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Mutation: Parables From The Apocalypse - Dystopian Fiction

Page 3

by Norman Christof

  Mainly it contained a lot of lab results with blood results and DNA sequencing information, that made little sense to Chaz. Flipping through, he finally came up with some handwritten notes. They were signed by Dr. Judith Montgomery almost fifteen years ago. He skimmed through the notes, but a few phrases caught his eye.

  “The patient seems relatively unremarkable at first glance. Nothing more than a typical fourteen year old girl progressing along at normal developmental stages. But, upon further observation, she has demonstrated a number of remarkable skills. The least of which being the ability to sleep but still remain fully aware of what is happening around her. Several times, she’s repeated back entire conversations by researchers that took place while she was being monitored in deep REM sleep cycles. Nothing in the standard brain scans during her sleep suggested extra activity. More testing will be required.”

  Chaz flipped through a few more pages of notes. From what he could understand of the notes, it appeared that a section of her brain, the anterior hypothalamus was far more active than normal during sleep. Chaz found another section of notes that struck a chord.

  “For the first time, we now have other captive infected subjects in the lab. Normal protocol requires that subjects be kept separate from each other, but the technicians noticed a strange behavior when transporting the latest subject in. The subject was initially very agitated, but became instantly sedate when he was transported past the lab containing patient zero. This prompted secondary testing, and when another violent subject was released into the lab with patient zero, they too became suddenly sedate. Left alone for a period of time, the two of them developed a dominant-submissive relationship. Patient zero was able to control the other at will, even without speaking. When she was bored, she often resorted to manipulating the other subjects like puppets on a string. Even causing them to harm themselves by punching themselves, and banging their heads against the walls. After extended periods of time, the other patients would eventually slip into a catatonic site shortly before expiring.”

  Chaz wondered, if that ability was anything like the sway Christa seem to have over some of the freaks they’d encountered. She’d never actually deliberately controlled any that he noticed. But as he thought about it, she was the one in charge on the bus. All the other kids seemed to acknowledge her authority. They weren’t freaks though. At least not all of them. The ones that caused the explosion obviously were, but how many were just little kids? Little kids I should have been able to save … too late for that now.

  Chaz pushed the rest of the crates aside, and stepped up to the elevator. He pressed the down button, but nothing happened. No beeps, and no lights of the levels numbered above the elevators. Maybe this levels controls were disconnected. Gonna have to do this the old fashioned way. Chaz tried forcing the elevator doors opened. He was only able to wedge them open a few inches, before the locking mechanism increased pressure and snapped the doors shut again. Chaz tried a few more times, but he wasn’t strong enough to keep the doors open. The locks kept kicking in and slamming the doors shut. These aren’t your normal elevator doors, someone really doesn’t want me in here.

  Chaz turned back to some of the old crates, and found one with old computer parts. He lined up one of the smaller sturdy components centered in front of the doors. This time, when he pried open the doors, he slipped the component into the door opening. The locks kicked in again, and slammed the doors. The old component buckled, but held. Chaz retrieved a few more of the stronger looking components, and repeated the process. Eventually, he had a gap big enough to squeeze through. The little bit of light from the hallway barely shone through the gap he had opened. He could see the elevator cable, but there didn't appear to be maintenance steps to climb down. He couldn’t even see more than a few feet up or down the shaft. He had no way of telling where the elevator car was. He rummaged through the crates, and found a glass beaker. Reaching into the shaft, he through the beaker up as far as he could. It made no sound before gravity took hold and brought it back down just past Chaz’s position where he heard it shatter. The elevator must be just on the next level down he thought.

  Chaz found a bag of tools and a lighter in the crates. These elevators are more secure than most. Here’s to hoping I can get into that lower elevator. I’m not assuming there's something as simple as an access panel I can just pop open like in the movies. At least I’m going down and don’t have to climb up that elevator cable.

  Chaz heard a door slam shut. Remembering where he was, and where he likely wasn’t supposed to be, Chaz ducked down behind one of the larger crates. He cautiously leaned to the side, and barely made out the soldier down the hall outside Dr. Montgomery's now closed door. The soldier attempted to open the locked door. Banging on the door, Chaz could hear him shouting.

  “The General will not be happy about this! He needs to know what's going on with the new subject. If I return without the reports, he’ll have me shot. C’mon doctor, you need to give me something. Anything.” The soldier pounded on the door several more times. “I’m not leaving until you give me something. I can do this all day doctor.” He pounded on the door again.

  The door opened, and Dr. Montgomery stepped into the doorway, as the soldier backed up a step.

  “Look I already told you, and I already told the General, it was an accident. There will be no official report. We were simply transporting the new subject to her permanent quarters, when she lost control. No one knew what was going to happen. We’ve never had two first-mutators in close proximity before, so there was no precedent to suspect anything would happen. The researchers were simply unprepared for her reaction.”

  The soldier interrupted. “And exactly what was that reaction? C’mon Doctor, if you could give me a little more to report back, the General would be happier.”

