The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men) Page 23

by Amanda Strong

  He was thoughtful and then grinned. “You always were the smart one. I really don’t deserve you.”

  She shook her head. “You have that one backwards.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  She wanted to turn it into a joke, but his eyes were so sincere that all she could feel was the happiness bubbling within her. She pressed her lips on his, closing her eyes, his hand slipped behind her neck, tickling her skin, and her lips parted. He pulled back, his breathing ragged.

  His brow was wrinkled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He took a deep breath. “Wow… nothing… you’re just… we need to go downstairs.”

  She bit her lip, smiling back at him. “Oh. Ok.”

  They entered the great room where Micah’s parents were about to start a movie. Eden sank into the couch, pulling her knees up. She shot a text to her mom, telling her she was at the Hawkins watching a movie. As her mom sent back, Oh good! Have fun! Micah sat down next to her. She was wondering if he wanted his parents to know about them, when he grabbed her hand.

  So, I guess he’s not hiding us. This can’t be really happening, can it?

  As the movie neared its end, the front door opened and Trent strolled in. She caught the surprise in his face at seeing her there. His eyebrows shot up when he spied their hands clasped together. He plopped next to Micah and slapped Micah’s leg hard, saying nothing.

  When the movie ended, she overheard Trent whisper, “I can’t even leave you alone for one second. So now what?”

  “It’s all good,” Micah replied.

  Trent stared at him, his face doubtful.

  It was late and she needed to get home. They had a big day tomorrow. She stretched and told Micah’s parents good night as they left the room. Trent stared at her; she could see the unasked question in his eyes.

  Micah stood up and held his hand out to her. “Are you going to be ok driving home?”

  She half-yawned, half-laughed. “It’s only a hundred feet away. I think I’ll be fine.” She took his hand and landed on her feet.

  “You shouldn’t be out at night by yourself,” Micah said.

  She wanted to argue, but he did have a point.

  “I’ll drive you home,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  “Micah—” Trent began.

  Micah cut him off. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Remember what Sage said to us. You think you’ll walk back or something? I’ll follow you.”

  As Micah nodded, she thought how ridiculous this conversation would sound to an outsider. She only lived one street over, but they all had a very good reason to be more cautious at night now. Nobody was anxious for another run in with a nasty demon.

  When Micah opened the passenger door of her Jeep for her, she realized he wanted to drive. He gave her a boyish grin as they climbed in. “Do you mind? I love Jeeps.”

  She smiled, noticing Micah’s truck following them out of the driveway. Trent could joke about a lot of things, but being attacked was not one of them. They were at Eden’s house a minute later.

  “Acting like this didn’t happen tomorrow is going to be hard for me,” he said, touching her lips. “But I think its best we keep this quiet.”

  She pressed her lips against his finger. “Ok. But just for this trip.”

  He leaned over and kissed her gently. Somewhere in her mind, she knew Trent could probably figure out what they were doing, since the truck’s headlights were shining into the Jeep, but she didn’t care enough to stop.

  Micah pulled away. “It might be better for Andrew if we waited a little longer than that.”

  She wanted to protest, but she knew he was right. She didn’t want to pour salt into that wound by flaunting her new relationship with Micah. “Ok.”

  Micah saw her to the front door, where he gave her a warm hug. “See you in the morning. Maybe you can come a little earlier than everyone else.”

  She smiled. “Maybe I will.”

  Rolling down her windows as she drove, Eden enjoyed the fresh air from the previous night’s rain, even if it was a little muggy. She arrived a half hour earlier than what Micah had told everyone else. The sky was blue, not a cloud to be seen.

  Micah’s dad was the one to open the front door. “Good morning, Eden.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Hawkins.”

  “Hey you,” Micah called out as he jogged down the stairs. Seeing his huge smile sent relief shooting through her. Braiding her hair into two long plaits earlier that morning, she’d begun to worry he might regret kissing her today. Or worse, had another vision that meant they couldn’t be together still. Closing the gap between them, he grabbed her hand, and with a sly smile, led her into his dad’s office. Once the door shut behind them, he cupped her face in his hands and pressed his mouth on hers.

