The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men) Page 16

by Amanda Strong

  Jessie and Caitlyn were going to meet there after Jessie’s drama club meeting was over, so Eden turned her radio up and rolled down the windows on her Jeep. She was still shocked it was actually hers. When her dad handed her a pair of keys on her birthday, she had gone to the key hook and hung them up, thinking he’d wanted her to put them away for him. He’d laughed, retrieved them, and then steered her outside where a burnt-orange Jeep sat.

  Brendon begged her to go off-roading with it, and Andrew told her how hot it was she drove it. She was pretty sure Andrew was referring to the Jeep being hot. He had a soft spot for Broncos and Jeeps.

  She pulled into Micah’s driveway, seeing no other cars. She would’ve stressed over being the first one there if it wasn’t for the fact the pool was beckoning her.

  Pushing her door shut, she heard, “And there’s my little mermaid.”

  She glanced over. Trent stood on the porch.

  “Hey, am I the first one here?” She jogged over to him.

  “Looks like it. Where’s your other half today?”

  “He’s coming. He’s going to be late.”

  “So what’s up with you and Andrew? Is he the one?” His emphasis on the last two words was overly dramatic.

  When she teased, “Why don’t you ask Micah? He’s the one with all the visions,” she thought he’d laugh, but he didn’t.

  He gave her a funny look. “Did Micah tell—?” His words were cut off by the front door opening.

  Micah’s mom appeared startled to see them both there. “Oh, I was looking for Jared. I thought he was out front. Eden, good to see you, hon. Come on in.”

  She entered, wishing she and Trent could’ve continued their conversation. She was dying to know what he was about to say, but Trent seemed to take pains to avoid her after that.

  Oh Trent, she thought, you can’t leave me hanging like that! Micah was in the kitchen when they walked into the great room.

  “Eden! How about a quick swim before everyone else gets here?” he called out.

  “Sure,” she said with a grin. Since she’d worn her swimsuit under her clothes, she carried her towel and followed Micah out the sliding glass door. The Hawkins always had a nice, long, wooden deck in the back. She’d been to many barbeques on that deck. She was happy to see it was the same.

  Looking down the five steps to the yard, she gasped. “Oh my gosh! That’s the nicest pool I’ve ever seen!”

  “My parents went a little crazy on it. Come on.”

  She followed him down, admiring the long, kidney-shaped pool. There was a small wading area on one end and a diving board on the other. On the backside of the pool was a cluster of huge rocks, with a slide going down the middle of it. There were waterfalls coming off the rocks in all different directions. Water leaving the pool area and shooting around behind the rock formation caught her eyes.

  “Where’s that lead?” she asked, pointing.

  “It’s a lazy river, pretty sweet, huh? The current carries you behind the rocks and back out there, by the diving board.” He trailed the river’s path with his finger.

  “Wow.” She undid her shorts and yanked them down. She gripped the bottom of her shirt, and then stopped. Micah was yanking his t-shirt off and tossing it on a pool chair. Even though they were obviously getting in the pool, she couldn’t shake the feeling she was undressing in front of him. Chiding herself, she slipped her shirt over her head and placed it on the chair next to Micah’s. She kicked her flip-flops under the chair and glanced up. Micah’s blue eyes stared back at her.

  Well, if I wasn’t self-conscious before, I am now.

  She couldn’t help ogling him back. His seventeen-year-old body in a swimming suit was a lot different from when they were kids. Nothing wrong with noticing he’s in good shape… like really good shape.

  Feeling guilty, she peeled her gaze away, and stepped toward the pool. Strong hands picked her up, throwing her into the air. As her body plunged into the water, she thought, So, he wants to play dirty. She came up for air to see he was treading water next to her, grinning.

  For the next twenty minutes, they were kids again, racing across the pool to see who was fastest (which Micah usually was), trying to out dive one another, out jump each other off the rocks, and eventually drown one another while going around the lazy river. She felt the years melt away and for a time, there were no demons, visions, or barriers.

  This is how it always was between us, she rejoiced, and then Micah’s hands landed a bit too high while wrapping around her from behind. She froze and his arms recoiled. They both stood up in the water, ceasing wrestling.