  Judith shifted her feet, and crossed her arms. “The girl was simply compelled to move towards patient zero’s quarters. In the process she knocked over several of my researchers, and seriously harmed one of them. Nothing they won’t recover from in time. They were able to get her in restraints and medicate her.”

  “So she was incredibly strong?”

  “No, I wouldn’t say that, it was more she caught the team by surprise.”

  The soldier move closer. “She broke two arms and fractured three ribs. One of your team suffered severe head trauma, and is still in a coma.”

  “A medically induced coma soldier … there’s a difference.”

  “I still must insist on the behalf of the General, that you need our help down there. Your people don’t have the training to handle violent subjects like her. If we had any indication she was going to react that way, we never would have let you take her out of our jurisdiction.”

  “You can tell the General, the answer is still no! There is no way I’m letting military grunts near our most sensitive research. That’s my domain, and my decision. It was an isolated incident, and we dealt with it. You tell the General to just keep those monsters on the outside from getting in. That should keep him busy enough. We’re done here.”

  With that Judith stepped back, and slammed the door once more in the soldiers face. The soldier shook his head and marched back down the hall from where he had come. Chaz couldn’t believe what he had heard. Christa sounds like she’s in a precarious situation. They want her for the research, but they’re not sure they can control her. I need to get to her. If the doctor is keeping information from the General, who knows what she’s not telling me?

  Chaz turns back towards the pried open elevator door. With the bag of tools strapped his shoulder, Chaz held on the doors and leaned in towards the main support cable. It was just a few inches beyond his reach. He leaned back, bent his knees, and propelled himself towards the cable. It shook slightly as he grabbed a hold of the cable, and wrapped his legs around it. Slowly, he began to inch his way through the darkness. It may not be far, but there’s no point in finding out just how far the hard way. As Chaz moved through the darkness,
the dim outline of the elevator car became more and more visible. Before placing a foot on the car, Chaz lit the lighter to have a closer look. Don’t want to step on the wrong spot and fall. This thing may not have been used for years, but that’s no reason to go stomping around like a baby elephant, making a grand entrance. Chaz found a access panel, and set foot just to the right of it.

  The panel was secured with spring loaded latches on each corner. He released the first three, but the fourth was seized, and wouldn’t budge. He retrieved a screw driver from the tool bag, and with some force, the final latch relented. Chaz removed the panel and stared into the elevator. It was lit slightly brighter than the shaft, with light squinting in through the crack in the door. At least I’ll be able to see where I’m going once the I get into the hallway, he thought.

  Just then, the elevator door started opening, and the lights came on inside. Chaz saw two men in dark suits, and one researcher in a white coat move through the door. He fumbled with the access panel, as he put in back in place, but couldn’t release his grip on it for fear of dropping it on the three inside. The elevator started moving down. What the hell he thought. Why are we moving down? Judith didn’t think there anyone was left in the government level. Either she’s not telling everything, or her own people are keeping secrets from her. She doesn’t seem to be the type that would tolerate that from her subordinates.

  Chaz could hear muffled talking from the elevator, but with the sound of the elevator moving, it was hard to hear exactly what they were saying. He thought, he heard the words ‘President’ and ‘weaponized’ and ‘out of time’. The elevator came to a stop at the next level, and the doors opened. Chaz move the panel a few inches to the side to look down, but only caught a glimpse of the three leaving. One of the dark suits was big and brawny, like he could have been security. The second suit was smaller with graying hair. The white coat looked just like another science geek to Chaz. The hallway they proceeded into was dimly lit, but Chaz could make out expensive looking wood paneled walls. This must be the executive level he thought.

  The doors closed, and the elevator started moving back up. Chaz moved the access panel out of the way. As the elevator stopped, he kept one hand on the panel. The elevator door open and closed. When no one got in, Chaz lowered himself into the elevator, and pressed the door open button. That would be too easy, Chaz thought, as the doors open. Then again, why not? I deserve a break once in a while. Chaz moved into the hall and proceeded to get his bearings.

  He moved through the brightly lit white halls. The layout was similar to the upper medical level, but didn’t seem to be as populated. He passed several empty labs. As Chaz peered around another corner, he saw two researchers heading in his direction. As he moved quickly back, a door opened and a single researcher stepped out. The two of them nearly ran into one another.

  Chaz roughly grabbed the researcher, and pushed him back through the door he had just exited. Chaz followed him in, and locked the door from inside.

  “Who the hell are you?” the diminutive white coat asked him.

  “That’s not really your concern, at the moment.” Chaz replied.

  “Military personnel are not allowed on this level. Dr. Montgomery will not be pleased, and the General will hear about this.”

  “I don’t think so … Robert,” as Chaz glanced down at the name tag on his coat. “There’s no need for anyone to know about anything. If I can get down here, into the secret domain of you lab rats without out being detected, what do you suppose I would do to someone who really pissed me off?”

  “You don't intimidate me soldier. If you smart enough to get down here, then you know who I am.” Chaz just stared blankly back at Robert as he pushed his dark rimmed glasses back up his nose. “This place would grind to a halt if I wasn’t down here. You military thugs think it’s Montgomery running the show down here. The fact is, she wouldn’t be anywhere without me.”

