The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men) Page 24

by Amanda Strong

  Damon eyed him. “So, do I know everything I need to?”

  Trent glanced at Micah and then stared at the railing.

  Micah nodded. “Yes, you’re ready Damon.”

  No need to tell him more, he’ll just try to stop me.

  They stayed outside for a few minutes longer. Trent seemed to be stalling.

  “No worries, the guardians are ready. Sage said everything’s all set,” Micah said, trying to reassure him.

  Trent nodded, his lips still frowning. “Why don’t we just skip the amusement park tomorrow and get this over with? Then I’ll enjoy the rest of this trip.”

  Damon nodded. “I agree.”

  Micah shrugged. “I think everyone will get suspicious. Let’s just keep with the plan.”

  Trent huffed and opened the sliding glass door.

  Andrew’s voice carried to the deck. “You think that’s funny, do you?”

  There was a shriek of laughter. Curious, Micah followed Trent. Andrew had Caitlyn locked in his hold, tickling her mercilessly on the bed.

  She was trying to free herself, but he had her pinned good. She wailed, “Andrew, s-s-t-t-o-o-p! I’m going to p-e-e-e my p-a-a-n-t-s!”

  “Nice try, but I don’t believe you.” In all their noise, they hadn’t noticed they had an audience.

  She was laughing hard enough that tears were rolling down her cheeks now. She kicked him away, gaining a little leverage. Andrew’s body flew off the bed, but he had secured both of her wrists, and pulled her down with him. They landed with a thud on the floor, Caitlyn’s fall buffered by his body.

  Micah looked around the room. No one else was there. Eden and Willow were gone.

  “Well, well, what have we here?” Trent quipped.

  Caitlyn looked over at them and gasped. Andrew let her hands go, and she hustled from the room, shutting the door behind her without a backward glance.

  Andrew rose to his feet, his face somewhat embarrassed. “She was trying to make me laugh.”

  “Looks like the other way around to me,” Trent commented.

  Andrew shrugged. “Dave just broke up with her. I was trying to cheer her up.”

  Micah grinned. “Mission accomplished, Andrew.” I have a hunch Caitlyn influenced you to come along, in more ways than one.

  Eden carefully closed the door, trying not to wake anyone. Thinking of the free breakfast waiting for her downstairs, she spun around to find herself face to face with Andrew. After crying herself to sleep once the other girls were out, she’d made up her mind she’d have to talk to Andrew. But I didn’t think it’d be at 6:30 in the morning! My eyes are still puffy!

  “Eden,” he said, when she turned to go. She stopped. “Can we talk?”

  Relieved his voice didn’t sound angry, she nodded.

  “How about over breakfast?” he offered.


  She piled her plate with fruit, a yogurt, two pieces of bacon, and, trying to decide between a poppy seed or blueberry muffin, grabbed both.

  He was already sitting at one of the small tables. She sat across from him, noting he’d gone with only cold cereal. He glanced at her plate. “That’s one thing I always loved about you. You weren’t afraid to eat.”

  Trying to reply while chewing the cantaloupe she had just popped into her mouth, she slurred, “Thanks, I think.”

  She was glad to see there was no sadness behind his smile. “So, yesterday wasn’t very much fun for either of us,” he said right off.

  “No, it wasn’t.” Thanks to you ignoring me all day.

  “I don’t want it to be like that between us. I hate seeing you upset. You should be having fun.” He stirred his cereal around without taking a bite.

  “Don’t worry about me.” She paused. “I’m actually surprised you came. What happened to Florida?”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “Caitlyn wouldn’t let up with it. Kept telling me I had to come. And well, my dad came home early to deal with an emergency at work, so I figured, why not?”

  Thank you, Caitlyn! “Well, I’m glad you did. Hope you’re not regretting it.”

  “No, I’m good. Maybe you were right. Maybe we’re supposed to be just friends, I don’t know. What I do know is we can’t keep ignoring each other. I don’t want you to feel bad anymore. I’m doing fine.”

  She searched his face, his eyes. “I would love to be friends again, but I understand if you need more time. The timing of this,” she gestured to the room, “wasn’t the best for either of us.” Without thinking, she added quietly, “I’ve missed you.”

