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Last Slave Standing

Page 3

by Sean O'Kane

  “Normally she would be suspended face down and would be douched, shaved, soaped up and then run through the showers to the driers at the far end.” He pointed to grilles at the end of the corridor. From there the rails on the ceiling curved around and away to the far side of the building where they terminated in front of the tall cupboards.

  “In the evenings they are deposited over there where you can see the dildo poles. They are taken down and impaled on them either anally or vaginally for an hour or so. Pressure pads on the sides of the dildo register the amount of pressure each girl is exerting and the grooms encourage them to achieve good results with the whips. The benefits of such constant training you’ll experience for yourselves shortly.”

  “Mr Holden?” one of the women in the group queried a little shyly. “Which method do you use to keep them shaven?”

  “We use hot wax. An arena slave needs to be constantly acquainted with pain. Incidentally, Patti, our head groom, uses shaving as a disciplinary tool. If any of them gets what she calls ‘crabby’, she’ll have the grooms allow some hair to grow around the anus and then she’ll use single hair extraction to depilate her. Noisy but very effective, I assure you!” There was some laughter and some grimaces from the women.

  “But now,” Brian went on. “I’m sure you’ve all waited long enough, so I’ll just ginger this lovely creature up and you can sample the delights of a CSL slave.” From one of the cupboards over at the far wall, he fetched a strap which was one of his favourite implements. From a ribbed leather handle a soft, pliable but fairly heavy strip of leather widened out rapidly and then narrowed along its eighteen inch length. As he returned to the stretched and suspended slave, an excited and expectant hush fell over the group. This was what they had really paid money for.

  Brian stood above Purdy and she craned her head up enough to see what was going to be used on her then made a loud clicking as she swallowed and let her head fall back. Brian noted the dilated pupils of her eyes as she succumbed to the submissive’s helpless excitement in the face of her own mistreatment.

  “This is isn’t a punishment beating. This is no more than one of these slaves needs to make sure she’s good and juicy for her masters,” Brian told his audience. “It also demonstrates what we try to achieve with them. As you can see, she is smooth and feminine at the moment, all good looking curves and nice bumps.” He took one breast by the nipple, stretched it and then shook it, making it ripple almost like liquid. “But see what happens when she’s beaten.”

  With no warning he windmilled the strap down across her stomach, then across her breasts and finally down onto her open crotch. Three strikes in quick succession. Three deafening cracks. One after the other. Purdy’s body heaved and twisted, the stomach fluttering, the pelvis tilting, her thighs vainly trying to rise and clench; her head snapping up and then falling back. There was a collective sigh of pleasure from the onlookers as they watched her heavy breathing make her breasts continue to judder and shake.

  “I see what you mean,” one man said, leaning forwards and stroking Purdy’s inner thighs. “You could see the sinews quite clearly and the stomach muscles!”

  “An arena slave has to be fit for the bed and the dungeon as well as the arena,” Brian reminded them. “Okay, let’s go again.”

  He repeated the dose, but this time extended it to five lashes and fetched strained squeals from between Purdy’s clenched teeth as her legs tried to bicycle in the air to protect her exposed cunt which this time took two lashes full on from the narrow tip of the strap.

  “She felt those last two!” one of the men exclaimed as they watched her body swing and twist in mid air, her fingers clenching into fists about the chains. One of the women stood forward and gently stroked her stomach, flat and smooth but now marked vividly by only a few lashes of the strap.

  “She is beautiful,” she whispered, her eyes bright as her fingers trailed up to caress the breasts. “Can you do that again?”

  “Of course,” Brian agreed happily. “She’s proud to be shown off to paying customers.”

  Once again the big room echoed to heavy, fleshy smacks as Brian aimed his lashes for maximum effect. He swung down three across her breasts, making her exert her full strength by arching her back upwards to try and get her vulnerable flesh away from the tormenting lash. He waited until she slumped back and threw three more heavy strikes at her crotch, deliberately running the thin tip of the strap along the slit of her cunt and making the very end bite at her anus. The onlookers applauded her strength in managing, even in full suspension, to thrust her pelvis up to meet the final lash. Brian stood back and coiled the leather.

