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The Alien Explorer's Love

Page 19

by Leslie Chase

  Hrail growled something, pulling at his grip. He wasn't sure if she was struggling to escape or not, and he didn't think she was either.

  He tried to think of it from her perspective. If he'd done such awful things, having to face Lilly’s disapproval might be a worse punishment than anyone else could inflict. Especially if he'd put her in danger. Was that shame what Hrail was feeling now?

  It would serve her right if she was, but he wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy. It was hard enough to face the possibility of not seeing Lilly again; the idea of having hurt her was too much.

  "Come on, we're going to go home," he said as gently as he could manage.



  Karnan didn't take long to arrive, and once he was there everything went quickly. He helped Jaranak load Orshar's body onto the bed of the truck while Lilly watched Hrail, Michael's pistol in hand. She'd picked it up as much to keep him from trying something stupid as anything else, but it did make her feel a little safer as she stood over the alien woman.

  But Hrail didn't make a move, and when Jaranak told her to get into the back of the truck she went without protest. All the fight had gone out of her, now that her cause was lost.

  Karnan looked deeply unhappy as he climbed in after her, and Lilly couldn't blame him. It must hurt a lot to see the woman he'd cared for like that, even after all she'd done.

  He'll cope, though. He's strong. She could see the resolve in his eyes — Karnan would take care of Hrail, but he wouldn't let her get away. He knew that she had to answer for her crimes.

  As Jaranak drove off, Lilly looked behind them in the rearview mirror. Michael stood on the roadside, sadly watching as they pulled away from the scene of devastation. Lilly wondered what he'd tell the police when they arrived. There wasn't going to be an easy explanation for the chaos they'd left in their wake.

  As long as we're not caught up in it, that's not my problem, she told herself firmly, leaning against Jaranak's powerful arm as he steered. Finally, they were alone again.

  Jaranak's knuckles were white where he gripped the wheel, and Lilly could feel his tension. He wasn't happy with driving an internal combustion engine, she realized, and chuckled to herself. Jaranak shot her a glance and shook his head with a frown.

  "This vehicle is powered by explosions," he said, as though that explained everything. "It's not safe, and of course I'm not comfortable."

  She shook her head. "You chased after me into a gunfight, twice. Unarmed both times. And I never saw you look afraid. But now you're terrified of a car?"

  The tension that had bubbled beneath the surface broke through in an unexpected laugh, and a second later he joined in. This wasn't some fragile man like Michael — Jaranak had no trouble laughing at himself when he knew he was being ridiculous. And after the experience they'd just had, they both needed a good laugh.

  Ahead of them, a pillar of smoke rose from the burning laboratory. Soon the authorities would have to arrive, no matter how much Cooper had paid them to stay away, and by then they'd have to be gone. Lilly wondered how much time that gave them, and how long they'd need. But with no way to judge either, she had to leave it in the hands of the aliens.

  In the parking lot, a strange sight greeted them. Those of Cooper's guards who'd survived were there, sitting against the building with their hands tied behind them. Watching over them, armed with a shotgun, was Margaret.

  "You took your time," Margaret called to them as they climbed down from the truck. Lilly bounded over to her friend, resisting the urge to throw her arms around her. It wouldn't do to disturb her aim.

  "What on Earth are you doing with a gun?" she asked with a laugh. Margaret grinned.

  "Someone had to guard these guys while Parvak does... whatever it is he's doing? He seemed to think it was very important, and Karnan had to go and fetch you." Margaret hefted the shotgun menacingly. "Plus, I figured I deserved a chance to get back at the men who kidnapped us."

  The thugs looked suitably cowed by their experiences, and none of them looked like they wanted to give Margaret any trouble. If anything, they all looked like they just wanted this day to be over.

  "What happened to you?" Margaret asked.

  "I'll explain everything later, but I don't think we've got the time right now." The authorities were on their way, and for all that the situation was in hand, Lilly didn't want to find out whose side they'd take once they turned up. The Coopers were powerful, after all, and Jaranak's story wouldn't stand much investigation.