  “Maybe, I don’t care about your show Robert. Maybe I don’t care, if the curtain dropped on this whole production. You may think you're the go to guy around the test tubes, but don’t assume you know anything about me.”

  Robert took a closer look at Chaz. “Wait a minute. You're not one of the regulars are you? I’ve been to the upper levels a few times. I know all the faces up there, and you're not one of them.”

  “All right there junior, maybe you're one of the smarter ones, but I don’t really give a shit who you are, or how smart you think you are. What I do is someone to answer some questions. Since you seem so well informed, I’m sure you can fill me in.”

  “What we do down here is confidential. Even the General doesn’t know everything. Heck, the suits downstairs aren’t even in the loop. I’m sure as hell, not going to tell you a thing.”

  Robert moved to go around Chaz, but Chaz grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the chair behind the lone desk in the room. Robert looked up at Chaz with just the slightest bit of concern showing in his eyes.

  “You can’t bully me.” Robert stammered.

  “I’m not a bully, but trust me, I am direct.”

  Robert started to get up, but Chaz pushed him back in the chair, then grabbed his hand and place it palm down on the desk. Robert struggled, but couldn’t move his hand. Chaz took a hold of his pinky finger and proceed to pull it back until Robert winced.

  “I have some questions, and you're going to answer them.”

  Robert glared defiantly back through the discomfort. “Not a chance. I’m sworn to protect the confidentiality of what I know.”

  “Shut up! I need to know where you keep this patient zero. More specifically, I need to know what she is.”

  Robert remained silent. Chaz exerted more backwards pressure, as Robert bit his lip, but said nothing.

  “I’m sorry about this Robert, but I really need to know.”

  Chaz pulled his pinky finger all the way back, until it made a popping sound, then pointed straight up at a very unnatural angle. Robert held back tears, as Chaz held his hand down and moved to the next finger.

  “I can keep doing this Robert, it really doesn’t bother me. You’ve still got another nine fingers to go. Although, you’ll probably pass out before I get to the thumbs. Those are the ones that really hurt. The pinkie fingers not so much. Although, one time I did meet a guy that didn’t pass out for all ten digits. He was impressive. Eventually, even he gave me what I needed … there are other more sensitive body parts then fingers.” Chaz paused for a moment staring at Robert as he stared back through the pain. “I’ll tell you what Robby. If you can stay awake, while I break all ten fingers, I’ll let you go, and go bother someone else. Deal?”

  Robert’s face went a little pale, before he spoke. “Patient zero, is in the central lab. Turn left outside my office and follow the signs marked ‘Alpha Tank’”.

  “There you go. That wasn’t so tough now was it? No need for all the secrecy amongst friends is there?”

  Robert pulled his hand back, but Chaz pushed it back onto the desk.

  “Hang on there Robert, we’re not quite done here yet. I need to know exactly what I’m getting myself into. What’s the big attraction with patient zero? Is she what’s attracting all the other freaks to this place?”

  “Other freaks. I don’t know what you mean.”

  “The other freaks and zombies trying to get into this place. You know, the ones that commandeered a tank to try and break down your walls.”

  Robert stared blankly back at Chaz.

  Chaz continued “You do go upstairs right? You do realize what’s going on up there don’t you?”

  “I have my work down here, why would I bother with all those idiots upstairs? Patzy is my only concern.”

  “Patzy? Who the hell is that?”

  “Why patient zero of course. Patzy for short. That’s what I call her.” Robert managed a smile at the thought of her.

  “Exactly how long has it been since you’ve been up top?”

  “Ummm. Not sure exact
ly. I get my assistants to bring me food from the cafeteria. That’s really the only thing I don’t have down here. I was up there a few months ago … I think … maybe more. I’ve been so involved with Patzy, I tend to lose track of things.”

  “I bet you do. There are hundreds of freaks around the outside walls right now, and they all want desperately to get in. Any reason why?”

  “The outside? I can’t remember the last time I was outside.” Robert’s eyes wandered off as he lost interest in Chaz.

  Chaz grabbed the next finger and applied pressure. Robert immediately turned his head back to face Chaz.

  “Of course, they want in. They want to see Patzy. She’s old, but still so attractive. They don’t know why they’re drawn to her, they just are. It’s because she’s been here so long I suppose. They’re all like dogs with a scent. As soon as one of them found out about her, it just got passed along.”

  “They can’t smell her. How could they possible? She’s three levels underground.”

  “It’s just an analogy you fool. You military types are all alike. She’s infinitely attracting … and intelligent as well. I must admit, even at times I feel drawn to her.”

  “You're attracted to a freak, and you called me a fool?”

  “Just occasionally. It’s her brain patterns we think. Their incredibly active, and unlike regular human brain patterns. Even after all these years, her brain still transmits extremely strong electrical charges. We can detect them, even several levels up. I’m sure, that ones outside the walls have sensed them as well.”


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