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A Right to Love: Romantic Spinoff From The Adventures of Xavier & Vic Book 2.5

Page 15

by Liza O'Connor

  She pulled away from him. “I don’t deserve your embrace. I abandoned a young woman, barely ten years older than me without a thought.”

  Jacko forcefully pulled her back into her arms. “In times of battle, we cannot attend to everything that happens. We will put Victor to the task of finding your Miss Sally.”

  In times of battle. Jacko understood her life, even though she had yet to tell him anything. “It was more like a war. Battles end in days or weeks. This went on for fifteen years.”

  She pressed her hands against her chest as buried memories of Sally screaming ‘no’ and ‘get off’ echoed from the room directly above Alice’s bed. “I think he raped my governess. She may have fought him.” Alice’s throat tightened in such pain she could barely speak the next words. “She may be dead.”

  Jacko held her tight as her body trembled. “You could not have saved her back then, but we’ll find out the truth and do what we can now.”

  Alice doubted there was anything to be done. “I hate him. He ruins everything.” She explained how she and her mother never hugged because each hid their whippings from the other, a daily part of their life of pretense. Deep in his arms with his lips constantly pressed against her temple, she told Jacko the truths that brought her shame: her step-father’s night visits to her room when she turned sixteen so he could force her into marrying a man of his choosing. “He had only one purpose. To take control of my father’s estate left to me. If I became pregnant, he could force me to marry the toad of his choice, one whom he could control.

  “I fought him at first, but soon I realized my mistake. He took pleasure when I struggled against him. It gave him an excuse to beat me for being disobedient. So I stopped fighting. I could not win the battle. Instead, I would lay with my eyes closed, my mind focused on whatever book I had read that day, and my body dead to his touch. He found little pleasure in taking me. His visits soon reduced to once a week. Sometimes he couldn’t even do it. Then he would either leave or beat me because my body could not be moved by him, and refused to grow his child.”

  All through her confession, Jacko never lessened his hold. He remained a sturdy ship in her violent storm. He cared Mr. Carson had raped her repeatedly, but he was not repulsed.

  When she finished the last of her confession, she sobbed uncontrollably.

  “All I had was Litchfield. I thought he had stolen everything else from me: my mother, my virtue, my future husband and children. He had taken them along with my soul.”


  Jacko’s strong response echoed in the room and her arms chilled from the effect. It was as if several generations of Litchfield men had joined Jacko to object to her words.

  He turned her face to his and his fierce eyes burned into hers. “He took nothing but time from you. You still have everything else.”

  “Not my virtue…”

  “Wrong! You are most virtuous. He only tore a piece of skin—no different than what he did to your back.” Jacko pressed his palm to her chest. “He could not change your heart because you are so very strong.”

  She turned her face away from him. “I wasn’t then.”

  “A smart person knows when to fight and when to back down. Backing down, doesn’t make you weak, only alive to fight the next day.” He pulled her face to his. “To fight him openly would have been foolish. You did more than I would have thought possible. And in the end, you’ve won the war. You still have everything he tried to steal.” He paused and smiled. “Or will have, once we marry.”

  By the sparkle in his eyes, Alice suspected he was thinking of children. She hoped she could. She would dearly love to have many courageous, happy children.

  The past was behind her now. She had confessed everything and he still loved her. He still admired her and thought her strong. No other man could, but her Jacko was far above the typical man, in all ways.

  Her hands pressed against his muscular chest and she breathed in his musky scent. Her blood stirred with fire.

  Capturing his mouth with hers, she kissed him with a great need for true love. Her desires had been pent up and contained for much too long.

  He groaned and tried to back away.

  She planted her hands on his chest and pushed him down next to the headboard, until he lay sideways across the bed.

  Passion flared in his dark eyes as his hands ran up and down the sides of her back. “Are you sure? I will gladly wait until we are married.”

  “Would you?” she challenged.

  He nodded.

  “Gladly wait?”

