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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 78

by K E Osborn

  “Where is he?” I yell turning back to face Jason.

  He shakes his head adamantly. “I don’t think you understand, Malcolm has so much money he’ll pay way more to keep me quiet than what you guys can dish out in torture to make me talk.”

  I jolt my head back wondering why he said Malcolm, Everett’s father’s name, instead of Everett. But I put it down to a simple mistake while the guy’s shitting his pants.

  “I do like a challenge,” I reply as I walk back to the cupboard to look for the one thing I have in mind. I grab the small tool and stroll back over to him with purpose and poise.

  Dropping to my knees, in line with his broken ones, I smirk at him. He glances down at me. Pain evident on his face as I raise my hand to show him a pair of pliers. His eyes widen, and I shrug.

  “You don’t look like you take very good care of your nails. You’re a biter I see. Well, I guess you won’t be needing them.” I move in with the pliers to his pointer finger with one hand and with my other I hold his finger down as he struggles against me. I position the pliers under the tiny bit of nail I can get under, and I wriggle from side to side. It pulls and squelches as he screams out in pain, the screech echoing against the thick concrete walls. Blood pools at the site and drips from his finger as Sensei bends down beside me to obviously see how I’m coping. Seeing the blood, something inside of me, the animal, the demon is loving this. But I’m keeping Sparx and my babies in the forefront of my mind right now.

  I need to keep focused.

  I can’t lose control.

  “Fuck, how can you do this to people?” Jason screams out.

  My head jolts up, and I scoff. “How can I do this to people? How can you stalk someone, giving away their whereabouts to a crazy motherfucker putting her life in danger? How can you do that, you son of a bitch?” I stand up dropping the pliers, anger burning red hot through me as my hand balls into a fist, and I thrust it forward right into his nose, the snap of his bone cracks through the air as his head smacks back into the silver chair, blood squirting all over my shirt. I land another punch in his face, then another, my breathing rapid, I’m losing myself as I land another punch but my arm is quickly restrained, and I’m pulled back hastily by my brother and Chains while my anger surges through me, and I fight them to get back to Jason.

  Sensei appears in my line of sight. His eyes look at me while he takes a deep breath. “Don’t let the anger rule you, brother. Take a breath, in… and out.”

  My frustration begins to wane looking at Sensei’s calmed state, and I exhale long then inhale deep.

  “Good, brother. Maybe I should take it from here?” Sensei asks, and I pull myself from Chains and Torque’s hold.

  “I’m good… I’m good.” Cracking my neck to the side, we all turn to look at Jason. His head is to the side, blood pissing down his face from his nose and mouth. I look to the floor, several teeth lay on the plastic sheeting surrounded by his blood.

  Sensei steps to the side letting me back to Jason. He looks like shit as his eyes focus in on me, though he appears like he’s only half awake. He spits out a line of blood as his head moves up to look me in the eyes. “Feel better?” he murmurs.

  I scoff out a laugh. “Yeah, actually… I do. So, you want to tell us where Everett is, or this is only gonna get worse for you?”

  He rolls his eyes. The fucker has the nerve to actually roll his eyes, making my anger spike again. “You think, after all this, I don’t know where I’ll end up.”

  “You tell us what we want to know, and we’ll let you go.”

  He snorts. “Oh, yeah, so I can run to the cops and tell them everything. I don’t think so. I’m not going anywhere but the bottom of the South Branch Chicago River.”

  Pursing my lips, I shrug. “Not our style. We have somewhere much better to store our bodies than the river.”

  “In any case. I’m a dead man, so I’m not telling you shit. I just wish I took more time to admire that sweet pussy of yours. She sure has a fine ass, and I know from watching you two together she sure would be a damn firecracker in the sack. I want to shove my cock so hard in her ass she’ll be screaming for a week!”

  Heat rolls over me so insatiably hot, beads of sweat instantly pebble on my skin as I think of him getting anywhere near Sparx. Anger ripples through me at his words. The demon inside needs to be let out, and so I waste no time trying to lung for the blade placed down the back of Sensei’s pants.

