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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

Page 11

by Amanda Strong

  Now I have to tell you about another thing that happened, but this time it’s a good thing! I was sitting in the movie theater tonight with Andrew and, all of a sudden, my eyes go crazy. I take my contacts out and… drumroll please… I can see!

  I don’t need my glasses or contacts anymore! Isn’t that amazing? I’m going to tell my parents orthey’ll wonder why they don’t have to buy saline solution anymore

  Well, I better go to bed. Write me back when you get a chance, ok?

  I really miss you!


  Micah re-read her email.

  How interesting… I wonder…

  He deliberated a moment, while staring at his laptop. All the words he’d been ready to type before, confessing his true feelings for her, seemed wrong. Eden in a wedding dress gazing into Andrew’s eyes was still too fresh.

  It makes more sense that I’d be the best man. I’m friends with both of them. Why would Andrew even be there if she broke up with him to be with me? Besides, Andrew is gifted. I have no doubt of that now. And we’re going to need him.

  Sadness filled his gut as he typed back his reply. Sighing heavily, he clicked send and shut his laptop slowly. His mood wasn’t improving.

  I’m tired, haven’t slept in days, and these visions don’t let up.

  Feeling justified, he pushed his laptop aside and said, “Sage, I know you can hear me. We need to talk.”

  He waited. It was the first time he’d actually asked her to come to him. He wasn’t sure if it was up to him, or if he even had any authority to ask. Still, he waited.

  Sage’s red dress filled his view, her body standing at the side of the bed. He glanced up at her face.

  He took in a deep breath, and exhaled as he spoke, “I’m not getting you in trouble, am I?”

  To his shock, Sage smiled and sat down next to him.

  “No, you’re not. I can come more freely now. The Captain is very pleased with your progress.”

  Micah wasn’t sure why hearing those words would affect him the way they did. He instantly felt something swell within him, his eyes stinging.

  “Besides, I learned my lesson long ago about not showing up when I feel like it,” Sage said, her demeanor relaxed. Micah stared back at her.

  “Ever hear how the ghost of Anne Boleyn haunts the Tower of London?”

  He shook his head.

  “Well, I have an uncanny resemblance to the beheaded queen of Henry the Eighth. I was guardian to her daughter, Elizabeth. When the little princess was a young woman, she visited the tower where her mom had died. Feeling for the girl, I appeared, holding her in my arms. One of the gatekeepers saw me and well, that was that.”

  Micah was wide-eyed. “That’s crazy.” He was enjoying this open side to Sage. He decided it was as good a time as any to ask. “Who guards Eden?”

  Sage cocked her head to the side. “Why do you ask?”

  “She was attacked.”

  “I know.”

  “You do? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She straightened her neck. “Let me show you something.”

  Micah was no longer sitting on his bed. He was in his backyard, running behind two kids, one boy with thick, black hair, and one girl with long, blonde locks.

  He grinned. It’s us; it’s our tree fort.

  Then he saw two other people; Sage he recognized, and a man. They were in the middle of a conversation.

  “You know, one day this little girl with skinned knees and dirty hands is going to be a beautiful woman,” Sage said, as eight-year-old Eden dug in the dirt with a small shovel.

  The man glanced at Sage. “I do realize that’s what happens to girls when they get older, you know.”

  “But they aren’t Awakeners. It’ll be different with her,” Sage insisted.

  “I’m not worried. I know she’s special, but that doesn’t change me.”

  “But that’s just it, Gabriel, she will change you. That’s her gift.”

  Gabriel? Like Gabriel, the archangel?

  “I’ve been around for a long, long time. I don’t think I’m even capable of change anymore,” the man named Gabriel stated.

  Sage nodded and they both stared at a dirt-covered Eden, who hollered to Micah, “I’ve found buried treasure! Let’s get it in the castle!”

  Micah chuckled, watching the boy version of him swoop in, sword drawn, to investigate Eden’s findings.

  “Cool, look at all the money,” Micah gasped, holding up a pile of pennies.

  Funny, never thought about where those came from—maybe our moms?

