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Cum for Bigfoot 7

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by Virginia Wade

  Cum For Bigfoot 7

  By Virginia Wade

  Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

  All Rights Reserved.

  Published by I Love Stacy

  Kindle Edition

  Virginia Wade


  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this book is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

  Chapter One

  I thought Leonard had forgiven me for having sex with the ape from the rival tribe, but as I waited for him to return from a fishing trip, I began to wonder if perhaps he was still angry. I spent the day washing clothes with Leslie in a nearby creek. Lendal and Bubba Jr. tromped through the forest, chasing chipmunks and eating berries, which made the fur around their mouths purple. The boys were in rare form today, snorting and shrieking, scaring birds out of trees. By the time the chores were complete, we headed for the camp, but there was still no sign of Leonard.

  Fish grilled over a fire, as the tribe gathered for dinner. Dale pulled me onto his lap, his nose nudging my neck. He’d washed recently, because he smelled a little like wet dog.

  “Where’s Leonard?”

  “Not back yet,” he rasped.

  “He should be.”

  “Don’t worry, Porsche.”

  A younger Sasquatch by the name of Rusty sat across from us; his shiny black eyes were on me. I’d relieved him of his virginity the other night, and he was entirely grateful, but now he followed me around everywhere, trying to catch me alone. It had happened just this morning, and he had taken me in the forest. I still had splinters in my knees, as a reminder of our lusty encounter. These creatures had to be the horniest of the animal kingdom, with raging libidos and even longer cocks. Our tribe was interconnected on almost every level, from food gathering, to sharing chores, and sharing women. It was impossible to know exactly whose baby anyone was carrying; therefore, the apes looked upon all the children as their own. Lendal called Dale Papa, and Leslie’s son, Bubba Jr. referred to me as mommy. This wasn’t surprising, considering we breastfed each other’s children often. Every member of the tribe contributed to the health and welfare of the little ones.

  Zelda sat next to me. Her baby was in her arms. “No sign of Leonard?”

  “No. He should be back by now.”

  She nodded. “It’s not unusual for them to wander off for a couple of days.”

  “He’s never done that before.”

  “He’s probably on his way home now.”

  Leslie handed me a wooden bowl. “Here ya go, Porsche.”


  I ate, but my mind was elsewhere. Leonard had been angry that I had sex with an opposing tribe member. They had kidnapped me, leaving me little choice in the matter. We had argued, but all seemed well. He couldn’t still be angry, could he? Doubt and worry ate away at me, as I stared into the fire. After dinner, Bubba lit his pipe, and the smell of cannabis filled the air. I leaned into Dale, using him like a comfortable chair. Rusty crept closer, his eager eyes flashing. With Leonard gone, I had a feeling Rusty would join us in the shelter tonight.

  Lendal ambled over and crawled into my lap. “Me thirsty.” I lowered a portion of my dress, and my son attached himself to a nipple. He suckled greedily, while Rusty stared at me, his tongue flicking out.

  Oh, for God’s sake.

  Leslie herded the boys into their own shelter after they had eaten. Lendal slept with Bubba now, but he typically crawled into our hut in the morning for a feeding. This gave us the privacy to partake in pleasurable, intimate activities that the creatures were so fond of. Several males had recently left to join other groups, and, besides Dale, Rusty, and Bubba, only two others remained, Dordo and Tate. Zelda’s mate had left with them, but she had mentioned that he did this often and he would eventually return. Perhaps, Leonard was bored with me. Would he sleep with other women? This thought bothered me, and I shifted unhappily on Dale’s lap.

  Bubba growled deep in his throat, as Leslie wrapped her fingers around his cock. He puffed from the pipe, sending tendrils of smoke into the air. The veil of the forest surrounded us; towering Douglas Furs loomed, casting dark shadows and blocking the moonlight completely. Dale’s hand was on my tummy, rubbing gently. I struggled to relax, worrying about Leonard. He should be the one holding me right now.

  Where the hell are you?

  Zelda touched my hand. “It’s gonna be fine. He’s sowing wild oats. They gotta cut loose every once in a while. He’ll be back by morning.”