  “If you would like to try her….” he suggested to the man on his right.

  The man leaned forwards with a wide grin on his face and plunged his fingers between the trembling thighs. An amused and excited ripple of laughter ran round the group as they all clearly heard the squelching of a well prepared cunt.

  “She’s all yours. And when you’ve finished we’ll go and see the others training,” Brian told them and went to lean against the side of the stalls. Purdy was immediately engulfed and disappeared from view. All Brian could see were the chains shaking and swaying.

  The usual way this part of the tour went was that the men would form a queue straightaway at the slave’s head, eager to sample the feeling of her ringed tongue licking them – and indeed the queue duly formed so that Brian could see Purdy once more. The women went first to bend and examine the cunt, opening it and discussing it, rubbing the clit and exploring the body right up to – and sometimes into - the anus.

  “She knows that if she fails to give complete satisfaction, she can expect punishment, so do make sure you are as demanding as you can be. And, gentlemen, there will be other opportunities to enjoy the slaves, so feel free to ejaculate in whatever passage you want. You can try other ones later.”

  There was some relieved chat and laughter as the men were freed of the onerous choice about whether to come in the mouth or whether they should sample the cunt or rectum.

  One man immediately went for the cunt, standing between Purdy’s spread thighs, he freed a rampantly erect cock from his trousers and slipped it straight in. Brian watched as Purdy arched slightly in surprise but kept tonguing the cock that was hovering at her lips.

  “Hey, you’ve really got to try this!” the man inside her cunt called to his companions. “She is so wet! But she can grip like a vice!”

  Brian’s heart swelled with pride and he watched carefully to make sure she gave full throat service to the cock which had now driven in between her lips and was seeking release as deep inside her as it could go. Her mouth was stretched wide around the gleaming shaft, her pink striped breasts were being mauled and squeezed in just the way she loved and between her legs, Brian knew she would be clenching as hard as she could.

  CSL turned out a superb product, he thought proudly.

  For nearly forty-five minutes the group used Purdy constantly. Two of the women, in their turn, straddled her head and had her lick them out while they faced their men who were buried in her cunt to the hilt and tormented her breasts as cruelly and knowledgeably as only a woman can. The third was clearly much more submissive and was ordered to perform the useful function of licking Purdy clean after each ejaculation. Three times Brian saw the slave arch her back, her limbs shaking with the strain and even around the constant oral penetration and her tongue ring, he heard her scream of release.

  But at last the group all stood around the exhausted form hanging in front of them and straightened their clothes, the women wiping marks off their skirts, the men dabbing at damp patches where semen or cunt juice had leaked onto their trousers. Brian stepped forwards and just then the door to the courtyard opened and Raika, the pretty little Indian assistant to Patti Campbell came in.

  “Ah, just in time! Clean this one up will you,” Brian called. The girl gave her customary curtsey and came over to the group.

  “Raika was purc
hased at the same auction as Purdy was and is assistant groom. As a groom, she is of course senior to the arena slaves but is still subject to discipline and use by any male. Show the nice people your tits, Raika.”

  The CSL grooms all wore the uniform that Patti had designed. It consisted of kitten heeled sandals, a very short pleated skirt and a blouse knotted below the breasts. Raika didn’t hesitate in slipping the knot, letting her blouse fall open and then putting her hands behind her back and thrusting her charming breasts forwards.

  “Two of the best tits in the stable,” Brian said as the group ogled the full, firm globes riding high and prominent on the slender chest. “Take it off and go to work, please,” Brian ordered.