  The young Micah and Eden were scrambling up the ladder. Micah peered up from the ground at the tree house where the two kids were hollering gleefully. Then Micah saw it—Eden stepping back, not noticing how close her foot was too the edge. He jumped forward, realizing she was going to fall backwards.

  Before he’d made it two feet, Gabriel soared past him with outstretched arms. He pushed her body back, steadying her balance. He remained levitated by the side, watching. Probably in case she repeats the blunder.

  Micah stared at Eden; her face was flushed, her eyes wide with fear. Young Micah was over in the corner, counting their loot, oblivious to the accident that almost happened.

  “One thing’s for sure, she keeps you on your toes, Zeus.” Sage grinned.

  Gabriel grunted. “Never a dull moment with this one.”

  But Micah saw it, in those deep-set blue eyes; Gabriel loved Eden like she were his own daughter.

  Micah’s room was back, the vision over.

  “Do you understand now? No one is better than Gabriel,” Sage said firmly.

  Micah nodded, amazed. “So is he the Gabriel?”

  She laughed softly. “He is much more than just the archangel. Keep studying. You can learn more about him. He trained me, showed me everything there was to being a guardian.” She glanced at Micah. “You are the Seer, and yes, demons want you. But the Awakener, the catalyst for every gift the Captain has to give, now that is a prize the demons drool after. Gabriel’s the best. You don’t need to worry about your friend.”

  He gaped at her. Why’d she say friend like that? “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised you know how I feel about Eden now.”

  Sage’s black eyes studied him. “I hear what you say. I don’t know how it or you actually feel.” Her eyes turned curious. “I’ve never lived a mortal life. Human emotions sometimes elude me.”

  Now Micah was surprised. “Huh, I never thought about that. So will you, you know, be mortal one day?”

  Was that yearning in her eyes? “I’m not sure. There may not be time.”

  Her troubled expression left him uneasy. Deciding to change the subject, he asked, “Why did you call him Zeus?”

  Sage’s smile returned. “One Seer long ago was awoken, but didn’t receive his Interpreter in time. Visions without understanding can be misleading.” She gazed directly into his eyes. “This Seer saw the guardians and thought we were some kind of Gods and Goddesses. A lot of mythology stems from that.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I like to call him Zeus. Pretty sure that’s who they modeled him after.”

  “Except for the sword of fire,” Micah observed.

  “It’s the Flaming Sword,” Sage corrected. “It sets him apart. He’s Cherubim; all Cherubim carry flaming swords.”

  “So how many different types of angels are there? You’re Seraphim, Gabriel’s Cherubim…”

  Sage’s eyebrows rose. “There’s too many to learn in one night. Another time, you need sleep.”

  Eden tapped her foot, waiting for her email to upload, not really expecting anything. She used to check it every day, hoping for an email from Micah, but it’d been weeks since she’d last looked. Dating Andrew, she felt she should try to sever feelings for Micah. For her, each day she didn’t check was a personal triumph.

  She gasped.

  He emailed back! Guess my birthday’s a lucky day after all!

  Stomach in knots, she clicked the mouse. T
he email was dated two weeks ago exactly.

  Hey Eden!

  I have so much to tell you, but I’m not really sure how much I should—story of my life, right? First off, I want to say, I glad you’re safe. I can’t believe you were attacked by a demon. I was afraid it might happen, since I was too. Out in the forest, it was pretty freaky. But I’m fine. You’re right. Sage’s my guardian. She fought the demon off and appeared to Trent too. Trent’s helped me a lot here. And yes, he’s done his best to hook me up, but my mind isn’t on that now.

  You’re right. We’re in the middle of something big. Bigger than I’d ever imagined possible. I’m getting more and more caught up in it; wish I could explain more now. The whole experience has been an eye opener for me, in more ways than one.

  As for Andrew, he’s a lucky guy. You deserve the best. I wish we could’ve stayed closer over the years. I’m glad you’re hanging out with my friends. They’re pretty good guys most of the time. Just got to watch out for Chase every once in a while, right?

  Eden paused. Does he know about Chase hugging me? She continued to read:

  I’m glad you’re happy and I don’t think you’re cheesy Andrew’s a good friend, and like I said, he’s lucky to have you.