  “Sorry.” He diverted his eyes as her face flamed.

  The awkwardness was broken by Micah’s mom. “People are arriving. Why don’t you two come in for a minute?”

  Without a word to each other, they climbed out of the pool and grabbed towels. Jogging up the steps, she was surprised to see Trent sat at one of the deck tables. She didn’t have time to ask why he didn’t join them, because Caitlyn and Jessie were walking across the deck to her.

  “Hey, guys,” she said, as they both peered over the railing.

  “Holy cow, check out that pool,” Jessie exclaimed.

  “Pretty sweet, isn’t it?” Trent commented, his voice sounding close.

  Eden turned to see Trent had moved behind them. He was staring at Jessie. I hope it was ok I invited her, she fretted.

  “Who are your friends, Eden?” he asked, his eyes not leaving Jessie.

  “Caitlyn, Jessie.” Eden gestured to both and then added, “This is Micah’s cousin, Trent.”

  “Nice to meet you, Caitlyn,” he said, glancing momentarily at her, then his eyes rested on Jessie again, and his tone changed. “And you’re an unexpected surprise.”

  Oh great, maybe this was an exclusive party.

  “Jessie, can I just say, there aren’t enough redheads in the world.” He gave her a crooked smile and an arched eyebrow.

  Jessie’s eyes narrowed.

  So, Trent likes redheads. Too bad he doesn’t know Jessie hates flirts.

  Willow emerged through the sliding door, and everyone’s attention shifted. Eden expected Chase to follow after, but he didn’t. Seeing how swiftly Micah moved to Willow’s side, Eden had a sinking revelation. After ten minutes of him paying attention to Willow, and Megan and Jake not showing, she was sure she was right. Micah likes Willow.

  That’s why he wanted me to invite her, so it wouldn’t be obvious. Maybe prom night when Andrew and I went home, they realized they liked each other. According to what Andrew had told her, Chase was not dealing well with Willow’s sudden personality changes.

  Then her theory was thrown when Micah then turned his undivided attention to Caitlyn. Eden spent the next twenty minutes working out their love angle. She was relieved when Andrew arrived in time to eat. She needed the distraction. I’m way too engrossed in watching Micah’s every move.

  At a table with Andrew, Jessie, and Caitlyn, she noticed Trent’s occasional glance in their direction. Jessie, who was complaining about her drama club projects, was completely oblivious to his attention. Eden appraised Trent. He seems genuinely interested. She glanced at her friend, feeling excited, yet nervous, for her. Jessie had yet to experience her first real date. It wasn’t that she was unattractive. Sadly, her personality usually got in the way. She had a way of chasing boys off before they’d even had a chance to show her how they felt.

  Eden popped the last bite of her hamburger in her mouth, as the sliding glass door opened again. She coughed, trying to swallow down the bun that lodged in her throat.

  I can’t believe he actually came! Wearing his usual black t-shirt and jeans, Damon stared at everyone gaping at him, and then shifted his eyes to the deck boards.

  Willow pranced toward him. “Damon, right?”

  He nodded and she smiled. “I’m Willow. You hungry?”

  “Sure.” His brown eyes flickered at Willow and she marched back to her table next to Eden’s
, him trudging after. Eden thought it was nice of her to try to make him comfortable. Poor guy doesn’t know anyone here, and for some reason Micah invites him. She stared at the now-empty table across from her where Trent and Micah had been. Huh, where’d they go?

  Curiosity took over and, feigning the need for more soda, Eden strode into the house. Searching in the kitchen and living room, she came up empty. Passing by the hall, she heard muffled talking coming from Mr. Hawkins’s office. With no one around, she tiptoed closer.

  Standing by the door, feeling ridiculous for spying, she waited. Trent’s voice pleaded, “Can’t I have a little fun? I know she wasn’t part of the plan.”

  “Trent, it’s not like that. I’d love for you to do your thing, but we have to stay focused. And she’s not helping you out there,” Micah answered.

  “Ah, Micah, such a love kill,” Trent said, but he didn’t sound angry.

  “I know it sucks. I promise I’ll make it up to you one day. Let’s just get through this trip.”

