The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men) Page 18

by Amanda Strong

  Damon’s lips flickered into grimace. “Yeah, I do.”

  “The reason I see things is I’m the Seer for the Captain. He’s the one who lets me see what’s going to happen and sometimes what has happened.” Micah glanced over at Damon. “I saw the stump move.”

  Damon stiffened, and then slowly his shoulders lowered. “How? How did it move?” he asked, shaking his head.

  “I’m still figuring you out truthfully. Tell me about it. What do you feel, see, hear…”

  Damon pursed his lips together. “I hear everything, all the time. It never stops.”

  “What exactly do you hear?”

  Damon’s brown eyes were electric. “I hear ants commanding their ranks to march, I hear birds chirping about their nests and where to find food, I hear the trees sighing for their buds to grow and blossom. It’s like I’m tuned into Mother Nature and I can’t turn it off, ever.”

  Micah didn’t miss the growl in his last word.

  “I’m sure that’s exhausting.”

  “You have no idea.”

  Micah grunted. “I sort of do, you see, I can’t really turn off my visions either.”

  Damon glanced over at him and grunted back with a nod.

  Micah clapped his hands together. “So, I guess the trick is to learn how to control this new ability of yours. ‘Cause whether or not you like it, it is a gift. And it’s pretty incredible.”

  Another grunt from Damon, but Micah noted how eager his eyes became when he talked about learning to control it.

  “You hear things, what else?”

  Damon peered around the room, and then spoke a string of fluid words, none of which Micah understood.

  Micah was about to ask what he’d said when he noticed his chair was no longer attached to the floor.

  Gripping the armrests, he gazed down at the rug a few feet below him. He was floating in the air.

  Micah whistled and then said, “Wow. Trent’s really going to like you.”

  Eden climbed back on the board. “Ok, let’s see you do this.”

  She glanced up and froze; Micah was walking out on the deck.

  She forced herself to wave at him, and then followed through with her dive. Doing a forward flip, she came up, hoping he’d be halfway into the pool, but he was gone.

  She was crushed.

  “Oh Micah, all work and no play,” Trent said.


  But Trent deflected her question with, “You need to make Micah play a little more; the kid gets too serious sometimes.”

  There was no sarcasm in his voice this time. She studied his face, thinking of how Trent had watched them ‘play’ in the pool on Saturday. Maybe Trent had been happy to see Micah kick back for a minute.

  “I don’t know, Trent. You seem like you’d be better at teaching him that. You always know how to stay,” she paused, “not serious.”

  But he didn’t laugh or smile. He appeared to be debating something, like he was on the verge of confiding in her. She waited, hopeful.

  He must have decided against it, because he jumped out of the pool. “I try. What can I say? It’s a talent of mine.”

  He grabbed a towel, and she decided she’d get out as well. Wrapping her towel around her waist, she threw her shirt back on, knowing it would be drenched in seconds by her swimsuit and hair. Following Trent back into the house, she was deflated to see Micah wasn’t around.

  “Well, I’m getting in the shower and, unless you want to join me, this is good-bye,” Trent said, strolling toward the stairs.

  “I’ll pass. See ya, Trent.” She waved.

  He disappeared, and she stood for a moment in the empty great room, debating what to do. Should she wait, hoping Micah would show? Feeling silly dripping on the carpet, she grabbed her keys, put her flip-flops on, and shuffled toward the entryway. The office door opened as she passed. She glanced over as Micah stepped out.

  “Glad I didn’t miss you. Sorry about earlier, I wanted to jump in with you, but I can’t today,” he explained, coming closer to her.

  Her heart began a series of strange hiccups. “Don’t worry about it. Trent kept me company.”

  “I know. I’m even sorrier about that.” He grinned. “I had a friend stop by.”

  She wanted to ask who, sort of afraid he might say Megan. Then Damon came out of the office.

  “Hey Damon,” she said, trying to recover from her shock. He was the last person she’d been expecting to see.

  “Hey Eden.”

