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The Awakener (The Watchers of Men)

Page 27

by Amanda Strong

  Damon hesitated, eyes raging.

  A blood-curdling cry shot through the air from behind. Damon twisted around. “They broke through, demons have Willow.” He cringed.

  “Go,” Micah urged.

  Damon sized Micah up and then glared at Sage. “Don’t you let him die. This plan of yours was flawed. And you all knew it.”

  He’s figured it out, our ruse. But how else could it have worked?

  Damon swore under his breath and gently detangled himself from Micah, and then he was gone. Micah was too weak to turn and see the chaos behind them. Sage’s hot body was pressed against him, his skin burning where she touched him.

  She fumed. “Gabriel, hurry! Get them all out here, now!”

  Gabriel was gone, shooting through the air like a bullet.

  Well, this is it. Micah mentally braced himself for it. He’d seen it so many times, but it hardly prepared him for actually living it.

  As the whip again snapped in the air, the impact almost popping his ears, Micah knew it would be the last time Astaroth missed. The nine tails landed in the dirt, being once again thwarted by Damon’s last command before leaving Micah’s side to rescue Willow. Watching the cat o’ nine tails, covered in sharp glass, rocks, and metal claws, scrape at the ground, sent terror rippling through him.

  It was worse than any nightmare she’d ever had. All of her friends shrieking in horror as, one by one, demons snatched them away. Aaron was true to his word. She was fine, but no one else was.

  She saw Damon running back. No! Don’t leave Micah!

  But she saw he was darting after the demon that tore Willow from the angels.

  She tried to make sense of it all. The demons had broken through the line. Guardians were desperately chasing after her friends.

  Gabriel’s voice rang out, “Get her out of here!” She peered around Aaron to see Gabriel was there and meant her.

  “Wait, no! What about Micah?” Eden screamed at him, but he was already gone to help rescue the others.

  Aaron scooped her up into his arms like she was weightless. She pushed against him, struggling. A demon leapt on top of them, and he had to release her to fight it back. It was the moment she needed. She sprinted away, numb to the danger surrounding her, twisting and pulling free of the claws that grabbed at her.

  Micah heard Gabriel roar, “Guardians retreat!”

  At the same time, Sage taunted, “Astaroth, why don’t you come claim your prize?”

  As Astaroth reared back again, determined to do just what Sage jeered at him, Micah remembered someone else who’d suffered at the end of such a whip. His last coherent thought was a prayer to Him for strength. He was half-aware of Sage squeezing his body against hers; he felt one last burst of strength course through his veins.

  He squared his shoulders, facing Astaroth, whose whip was already cresting in the air. “Just think of your master’s reward if you capture me. Your power and glory will be endless. You’d be more than just Prince of Thrones; you’d be Prince of Seraphim.”

  Astaroth’s greedy eyes stared Micah down as he bellowed, “So I shall be!”

  Micah stepped forward, leaving Sage’s arms behind, knowing where the cat o’ nine tails would land. Sage gasped as the tails seared through his skin, burrowing into his shredded flesh, some tails hooking in and others tearing free.

  Eden felt the impact, like it had been her own body struck. She heard the crack and the deafening sound of contact made. She staggered as she ran, blinded by tears. She swiped the back of her arm against her eyes, clearing her vision. Kicking back the nails that bit through her pants, she scrambled forward, ignoring the demon pursuing her.

  She gaped at Micah’s body, his frame limp and lifeless, as he crashed to the ground.

  He’s going to die! Where’s Andrew?

  “What now?” Sage called out. “Will you stay there forever and miss your opportunity? You know your master will reward you. What are you waiting for?” Sage stood over Micah’s body, which was so still it terrified Eden. She took hold of the end of the whip, its tails still wrapped around Micah.

  Why isn’t she freeing him already? It’s killing him!

  Astaroth reeled in his whip, trying to retrieve ‘his prize’.

  Sage’s grip brought him up short. “Come and get him, or stay where you are.”

  Eden’s view was blocked by Gabriel’s chest as she collided with his body.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Gabriel shouted.

  Let him be mad! I don’t care! How can he leave Micah behind to die?