  He grimaced. “Well, ‘gladly’ might be stretching it. But I would suffer silently and wait.”

  She lowered herself on top of him, relieved that her body knew the difference between love and rape. Her body had always been frigid ice for Mr. Carson, but tonight, with Jacko, it felt like molten lava. “We have suffered enough. It is time we discover the purest of pleasures.” When she leaned in for another kiss, Jacko wrapped his arms tight around her and rolled them twice, so they now lay in the middle of the bed, rather than near the headboard. However, he had let her remain on top. She greatly admired him for that boon.

  Her nightgown shifted above her knees as she straddled him. With playful slowness, she unbuttoned his fine wool vest.

  Jacko’s hands slipped beneath the fabric and stroked her thighs. Her body trembled in response as tingling warmth traveled up her thighs and nestled in her womb.

  His eyes showered her with love as she finished unbuttoning the vest and focused on the shirt buttons.

  “Would you rather make love here, or in your room?” he asked softly.

  “Here. Once we are married, this will be our room.”

  He sighed and removed his hands from beneath her gown. Covering her ears, his lips moved, but she could not make out the muted words. A minute later, his hands slid onto her back and he sat up, holding her tight so she would not fall.

  She started to protest but then realized with Jacko sitting up, she could remove his clothes. When she removed his jacket, he, likewise, removed her robe.

  She blushed at her nightgown. “I promise, I will acquire something more appealing the first moment I get.”

  He laughed and deftly worked the tiny pearl buttons starting high on the neck. “Must be a very precious jewel to be so tightly wrapped.”

  She stopped his hands. “Jacko, Mr. Carson’s beatings left scars.”

  He pressed his fingers to her lips. “My back also has scars. I will not scream in horror at yours, if you do not scream at mine.”

  She laughed at the idea a few scars would cause her fright—not with his delicious body. “A fair deal.” She happily returned to removing his vest and shirt. When pushing the shirt off his arms she pressed forward and felt the warmth of Jacko’s hands on her bare breasts. Her deftly fingered pirate had already worked through over a twenty little pearls and her gown nearly lay open to her waist. Capturing her nipple with his teeth, after a playful tug and flickering of his tongue, his lips took over, sucking hard.

  Shots of electricity pulsed through her body and overwhelmed her senses until she lost focus.

  Jacko pulled his arms free of the shirt and took control of their lovemaking. He lowered her upon the bed. She was grateful he took the lead, because she had never made love before and the sensations pulsating through her had seared away every logical thought she possessed.

  When he spread her legs and kissed her mound, her body bucked with hunger for more. He could only continue his delightful torment once he trapped her legs and pressed hard against her stomach to keep her still.

  She was unprepared for the level of ecstasy he brought, and several times, she feared she’d lose her mind entirely. Each time she adjusted to a new intensity of pleasure, he would do something else, which brought the sensations to yet a higher level.

  When he finally drove himself deep inside her, she almost fainted. Never could she have imagined such a moment of purity and rightness. They were one forever and
always. Nothing, not even death, could break this bond.

  Chapter 14

  Alice woke with her head on Jacko’s chest and his arm firmly around her. She had never felt safer or happier in her life.

  “Finally, she wakes,” Jacko teased.

  She looked up and smiled at him. “What time is it?”

  Jacko stared at the curtained window. “Hard to say with the curtain closed, but given everyone else is up, I would guess eight or nine.”

  “Well, that is not very late, given we went to bed around five.”

  “And to sleep around seven,” Jacko added. “Nonetheless, we should rise and announce our plans to marry before much longer. I would not wish any of those who love you to think this was something other than the purest of love.”

  Alice sighed and slipped out of bed. She felt naked and exposed until Jacko got out of bed in his masculine splendor. All she felt then was great need to return to lovemaking. “You are so beautiful.”

  Jacko playfully scowled. “A man does not want to be called beautiful.” He gathered her into his arm so his manhood pressed upon her stomach. “Shall I call you deliciously handsome in return?”