  Seeing something cross his eyes, she inwardly berated herself. What am I doing giving him hope? She knew it was partly true, though. How could she expect to spend every day with someone for almost five months and then suddenly never talk to him again? Although, what she missed and what he missed were probably two very different things.

  His expression was hard to read, his emerald eyes conflicted. “I’ve missed you too,” he admitted finally, and then he forced a smile. “So truce then?”

  She was both saddened and relieved. “Yes, please.”

  The truce over breakfast seemed to filter through the day. The day at the amusement park was fun. Being an odd numbered group, they rotated partners. Everyone rode with everyone. Though partnering with Damon and Andrew was extremely awkward for her, she loved when it was Micah’s turn. The other highlight was seeing Willow tug on Damon’s hand. His expression made her giggle. He wasn’t annoyed, more like stunned. He would lumber after her while Willow practically bounced on her toes.

  Trent was quiet most of the day, almost somber at times. She knew he was worried about Micah.

  Hours of twisting, dipping, cork screwing, going upside down, backwards and sideways, left Eden’s head throbbing. They all stopped for a drink break. As she drained the water bottle in three long swigs, Andrew walked up, holding a pile of churros, which he handed out. There was enough for everyone, but after Andrew took a few bites, he offered his to Caitlyn. She shook her head no.

  That’s odd. They always share food, which is kind of weird now that I think about it, Eden mused as she pressed her fingers into her temples.

  Strong hands rubbed her shoulders from behind. “Have a headache?” Micah asked.

  “Yes, my head is killing me.”

  She glanced at Andrew, nervous he’d be able to see through their charade, but he was staring at Caitlyn. Willow studied Andrew and then Caitlyn.

  What’s that’s all about?

  A few hours later, they called it a day. Eden wasn’t the only one with a headache and sore feet. Surprisingly, the one who didn’t want to leave was Micah. He’s like a child, prolonging his bedtime. She grinned and then realized why he might be prolonging the day. Tomorrow loomed ominous to her.

  Once back at the motel, Micah wanted everyone to pile up and watch a movie together. Willow settled next to Damon, leaning against the headboard on one bed, with Caitlyn lying across the foot of the bed on her stomach. Andrew plopped down in front of Caitlyn, sitting cross-legged on the floor. Eden didn’t care what anyone thought, she sandwiched herself between Trent and Micah on the other bed. Trent got up, opting for the lone chair at the table. Halfway covered by blankets, she was in heaven when she felt Micah’s hand slide over to her, securing her fingers in his.

  As they watched Will Smith kill aliens in Independence Day, Andrew leaned his head back towards Caitlyn and murmured, “Come sit by me.”

  Caitlyn clambered down next to him and Eden wondered why her face looked anything but happy about it.

  “It’ll take a little less than two hours to get there,” Micah announced as they filed back into the Excursion. The same seating arrangement applied. Trent’s worried glances in Micah’s direction added to her apprehension. Today’s the day. Whatever Micah saw, it happens today.

  After an hour of zigzagging through the countryside, Eden was caught up with staring out her window. According to the rearview mirror compass, they were heading southwest
. She’d never seen so much farmland in her life. Both sides of the road were lined with fields, most of them corn, as they drove mile after mile. There were farms interspersed throughout, and then they began to see more houses and buildings as they entered a city.

  “This is Sycamore, probably the closest city to Clare,” Micah said.

  “Clare?” Willow asked.

  “Yeah, it’s a small farming town with nothing but a post office. That’s where our land is,” he called back.

  Passing grocery stores, a few city buildings, and parks, Eden thought it was a nice-looking city. She loved the huge trees everywhere. Wonder if there are sycamores and that’s why it’s called Sycamore. Within minutes, they left civilization and were once again submerged in cornfields. It was hypnotizing to watch the stalks go flying by as Eden checked the minutes between farmhouses. Micah decelerated as he came to an intersection, heading right on Clare Road. A short way up the road, they came to another intersection and Eden saw the small, dilapidated post office on the corner. She wondered if it was even still operational. At this, Micah turned right again. Again, she stared at the corn, but this time Micah drove slower and it didn’t make her dizzy.