  Oh good, she rejoiced, as she returned his affection.

  He stopped and grinned. “I just had to do that one more time before we leave.”

  “It’s going to be hard ignoring you for the next three days,” she admitted.

  “Who said anything about ignoring,” he teased, and then his blue eyes turned contrite. “Eden, I need to apologize… for yesterday.”

  Oh no, he does regret it! she thought as she asked, “For what?”

  “I kind of went a little crazy with you. I know this is going to sound weird, maybe old fashioned, but I really want to respect you.”


  Micah shifted his weight to one leg, his face flushing, as he opened his mouth. He stammered, “What I mean is…” She was sure her face was glowing red as his blue eyes probed. “We can’t… I mean, I can’t use my gift if I’m not worthy of it.—”

  Embarrassed, but trying to make light of it, she forced a laugh. “Micah, I have my limits too. Don’t worry, I promise I’ll try not to corrupt you.”

  He looked relieved. “Good, because it’s not you I’m worried about.” He paused and kissed her lips softly. “You’re just way too tempting.”

  She wanted to come up with a clever comeback, but he was already leading her out the door. Still feeling dizzy from Micah’s last kiss, they walked past the living room. When she saw Trent sitting on the couch with his face in his hands, the euphoria quickly left though. What if Andrew doesn’t come? What then?

  Damon was standing next to Micah on the driveway when Willow’s Mustang pulled in. It seemed funny to Eden now that Willow drove a bright red convertible. When she’d first met Willow, it fit, but now? She somehow thought Willow might be more comfortable pulling up in a station wagon. She smiled at the thought. They’d already loaded up everyone’s luggage in the back of the Excursion. Everyone that was there at least.

  She began pacing the porch again. Andrew has to come. He just has to. She hoped that by the time Caitlyn showed, Andrew would be here, because she wasn’t sure how long Micah would wait for him after that. She peered at Micah. How’s he so calm?

  As Willow joined her, she asked, “Am I the last one?”

  “No.” Eden wrung her hands together.

  Trent came out of the house. “Micah, your dad wants to talk to you, something about Vern.”

  Micah turned on his heel and headed back into the house, giving Eden a reassuring smile as he passed. She felt like she was going to throw up. She finally resigned herself to sitting on the porch swing when she heard Andrew’s Bronco roar down the driveway.

  I can’t believe he came! It is a miracle!

  She debated whether she should run into the house, or just stay put. Maybe he came because he thought I didn’t. Both driver and passenger doors opened, and she was surprised to see Caitlyn climb out too. So, she was right. It did work out, somehow.

  Andrew carried the bags to the back of the Excursion, and Eden heard Trent mutter under his breath as he walked past her, “Thank the good Lord he showed up.”

  Micah came back out. Seeing Andrew and Caitlyn, he said, “Ok, looks like we’re all here. Everyone ready to go?”

  She though
t he’d react a little more to the fact that Andrew was actually there, but he was already climbing into the driver seat, looking anxious to leave. Micah’s parents were standing by his unrolled window, with his dad punching something into the GPS. She didn’t think they appeared too concerned that their son was taking a bunch of teenagers three states away, or was it four? She didn’t even know.

  She hung back, not sure where she should sit. She had hoped Andrew would at least glance her way so she could say hi. She hadn’t seen him for over a month. Watching him climb into the back of Excursion, she realized how much she’d missed him. Damon followed Andrew, and when Trent jumped into the front seat, she saw it’d be the girls in the middle seat. Glancing up, she caught eyes with Micah in the rearview mirror.

  This is going to be one long, weird day.

  When Micah made their first stop four hours later, they were in Pennsylvania. She enjoyed driving through DC, but the rest of the drive had been uneventful, with everyone listening to their own music. She stretched her legs out, her knees stiff and sore. They were at some local “hole in the wall”. She didn’t care what they sold as long as it was edible; she was starving. She nibbled at her French fries, while carrying her tray over to the two tables they were occupying. At one sat Micah, Trent, and Damon, and at the other, Andrew and Caitlyn. Since she wasn’t about to cozy up to Damon, she had no choice but to take the seat across from Andrew. Willow slid in behind her, leaving her feeling trapped.