  She laughed softly, leaned down and tasted his nipple.

  He stepped back. “Let us speak to your mother before we continue this intriguing discussion.”

  Alice studied him a long moment, sighed heavily, and then smiled. “While I would prefer remaining in here for a few more hours, I will concede to your determination to do the proper thing.”


  When Alice bent over to retrieve her gown, Jacko’s joy disappeared. The scars of her back whitened as her skin stretched, making their number and severity all too apparent. He had never enjoyed killing a man, but the man who did this to such an angel—Jacko would take great pleasure tormenting the bastard to a slow death.

  He tore his gaze away and concentrated on dressing. Rage coursed through his veins, he kept his face averted until she left the room. He would not have Alice mistaking his anger for repulsion. Scars did not bother him. However, his hatred of Mr. Carson was the strongest he had ever felt. The bastard had treated her like an animal, and tried his hardest to break her beautiful spirit. Jacko would see justice served.

  He had just finished dressing when a light knock sounded on the door. He could not believe that Alice could dress faster than him. He opened the door, expecting his beloved, to find a very solemn butler. “Mrs. Collins would like to see you in library at once, sir.”

  He nodded and followed Thomas downstairs. He had hoped to approach Mrs. Collins without a summons. Now he must begin his request for marriage at the worst of positions, a man called down for defiling her daughter. The unfamiliar claws of fear gripped his heart. The butler opened the library door and waited from him to enter.

  Once he stepped into the library, the door closed behind him. And if his ear did not deceive, he heard the tumbling of a lock, as well.

  “Please sit down, Jacko,” Mrs. Collins requested.

  She sat by the fire, looking tired and worried, but he was relieved to sense no anger.

  He sat across from her and leaned forward. “Alice and I wish to be married at the earliest convenience.” With this bold statement, he hoped to relieve her mind that his intentions were proper.

  His words gave her no outward sign of relief. She nodded as if she never doubted his intention, as if that were not the problem.

  He now feared the issue was something he could not solve. Nothing could change his race or the shame such a connection would bring to their family. Anger at the unfairness of life surged through him, but he held it in check. He had to make her understand their love was greater than social prejudices. He breathed in to steady himself and then spoke with soft intensity. “I cannot change who I am. But my love for your daughter and her love for me is quite profound. You cannot ask me to give her up.”

  Mrs. Collins’ eyes rounded in surprise. “I would never ask you to change in substance, Jacko. You are as fine a man as I’ve ever met. However, I do have concerns.”

  He nodded. “You are her mother. Naturally, you wish to protect her.”

  Mrs. Collins frowned. “Well, that answers my first question. I had hoped she’d shared her past before moving on to a physical attachment. But I gather she did not.”

  Her words confused him. “She did. Last night we both disclosed our pasts.”

  Mrs. Collins breathed in. “Then you know I have failed to protect her.”

  Jacko’s eyes narrowed with rage against Carson. “That was not your fault. I am certain you had no idea the beast he proved to be when you agreed to marry him.”

  “I never felt at ease with him, despite his jolly demeanor. I preferred another, but Aunt insisted Mr. Carson was the best choice. She said I was too young to know how to select a husband.”

  “None of this was your fault.”

  Mrs. Collins locked eyes with him. “Did she tell you she has been beaten and raped by the beast?”

  He nodded once.

  Mrs. Collins sighed with relief. “I feared she would not have the courage.” She took in a deep breath and then leaned back in her chair. Pounding broke her moment of peace.

  “Let me in at once!” Alice’s angry voice sounded from the other side of the shaking door. “Mother? Jacko?”

  “May I?” he asked Mrs. Collins.

  She nodded and Jacko hurried to the rattling door. He pulled out his key, unlocked the door and opened it to his determined protector.

  She looked up in worry. “Why was the door locked?”

  Jacko pulled her into his arms. “I have no idea.” He led her to the couch where they sat as one.

