plan for two basinets instead of one. The room is big, but it’s not massive. We’re going to be crowded, but it will be worth it just to have my family all together.


  Sparx was a trooper at the appointment, and for the entire car ride home she’s been trying to hide her smile. I know she’s equal parts anxious as she is excited, but I know her excitement will win over.

  I grab her hand as we walk inside the clubhouse. Surge and Mom are sitting at the bar as we walk in.

  Mom glances up at us. “Boyo, how’d your appointment go?” she calls out, so I lead Sparx over to my mother, and the man who’s like a father to my brother and me.

  Sparx beams as I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her to my side and raise my brow with a cocky grin. “Seems I have super sperm,” I mock.

  Surge chuckles as Mom grimaces. “What on God’s green earth does that mean?” Mom asks as Mylee pushes my shoulder.

  I place my hand on Sparx’s stomach. “It’s twins!”

  Mom lets out an ear-piercing scream as she stands from her stool throwing her hands in the air. Everyone turns to look at us.

  “Geez, woman, calm it down,” Surge berates.

  Mom quickly slaps Surge on the chest. His arm now out of the damn sling as he winces from the sting as Mom races forward grabbing Sparx, hugging her in a swaying motion from side to side. I chuckle as Sparx hugs Mom back.

  “Oh, lordy, lordy, Lord, we need a celebration. A lunch. Yes, we need a feast—”

  “Mom, stop. We don’t need a celebration every time we get news. We’ve had a big morning. Let�
�s let Sparx have some rest,” I state.

  She lets Sparx go pulling back at an arm’s distance and looking over her as Sparx smiles.

  “Oh gosh, of course. You must be tired. Go, have a nap. Then later I’ll make you some soothin’ tea.”

  “Thanks. I’m exhausted.”

  “Of course, you go, girlie. Lay down and rest. We can celebrate later.”

  “C’mon,” I tell her.

  I glance to Surge, and he subtly nods as I wrap my arm around her, then we head off down the hall. We step into my room, and I walk her to my bed as she sits on the edge. I bend down pulling off her shoes and glance up at her. “I was proud of you today. You can handle any shit that’s thrown at you.”

  She exhales flopping down on the bed. I stand up moving to the bed sitting next to her and look into her eyes. “Will it be a challenge? Fuck yes, but we can do it!”

  Sparx looks at me. “Fuck yeah, we can!” She leans in giving me a swift kiss on my lips. The spark, the sizzle that ignites when she kisses me is there like it always is, but now is not the time to take this further. Right now I need to let her rest. “Trax, these babies… they’re going to have the best chance at life. You know why?”

  I raise my brow. “Why?”

  “Because you’re their dad.”

  I lean in kissing her again, a little longer this time. But eventually, I move back and place the covers over her. “Now you sleep. I’m going to go and work on some club stuff, but I have my cell if you need me.”

  Her eyes blink like she’s already drifting off. “Don’t let me sleep too long.”

  I chuckle. “Yes, ma’am.” I turn, heading for the door leaving her to rest while I go in search of my blood brother. While Sparx’s taking in the news of having twins, I am over the fucking moon about it, and I need to tell Torque before Mom gets to him.



  Walking into the chapel, Torque and Ace are busy at Ace’s desk. I can see they’re looking at the detection on Cindi’s tracker. From what I can see, she’s somewhere in Miami. They both look up bobbing their heads in greeting as I approach.


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