  Sensei instantly twists my hand to stop me while Torque rushes forward grabbing hold of my arms.

  “Breathe, Trax.” Sensei looks firm into my eyes as I breathe out harsh breaths. It’s enough to shock me back into reality. I lost myself for moment and realize maybe I’m too close to this to handle it the right way.

  “I need you to take over, Sensei,” I state firmly.

  He nods like he already knew, stepping back from me and swiveling to face Jason. “One last time, where is Everett?” Sensei asks with more calmness in his voice than I could possibly feel.

  “So your first tried his best, do you think you’re going to be any better or will you be a pussy like him, too?”

  Sensei turns to Torque. “We’re not getting anywhere.”

  Torque nods once.

  Sensei reaches for his blade pushing forward. Jason’s eyes widen as he tries to back into the chair, but Sensei is too quick as he thrusts the blade into Jason’s gut. The push and pull of the blade slices with ease into his torso, blood begins to ooze from his chest. Jason coughs and splutters as Sensei stabs over and over again, blood now spraying all over his clothes as he methodically ends his life.

  The demon inside me rejoices, the man in me relieved Jason got his just desserts. Though, I’m disappointed I couldn’t bring the final blow myself. Sensei was right to take over, no point in losing myself in this when the end result is the same. Jason’s dead. We have no intel. Better to have me functioning than a complete mess.

  It’s good I’ve regained control, even if I did lose my way.

  I think I’ve come a long way.

  Sensei steps back from Jason’s now lifeless body wiping his blade with care and precision as always. It almost feels like this is how he calms himself after a kill. Sensei turns to look at me, and I give him a curt nod as he walks over to us.

  Looking to Torque, Sensei rolls his shoulders. “We still have no idea on Everett or his motives and whereabouts. We’re back to square one. There was no way Jason was going to break.”

  “Yeah, I agree. Let’s break for the night, get cleaned up,” Torque suggests.

  I finally relax. “Thanks, brother. Fucking hell, I lost it for a second.”

  “Just focus on your family, Trax. Don’t let the rage consume you again,” Sensei tells me, believing that this time, I think it will truly be the last.

  It’s strange being on the other side of this, not being the one landing the final blow but watching how Sensei controls the ending so meticulously, so calmly, without letting his inner demons take hold over him. I realize I have more work to do, but I know now that I can combat my demon with Sensei’s help.



  Five Weeks Later

  The past five weeks have been weird. Good, but weird. I’ve been keeping busy with my website work and website testing, but it’s almost like Trax is trying to make sure I keep myself occupied and busy. Like he wants me to be here at the club all the time. Whenever I offer to go on the grocery run with the girls or to go out to buy baby stuff, he’s constantly blocking me, telling me to stay here and relax, that the club girls have got it covered. I mean I don’t mind being looked after, but there is such a thing as cabin fever. I’m starting to think I might get it if he doesn’t let me out of here soon. The only thing he lets me go to is our doctor appointments, which he always comes to with me, and for that, I’m grateful.

  The thing is, though, I’m starting to stew on it. Like, is there a reason he’s keeping me indoors or is it all in my mind? S
urely, if there was a threat—an Everett-size threat—he would let me in on it, right?

  As I sit working on another website, I groan as hunger pangs rips through my stomach. My hand moves down to the small bump on my belly. The noticeable difference in size now makes me smile as I rub my hand over my tummy.

  The light from the laptop blares while Trax is off doing something with the club. We have an appointment this afternoon with the OB/GYN for my four-month check-up, so luckily, I’ll be getting out of the club for a little bit today and seeing the outside world. It’s been weeks since I stepped foot outside the compound gates. I really can’t wait to get a taste of fresh air. It might sound a little dramatic, but I just want to be able to walk around the city streets. Even if just for a little while.