  Again there was no hesitation, the blouse was discarded and the group laughed in delight as they watched the inviting way the breasts shook and swung as Raika set about her tasks. She went over to the control panels and swung Purdy nearer the showers, then she took a steel high pressure hose nozzle from its rest, tested the spray and then reached between Purdy’s legs, opening the labia skilfully with one hand and jabbing the nozzle in quickly with the other. She pressed the trigger at the base of the nozzle and everyone saw Purdy jerk in shock as she was sprayed inside with cold water, the icy liquid overflowing from her in a froth of bubbles and spray. She struggled as the rod was held inside her until Raika was satisfied she was thoroughly clean, then the nozzle was replaced in its holder and the Indian girl took an ordinary bottle of shower gel from a shelf and squirted some over Purdy, then she took a wooden pole which had an exfoliating sponge attached to the end, she turned on the showers and dampened the sponge before working it over the slave’s body and getting a good lather up, she worked it hard into Purdy’s face and hair where she had acquired quite a coating of dried spunk. Satisfied with her work she returned to the control panel and pressed the ‘forwards’ control once more. Motors whined above and the naked slave was carried slowly along the corridor while showers drenched her from both sides. At the far end, Raika halted the dripping body’s progress and switched on the blowers. Immediately the room was filled with the roar of the machines and the onlookers could see Purdy’s hair tossed and blown in the gale.

  “Morning and night they would have their teeth brushed and their nails checked at this point,” Raika called across to the tourists. “But today I’ll just brush her hair once its drier.”

  One of the men turned a questioning look at Brian and he smiled his permission back. The man beckoned Raika across and took a handful of her left breast. The small girl took it in her stride and stood quite patiently while several of the men and one of the women helped themselves. One man lifted her skirt from behind and felt underneath it.

  “She’ll be available for fucking later on,” Brian told them. “But for now let’s move on to the training ground. Raika, when you’ve got Purdy dried and brushed, put her in the tit stocks for the afternoon. She needs a proper beating.”

  Raika gave one of her brilliant smiles and calmly adjusted her skirt then bent to retrieve her blouse before turning back to Purdy.

  Brian and his party stopped briefly by the door to examine the dildo poles and see how they could be cranked up and down and they were shown the pressure pads and the dials on the sides. One of the men slid his hand up and down the shaft of one, lasciviously.

  “Just think, guys. Some of the most famous cunts in the world have graced this little beauty,” he said.

  Lunch was taken two hours later, after the guests had seen Carlo putting some of the girls through their paces at wrestling, boxing and whip duelling. While the slaves were fed in their stalls, the grooms ladling the food into troughs set low down beside the half doors at the fronts, the guests ate at a table set in the middle of the floor. The food was brought over from the main house and the grooms made themselves available during and after the meal. Some of the guests were amused to be allowed to take a spoon and help the slaves clean up the last of their meals while the grooms themselves, Raika, Anne Marie and Helga were variously kneeling under the table sucking cock or lying on top of it with their legs in the air.

  In the afternoon they watched Blondie, Jet and Blackie haul logs through the thick mud in one of the meadows. Most arenas were in warmer climates and Carlo made his slaves train in the mud so that hauling logs across the sands of the arena floors would be no more than a pleasant relief. The tourists took it in turns to wield whips and a simple lottery decided who got to whip the famous Blondie. As each slave completed a pass through the mud, Carlo tongue-tethered them to a stake driven into the firm turf above the mudpool. All the men in the party took full advantage of the bent-over stance this forced on the slaves to fuck them, being careful not to get mud from their legs on their trousers.

  The tall, legendary blonde, her arms spread wide along the slender metal bar run through the ring at the back of her collar, powered her way easily through the calf deep ooze, dragging her log behind her and hardly seeming to notice the floggings she was subjected to. Jet was nearly as fast but Blackie, the thick mane that gave her name tossing and blowing in the spring air as she was whipped, made heavy weather of it.

