The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men) Page 17

by Amanda Strong

  She knew Andrew was serious, neither one of them had forgotten prom night. “Sorry, I heard Willow playing. I wanted to listen,” she said quietly, trying not to disturb those in the living room.

  Andrew nodded. “Nice.”

  Willow played on while the room was captivated. Damon remained slouched back in the couch, but gazed at Willow now. His head nodded to the rhythm of the music, matching Willow’s body movements, both engrossed by the notes.

  I must not know enough about music.

  Andrew left her side and joined Micah.

  She overheard Andrew say, “No way, dude. The Yankees are totally going to take it this year.”

  Sports. Maybe I should go change. Micah and Andrew both had their shirts on now and, looking into the living room, she saw Willow had changed and Damon, well, he had never went swimming to begin with. Feeling cold, she hurried across the great room and back down to the poolside, where she’d left her clothes. Seeing Caitlyn lounging on a pool chair in the sun, she pulled a chair over and joined her.

  “Andrew’s looking for you. He went inside to find you.” Caitlyn squinted over at her.

  “I know. He found me… I needed to dry off more. Man, the sun feels wonderful.”

  Hearing Jessie’s laughter, Eden scanned the pool to see her and Trent shoot out from the lazy river into the deep end.

  Caitlyn observed, “I’ve never seen Jessie like this before.”

  Eden laughed quietly. “I know, me either.”

  “Do you think he likes her?” Caitlyn whispered.

  “Sure hope so, for all of our sakes.”

  Trent and Jessie disappeared behind the rocks as they rode the river again. Eden leaned her head against the pool chair, closing her eyes.

  “Is everything ok?”

  “Yeah. Why?” Eden kept her eyes shut.

  Caitlyn’s voice was quiet. “Jessie told me you and Micah used to be real close.” Her voice dropped even lower. “She sort of told me about your crush too.”

  Eden’s eyes popped open.

  “You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to,” Caitlyn added. “You just seem stressed out today. Are you ok?”

  Great, if Caitlyn noticed, I bet Andrew has too. Then again, he is a guy…

  She was half-tempted to tell Caitlyn everything, but this was hardly the time for a private heart to heart; the chance of being overheard was too great.

  “I admit it’s been,” hesitation, “different today, but I’m fine, really.”

  Caitlyn glanced at Trent and Jessie coming out again and whispered, “Well, I think he likes you.”

  Eden shot a glance at Caitlyn, her mouth dropping open to protest. “He watches you, Eden. His eyes light up when you enter the room… I know that’s cliché, but it’s so true.”

  “Really?” she couldn’t help asking.

  Caitlyn eyes were sympathetic. “I think it’s normal for you to have feelings for Micah. You guys were best friends growing up and now…”

  Now he’s hot, Eden wanted to finish.

  Caitlyn finished, “You’re both older, attractive—”

  “You’re making us sound thirty,” Eden cut in, uncomfortable with Caitlyn’s continued observations.

  Caitlyn cocked her head to the side. “You know what I mean.”

  Yes, maybe I’m not such a monster. The guilt she felt around Andrew was unbearable.

  “Thanks Caitlyn, but I’m pretty sure we’re still only friends.”

  She stood, afraid if she stayed any longer, she’d spill her guts to her friend. I need more time to figure this stuff out.

  Caitlyn didn’t push for more. They made their way into the house. Eden cast one last glance at the pool, getting a glimpse of Trent and Jessie under one of the waterfalls. At least Jessie’s having the time of her life.

  Approaching the living room where everyone had been before, they heard Willow say, “Ok, Micah, I think it’s your mom’s turn now.”

  Andrew and Micah were right where she’d left them, standing in the doorway.

  Micah smiled at her, sending her heart to her knees, and then turned to his mom. “You’re totally right, Willow. Mom, you need to play.”

  “Oh no, not after hearing you play! You put me to shame!”

  But Willow stood from the piano bench, gesturing for Micah’s mom to take her place.

  “Oh all right, if I must.” His mom walked over to the piano.

  Willow waltzed to the couch where Damon was and, without hesitation, plopped down right next to him. Damon fidgeted in his seat, his eyes shooting to the floor.