  I know Trax is protective of our babies and me, but if he’s protecting us from something or someone, he should at least be telling me about it. But I know how it works, if he’s keeping me under lock and key, there’s not a damned thing I could do about it anyway. I’m his Old Lady, if he wants to keep me here to protect me, then I know all those brothers out there will do absolutely everything in their power to make sure I stay exactly where I am. No point in even trying to fight it. I know how a brotherhood works, I was raised in it, and I’ve lived it my entire life. This is why I fit into the Old Lady role so easily. I’m not a pushover. I will fight Trax when I need to, but I know when a war can’t be won too. So if Trax wants me here, I’m not going anywhere.

  My hand circles on my stomach again as the door to our room cracks open. I turn to see Trax pop his head through the opening. His eyes instantly drop to my hand on my stomach. He steps in closing the door behind him. “You and the babies okay?”

  I lean back into the desk chair letting out a happy sigh. “We’re perfectly content.”

  He beams wide squatting in front of me, placing his hands on my thighs as he looks up into my eyes. “You think we’ll find out the sexes today?” he asks.

  Reaching out, I swipe a flop of hair from his face. “Maybe, but today’s about the screening tests, nothing serious, just to test for things we need to be on the lookout for.”

  His smile falters, and he sighs. “Down syndrome and shit?”

  “Amongst other things. It’s normal, nothing to worry about.”

  He takes a deep breath. “Well, I don’t care. If our babies have any problems, we’ll deal with it. I’ll love them no matter what.”

  I lean down planting a kiss on his lips briefly before pulling back. “And that’s why you’ll be the best dad ever.”

  He stands up looking down at my computer, then to the wall randomly. “We really need to think about rearranging this desk and turning it into the kids’ area.”

  “Yeah, well you bought the paint and stuff. We just need to move the desk into my old room so we can put the basinets up. Make it a real little baby zone.”

  “I’ll put some time aside, and we can do it together. Create the two areas, one for your office, the other for our family.”

  My stomach flutters. “I’d love that.”

  He looks to his watch with an exhale. “Okay, want to get ready for your appointment, and I’ll take you to get some lunch before we go?”

  Excitement flitters through me as I jump on the seat slightly. “Really? We’re going to go out for more than just the doctor’s appointment?”

  His smile is weak like he knows he’s been holding out on me. “Yeah, you deserve to go out. You’ve been cooped up in here for far too long. Let me take you out. It can be like a date.”

  I snort out a laugh. “I think we’re past dating, don’t you?”

  He chuckles. “Let me take you on one anyway.”

  Butterflies flutter in my tummy. “Okay… awesome.”

  He grabs my hand hoisting me up from the seat as he pulls me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly while looking deep into his eyes. “You’re my woman, Sparx. You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, right?”

  “I know, trust me, I know. I get that everything you do is for us,” I tell him.

  He leans in pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back feeling nothing but total devotion pouring back from him. The kiss deepens, that usual spark shooting through me, our tongues going rouge against each other’s, and I can’t help but wonder if we have time to take this further. Before I can make my move, he pulls back from me with the biggest of smirks, shaking his head. “You’re trouble, you know that?”

  “Who? Me?”

  He laughs as he spins me, and I stumble slightly in my awkwardness, just as his hand comes out slapping me hard on my ass. I giggle as I rush over to the closet pulling out a flowing white dress. It’s a nice day, and I’m pretty sure we’ll be taking the truck. As much as Trax loves his new bike, he doesn’t like me riding on the back of it at the moment. I know once the babies are born, I’ll be able to go on the back of his ride again, but while I’m pregnant, he doesn’t want to risk it. He’s extra cautious with the precious cargo onboard.

  Trax watches me undress and looks at me shaking his head, his eyes going straight to my pot belly, and he walks over as I reach for my bra. He slides in behind and wraps his arms around me from behind. His warmth encases me. I giggle as his giant hand spreads out on my stomach taking it up almost entirely. His chin rests on my shoulder as I stop my movements just taking in this moment with him.

  “I love you like this. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  I bring my hand up threading it through his longer than normal hair. “You make me feel beautiful. I’m so much happier when you’re around, Trax… I’ll never leave you again.”