  The dark circles under Damon’s eyes were gone, and Eden realized as he ran his hand through his black hair, that his face had a healthy glow again too. How’d I miss that before?

  Micah and Damon were both staring at her, and feeling her hair dripping down her back, she knew she was a mess. “Well, I better take off. I’m sure your mom won’t appreciate me dripping all over floor.” She turned, calling over her shoulder, “See you at school, Damon.”

  Damon nodded. “See ya.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” Micah offered, as he followed her out the front door.

  Stepping across the porch, she asked, “So Damon and you are getting close now, huh?”

  Micah gave her a quick side-glance. “Yeah, well, we sort have a lot in common.”

  She glanced over at him. Like what?

  There was a black Honda in the driveway. “Damon’s?” she asked.


  “Do you still hang out with Chase and Jake?”

  “Unfortunately, no. Wish I could, but I just have other things I have to get done now.”

  She gazed at him, wondering what he meant. They were by her Jeep now.

  “I like this.” Micah placed his hand on the hood.

  “Me too, although, I don’t do anything fun with it, according to Brendon.” She leaned against the front bumper.

  He smiled and leaned against the charcoal gray bumper too. “How’s Brendon? Feel bad I haven’t been over much lately.”

  “He’s good. He has a girlfriend, so he thinks he’s the bomb now.”

  Micah chuckled and, facing her, said softly, “Girls do that to us guys.”

  Again, her heart squeezed, as she searched his face. Was this the moment she’d been waiting for? Should she tell him how she felt about him?

  “I don’t know. Having a boy like you, does a lot for a girl too.”

  Micah’s gaze was playful, his smile crooked. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes,” she barely got out. He was close enough she could feel his breath on her skin, but then something flickered across his eyes, and he glanced away.

  “I’m glad Andrew makes you feel good.” His words came out stiff.

  Her tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth. “Yeah, he’s been great,” she answered lamely.

  He kicked at the loose gravel, sending a few rocks flying. “That’s good.”

  Silence engulfed them, and she stared at her toes, dimly aware she needed to repaint her peeling polish. Bolstering the courage, she blurted, “You’ve always made me feel good too.” She cringed. That sounded so corny!

  He frowned, lines creasing across his forehead.

  Not understanding why he didn’t believe her, she gushed on, “Being best friends made me feel special my whole life, like I mattered. When we moved to Portsmouth, I lost that. You always made me feel like I was your favorite person.”

  “I know,” he gazed into her eyes, “as friends I did. But, I mean, I wish I could’ve been the one to make you feel special in a different way, tell you how beautiful you are—” he stopped, his face agitated with… what she wasn’t sure, almost like he was kicking himself.

  She gaped at him and stuttered, “I… uh…”

  His lips grew tight. “It doesn’t matter either way.” His eyes were agonized now. “You and Andrew belong together, and I don’t want to mess that up.”

  She shook her head, “Micah, Andrew and I don’t have what you and I—”

  He cut her off, whispering, “Eden, I can�

  Can’t? He leaned back against the bumper next to her and stared at the ground. She was tempted to grab his chin and make him face her, but she didn’t.

  “Have you ever wondered how much of life is in our control?” Micah’s question caught her off guard.

  She gazed at his profile, hoping he’d turn to face her.

  “Yes, I have, actually,” she sighed, resigning to the shift in conversation.

  “Do you think we shape our own destiny? Or do we just play our part like actors in a movie? Just following the script?” He mumbled the last words.

  She studied her flip-flops. “I don’t know.”

  She didn’t want to admit she’d struggled with this very concept, ever since she’d eavesdropped. When Micah remained quiet, she decided to say something.

  “Does this have to do with one of your visions, Micah?”

  He faced her. “Yeah.”

  “Can you tell me about it? Maybe I can help,” she offered. Starting with how you know I marry Andrew?

  He hesitated. “I saw something I’m having a hard time accepting.” He looked away.

  Undeterred, she pushed, “What was it?”

  “It’s probably the right thing. I should be ok with it, be stronger.”