  This is ridiculous! We can’t avoid each other forever. She peeked over at Andrew; his eyes were glued on his food. She waited, hoping he’d look up, but he didn’t. Defeated, she followed suit and ate in silence. Willow and Caitlyn tried to make the situation less awkward by talking to Andrew nonstop, while she shoveled fry after fry into her mouth. Eyes down, she ate every bite of her greasy hamburger, just to have something to do.

  When Micah asked if everyone was good to go, she was desperate to push Willow out of the way to escape. Instead, she waited as Willow gracefully slid out. Seeing Micah already heading for the parking lot, she smiled. He was determined to get there. But then again, could she blame him? Thirteen hours of straight driving was a long day.

  Once the black Excursion was backing out of the parking space, Micah called back, “Hey, before you all put your earpieces in, I have a question for you.” No one said anything, and he continued, “Would anyone be opposed to a slight change of plans?”

  Again, no response.

  “I know we’re planning on touring Chicago on Saturday, but my dad made a request of me. Well, he sort of gave me an ultimatum. He said since you’re taking my car and my gas, you can do a favor for me. He wants me to check on our land while we’re there.”

  “You own land?” Andrew asked from the back. Eden could tell he was leaning forward to be heard. She felt his fingers pull her hairs as he gripped the seat.

  “Yeah, well, my grandfather does, or did I should say. My great grandfather was a farmer out in Dekalb County. My grandpa grew up there as a boy and when he was old enough, he took over the family farm. About the time my dad was born though, they moved to Virginia. They didn’t sell the farm but leased it out to other farmers. My grandpa couldn’t part with it. My dad usually takes a trip out every year to check on it. He wants me to this year since we’re out here.”

  “You said did. Did your grandpa pass away?” Willow asked.

  “Yeah, in March. So now my dad and my uncle technically own it.”

  Feeling bad, Eden said, “I’m sorry, Micah. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s ok. I was in Rome. My grandfather was a great man. He lived a happy, long life.”

  Everyone murmured their condolences and Caitlyn asked, “Was it your grandpa too, Trent?”

  “No, our moms are sisters,” Trent answered.

  Damon answered Micah’s question first. It startled Eden because he’d been so quiet, but then again, when was Damon not quiet?

  His voice came from the backseat. “Fine by me.”

  “Me too,” Caitlyn agreed.

  “Yeah, I don’t care either way,” Andrew said at the same time as Willow’s, “I’d love to see the cornfields.”

  Staring at the back of Micah’s head, she thought, This little detour wouldn’t have to do with that temple, would it?

  Dinner was even worse for Eden than lunch. Andrew was avoiding her as much as possible, even when it was painfully obvious, and Caitlyn and Willow were still making it their mission to talk his ear off. And Micah, well, even if she wanted to go near him, always had Trent on one side and Damon on the other.

  How ironic, Eden mulled, at the beginning of the week, I felt bad for Damon, thinking he’d be the odd duck out, but I am. Then she reminded herself, I’d rather see Andrew happy than me. They got back on I-80 West, somewhere in the middle of Ohio. With not much to see but flat countryside, she leaned her head against the window, hoping to fall asleep. When Caitlyn jostled her arm what felt like moments later, she was startled to see tall skyscrapers spanning her window.

  “Sorry,” Caitlyn apologized. “I didn’t want you to miss Chicago!”

  Eden rubbed her eyelids and stared out her window. We’re here? How’s it possible? I swear I only slept five minutes. But it was Chicago, brightly lit against the darkening sky. Not knowing what any of the buildings’ names were, she was impressed with the height and busyness of it all.

  “Wish I could say we’re there, but we’ve got another forty-five miles to go,” Micah announced.