  At least he’s not giving her the dirty looks he gives me.

  Lacey shuffled through the sheet music, and then began playing. Damon’s shoulders slumped, his frame not looking so rigid anymore. Willow crossed her legs, her inside foot brushing Damon’s leg; he brought the leg up, resting his ankle on his heel.

  Ok, I’m totally staring…

  Eden shifted her gaze back to the boys across from her; Micah appeared to be just as captivated by Damon and Willow as she was, and Andrew’s emerald eyes gave her a quizzical, cocked eyebrow, like, What are you doing standing so far from me still?

  If that was what that look meant, she wanted to remind him he was the one who stepped away from her in the first place. Instead, she shuffled over to him. He immediately secured her hand in his, and Micah darted into the living room, finding an empty seat next to his dad.

  When the song ended, Micah’s mom announced it was dessert time.

  Mrs. Hawkins had a spread that would make five-star resorts blush. Eden’s mouth watered as she tried to decide between mini-cream pies, flaky, cream-filled éclairs, homemade cookies with assorted chips and nuts, and her personal favorite, cheesecake. She opted for the latter. She never could pass it by, whether homemade or made from a box, and Lacey Hawkins’s was definitely not from a box.

  When she had practically licked her plate clean after her second piece, she spied Andrew going back for his third helping. Wonder if it’d be bad if I joined him?

  They were sitting in the great room. Most everyone was slowing down on the dessert buffet, other than Andrew, who returned from the kitchen with a mini-chocolate-cream pie on his plate. Micah strolled over to Andrew and they began talking sports again.

  Sitting on the couch, with Caitlyn and Willow on either side of her, Eden pulled her legs up and hugged her knees. She hated that she couldn’t stop gawking at the guys.

  I need to go for a long walk. Walking straightened out inner turmoil for her. Unfortunately, she was too afraid of demons to relax outside now. Wonder if a treadmill would work?

  It wasn’t until Caitlyn asked, “Where’s Jessie?” that Eden realized she didn’t know where her friend was. Wow, I’m totally self-absorbed right now.

  Eden peered around the room. No Trent either. Huh…

  “I think she’s on the deck outside,” Micah answered.

  Caitlyn stood. “I better get going. I’ll go get her.”

  Caitlyn left the room and Willow stood up too. “Yeah, I better go too. Thanks so much for inviting me,” she said to Micah.

  Micah gave her a nod. Eden waved at her as Andrew collapsed down next to her on the couch.

  “Want to go too?” Andrew asked her.

  Eden glanced up, meeting Micah’s eyes, as he stood across the room.

  “Whenever you want,” she said, dropping her eyes to her knees.

  Caitlyn and Jessie came in from outside, crossing the room. Jessie gave Eden a wink and mouthed, Talk later. After saying good-bye, they were gone.

  Trent strode into the room after. He looks pretty pleased with himself.

  Micah regarded Trent. “You know she’s only sixteen, right?”

  “So, your point is?” Trent asked, as he sprawled himself out on the couch not taken by Eden and Andrew.

  “You’re eighteen.”

  “Don’t be jealous. Besides, she turns seventeen in three months,” Trent countered. Eden was surprised
he knew that. Then again, Jessie can say a lot during an hour of undivided attention. Eden smiled; she was happy for her friend.

  “And just when are you turning nineteen again?” Micah asked.

  “Always such a stickler for details,” Trent complained, as he put both hands behind his head.

  Eden giggled. She stopped when Trent said, “Besides, Micah, you’re one to talk,” while staring directly at her.

  Her throat closed up. Is he implying Micah’s doing the same thing by liking me?

  Andrew, oblivious to Trent’s look, saved everyone from the awkward moment when he stood from the couch and pulled her to standing.

  “Hey Micah, think we’re going to take off, man,” he said.

  Eden thanked Micah and his parents for the barbeque, and followed Andrew to the front door. In the entryway, she was surprised to see Damon still sitting on the couch. She’d sort of assumed he’d already left, skipping out on dessert.