  Margaret nodded, understanding that, and let Lilly move on.

  While the women talked, Karnan helped the captive Hrail out of the truck and Jaranak retrieved Orshar's body. Lilly shuddered at the grisly sight, following them towards the dock.

  "Couldn't you just get rid of him?" she asked Jaranak quietly. "You know, like you did the body in the alley?"

  "He turned on me, but he was still a member of my crew," he explained. "I have an obligation to his family, and nothing he did changes that. I'll not break my word, just because he broke his."

  Lilly couldn't help smiling at that, even if she wanted to be as far away from the corpse as she could. Her man was better about that than she'd be in his position, and she knew he was right — Orshar's family hadn't done anything wrong. They deserved to have their son's body back for burial, if Jaranak could manage it.

  She'd never seen her parents again after they set out on their final voyage, and if anyone could be spared that lingering pain it would make the world a better place.

  The Far Hunter's fake wooden hull sat by the dock, the decking pried apart to display the silvery cigar shape of the spacecraft within. On deck, Parvak hunched over the controls of the sensor suite, making delicate adjustments. Under his control the crackling ball of black energy floated slowly towards an opening in the Far Hunter's hull. Karnan led Hrail past that, into the metal cylinder and out of sight. Jaranak stopped briefly, but Parvak didn't look up. Lilly might not understand what he was doing, but she could see that it took all of his concentration and Jaranak didn't want to disturb him.

  "Come on, let's get inside," Jaranak said, and she caught an odd note of sorrow in his voice. They'd won, hadn't they? Lilly knew that it had been a bitter-sweet victory, with Jaranak having to kill a member of his own crew, but that didn't seem to be it. There was something more personal to his pain, and she didn't know what was wrong or how to address it.

  The lights flickered as she followed him inside the ship, and Jaranak opened a small pod that took Orshar's body. Lilly thought it looked a lot like the medical pod which had healed her, only without lights inside. Orshar wouldn't need to see, she supposed.

  "I'm going to wash up," Jaranak said. "The others have everything under control now and..."

  He trailed off as Lilly stepped into his way, her hands on her hips. "Look, mister, you've been acting weird since you rescued me. What's wrong? No dodging."

  Jaranak towered over her, his face closed and unreadable. For a moment, Lilly thought that he was about to simply lift her out of the way and walk on, but then he sighed and stepped back.

  "We have what we need to leave now," he said, quietly. "There are repairs to make, of course, and there could be delays. But within a week we'll be lifting off your planet."

  Oh. She looked up at him, not sure what to say. That was something that she hadn't considered, but now that he said it, it was like a ragged wound. Somewhere deep down she'd known he'd be leaving, and hadn't wanted to think about it.

  "You're going back to the stars," she breathed. He was going without her. It didn't seem real. "I didn't think it would be so soon."

  "I have to. I can't stay here, even if I didn't have to go, you won't be the last expert to see through my cover story."

  Lilly stepped forward, putting a hand on his chest. The slow and steady beating of his heart echoed through her, an infinite sadness. She tried to think what to say, and came up with nothing.

  His arms folded around her,
and he lifted her against him. The feel of his body against hers was wonderful and painful, and Lilly hugged him back, trying not to let her emotions get the better of her.

  "At least now, you can see the places your parents saw," he whispered, and she could hear the pain in his voice. "You'll be able to travel the world. I couldn't stand in the way of your dream."

  Lilly pulled back and looked him in the eyes, frowning at him.

  "I don't want to see the world," she said. "Is that what this is about? You were going to leave me on Earth because you thought that was what I'd want?"

  "It isn't?" Jaranak's eyes flared with hope.

  "No, you — you idiot," she told him, hitting him on the chest hard enough to make him wince. "Why would I go where my parents have already been, when I could see the stars with you?"

  The grin that split his face could have swallowed worlds, and his laugh echoed in the enclosed space.

  "I thought—" he cut off, pulled her to him, spun her around. "I didn't think that you'd give up your dreams for me. I'd never have asked you to."