  She was right. Sasquatches ruled the forest. They were stronger than grizzly bears, just as smart as humans, and their sense of smell and hearing was as keen as any mountain lion. I sighed, settling into Dale, while an erotic buzz lingered in the air along with the noxious smell of cannabis. Leslie’s mouth was around Bubba’s cock, sucking the enormous pink shaft aggressively. This had the undivided attention of the Sasquatches, who watched with eager expectation, although there weren’t enough women for everyone. Bubba had been sharing Leslie, allowing Dordo and Tate to have her. I was busy satisfying my guys and now Rusty as well, who was a young buck with a nearly insatiable appetite for sex. It was sometimes exhausting, the demands they placed on us, but I had never fallen asleep unsatisfied.

  The end of summer was approaching, and the sweltering days had turned into sultry nights in this lowland valley of the Cascades. We had hiked here from the Northern hunting ground, finding the fish and game abundant, while the little ones enjoyed the blackberries.

  “Grroooaaarrr…” rasped Bubba, who pulled his cock out of Leslie’s mouth in time to spray her with a rush of white fluid. She closed her eyes, as the deluge hit her face.

  Dale’s member pressed into my bottom, jerking demandingly. Rusty held my arm, sniffing and licking the skin, which sent shivers down my spine. Dordo and Tate pounced on Leslie, her face and hair dripping with Sasquatch semen.

  “Good God, these boys are horny,” she giggled. Tate had taken her dress off, and Dordo grasped her hips, preparing to mount her from behind.

  Bubba reclined on the fur, his huge belly rising and falling with his breathing. His eyelids were half-closed, the pipe dangling from the corner of his mouth. An outsider witnessing the situation for the first time would be shocked. When the scientists, Dr. Haynes and his research assistant, George, had been with us, they had observed the sexual proclivities of the apes. This species did not produce females, so it was essential to kidnap women and breed with them. Both Leslie and I had given birth successfully to Sasquatch babies, although we had suffered numerous miscarriages before and after this event.

  My dress was over my head and discarded nearby, while soft, black hands roamed over my tanned skin. Since I was still breastfeeding, I was always full of milk. My heavy breasts were Bigfoot magnets, because they enjoyed sucking me until I squirted.

  Rusty grunted enthusiastically, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. “Porsche is gooooood.”

  I tousled the fur on his head. “Thanks, Rusty.”

  “Oh, you bad boys,” gasped Leslie. Dordo drove into her, his enormous balls slapping her pussy, while she struggled to suck Tate properly.

  Zelda had gone into the shelter with the little ones, leaving us to
our hedonistic devices, and things were about to escalate. Rusty lifted me onto my knees, while Dale’s cock pushed its way into my mouth.

  “Oh…oommmm…” The younger Sasquatch was behind me; his lengthy tongue drove into the folds of my pussy, spearing my sensitive flesh. A burst of tingles registered in my tummy. “Oh, Rusty!”

  For having just lost his virginity, he had caught on fast, and his skills at pleasuring women were not to be underestimated. He drove deep and retreated, over and over, that slinky tongue working my tunnel. These creatures were fascinated with the female anatomy, and they could spend hours exploring and playing in wet, musky places. I worked Dale, saliva and pre-cum dripping out of the sides of my mouth, while gagging on the length that slid deep.

  “Porsche…” groaned Dale. His black eyes flashed happily. He lowered himself to the animal pelt, holding the glistening end of his cock. “Make Dale happy, Porsche.”

  I had been thoroughly reamed by Rusty, who still had his face buried in my pussy. I pushed him away and straddled Dale, lowering onto a monster cock. The sensation was something I would never get used to, and my body began to hum with need, my nerve endings tingling in delight. Dale’s hands grasped my hips, aiding my back and forth movement. Not to be left out, Rusty’s finger slid into my anus, creating a brief flare of pain.

  “Oh! Omigod!”