  “Micah needs you—” she began, but he pulled her into his arms and shot off the ground.

  She punched at his chest. “Gabriel, go back! Don’t leave him!”

  But she knew she’d never get free as they soared towards the exit. Below them, Caitlyn and Trent were ushered out by their guardians. Andrew came into view. He was fighting against his guardian, trying to free himself too.

  “Wait, I can heal him!” he yelled, but the angel didn’t seem to care.

  “Eden, tell him!” Andrew shouted up at her. The opening in the wall loomed closer.

  “He can! He heals people. Let him help Micah,” she begged.

  But the angel with the bow and arrow only hefted Andrew up by his arms and forced him through the opening.

  Damon appeared, carrying an unconscious Willow in his arms. Eden could see her clothes were ripped and there was way too much red covering her. If she weren’t worrying about Micah’s eminent death, she would have panicked over her friend more. As it was, she yelled to Damon, “Help him! You can help him!”

  Damon’s brown eyes stared up at her and then he plunged through, stowing Willow.

  Realizing this might be the last time she’d ever see Micah, Eden strained to look over Gabriel’s shoulder.

  She wasn’t seeing the collapsed young man wrapped in a barbed whip; she saw the boy with a mess of black hair and big blue eyes helping her into the tree fort. He always wanted to be a brave knight. I didn’t get to say good-bye!

  The vines scratched her back, as Sage’s voice rang out, “Then stay, and never progress!”

  Astaroth’s red robes clapped behind him as he lunged for Micah’s body, leaving the well behind.

  Sage consumed herself with flames and comprehension dawned on Eden. It was a trap. Sage would level the prince, and all remaining demons, with her searing, white flames.

  The stone wall and cornfields whirled below them as she sobbed uncontrollably into Gabriel’s chest. He landed and held her tight against him as he ran. She caught glimpses of her other friends doing the same thing, as they weaved through the cornstalks.

  Micah was the bait, her mind repeated, as the earth shifted and they were suddenly tumbling down a steep hill, which came out of nowhere.

  Lightning catapulted across the sky, and the ground rumbled with cracking thunder. Seconds later, they were submerged in a downpour unlike any Eden had ever seen. Visibility was limited to only a few feet in front of them.

  “Gabriel, wait,” Eden shouted up to him.

  “What?” He craned his neck down.

  She pressed her lips into his ear. “We’ve got to go back! This rain may have saved Micah!”

  Gabriel stopped running, his arms still cradling her. She knew he was reluctant to let her go until he decided it was safe to return.

  At that moment, Damon’s body surged past them, sprinting full speed back uphill the way they’d come. He was swallowed up by the sheets of water. Then Andrew nearly collided with them, shooting past.

  Oh good, Andrew!

  She peered up at Gabriel, waiting.

  When Trent ran past them next, he set her on the ground.

  “Ok, but you’ll go faster if I carry you. This hill’s pretty steep and slippery.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you there.” She was confused as to why there was a hill to climb in the first place. Didn’t we go downhill before?

  Willow and Caitlyn came into v
iew, grasping cornstalks to keep from falling backwards. It seemed all the guardians were letting them go back now. Eden could see the rain had washed the blood off Willow’s skin. Eden couldn’t detect any serious injuries.

  “Are you ok?” Eden hollered.

  “I’m fine. What happened?” Willow yelled back, trying to be heard over the rain.

  Eden glanced in the direction of the well. She was anxious to get back.

  “It’s ok, I’ll fill her in. Go to Micah,” Caitlyn shouted.


  Gabriel scooped her up and took off. She ducked her face into his chest. The rain was painful at the speed they were moving. They reached the opening at the same time as Damon, Andrew, and Trent. Being airborne, they flew over the wall. Damon glanced at the sky and shouted out something. Immediately, the rain ebbed, slowing to a drizzle.

  Damon sent the rain! Maybe he saved Micah! Gabriel landed, releasing her. She ran forward, the once-barren dirt now a muddy quagmire.

  Sage was on the ground near the well, Micah’s head was in her lap. Her fingers were gingerly freeing the barbed whip from his flesh. Relieved his body didn’t look burned, she sickened at the amount of blood staining the pool of water Sage and Micah sat in.