  “She’s not yet built up enough strength,” Brian explained as she went down onto one knee towards the end of her third pass through the mire. “Mr Suarez got her cheap because he’s convinced that after a few months of our combination of diet and training, she’ll be a very useful all round performer. As you can see she’s got good broad shoulders for taking the whip, a fair length of leg and a deep chest which should mean endurance. The big stables haven’t got the time to develop potential on an individual basis though and that’s where we come in.”

  The final treat of the day was to watch as one of the slaves, the tall, slender Legs, on that occasion, was harnessed to a trap in full studded tack. Brian took pride in showing how carefully the crotch strap was fed between the labia so that the lips pouted prettily to either side and how precisely the clitoral rasper had to be positioned. Legs was a particularly docile acquisition and even this early in her training would allow a complete stranger to insert her dildo and butt plug without rearing or kicking. She even held steady for every tourist in turn to have a go at it before having her breasts constricted by being bound into studded straps which buckled tight around them, she did cavil a little at the end of the procedure however but Brian explained that it was because she was impatient to get going and in any case two swipes with the riding crop settled her down.

  Once she was between the shafts of a trap, Brian took each guest on a short loop of tarmac track that ran out from the yard then turned back towards the house, then circled the stadium and returned. By the end of her tenth circuit, Legs’ backside and back were covered by a dense network of pink welts and she was foaming and dribbling helplessly around her bit, which ran through her tongue ring, making it impossible for her to close her mouth.

  Normally that would have been the end of the tour, apart from a quick demonstration of how a slave could be mounted on whatever instrument of correction happened to be set out in the yard.

  However, Purdy was still patiently awaiting punishment for her flirtatiousness earlier. Raika had put her in the breast stocks and she had been there ever since.

  “Flirting with a master is strictly forbidden,” Brian explained. “She knew quite well what she was letting herself in for but they just can’t help themselves sometimes. In fact she’s fairly lucky, we have several sets of breast stocks, some with very constricting holes, some lined with studs. This one’s quite straightforward it just holds her steady.”

  The group of tourists stood gathered around, looking at Purdy who stood stoically with her wrists clipped to the back of her collar, her tits trapped in the wooden holes of the stocks and held immovable by nipple clamps chained together.

  Carlo was bringing the other slaves back at the end of their day and when Brian explained Purdy’s offence he laughed and suggested a few refinements that would crown the tourists’ day.

; Anne Marie appeared with Ox and Trouble, they had been absent all day and sported traces of whole body whipping to an extent that had everyone whistling in amazement.

  “They are whip fodder, these two. In an arena show they must take three days of this, so sometimes we hang them out from a branch of a tree by the first hole of the golf course and the Lodge members warm up by flogging them. They are tough girls these!”

  They were tongue leashed and tied to the wall of the stables along with their companions who had been working out in the stadium under the control of the grooms. They presented a fine array of docile femininity as they stood in a line facing the stable wall, their tongue leads looping to steel rings, their hips tilting prettily from time to time as they shifted their weight from one leg to the other, their backs and buttocks almost all heavily striped.

  Brian went into the tack room and returned with fresh nipple clamps, without any preamble he removed the ones that Purdy had been wearing for so long and immediately she began to hop from foot to foot as circulation returned to the tormented nubs. Then he put more strongly sprung, toothed clamps on instead. Purdy let out a throaty groan at this new pain as the first clamp sank into her left nipple, and bent her knees, trying to shrink her tits back through the holes. But Brian ignored her and instead reached into her mouth to get her tongue, then he threaded the second clamp and its chain through the tongue ring, looped it through again and then he pulled it tight. Purdy let out an incoherent wail and bent her head forwards as far as she could to relieve the strain on her sorely stretched nipple, which was inevitably pulled up towards her mouth. Finally he clamped her right nipple with the chain pulled fully taut and invited the guests to inspect his handiwork. Purdy’s breath was rasping in her throat by then as they filed by, fascinated by the way her breasts folded upwards as the nipples dragged them and they compared fond memories of what that long pink tongue could accomplish with its heavy ring.


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