  Alice smiled at her mother. “Jacko and I wish to be married as soon as possible.”

  Mrs. Collins laughed softly. “I am not surprised.” She then looked at Jacko. “Aside from rescuing people, do you have a profession, or are you a man of leisure?”

  Jacko smiled. “Well, I do have an office at New Royal Exchange where I sell maps and information. However, I have several hundred thousand pounds in investments, so if you object to such a profession, I am willing to give it up.”

  Both women stared at him in shock, with a hint of worry. He suspected theirs worries were of different natures. He looked at Mrs. Collins. “The money was given to me by a Marquis in payment for helping to bring a blackmailer to justice.”

  Mrs. Collin’s furrowed brow relaxed at Jacko’s statement. However, Alice’s concerns remained. What would change if he became a man of leisure?

  He smiled as the answer came to him. “I doubt I will make a good man of leisure, except in name only. Quite honestly, since Victor came to work for Xavier, someone needs rescued every time I turn around.”

  He grasped Alice’s hand. “Which means I will disappear for days at a time. I am aware that as your husband some will expect me to take over the management of Litchfield estate. However, that is most impractical and imprudent. You are far better qualified. If you wish me to play the role of leisure, then I must do so convincingly, showing no interest in the estate and running off to London on frequent whims.”

  Alice rewarded him with a kiss and then stroked his check. “I would prefer you remain a man of business who attends to his profession in London. The locals would respect that situation. And given London is five hours away, they and I will understand your absence for days on end.”

  “My daughter is correct. You are better suited to be a man of business.” Mrs. Collins eyed his wavy black hair cascading over his shoulders and frowned. “Any chance you would consider cutting your hair?”

  “No!” Alice exclaimed, placing her hands over the ends of his locks.

  “Alice…” her mother said.

  “No, Mother! He is not cutting his hair. Just tell people he’s from Spain. Long hair is very common there.”

  Mrs. Collin huffed and looked at Jacko. “Do you even speak Spanish?”

  Jacko chuckled. “Spanish, Italian, French, Portugues
e and English.” He also spoke his people’s language of Romany, but kept that to himself.

  Alice rewarded him with another kiss.

  Mrs. Collins nodded with appreciation. “I knew you had a fine character, but to discover you are a multi-lingual businessman of fortune is far beyond my expectations.” She smiled at Alice. “Well, dear. If we spin this properly, there is no reason why you cannot marry the man of your heart and keep your position in society.”

  Alice glared at her. “I have never cared a wit about society.”

  Her mother studied her hands. “I know. You are perfectly happy here. But I do prefer London, and hope to someday return.”

  “Then spin this anyway you wish, Mother.”

  Jacko nodded. He would do his part by speeding along the removal of the beast that stood in the way of her happy future.

  “Well, I cannot spin anything at the moment, since I am thought to be dead.”

  Recalling Gregory’s slip last night, Jacko grimaced. “Unfortunately, you are only partly dead. Inspector Stone learned you were sorting out servants due to a slip from the Hamilton’s butler.”

  “Dear Gregory, I’m sure he feels terrible.” Mrs. Collins placed her hand to her chest.

  Alice’s worry was better focused. “Does this place Mother in danger?”

  Jacko rubbed his chin in thought. “I am certain Stone will not purposely mention the fact to your husband, but I fear Carson will find out.” He looked at Mrs. Collins. “I give you my word he will never harm you again. He still ordered your death, resulting in the murder of a woman. If the law of order cannot see its way to justice, than I shall.”

  Mrs. Collins closed her eyes. “Your promise gives me great comfort. However, I pray justice can be found within the law. I would not wish to burden you with such a harsh deed.”

  Jacko almost assured her it would not be a hardship or burden. For the first time in his life, he truly wished to murder a man, and this one he wished to torture slowly. The thought of killing reminded him someone wished him dead, as well, and he needed to resolve the matter as soon as possible. He dare not bring his troubles to Alice’s estate.


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