  He made a right and then an immediate left. Another mile down the road, he pulled off onto an almost invisible driveway. Eden felt her pulse quicken as the Excursion bounced down the long, dirt driveway. She could see a farmhouse ahead, painted a dusty red, with a large wraparound porch and a steep, shingled roof.

  Micah parked and then twisted around to face them. “If you want to sit tight, I’ll be right back.”

  Eden gaped back at him. Isn’t this why we came here?

  “I have to make sure there’s no problem with the land, irrigation, and make sure they’ve got my dad and uncle’s info since my grandpa passed. They should, my dad’s been here before.” He smiled broadly. “After we leave here, I want to stop by Vern’s farm. I think you’ll really like it.”

  With that, he jumped out and slammed the door. There was some confused chatter as Eden stared at Trent, who remained planted in his seat. Ten minutes later, Micah came jogging back toward them. He opened the door. “Ok, we’re all set.”

  They were all gawking at Micah now. They’d been under the impression they were going to walk around the Hawkins’ land, not some other farmer’s. Micah glanced at Trent and Eden barely caught the words, “Are you ready for this?”

  She frowned as Trent shifted in his seat. Micah flipped the Excursion around and soon they were bumping back out the driveway.

  “So, who’s Vern?” Willow asked once they were on the main road again.

  Micah’s eyes were in the rearview mirror, peering back at them. “He was my Grandpa Hawkins best friend growing up. His farm neighbors ours. My dad wanted us to stop by and see him, since my grandpa passed away this year.”

  Andrew asked, “Have you met him before?”

  “My dad brought me with him when I was about five, I think. I just remember Vern saying, ‘You call me Grandpa Vern and you can eat as much ice cream as you want.’” Micah paused. “My dad told me later that Vern never got married or had his own family, so every year when he’d go back, Vern asked how his favorite grandson was doing.”

  “How sweet,” Willow murmured.

  Eden smiled. “No wonder you want to go back and visit. He’ll be happy to see you.”

  Micah nodded. “I know. He’s a neat man. My grandpa has told me lots of stories about their time together as kids. They were adventurous, like we were.” Micah gave her a wink in the mirror.

  After a few minutes, Micah again made a right down a gravel driveway. This time, Eden could see the large, white farmhouse from the road. It was set back, maybe an acre, with grass in the front yard, and huge, tall trees everywhere. As they continued down the drive, Eden discovered a long zip line strung between two trees. Didn’t he say Vern never had children?

  Getting closer, Eden saw the house was two stories with a small front porch, and black shutters. As they pulled to the side of the home, she spotted three large barns and two silos behind the farmhouse. This time, they all got out. She gazed at the large garden on the other side of the driveway. She realized it was probably Vern’s own personal garden. She could see rows of corn, beans, tomatoes, and melons.

  Micah was the first up the four steps, giving the dark red door a firm knock. As they waited, Damon and Willow brought up the rear of the group. Willow’s eyes darted around, squinting, her lips pursed. Damon’s back was to them, and when he moved, Eden noticed he was mumbling under his breath. The front door opened.

  “Grandpa Vern!” Micah’s voice boomed. Eden wasn’t sure if he was just excited, or saying it loud enough for Vern to hear. She saw a hearing aid in one of Vern’s ears.

  Vern stood much shorter than Micah, wearing a thin-looking, white, button-up shirt, gray, well-worn slacks, and blue suspenders. His white hair barely covered his head as it was combed neatly to the side. His eyes appeared blue-gray from where Eden stood. He had the grandpa ears that were slightly large and hairy. His face was worn but clean-shaven. She noted the glasses case and glasses in his front pocket, and realized there was a calculator behind that, making the pocket bulge out.

  His wrinkled face broke into a smile as he squinted up at Micah. “Is that Jared Hawkins’s boy?”

  Micah stooped down and hugged Vern, saying, “Sure is!” Micah straightened. “These are some of my friends. We came to visit you.”

  Vern’s smile widened. “Wonderful, come on in.”