  “I’m glad you came, Damon,” she said, not expecting much in return.

  He glanced up. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  Thrilled he even answered her, she said, “No problem.”

  “Yeah, nice to meet you, man,” Andrew said with a wave.

  Damon nodded. “You too.”

  “Hey, I’ll see you around, Andrew,” Micah’s voice came from behind them.

  “Yeah, let me know when you want to go play basketball again,” Andrew replied as they did the guy handshake thing.

  Micah turned next to Eden. “And I hope you know my parents expect you to use the pool.”

  Eden gazed back into his blue eyes, the shade reminding her of the cool water waiting for her if she did. “Yeah, I’ll come over soon.”

  Micah gave her a crooked smile, his eyes crinkling. “You better.”

  “You know, Gabriel, it’d be so much easier if you’d just talk to me. You could tell me what I’m supposed to do. I would happily do it.” Eden sighed.

  But her room remained quiet, as it had all weekend. Andrew had hung out at Eden’s house on Sunday and, as Eden watched him play Uno for the fifth time with Brendon, she decided relationships were hairy. On Saturday, she’d felt this crazy excitement over Micah liking her, and she had to admit, that even today, she still was elated over the idea, but then there was Andrew. She stopped. Now, five days later, she was realizing again how wonderful and kind, not to mention good looking, Andrew was. Why does he want to be with me again?

  “Now what do I do?” She yanked a brush through her hair. She knew she needed to leave soon or she’d be late for school. “You can’t give me the silent treatment forever, you know.” Setting her brush on her dresser, she added, “Maybe you want me to decide for myself.”

  The peaceful feeling washed over her. It still amazed her when it happened. Talking to Gabriel was such a habit that when she’d feel his confirmations, she was once again reminded he was real, not just her imaginary friend.

  “But that’s an interesting point, you know. You want me to decide for myself, but Micah had a vision that I marry Andrew, so it seems like it’s already decided. Of course, I wasn’t supposed to overhear that part,” she admitted.

  When she heard or felt nothing, she grabbed her bag. As she came down the stairs, her mom called up, “I hope you’re ready to go. You’re going to be late.”

  She kissed her mom’s cheek. “I am ready. Bye, Mom.”

  She thought she was doing a pretty good job hiding her emotional confusion, but Caitlyn’s long, appraising stare, made her wonder if she was masking it at all. She was grateful she didn’t ask anything, as Andrew sat down next to them.

  “Eden, don’t feel bad about going over,” Caitlyn stated, as if they had been in the middle of a conversation.

  “Feel bad about what?” Andrew asked.

  Took the words right out of my mouth. She stared at Caitlyn, dumbfounded.

  “Don’t feel bad about just showing up. Micah made it pretty clear it’s an open invitation,” Caitlyn continued.

  Oh, Eden thought, smiling, so this is your way of saying resolve your issues.

  “Yeah, you should go swim. Micah won’t care. You guys are old friends,” Andrew agreed.

  Feeling guilty, Eden nodded back at him.

  “Why don’t you go today while I’m at the hospital?” he offered, poking his soggy piece of cafeteria pizza.

  “Ok, maybe I will.”

  Andrew spied Caitlyn’s lunch. “Why does your food always look so good?” he asked innocently.

  Caitlyn tore her sandwich in half. “Here.” She handed him a piece. “Stop giving me those puppy dog eyes.”

  Andrew gave her a lopsided grin. “You’re the best, Caitlyn, you know that, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she muttered. But her eyes were smiling.

  If Micah thought seeing visions of Eden was bad, he was wrong. Being around her in real life was way worse. Now he could smell her scent, like flowers after a summer storm, and it was about to drive him insane. Then there was her softness of her skin, the way she felt in his arms when they hugged, the tickle of her hair brushing his face… and the accidental grab in the pool. He had to double his efforts to not dwell on that; his desires would take over if he did. He’d never felt this way for any girl before. Usually he was in control, or at least didn’t care if he wasn’t. He left Rome, determined to remain close friends with Eden, sure he could rein in his own feelings. She was happy with Andrew and since not being around her wasn’t an option—he sort of needed his Awakener on his team—he figured he would have to control himself.