  "You mean you almost gave me up, because you didn't talk to me?" Lilly grinned.

  "Well, I am an idiot," he said, and laughed. "What's your excuse?"

  Mock-indignant, Lilly hit him again, and then they both laughed wildly. Without putting her down, Jaranak strode into the back of the ship. The doors parted at his command, and as he went, he started to pull her clothes from her. Lilly squirmed in his grip, but to her delight found that there was no escape.

  "Where are you taking me?" she asked, breathless and happy.

  "We both need to get cleaned up," he told her, discarding her clothes behind him. By the time they were in the bathroom, he'd stripped her naked, and Lilly's pulse raced. Putting her down gently, Jaranak looked at her, his hungry eyes eating in every detail. Lilly licked her lips nervously — she'd never felt so naked before, not even with him.

  It felt as though he was looking into her soul as well as at her body, and he clearly liked what he saw. His eyes tracked down her, a slow and careful examination that made her flush, but she made no attempt to cover herself. Not from him. Instead, she looked back, enjoying the sight of her man.

  Her alien lover.

  Jaranak took hold of his shirt and tore it open, impatient with the buttons. Throwing it aside, he stood before her, his chest bare, rising and falling with his powerful breath. Lilly moaned at the sight of him, and he growled back.

  Pulling off his pants, he stood naked before her. Lilly stared, wanting to look at him, to remember him as he now was. His shining, golden eyes. His powerful muscles, moving under that deep blue alien skin. And his magnificent hard blue cock. She could stare at him for hours, she knew, drinking in the sight of his gorgeous body, tracing the contours of his muscles with her gaze.

  But she wanted to do more than look at him. Stepping closer, she reached out for him, trembling softly as her fingers touched his skin. He whispered a word and warm water began to fall around them like rain as he brushed her cheek with his hand.

  A small gasp escaped Lilly's lips as he stroked her cheek, her neck, her shoulder. His touch, for all his strength, was delicate and gentle. Drawing closer, she let her hand trace down his body, fingers running along the ridge between his perfectly-defined abs. Her breath caught as she raised herself up on tiptoes to kiss him.

  The power of his kiss overwhelmed her, filled her senses. The hot water pounded down on their skins as he lifted her, pulling her close, his lips surrounding hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth as they clung to each other. His body felt like heaven to her.

  Between them, she could feel the hard shaft of his cock pressing against her, and just thinking about it made her breath catch. Pulling back from his embrace, she looked down at it, feeling a blush spread across her. Like the rest of Jaranak, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

  Feeling daring, she kissed her way down his body, her hands brushing across his wet skin. The water pouring over them washed away the smoke from the fight, but it reminded Lilly that he had run into fire for her. He had come to get her when all was lost. And she wanted to show him her appreciation.

  Even as her hands brushed the ridged firmness of his shaft, Lilly laughed at herself for that. It was a good excuse, but it was just an excuse. The truth was that she wanted to do this, that she wanted more than anything to touch him, to feel him and explore him.

  And there was no one she had to justify that desire to. Sinking down his body, she kissed and licked at him, hearing him gasp as her hands stroked his shaft. It felt so big in her hands, almost too big, and Lilly whimpered as she sank to her knees. Face to face with his cock, she bit her lip, suddenly shy and nervous, and looked up to meet Jaranak's eyes.

  They shone, and the simple love she saw there dispelled all her doubts. Leaning forward, not breaking eye contact, she kissed the head of his cock and saw the shiver of pleasure run through him. Her breath caught, and her lips opened almost of their own accord as she guided him to her mouth. Between her legs, she could feel the pulsing aching need for him, but first she wanted to drive him wild.

  The sensation of his ridged cock sliding into her mouth was strange but wonderful. She could feel how much he enjoyed it, and as he filled her mouth his hands stroked through her wet hair, urging her down on him. She moaned around him — it was like nothing else she'd ever done, but the moans she got from her man made it wonderful.