  That’s crazy you don’t need glasses anymore! I guess sometimes,life hands you a miracle Rome’s great, but I’m anxious to get home. I miss you, Eden. You’re friendship is everything to me.


  She read it again. So he’s happy for me? He’s glad I’m dating Andrew? She supposed she shouldn’t feel disappointed.

  What was I expecting? She shut her laptop. That’d he says he’s head over heels for me?

  Stupid, stupid me… like Jessie said… we’re just best friends. Why can’t I just be satisfied with that?

  Jessie glanced around. “Sheesh, nice house.”

  Caitlyn silently agreed.

  Eden was glad her friends were comfortable in Andrew’s home. It was Eden’s sixteenth birthday, and he threw her a party, inviting half the school, it felt like. Since the McCarthy’s townhome would have been busting at the seams, her parents had allowed it to be at Andrew’s.

  Eden decided the agitation she was feeling was not over Micah’s email, but rather the fact that Andrew had yet to kiss her. I guess we’ve only been dating a month, that’s probably normal, she told herself as Chase and Willow walked in. Jake waltzed in next, with Megan beside him. Eden whirled around to Andrew.

  He held up his hands. “I invited Jake, not Megan.”

  Great, now I get to have Megan snickering at me at my own birthday party.

  She sighed. “That’s ok.”

  Andrew mouthed sorry as Jake and Megan came over.

  Jake and Andrew greeted each other naturally, with, “What’s up, man,” while Megan glared at Eden, her mouth set in a frown.

  Eden forced a smile. “Hi Megan.”

  She grimaced. “Happy birthday, Eden.”

  To Eden’s shock, Willow appeared by her side. “Come off it, Meg. Everyone knows you broke Micah’s heart, not the other way around. And in no way is it Eden’s fault. So if you’re going to play mean, just leave. It’s her party, not yours.”

  There were collective gasps by Eden, Caitlyn, and loudest of all, Megan.

  Megan’s eyes narrowed. “Whatever, Willow.”

  Chase stepped next to Eden now, pushing his way into the small ring, making room for his large frame. Eden gaped over at him.

  Now what’s he going to do?

  He grinned at Megan. “Oh, Meg, don’t be like that. Everyone loves you and you know it. Just let Eden have her night, that’s all. Willow just wants you to play nice, no biggie.”

  Willow stared at Chase. Chase continued to soothe Megan. “What do you say?”

  Megan’s face slowly relaxed. She glanced at Eden. “Sorry, I’ll go if you want me to.”

  Dumbstruck, she shook her head. “No, you can stay, Megan.”

  Megan nodded and turned to Jake, who looked anxious to keep his date at the party. They stepped away, and Chase glanced over at Eden.

  “Everybody cool?” he asked.

  “Yeah, thanks Chase and,” Eden searched for Willow, but she was gone, “Willow,” she finished.

  “Well, that was strange,” Andrew stated next to her. “Sorry I didn’t rise to your defense like Willow and Chase; they sort of beat me to it.” He gave her a crooked grin.

  “Yeah, I noticed.”

  She expected a witty comeback, not for him to lower his head. His lips brushed hers, goose bumps crawling down her skin. He drew her into his arms, his mouth pushing harder on hers. She was lost in the moment, absorbing his taste, smell, and feel. When he pulled back, she toppled into him, her eyes half open.

  He chuckled, holding onto her arms.

  Her eyes opened fully. His emerald eyes gazed back at her, expectant.

  She smiled. “I guess you’re forgiven.”

  Eden lips were still tingling where Andrew’s lips had been. The rest of the party was sort of a blur. After eating, Andrew cranked the stereo, and they had an impromptu dance in the living room. Eden didn’t care what they did as long as Andrew stayed close; she felt sort of intoxicated by him. Glancing over, she discovered Caitlyn next to them, dancing with a boy Eden had met earlier, but whose name had eluded her. Just as Caitlyn grinned back at her, Caitlyn toppled forward and landed with a thud on the floor.

  “Oh my gosh! Are you ok?” Eden asked, dropping down by her.

  “Stupid shoes, knew they were too tall,” Caitlyn muttered. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  The boy she’d been dancing with reached down and helped pull her up. Eden stood up too as Andrew asked, “Are you hurt?”