  “About that, you know I’m not thrilled with this whole self-sacrificing plan of yours, right?” Trent muttered, sounding uncharacteristically serious.

  “It’ll all work out, Trent. Trust me on this.”

  Her ears were burning and she knew she should walk away, but she couldn’t.

  “It’s not you I don’t trust—it’s all of them. How do we know they’ll pull their weight, or even know what to do?”

  Eden could tell by the way Micah sighed that they’d probably had this discussion several times before.

  “Trent, they were born for this; they’ll know what to do,” he said firmly.

  “Ok, well, I’m just letting you know right now, that when we get back from this crazy thing, I’m getting with the redhead. I need a little Trent time, being glued to you is making me lose my game!”

  Micah chuckled. “Good luck with that redhead.”

  Eden couldn’t agree with him more.

  “Speaking of games, you were pretty playful with Eden earlier in the pool.”

  Her insides dropped, she knew she really shouldn’t be listening now, but she had to.

  “I know I’m just torturing myself, but it was nice for a moment to forget I’m the Seer,” Micah said so quietly, that Eden found herself plastered against the door.

  “Who says the Seer has to be miserable?”

  “It’s not that; we need Andrew,” he replied. She gasped and then slapped a hand across her mouth. Did they hear me? Should I bolt?

  But Micah continued, “I can’t do anything to jeopardize him leaving the group. The mission’s more important than what I want.”

  Eden stood up straight. Did I hear him right? Micah wants me? Her pulse was rapid, her ears buzzing with adrenaline. She knew she should walk away. What if they came out? She’d be humiliated, but she hung on every word she heard.

  When Micah said the next sentence though, her stomach dropped for a different reason, “Besides, I saw her marrying him, remember?”

  He saw me marrying who? Andrew?

  “You don’t know that’s what that meant, Micah. You didn’t—”

  “I know, Trent, but, think about it, it makes the most sense,” he interrupted.

  Trent didn’t say anything, and she heard the floorboards crack. She backed away as she heard Micah say, “We better get back to the party. I need you to be on my side for this one.”

  “I got your back. Don’t get your feathers in a ruffle,” Trent said, his voice sounding a lot closer.

  She panicked and, whirling around, saw the bathroom. She ducked in just as the office door opened. She waited until she heard them walk past, her heart beating wildly at how close she’d been to being caught.

  Micah likes me after all! Elated, she stared at reflection in the mirror. She was practically floating, but then slowly, she came back down to reality as she remembered the rest of the conversation.

  I marry Andrew?

  It wasn’t a bad thing really. Andrew was wonderful and she did think she loved him, most of the time. So why do I feel so devastated?

  She pulled herself from the bathroom, grabbed a soda from the kitchen, and hurried back to the deck. She was relieved everyone, excluding Micah and Damon, were now in the pool. Micah smiled at her as she passed their table. She smiled back, hoping his ability to see things didn’t allow him to read minds too.

  “Eden, there you are! Come get in,” Andrew called out to her.

  She hurried toward the pool, dove in, and swam over to Andrew.

  “What’s wrong? You look upset.”

  Oh great, am I that transparent? “Nothing.” She dipped under and came up, smoothing her hair back off her face.

  Apparently, Trent had decided to play chicken in that split second she’d been under.

  “Jessie, you’re with me,” Trent said, giving Jessie a wide grin.

  I guess Trent doesn’t always obey the Seer’s orders. She could see displeasure flashing in Jessie’s hazel eyes.

  “Come on, Jessie,” Trent urged.

  Jessie hesitated, and then to Eden’s surprise, she sighed. “Fine, but don’t complain if we win, Eden.”

  “That’s my girl,” Trent laughed. Jessie gave him a sour face. He ignored it and dove under her legs, bringing her up on his shoulders. Eden had barely gotten herself balanced on Andrew when she was sent flying back into the water. Coming up, she saw Jessie giggling triumphantly. Glad to see her friend was having fun, Eden tried again… and again… only to have Jessie knock her off effortlessly.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s right, Andrew, eat it,” Trent crowed. Eden sort of felt bad for Andrew, but was thrilled Jessie was having a good time.