  He shoved one hand through his hair, exhaling. Trent glanced over at him from the passenger seat.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Just frustrated,” Micah stated.

  Trent stared at him. “It was your idea. I say we just tell them and get this over with.”

  Micah glanced over. “What?”

  “The trip, getting everyone to Illinois without them suspecting a dang thing. What were you talking about?”

  “Oh, yeah, that,” Micah answered. I’m not telling Trent I’m about to cave…

  Trent’s forehead wrinkled as he frowned at him. “So? Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  Micah mustered forced confidence. “I think we have a good plan. Sage said we can’t just blab to everyone what’s happening. No one will volunteer to go if they know. We know we have to wait until schools out, so a few more weeks at least. And then we need a reason to all go there. Who knows, maybe we’ll win.” Micah shrugged.

  It was long shot. They’d just entered their names in a drawing to win tickets to Great America in Illinois. It was a random competition they’d stumbled across while out today. Micah had jumped on it, even though the tickets were only good after the middle of July.

  Trent gave a low whistle. “Well, if we don’t win, we’re going sooner. I hate the thought of twiddling my thumbs for two and half months.”

  Micah nodded. “Agreed. I don’t like it either.”

  Pulling into his driveway, Micah’s stomach dropped. Eden’s Jeep was parked in the semi-circle. He could feel his resolve melting away, replaced with excitement to see her again. It’d felt like forever since the pool party, though it hadn’t even been a week.

  I’m so screwed, Micah realized as he slammed his truck door shut.

  Climbing up the front porch steps, Trent beat him in, and Micah slowed his step, pausing at the door.

  “Sage,” he said quietly, “why can’t we go sooner? I find out the location of the temple and then we just wait?”

  He didn’t move, not that he expected her to appear. His answer was purring up his driveway, in a black Honda.

  The engine was silenced and the driver’s door opened. Micah walked to the edge of the porch as the driver stepped from the vehicle.

  Ah, now I get it. Maybe someone else needs a little time to prepare.

  Damon’s brown eyes stared back at him, obviously hesitating to move forward.

/>   Micah waved him up. “Come on in, Damon. I think it’s time we talk, don’t you?”

  Eden was under water when it rocked back and forth. She shot up, hoping to see Micah, but instead of black hair, it was light brown and poking up in all directions. Trent.

  “Finally, it’s just you and me, babe.” He grinned.

  “What? Me come between you and Jessie? I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Trent chuckled. “Where’s Dr. Andrew today?”

  “At the hospital—he volunteers twice a week.”

  “Really? So you’re all by yourself then, huh?”

  She wondered why Trent was giving her a strange look. “I wanted to swim. Why aren’t you with the love of your life?” she probed, wanting to know what Trent’s intentions were for her friend. Poor Jessie was infatuated and still waiting to hear from him.

  “Good question. Micah’s got me on a short leash,” Trent said. Wondering if that were true, she hoped he’d mention where Micah was, but he didn’t. Since swimming with Trent had not been her plan, she debated on what to do.

  “Bet I can do a better cannonball than you, hot shot,” he taunted.

  She faced him. “Ok, prove it.”

  Damon scanned the bookshelves lining the walls and said, “There are a lot of books in here.”

  Micah chuckled. “Yeah, not sure why, since no one in my family reads much. Guess it just looks good.” Micah pointed to the two leather chairs. “So, let’s sit for a bit. Unless you’re here to swim?” Micah already knew he wasn’t.

  Damon shook his head and sank into one of the seats.

  “You aren’t getting much sleep, are you?” Micah asked.

  Damon appeared startled and then slowly shook his head.

  Taking a deep breath in, Micah slowly exhaled. “Ok, Damon, I’m going to tell you a few things. I want you to hear me out. We both know there’s something going on with you. Something you haven’t told a soul, not even your parents.”

  Damon shifted in his seat, his eyes widening.

  “But I saw it myself. I,” Micah gave a small laugh, “have this ability to see things. It can be very handy at times, and other times, it just freaks the heck out of me. Know the feeling?”


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