  “Fuck me, you dirty boys!” cried Leslie, who was getting pounded by Dordo, the ape’s mouth hanging open and a look of rapture softening his features. “Oh, God…yeah…”


  Bubba presided over the orgy, his pipe sending up copious amounts of smoke. He grunted occasionally, approving of our activities. Rusty pressed his cock against the tight bands of my anus, lubricating me with pre-cum. These apes produced a surprising amount of semen and pre-cum, the latter coming in handy, where anal sex was concerned. I could feel it dripping down my inner thighs.

  “Nice ass, Porsche,” he rasped.

  Sex wasn’t just for procreation. Sasquatches engaged in the activity for pleasure, entertainment, and stress relief. It also bonded the tribe. As the tip of Rusty’s cock opened me up to impossible breadths, I gasped with the decadence of the feeling; my entire pelvic region was stuffed to the brim with equal amounts of pleasure and pain.

  “Oh, God!” I dug my fingertips into Dale’s hairy chest. His eyes were closed. “Oh, God-oh-God…” The sensation was almost intolerable, yet wildly stimulating. My clit pressed into him, engorged and throbbing. The edges of my orgasm threatened, the feeling tingling and enjoyable.


  Dordo threw his head back and sprayed Leslie, the whitish fluid gushing out of her pussy. Bubba grunted his approval, rubbing his enormous belly. Not to be outdone, Tate jetted ropes of cum over her head, the silky concoction landing on her back. Leslie screamed her release, the sound echoing in the forest.

  My bottom felt like it was on fire, the edges of my sphincter smarting. I was impaled by two enormous beasts who were determined to bring me to the edge of what I could withstand and then toss me over. My Sasquatch lovers were always sensitive to my needs, never hurting me with their desires. These creatures would not be satisfied, unless I also reached climax.

  Dale pulled himself from my mouth. “Whhhoooaaarrr…Porsche!” I closed my eyes, knowing I was about to be hosed down. Wetness splashed my face and hair, my breasts dripping with fluid. I shivered, as the semen quickly turned cold.

  Rusty grasped my hips, while driving deeper now that Dale’s cock no longer obstructed him. Twelve inches of lusty Bigfoot was buried in my ass. Dale’s finger materialized over my clit, massaging the dripping nub.

  I threw my head forward, my hair falling to the fur. “Oh-shit! Oh-shit-fuck!” I gasped; as the orgasm hit, the delicious sensations left me convulsing with the aftershocks of hundreds of pleasurable spasms. “Rusty!”

  He plunged deep, his balls slapping my pussy. “Grrroooaaarrrr…!” Not content to cum in my ass, he pulled himself free, wetting me all the way to my neck. “Good! Good, Porsche! Nice. Rusty likes Porsche.”

  I collapsed on the pelt shivering and exhausted. Leslie and I had satisfied an entire tribe of horny Bigfoots…again.

  Chapter Two

  I woke the next morning snuggled between the furry bodies of Dale and Rusty, who snored lightly. The flap of the shelter moved, and Lendal crawled inside; his uniquely colored eyes shone with expectation.

  “Me hungry.”

  He squeezed himself between Dale and I, the older Sasquatch grunting at the intrusion, but continuing to sleep. Lendal attached himself to my nipple and suckled. Leonard had not returned yet, and now I was truly beginning to worry. After feeding my son, I tossed a cotton dress over my head and tidied up in the stream, washing myself with freezing water. My time in the forest had acclimated me to my surroundings, and I was able to subsist quite easily on the most basic provisions. I was due to visit my parents in early fall, and I would return with new clothes and necessities. I had tubes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, and feminine hygiene products packed away in duffle bags. Dr. Haynes had given me a satellite phone, and, if Leonard did not appear soon, I would have to call him. The apes had been fitted with tracking devices, and the whereabouts of my lover would be revealed in due course.

  “Mommy, mommy, mommy!” Lendal stomped over, his furry feet sinking in mud.

  “You’re all messy now.”

  “Me wash.”

  He splashed into the stream, his fur wetting instantly. I sat on a rock and stared at my toddler, feeling a wave of tenderness and pride. I’d never imagined I would actually enjoy living in the forest. Shelly, Leslie and I had been kidnapped by Leonard three years ago, and Leslie and I had decided to stay with the tribe. Shelly returned to civilization, and she was in college now. She had gone on with her life. I wasn’t a prisoner and neither was Leslie, because it had been our choice to live with the Sasquatches and have their babies. We could leave whenever we wanted.