  One hand stroking his hard shaft as she sucked, she slid the other down between her legs to part her silky folds. Lilly moaned again as she touched herself, her body ready and eager. She matched her movements to the rhythm Jaranak set, his hands guiding her up and down, and waves of pleasure washed through her as she watched his golden eyes.

  With a groan, he shivered and Lilly felt his cock swell in her mouth. Her pulse raced as she saw the effect she was having on him, but before she could urge him over the edge, he lifted her from his cock and shook his head.

  "Not yet," he told her. "I want to be inside you, my love."

  That was enough to send a shiver through her and Lilly moaned. Jaranak laughed, lifting her easily from the floor, kissing her and holding her against him. Shuddering, Lilly pressed herself against his body and squirmed, their wet slick bodies tangling as he pulled her close.

  It was an incredible feeling, even better than before, to be in the arms of her man. The man who'd risked everything to rescue her, who offered her a place at his side amongst the stars. Jaranak wanted her with an intensity that she felt like a physical pull, and her body felt empty without him, aching.

  Strong hands cupped her ass and lifted, and Lilly threw back her head in a moaning cry of pleasure as he pushed her back against the wall, trapping her between his heat and its coolness. The warm water cascaded down their bodies, and she shuddered under it, feeling his cock press against her entrance.

  But he didn't take her, not yet. Lilly felt the desire, the need, but he stopped there poised and ready. And she moaned, desperate for him, her whole body shaking.

  "You are mine," his strong, firm voice told her. Lowering his mouth to her neck, he bit down, and she gasped. The wave of pleasure that bite sent through her was like nothing she'd ever felt.

  "Yes," she managed to gasp. Words were almost impossible, her mind swept away by the pulses of sensation he was sending through her body, but she had to answer. She couldn't bear the thought that he might not know how she felt.

  "Yes, I'm yours," she said again, hands gripping his head, pulling him close. "Jaranak, I'm yours always. And I need you!"

  He bit down again, harder, sharp teeth digging into her skin, and this time her words did leave her. The cry of her pleasure echoed in the small room, and he growled into her.

  And then, as Lilly shuddered with joy, he pulled her down onto his hard cock, thrusting up to meet her.

  The thrust filled her, stretched her, but he fit her body perfectly. It was as though he'd been made for her, Lilly thought, and as though her body was a
perfect fit for him. For a moment they were still apart from their panting breaths, locked together, Lilly's limbs entwined around Jaranak's body.

  And then, slowly, powerfully, he began to move. His hands lifted her as he drew back, and as she began to moan at the feeling of emptiness, he thrust again. Harder. Slamming her into the wall as she drew him close.

  Lilly felt a shock shoot through her as he buried himself deep, his body pressing against her as she pushed herself to him. All she could feel was him, in her arms, in her pussy, in her soul. The water washed around them as he thrust up into her, pinning her to the wall, and Lilly writhed in ecstasy as she felt the building pleasure threaten to overwhelm her again.

  With a roar, Jaranak threw back his head, water streaming around him. His body tensed against Lilly's and together the two of them shook. He was close too, so close that she could feel it. Her body ached to feel him cum, and she whimpered at the thought.

  Pulling herself to him, she kissed his neck and then bit down, just as he had. Jaranak cried out, his arms pulling her tight to him and he slammed himself home into her with his full force.

  That was enough to push them both over the edge, the storm of pleasure sweeping Lilly's thoughts away as he released inside her. Together they tumbled to the shower floor, clutching at each other and yelling with delight as their bodies shook.

  Panting, throat sore from shouting, Lilly eventually recovered enough to raise her head and look her man in the eyes. He looked back, unguarded and happy, smiling with a simple joy that she'd not seen on him before.

  This is the man I will spend my life with, she thought. It could have been a scary thought, but no — it was a simple, wonderful truth. There was nothing that she could want more than to be by his side and explore the universe together.


  Looking through the porthole, Lilly couldn't quite believe the sight she saw. That green and blue bauble hanging in front of her was Earth, shining in the light of the sun. It didn't seem real somehow, and she wondered if any other human had ever looked down on the world of their birth like this before.


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