  He flipped around, bringing his face close to hers again. His warm breath tickled her skin. “Eden, there’s so much I want to tell you, but I can’t yet. You just have to trust me.”

  She wanted to argue, but was too distracted by his close proximity. Hoping he’d make his move or at least hold her, she waited, but all he said was, “I should get back to Damon.”

  Damon? He’s worried about Damon? A lump formed in her throat. Panicked her voice might crack, she nodded, glaring at her toes.

  “Hey, what do you think of a little road trip?” he asked, his tone sounding forced.

  Still trying to grasp what was happening, she gaped back at him. His face inches from hers again.

  “I’m thinking Great America, maybe in July.”

  Great America? Where’s that? She thought the words, but her mouth wouldn’t move.

  “We could go with friends, drive around. It’s not far from Chicago, maybe check out the city. What do you think?”

  For some reason, it all felt rehearsed. Trying to pacify her throbbing heart, she asked, “You want to drive to Illinois?”

  He nodded, his blue eyes sweeping her face.

  “Ok,” she replied slowly. “That sounds fun.”

  “Great!” Micah startled her with his sudden enthusiasm. “And don’t worry, I’ve already told Andrew about it and he wants to go too.”

  She felt her insides drop. “Fabulous,” she said woodenly.

  He seemed surprised by her response, or at least her tone. “I better get back,” he murmured, his blue eyes growing closer, and then he bent over.

  Her breath caught as his lips brushed her cheek. He lingered, sending goose bumps all over her. Then his lips were gone, and he pulled her into a hug.

  “You’ll always be my favorite person, Eden,” he whispered, his lips touching her throat just below her ear.

  Their bodies were close, his arms securing her against him. She could feel a pounding in her chest, and wasn’t entirely sure if was from her heart or his. She was insanely tempted to kiss him, and deal with the consequences later, when they heard the front door open.

  Micah released her abruptly, taking an obvious step away. “I’m coming,” he called over her shoulder.

  She turned around, Trent stood on the porch. She expected a smirk on his face, but his raised eyebrows and wide eyes read surprised or shocked. I thought he knew Micah liked me.

  “I better get going anyway,” she said, turning around. Her flip-flops crunched in the gravel as she rounded the Jeep and reached for her door.

  “Come swim again, ok?” Micah said, as she climbed in and shut the door.

  She nodded and threw her Jeep into reverse. Trying to control her rapid breathing, she somehow made it into her garage before the tears exploded down her cheeks. She killed the engine, and laid her head against the steering wheel. All the suppressed emotions bubbled out in sobs.

  She didn’t stop until her nose was stuffed, her eyes puffy, and she had the hiccups.

  “Gabriel, I don’t understand. Is this how it’s supposed to be?”

  A peace spread over her body and she knew he was there with her. Maybe even feeling sympathetic for her situation.

  Taking a deep breath, she exhaled. “I just can’t believe God wants us to be this unhappy.”

  She felt the warm, comforting feeling again but this time, she could have sworn she heard, “You’re right. He doesn’t.”

  The last four weeks of school, Eden engrossed herself with studying. She made a pretense that it was all for good grades, and not that it was to avoid dealing with her growing feelings for Micah. Andrew encouraged her to swim at Micah’s often, which made her feel even worse. She was pretty sure she’d freaked him out when she asked about next year’s textbooks. He told her she was taking school a little too seriously, and that said a lot coming from him. She stopped by Micah’s three or four times, but he never joined her in the pool. She was getting slightly annoyed with the ever-present black Honda in the driveway. Is Damon over every day now?

  Micah did come over to her house twice during those weeks, but always had Trent glued to him. He talked to Brendon more than her. It didn’t take her long to realize he was avoiding being alone with her. On his last visit, Micah asked Eden’s parents if she could go on their trip to Chicago. From that conversation, Eden learned Micah had won seven tickets to the amusement park and it was planned for mid-July. The seven invited were Micah, Trent, Damon, Willow, Andrew, Caitlyn, and her, of course.