  Lendal caught a fish and held it up. “Look, mommy!”

  “Good, boy. Have Zelda cook it for breakfast.” He waded waist deep, his eager expression focused on the water. His furry hand dove under, bringing forth a second fish.

  “Me have another one!”

  “I have another one,” I corrected.

  He jumped up and down. “Eat, eat, eat! Hungry, hungry, hungry!” He raced towards me, his long legs kicking up water. He bounded into the forest, heading for camp. I followed him a minute later.

  After breakfast, Dale and Rusty prepared to look for Leonard, and I would go with them, wearing a sturdy pair of hiking shoes. I’d changed into shorts and a t-shirt. The thick strands of my blonde hair were pulled into a ponytail. We set out with water and snacks, anticipating a long walk. The Bigfoots were expert trackers, noting changes in the ground, the bushes, and variances in scents. They stopped every so often to sniff the air.

  “Leonard!” I shouted to the treetops throughout the morning. Two hours later, I sat on Dale’s lap, tired and demoralized. The apes hadn’t been able to find his scent. “Where is he?”

  “Don’t worry, Porsche,” he rasped. “We find him.” Rusty had gone into the woods to relieve himself. Dale licked the side of my face. “Don’t be sad.”

  “Why would he leave like that?”

  “Maybe accident happened.”

  I turned to look at him. “Do you think he’s in trouble?”

  He shrugged. “He’s far. I don’t smell him.”


  “We look there next.” He pointed into the distance. “Maybe I smell something.”

  I scrambled to my feet. “Let’s go then.”

  He handed me a water bottle. “Drink first, Porsche.”


  We gave up two hours later, after failing to find a scent. Back at camp, I dug through my bag and found the satellite phone. I used it only in emergencies or to let Dr. Haynes know when I would be arriving at Lost Lake, so my parent
s could pick me up. I held the device to my ear.

  “Dr. Haynes here. Porsche?”


  “Is everything all right?”

  “Yeah, but one of our apes is missing. Leonard’s gone.”

  “Hold on a sec, and I’ll bring up his location.”

  I waited for him to find Leonard, one eye on Lendal and Bubba Jr., as they play fought, rolling on the ground, getting leaves and twigs stuck in their fur. “Boys! Cut it out.” They wheezed and grunted, ignoring me.



  “You guys were on the move a couple of days ago. You’re in sector 4A now. Leonard appears to be heading away from you, ten miles due south.”

  My stomach dropped. “What?”

  “He’s moving, Porsche. He’s just fine.”

  “But why is he going so far away? He didn’t say anything about leaving.” I felt a moment of panic.

  “Is he hunting?”

  “He’d gone to fish.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I’ll continue to monitor him.”

  “Something’s wrong. I know it is. How do I find him? How will I get him to come back?”

  “I’ve been trying to contact you. I’m going in earlier this season. I’ll meet you in five days. It would be nice, if you all could stay put for a bit.”

  Excitement and relief raced through me. “Oh, thank God.”

  “Is there anything you need me to bring? Is anybody sick?”

  “No, we’re fine. I just have to find Leonard.”

  “Don’t worry, Porsche. We’ll get him back.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Haynes.”

  “No worries.”

  “Tell my parents I said hi.”

  “I will. Take care of yourself.”

  “I will. Bye.”

  The rest of the world did not know that the Sasquatches existed, and the government wanted to keep it that way, because this species was on the edge of extinction. The Fallen Institute, which was a little known government initiative that dealt with dangerous and unusual animals, had once incarcerated Leonard and Dale. The Sasquatches had been poked and prodded for months, until Dr. Fallen had taken matters into his own hands and released them in secret, risking his reputation and career. As a consequence, the Sasquatches would allow the scientists to observe the tribe without restrictions, and the government had been able to insert tracking devices to follow their movements. It was a win-win situation for everyone.


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