  He sighs leaning in planting a kiss on my cheek. “Let’s not think about it. You came back, that’s all that matters. I have you now, and I swear, baby, I’m never letting you go.”

  I spin in his arms, my naked breasts rubbing against the leather of his cut as I look up at him. “You couldn’t even if you wanted to because I’ll never let you.”

  I lean in, kissing him strongly again this time letting him know just how much I love and adore him. He’s my everything. He means absolutely everything to me, and right now I couldn’t love anyone or anything more in the world if I tried.

  Eventually, we pull back, and he chuckles turning me around making me groan in contempt as I regrettably get dressed. As much as I want to fuck Trax right now, my need to get out of this compound is winning more.

  “Right, let’s do this!”

  “It’s a date. A hot date I might add.” His eyes roam up and down my body in my flowing dress.

  I scoff rolling my eyes. “Shut up. You have to say that, or I’ll punch you.”

  He snorts out a laugh. “I only speak the truth. Now grab your shit and let’s go.”

  Leaning around, I grab my cell then shove it down my bra, reaching out for his hand as we leave our room and walk down the hall to the clubroom. Freckles and Surge are sitting at the bar, they turn to look at us as we walk past.

  “You going somewhere?” Surge calls out with a hint of deeper meaning in his voice that I’m unsure of.

  I tilt my head wondering what this is about while Freckles beams at me as if nothing’s going on, but Surge isn’t as good at playing it cool as Trax’s mother.

  Trax grips my hand tighter. “Yeah, taking my woman out to lunch, then to the doctors for a four-month check-up.”

  Surge’s face tightens into something harder. “Why don’t you have lunch with us?” he asks as Freckles snorts. “Stop it, Surge, Sparx hasn’t been out in weeks. Let the poor girl have one lunch date with her man. Trax has it covered… right?”

  She looks to Trax tilting her head like she’s asking him an unspoken question. I’m not liking how this conversation is going.

  “Yeah, got it covered. Sparx deserves lunch. I’m not taking her far, just to The Heart of Italy, to that that special Italian restaurant.”

  Surge’s eyes narrow like something clicked in his mind, although nothing has clicked in min
e. I have no idea what’s going on, but I don’t care. As long as I get some nice pasta, I’m happy.

  “Good work, boyo. Tell them Italians we say hi,” Freckles relays. I raise my brow in curiosity. Maybe we’re going to see that Enzo guy. I don’t care as long as I get food. Pronto.

  “Right, we’re off. I’ll see you when we get back.”

  Freckles winks at me. “If you get pictures of them babies, can you try to get one for me, too?”

  “Of course, Grammy,” I tease.

  She beams so wide, it’s contagious. “Grammy! I love it. Oh lordy, lordy, Lord, I’m gonna be a grandma. I’m so fuckin’ happy for you two. But go on, go… have your lunch then bring me a photo of my grandbabies.”

  Trax smiles pulling me to him as we head out to the truck. He leans in kissing my temple as we round the truck, and I let out a heavy sigh. He looks to me raising a brow. “That’s a big sigh, you okay?” He opens the door for me helping me up into the truck.

  “Yeah, just wish people would stop pussy-footing about around me.”

  He walks around to the driver’s side getting in closing the door to start the truck. “What do you mean?”

  I look to him doing up my belt. “I mean, I know something’s going on at the club to do with me. I know I’m obviously being kept here. That little show by Surge wasn’t because he wanted to eat lunch with me. Something’s happening, isn’t it?”

  He exhales pulling out then heads for the gate as it opens to let us through. “Babe, there’s nothing for you to worry about. I promise.”

  “Would you tell me if there was?”

  He peers sideways at me. “If it were necessary, yes. But sometimes what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you.”

  I let out a stifled laugh. “Ha! So there is something you’re not telling me?”

  He groans pulling onto the service road. “Sparx, trust me. You’re safe if we keep doing what we’re doing.”

  A chill runs over me at his words. So he is hiding me from the world, or more importantly from someone—Everett. “Has he found me?”


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