  “Enough,” Eden cried out, after falling off one too many times. “I’m terrible at this! It’s your turn, Caitlyn. I’m going to float around the lazy river.”

  Caitlyn looked startled as Andrew dove under her legs and pulled her up out of the water. Eden let her body glide away into the current, loving the feel of swimming with the jets. It felt like she’d entered a weightless sphere. Someone bumped her foot, and thinking it’d be Andrew, she flipped around. Instead of blue-green eyes, she saw only light blue. She felt like her heart was being pinched and her stomach did a summersault. Why’s he everywhere I turn lately?

  He swam alongside her, and she didn’t push for it to be a race. For some reason, she wasn’t in a rush to be shot out into the deep end. She knew she shouldn’t do it, but for a moment, she allowed herself to acknowledge the fact that Micah did like her. All those glances in her direction did mean something after all, and now, hearing why he hadn’t act on it, she began to understand why many times those stares appeared painful. He does want me, but he can’t be with me. Because a mission? What mission?

  And for the other reason, she thought. I marry Andrew.

  Eden’s body was pushed into the deep end, where the river ended.

  Micah swam away, jumped out of the pool, and walked back to Damon on the deck. Treading water, she wondered if he’d jumped in just to swim with her. Searching for Andrew, she found him on the rocks next to Caitlyn. As she watched, they both jumped high into the air and landed into the water, causing a huge splash and rolling waves. She was glad Andrew’s attention was elsewhere. Wondering what happened to Jessie, Eden heard laughing in the lazy river. Relieved Jessie was preoccupied, Eden climbed out of the pool. Normally, she would’ve worried her friend would see through her with her hawk-like eyes. But for once, Jessie was thinking about Jessie, which was a good thing.

  Wrapping a towel around her body, she shuffled toward the house. Micah was still sitting at the deck table with Damon; they both glanced at her.

  “Hungry,” she said lamely, feeling the need to explain herself. Micah grinned and Damon shifted in his seat. She slipped through the door and, hearing the piano being played, made her way to the living room instead. Her family wasn’t musically inclined, so as a child, Eden was always loved when Mrs. Hawkins would sit at the piano and play.

  Peering in the room, she was surprised to see it was Willow sitting on the bench, not Micah’s mom. I didn’t even know she played. Since she was still wet, Eden leaned her head against the doorframe. The notes spoke to her, the song beautiful. Micah’s parents were sitting on a couch, listening. She’d always admired Willow but now, seeing this hidden talent, she could only stare in awe. She was startled when someone brushed past her.

  Her eyes widened; Damon made his way to the unoccupied couch. He glanced once at Willow and then shut his eyes, his face relaxing. His head nodded forward, his shoulders slumping. Did he just fall asleep?

  She shifted her gaze away and was surprised Micah stood on the other side of the doorway, his eyes focused on Damon. Willow, oblivious to all of them, played, her fingers moving swiftly across the keys, giving Eden the chills. When the song ended, Willow gasped when everyone clapped.

  “Oh Willow, that was beautiful,” Micah’s mom exclaimed.

  “We’d love to hear more,” his dad added.

  Willow glanced at Damon. “Thanks, I don’t know too many songs by heart, but that’s one of my favorites.”

  “I have music if you’d like to look through it.” Micah’s mom went to one of the bookshelves and pulled out stacks of sheet music.

  Willow browsed through them and then picked one, placing it on the piano. She began to play, and Eden found it a haunting, but pretty, melody. Damon’s eyes were now open, staring at the piano.

  Eden glanced back at Micah. This time their eyes met, and she resisted the urge to look away. He cocked an eyebrow at her as her eyes roamed his face. Knowing he liked her added to the tension she felt between them. She glanced at his full lips, wondering how they’d feel. His eyes darted to hers as well, and her heart thumped unruly in her chest.

  The moment ended as Micah broke eye contact and stared back into the living room. She wondered why, until she felt warm arms wrap around her waist from behind. She stiffened slightly in surprise.

  Andrew kissed her cheek and whispered, “Here you are. You disappeared. You can’t do that to me.”


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