  He looks so pale… his lips are blue!

  Damon and Andrew dropped to Micah’s side. Andrew wasted no time thrusting his hands on Micah’s chest. Damon gasped.

  “It’s ok, he’s helping,” she said, touching Damon’s shoulder as she knelt beside him.

  The gashes are closing! She gazed at Andrew, still amazed by what he could do. Then Andrew put his ear over Micah’s mouth.

  “What is it?” Damon demanded.

  Andrew ignored him, burying his hands in Micah’s abdomen. Eden panicked at seeing the open wounds, torn flesh and strips of fabric tangling in a bloody mess.

  “You can save him, right?” Damon pushed as Andrew again checked for a pulse.

  “I don’t know,” he shouted back, his hands and arms now bathed in Micah’s blood. Abruptly, Andrew’s face shot up, peering around. “Caitlyn!”

  Sage broke her silence. “Alaina, bring Caitlyn now!”

  The young, blonde girl immediately appeared, holding a bewildered Caitlyn by the arm. Caitlyn’s eyes swept the scene. She dropped down by Andrew, reassuring, “Micah’s not supposed to die now. His mission isn’t over. You can save him.”

  Andrew nodded and the gaping wounds sealed together in rapid succession. After minutes that felt like hours, Micah’s chest rose and fell. There were collective gasps from the audience. After another deep breath in, Micah began coughing. Sage helped him sit up. Eden couldn’t help it; she grabbed his hand, pressing it against her wet cheek.

  Micah turned and focused on her face. He gave her a weak smile. “It’s ok. It’s over now.”

  A lump had taken over her throat and she could only nod, afraid she’d sob if she tried to talk. Micah lowered their clasped hands and gave her fingers a squeeze. Somewhere in her brain, she knew she shouldn’t act so obvious. Andrew was sitting next to her, watching. But at the moment, she didn’t care. Micah’s ok!

  Damon rose to his feet and moved closer to Willow, who stood behind Caitlyn. “Sorry I left you so fast. Are you sure you’re all right?” he asked, looking her over.

  A strand of wet hair stuck to Willow’s lips as she smiled back at him. He hesitated, and then brushed it back. Her smile deepened. “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for saving me.”

  Damon gave Willow a somewhat awkward smile before glancing away. Micah was climbing to his feet; Damon leapt to his aid.

  “Thanks, I’m good,” Micah said, gripping Damon’s hand. “How’d you do it?”

  Damon shrugged. “Looked like you could use a waterfall.”

  Micah chuckled. “Glad you’re on my side, Damon.” Then his face sobered as he walked past them. Eden turned and saw why. Trent was on his knees, his complexion drained of color. He swiped at his eyes with his forearm and took a deep breath.

  “Never again, Micah, never ask this of me again!”

  Micah nodded. “I know and I won’t.” Micah grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet. They both thumped each other’s backs.

  Trent muttered, “Good, ‘cause Aunt Lacey still believes I’m a good influence. How could I ever explain myself if you died on my watch?”

  Micah grinned as they stepped apart. “Welcome back, Trent.”

  Trent sighed over-dramatically. “Don’t think I’ll ever recover from this one. You owe me big time, Micah.” He rubbed his hands together. “But now that it’s over, let’s get to the good stuff.”

  Micah peered around at all of them; they were all drenched, covered in mud, and in some cases, blood. “Yeah, I think we could all use some good stuff right about now.”

  Good stuff? I’m still trying to get my knees to stop shaking. Micah glanced in her direction and winked. Now her body felt weak for another reason and she had to resist the urge to run into his arms and smother him with kisses. Trent joking again was a good sign. Maybe the worst is over.

  Her jeans felt stiff and cold as she plodded through the mud. Moving closer to the well, she slipped. Throwing her arms out, she smacked Andrew across the chest.

  “Oh sorry,” she breathed out, unaware he had been so close.

  “I think I’ll live,” he answered. He squinted at her. “Are you hurt at all from before?” His blue-green eyes swept her body up and down.