  Eden kept her face plastered to the window until the buildings began to fade. Soon, it was countryside again. Trying to stay awake, she read street signs passing by: Skokie Highway, Belvidere Road, and then Route 21. Six Flags sign suddenly loomed in the window, and she could spot roller coasters poking through the trees. Excited, she craned her neck to see better, but it didn’t take long for the last metal loops of a ride to disappear. A few minutes later, the Excursion veered left into a small parking lot. Best Western has never looked so good, she thought.

  They’d reserved two rooms: boys’ and girls’. After unloading their bags, the girls meandered into the boys’ room, though Eden wanted nothing more than to take a hot shower and forget about the long, torturous ride. Andrew was sitting on the edge of the bed closest the door, surfing the TV channels. She strode past, avoiding eye contact, making a beeline for the lone chair across the room. Caitlyn plopped down next to Andrew, and began chiding him for skipping every chick flick. On the bed closest to Eden, Damon lounged, leaning against the headboard with his ear buds shoved in.

  Her eyes shifted to Trent and Micah, who were in the corner of the room behind her. Micah appeared to be rifling through his small bag, searching for something, while Trent stood over him like some kind of bodyguard. She wanted to say as much to Trent, when she overheard him mutter, “I’ll be glad when this is all over.”

  She felt a flutter of nerves when Micah spied her gaze. His warm smile dissipated her jitters, replacing it with a longing to be near him again. Watching his blue eyes dance was the highlight of her entire, horrible day. She grinned, hoping he’d move closer. He straightened up and ambled towards her, his eyes remaining locked on her face. Her breath caught in her throat, the tiny pinches of adrenaline bursting through her body, until he brushed past her and reaching the sliding door, wordlessly stepping out on to the small deck.

  Does he want me to follow him? She didn’t have time to respond, because Trent, the bodyguard, was already out the door before she’d even stood up. Why’s he so glued to him? It’s not like he’s got to keep him from kissing me again. Micah’s hardly looked at me the entire day.

  Frustrated, Eden glanced back at the room, noticing Willow was now perched next to Damon, eyeing him. Intrigued, Eden temporarily forgot her irritation as she tried not to gawk.

  “What are you listening to?” Willow asked, trying to peek over Damon’s shoulder at his music player.

  He shifted his iPod to his hand furthest from Willow. “Nothing.�

  “Nothing? Then why don’t you take these off?” Willow teased, snatching one of the ear buds. Before he could stop her, she had it tucked in her ear. Her eyelids half closed over her sapphire eyes while she listened, oblivious to Damon’s uncomfortable plight. Curious as to what type of music Damon could be so embarrassed about, Eden was surprised when she handed the earpiece back to Damon, saying, “I love Rachmaninoff too. Good choice.”

  Damon stuffed the earpiece back into his ear, saying nothing. Eden was stunned. Classical music? He sure doesn’t look the type, but then again, neither does Willow.

  Even with Damon’s silence, Willow appeared comfortable remaining next to him. Caitlyn finally won out and Sleepless in Seattle remained on the TV. When Willow moved to lie on her stomach, propping her head up with her wrists to watch, Damon stuffed his iPod in his pocket and stood. Awkwardly, he tried to skirt around Eden’s legs, which she pulled in immediately, and then he disappeared through the sliding door.

  Eden tried to pay attention to the movie, but for some reason, found it sort of depressing. When Caitlyn flopped onto her stomach as well, Eden finally let her eyes dart in Andrew’s direction.

  Her insides dropped.

  He stared back at her with bent eyebrows and downturned lips.

  She attempted a smile, pretty sure it came out a strangled mess.

  Unprepared for the coolness in his blue-green eyes, she shuffled from the room, having to pass painfully in front of him. Once inside the girls’ room, she slid down the door, sinking to the floor until her knees hit her forehead. She groaned. I shouldn’t have come. Micah’s needs Andrew here, not me.

  Micah had hoped Eden would’ve followed him out. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted to hold her. He could tell she was in pain and he was about to sock Andrew. Although, he conceded, Andrew was probably acting cold and distant in order not to break down in front of them all.

  Micah could see Andrew’s pain. He still loves her. Standing on the deck, Micah was disappointed when Trent and Damon were the ones to join him, not Eden. Still, he appreciated their loyalty.


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