  They followed Micah through the door, single file. As Eden crossed into the home, she saw they stood in a family room with wood floors. There were curtains hanging on the windows, and fading flower wallpaper on the walls. There were two small couches and one rocking chair in the corner. Micah walked around, examining the room.

  Vern gestured to the couches and everyone sat down. “Ok, Micah, now who do we have here?”

  Micah smiled and introduced them all. Eden didn’t think he’d remember all their names but he went down the line asking each of them where they were from, and what their parents did. Vern smiled at them and said, “Lots of catching up, but how about some lunch first?”

  Once Vern had shown them where the kitchen was, Willow smiled at him. “Why don’t you let us girls make you lunch for a change. Go sit down and relax. We’ve got this.”

  Vern tried to object but Micah called from the dining room, “Is that Grandpa Hawkins in this picture with you?” Vern shuffled away.

  Willow finished washing her hands. “I absolutely love him.”

  Caitlyn joined Willow at the sink to wash her hands. Eden handed them the towel to dry and began pulling bread out of the bag, saying, “I feel sort of bad about eating all his food. We could’ve stopped at the grocery store in Sycamore if Micah had given us a heads up first.”

  Willow dried her hands. “Yeah, but to tell you the truth, I have a feeling it makes Vern happy to feed us. I don’t think he has a lot of visitors.”

  Eden peered around the large kitchen, most of the dishes looked like they hadn’t been touched in a long time. There was a hand towel laid out on the counter next to the sink with one bowl, plate, cup, fork, and spoon.

  “Doesn’t this house feel a little big for one farmer?” Caitlyn asked.

  Willow and Eden agreed as they made turkey sandwiches for everyone. After chopping up a few cucumbers and strawberries, probably from Vern’s garden, they carried the food into the dining room.

  Vern waited until everyone was seated at the antique, wooden table and then lowered himself into the chair at the head of the table. Holding his hands out to Micah and Trent, who were on his left and right, he said, “Dear kind Lord, thank you for this day, and thank you for these friends who’ve come to see me.”

  Everyone quickly took hands and bowed their heads. After his prayer ended, Andrew said, “Micah said you grew up with his grandpa.”

  “That I did, Joseph was a good friend.”

  “Your fami
ly’s been here a long time then?” Willow asked, glancing around the room. Eden sort of wondered what she was looking at. She seemed to be staring at the walls.

  Vern’s blue-gray eyes took on a faraway gaze. “Yes, starting with my eighth great grandpa, Charles, in England. The story goes he started having dreams of this land with fields flowing like honey. He was poor, single, with nothing but his hands to labor. He heard of the great migration to America, where land was plentiful, and knew it was for him. He arrived in Massachusetts and worked as a laborer, trying to save up money. He kept having a dream of this land; it called to him. But he married, had kids, and their kids had kids. He never left Massachusetts. But he passed the story along to his grandkids, so when my fifth great grandfather, Dr. John Brown, came along, he wanted to find this land. With his family, they journeyed into the wild frontier. And it was wild back then. Many Indian tribes were not friendly with settlers, and vice versa. But by some miracle, they made it here.”

  “Here? You mean here, here?” Andrew asked.

  “Yep, the original homestead’s back behind the barns. I can show it to you if you’d like. Lucky for them, the Dakota Sioux tribe was friendly enough. When they realized he was a doctor, they were suspicious but, eventually, Dr. Brown’s medicines helped heal one of the chief’s sons. It was a big deal because they didn’t trust white men or their medicine. The Dakota’s helped the Brown’s become successful corn farmers, and they entrusted my ancestors with this land.”

  Vern paused and Micah said, “My grandpa told me the land’s special.”

  Pain flashed across Vern’s blue-gray eyes. “Yes, it is. My family has stayed here since. My third great grandfather, Albert, built this farmhouse. These walls have seen many families, children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren, run through these halls, but now it’s just me left.”

  So that explains it. She could almost feel the ghosts in these very rooms. Thinking of Gabriel near, she knew she probably wasn’t far off with her feeling.

  Willow’s eyes swept the room. “Your family’s still here with you. You can feel the love in this home.”


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