  “No, I just tripped.” Caitlyn stepped away from the boy holding her arm and winced.

  “Twisted your ankle, didn’t you,” Andrew stated.

  Caitlyn nodded. “I’m such a klutz.”

  “Come on. Let’s go to the kitchen for some ice,” Andrew said, as Eden placed her arm around Caitlyn’s shoulders.

  The boy took her other arm, and they hobbled from the room, with Caitlyn groaning, “Guys, I’m fine. You’re practically carrying me.”

  Once in the kitchen, the boy helped her sit on one of the stools. Caitlyn smiled at him. “Thanks, Dave.”

  Finally, a name for him, Eden thought, going to the freezer.

  She returned to see Andrew had removed Caitlyn’s shoe and was down on his knees with his hands on her ankle. Knowing how Andrew enjoyed learning about medicine, she thought nothing of it. Although, she did notice how Caitlyn’s face went from grimace to smiling. He removed his hands and stood up.

  “Wow! That really helped. It doesn’t hurt anymore,” Caitlyn said, flexing her ankle.

  Eden held up the ice pack. “Do you need this still?”

  Caitlyn shook her head and tentatively stood up, testing her foot on the ground. Her smile widened. “Wow, it doesn’t hurt at all.”

  “Good,” Andrew said.

  Once they were back in the living room, Willow hurried over to Caitlyn. Eden went to join them, but Jessie walked up.

  “Can’t believe it,” she breathed out, grabbing Eden’s arm.


  “Check out Miss Priss.” Jessie motioned with her chin. “She’s actually being nice.”

  Eden glanced over, and saw Megan talking to some of her friends. Jessie was right; her face appeared happy, even relaxed.

  “Huh,” Eden grunted. “That’s good.”

  Jessie’s eyes widened; Kevin was coming over. He was in Drama club with Jessie and Eden suspected she had a crush on him, though she’d never admit it.

  “Hey Eden, hey Jessie,” the freckled, towhead said.

  “Hi Kevin,” Eden replied, noting how bright his green eyes were. And he’s got a nice smile… Ok, I see the appeal now.

  “Hey Kev,” Jessie said, already dismissing him as she walked away.

  Jessie, quit running away from boys! Eden wanted to

  Kevin hesitated, not sure what to do.

  “Go ask her to dance,” Eden said. He looked at her, surprised, and then grinned. He was gone as Andrew returned to her side.

  A slow song began, and Andrew’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him.

  “You must be learning a lot at the hospital,” she commented, as they danced.

  “I am, actually. Why?”

  “You seemed to know what you’re doing with Caitlyn.”

  “Do I detect some jealousy?”

  “No.” She gazed into his eyes. “Should I be?”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “No way,” he murmured, as his lips found hers again.

  Micah sat up, gasping, his hands gripping his shirt, and then searching his chest and stomach. There was nothing, no gaping wound or gushing blood.

  Just another horrible vision, but it felt so real, the pain unbearable.

  The apartment was quiet as he trudged to the kitchen, the terracotta tiles cool on his bare feet. His mouth was cottony, his tongue feeling thick and swollen.

  Just need a drink, he consoled himself. He downed three glasses of water before setting his glass down with a clink on the granite counter. Sighing, he debated between sitting at the kitchen table or returning to his room. Lately, his bed felt more like a prison, a deceptive cocoon of bedding, which only trapped him in nightmares night after night.

  He longed for a dream of Eden, even if it caused him heartache. It’d been three weeks since he’d emailed Eden. Emailed her good-bye, it’d felt like.

  Still, he’d gladly see her now. I can handle emotional pain… these new dreams are way too physical for my taste. Demons and more demons and now I get to see the prince demon leaders.

  He shuddered. Not wanting to wake anyone, he made his way back to his room. Lying on his back, staring at the white ceiling, he tucked both hands under his neck.

  It has to get better, right? I’m doing everything I can. All I do, every day, is search for that temple. I’ve stopped thinking about what I want. Or, at least I’ve tried… Eden came to mind. He tried to push her face from him. She’s not for me. There are bigger things than what I want. Like the fire coming, he reminded himself for the thousandth time.


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