  She didn’t think it was a coincidence that it was the same seven he’d invited to his pool party. She knew there was more to this trip then riding roller coasters. In the overheard conversation she’d happened to listen to, Trent talked about a trip they had to get through.

  She remembered all too clearly Micah saying Andrew had to be there too. The part that replayed over and over was Trent not liking the idea of this being a self-sacrificing thing. Horrified by what all that might mean, she wished she could get him alone to ask about it, but since their talk by the Jeep, he seemed to avoid being within three feet of her.

  As the beginning of June finally rolled around and the hot, humid, summer air was making the students crazy, the last day of school finally arrived. With her classes done, and her 4.0 secured, Eden had no choice but to face her feelings.

  She cared for Andrew but it wasn’t the same as what she felt for Micah. It’s not fair to Andrew. Micah might have seen it in his mind, but it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t want to pretend anymore.

  As Caitlyn sat across from her at lunch, she decided she’d confide in her. Eden knew Jessie would give her grief, but she had no choice; she didn’t have long until Andrew would be entering the cafeteria. She could see Willow was already in line for food. Shortly after Micah’s pool party, Chase broke up with Willow. Now she hardly ever saw Jake, Chase, or Megan. Eden found it odd Megan chose to stay with the guys rather than her friend, Willow. It made thinking nice things about Megan, that much harder for Eden. Willow didn’t seem to care, choosing to remain close to Eden. Andrew missed being with Chase and Jake, but told Eden he’d rather be with her now. Which, thinking about it now, made Eden feel terrible.

  “Caitlyn, I’m a mess,” she whispered, sort of hoping Jessie wouldn’t overhear, but Jessie turned.

  “Why are you a mess?”

  Caitlyn asked, “What’s going on?”

  Eden glanced around. “I’m going to break up with Andrew.”

  Caitlyn’s eyebrows came down as she nodded.

  “Am I missing something? Why on earth would you do that?” Jessie exclaimed.

  Eden faced her. “I don’t feel the same way about him as he does me.”

��What? Are you crazy? Oh no, Eden! Don’t tell me this has something to do with Micah! Don’t waste your time on him,” Jessie said, getting ready to give her a lecture.

  “Jessie, Micah likes Eden,” Caitlyn whispered.

  Jessie stopped and stared at Eden. “Really? Are you sure? Did he tell you he does?”

  “Well, kind of—”

  “Why would you break up with Andrew then?” Jessie asked. “Why not wait until you know for sure Micah likes you. That way, if he doesn’t, you still have Andrew.”

  Both Caitlyn and Eden stared at Jessie. Eden was surprised Caitlyn’s pretty eyes could look so indignant.

  “Even if Micah doesn’t like me at all, Andrew deserves someone who adores him,” Eden said firmly.

  Caitlyn seemed appeased, as her eyebrows returned to their normal place.

  Jessie wouldn’t back down. “But, Eden, you aren’t thinking this through.”

  “Trust me, I am, more than you know.”

  Her mind had repeated Micah’s phrase over and over again for the past few weeks. Besides, I saw her marrying him—remember? Those words haunted her. Micah’s the Seer for crying out loud.

  Still, Jessie sputtered, “Eden! This’s just crazy!”

  Caitlyn smiled at Eden. “You should do what you think you should, Eden, and it’ll all be ok. Be honest with Andrew, and I just know this will all work out like it’s supposed to. You’ll see.”

  Eden sighed. “I wish I had your confidence, but I need to be honest with him either way.”

  Jessie continued her argument. “I think you’re making a mistake, Eden. Not all guys are like Andrew.” Eden glanced at her friend. She knew Jessie was taking it hard Trent had yet to call her. After talking, Eden had learned they hadn’t kissed that day in the pool, but Trent had tried, according to Jessie. She knew Jessie was right; she may never find another guy that treated her as well as Andrew did.

  Willow sat down, her blue eyes flashing at her and then Caitlyn. “So are you going to tell me too?”

  There was no point in trying to hide anything from Willow; she seemed to see right through it all. But what should I say?

  Caitlyn saved Eden. “Eden has relationship problems to fix.”


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