  Embarrassed, she said, “No, I’m good. How about you?”

  “I’m fine.” He straightened up. “Just checking if you needed anything… you know, healed. Glad you’re ok.” He quickened his pace as he stepped away.

  Not sure how to take his concern, she looked up to see Willow was now kneeling next to the well, running her hands along the stones. So now that it’s demon-free, she’s captivated by it.

  “I owe you all an explanation,” Micah stated.

  “Yeah, a big one,” Andrew muttered.

  Micah glanced at him. “You’re right. You have every right to hate me. Let me explain things and then maybe you’ll all forgive me for today.”

  There were a few murmurs.

  “To start, this well’s no ordinary well.”

  “You think?” Caitlyn whispered to Eden. Eden smiled back at her.

  “It’s been here for thousands of years and marks a very sacred location. For a long time, the demons have set up camp here. You all saw the freaky demon with the robes?” There were nods from everyone. “That was Astaroth, a prince in the demon world.” Micah glanced around and said, “To fix the well, we had to rid it of all the demons. Tell you what, I’ll tell you more once we get inside.”

  Inside what? Surely not the well…

  There were murmurs of confusion. “Oh,” Micah blurted, “and since we purged this place, it’s special again. You know, sacred. So we all need to take our shoes off.”

  “Say what?” Andrew asked. Eden stifled a laugh. It was a strange request.

  “I know it sounds funny, but it’s holy ground again. So let’s follow Willow’s good example.” Micah pointed at Willow’s feet. Sure enough, they were bare.

  Eden complied and everyone tossed their shoes aside. A few of them wore socks still. Well, wherever we’re going, we’re going to get it muddy. But seeing Damon’s clean socks ahead of her, she thought, Maybe this land is special. His feet aren’t mud pies.

  Trent dropped down next to Willow, who moved over to give him space. “What does this mean?” Willow asked, pointing to a stone that had some kind of hieroglyphics on it.

  “Well of Enoch,” Trent answered.

  “Who’s that?” Andrew asked.

  Micah didn’t answer, but instead threw his leg over the side of the well. What’s he doing?

  “Like I said, I have a lot to tell you, but first, we all need to go down there.” He pointed at the bottom of the well.

  “Are you serious?” Willow asked, standing up.

  Trent grabbed Micah’s arm and
Eden hoped he would talk some sense into him. Instead, he griped, “Why do you get to go first?”

  Micah grinned. Grabbing the side of the well with both hands, he tossed his other leg over. What, is he going to just fall to the bottom? He didn’t sink. He seemed to be standing on something.

  “There’s a ladder built into the stones on the inside. Don’t worry; your guardians won’t let you fall.” Then Micah’s stepped down. Trent swung his leg over and followed. Eden caught eyes with Caitlyn.

  “This day just keeps getting stranger and stranger,” Caitlyn said, shrugging her shoulders. Damon was next, but seeing Willow behind him, he took her arm and helped her over the edge.

  “Thanks,” she murmured. “I’m not great with heights.”

  Damon followed her. When Andrew disappeared, and it was only Caitlyn and her left, Eden realized Gabriel was gone.

  After Caitlyn scaled down, Eden whispered, “Where did you go? Do you still have to hide from me?”

  He appeared. “No, but it’s easier for me to keep you from falling if I’m in my own spectrum. You don’t have the best balance, Eden.” Then he was gone.

  She teetered, with one leg over the edge.

  “You better be holding on tight then,” she said through gritted teeth. Couldn’t he just carry me down?

  The well was dark, and the stones, though they protruded, didn’t have the best handholds. She was still drenched from all the rain. Relieved, she felt her feet finally touch the ground. The area was much larger than the well’s girth.

  “Eden, over here,” Caitlyn hollered.

  “Ok,” she called back, and then whispered, “You can come back now, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel’s bright form lit up the area. He took her arm and guided her to the small hole in the wall the others must have gone through. He gestured for her to lead. Crawling through, she fought the sensation of claustrophobia, thankful it was only a few yards long. Climbing out, she searched behind for Gabriel. She felt his hands hoist her up.

  She smiled up at him and said, “Cheater.”


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