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Bad Boys Under the Mistletoe: A Begging for Bad Boys Collection

Page 52

by Anthology

  I press my fingers against my eyes and drop my back against the wall.

  Did this really just happen? Did I just get to third base with a coworker on my first day at my very first real job?

  A coworker I met ten minutes ago?

  This can’t be real. What if someone finds out? I’ll be canned immediately. How long will it take to find another job? Heather and I will be out on the streets, camping in parks. No way are we going home to our parents’ houses on Long Island, no way are we admitting defeat, letting everyone think we failed at life in the big city of New York.

  I straighten up and look at the door to the room I just fled from. I have to go in there and explain myself to Gareth. I’ll tell him I’m not feeling myself and I don’t know what I was thinking. I might even have to beg him to not say anything to our bosses.

  I hate groveling as much as the next person, but it has to be done.

  I gnaw at my bottom lip, take another deep breath, then march for the door and throw it open.

  Gareth stands on the far side of the room, looking out the tall windows with his back to me. When the door slams against the wall he looks over his shoulder in surprise.

  “Oops,” I mumble. “I didn’t mean to, uh, slam the door...” I trail off. Not only am I a horny fool, apparently, I’m also a klutz and a blabbering idiot.

  Gareth turns to face me straight on. I clear my throat and then gently close the door.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, taking a couple steps towards him. “I lost control and it was extremely unprofessional of me. We’re at work and shouldn’t be doing things like… that… here.”

  Gareth purses his lips but inclines his head in acknowledgment.

  I go on. “If my new bosses find out...” I take in a shaky breath. Just thinking about losing this job scares me.

  Gareth smiles slightly then lets out a low chuckle. His ability to see humor in this gets to me. I cross my arms and glare at him. It’s bad enough he has to be so irresistibly hot. Can’t he at least pretend to be as sorry about this unfortunate situation as I am?

  “What?” I demand.

  “You’re worried about losing your job?”

  “Of course I am!” I nearly shriek. “Aren’t you?”

  The smile falls from his face and he shakes his head.

  I exhale sharply from my nose. “Well I’m glad you can be so nonchalant about this. I, however, have bills to pay and no interest in heading back to Al’s BBQ Barn.”

  Gareth raises an eyebrow. “That’s where you worked?”

  “Yes,” I hiss.

  “Did you wear one of those cowgirl hats and checkered skirts?”

  “I’m not answering that.”

  He chuckles. “That means yes.”

  “Fine, I wore them. Everyone has to. It’s the uniform. Now if you don’t mind, will you please...” I pause and remember what I came in here to do. I’m supposed to ask Gareth to keep his mouth shut. Now I’ve lost my temper and I’m probably giving him reason to spread dirt about me around the firm.

  “You won’t lose your job,” he calmly says. The low tone does something to me. My irritation at him starts to dissipate.

  I gulp. “How can you be so sure of that?”

  He takes a slow step towards me, then another. My eyes stay glued to him. My legs shake, memories of his touch invading my body.

  Gareth gets closer and closer. His hand trails along the edge of the conference table. “Even if I bent you over this table and fucked you six ways to Sunday you would be able to come back here on Monday like nothing ever happened.”

  Wetness pools between my legs. Damn this man, and damn my seven-month stint of no sex. I stormed from this room once.

  I won’t be able to do it again. I know it.

  “Again,” Gareth growls. “Tell me ‘no’ and I’ll stop.”

  I whimper.

  Gareth grabs the back of my head and slams his mouth against mine. My lips part, my jaw falling open. Our teeth clink together. The second his tongue brushes against mine there’s no going back.

  Hands trembling, I clutch at his shirt, yanking it out from where it’s been tucked into his pants.

  Gareth pulls his kiss from mine and presses his mouth against my ear. Hot, warm air sends shivers through me.

  “Do you want it?” he asks. “On this table?”

  I can barely speak, but I can moan. “Yes,” I plead.

  Digging his hands into the base of my neck, he kisses me again. His free hand pushes my skirt up all the way. My core pounds. There’s no time to think about this anymore, no time to regret it. I need so desperately to believe what Gareth said, need to believe we can do whatever our bodies tell us to and not get caught.

  He gently pushes me down against the table. The cold surface hits my thighs, a stark contrast to the warmth of Gareth’s hands and mouth. Grabbing my hips, he pulls me forward so my legs hang off the table. Gazing down at me, he twists my panties and pulls them off, then tosses them on the floor.

  My heart pounds relentlessly, so loud the party down the hall must be able to hear it. Gareth inches forward, settling himself between my legs. He unzips his pants and pulls his dick out. It’s rod straight, ready for me.

  His breathing comes harsher and he digs in his pocket and pulls out a condom, which he slips smoothly onto his length. He reaches down and strokes my clit and I gasp from the intense pleasure of it. Gareth smiles wickedly and, before I know it, he’s inside of me.

  His girth stretches my walls. I groan from the pressure, my palms landing against the table with a heavy smack. There’s nothing to hold onto but I try anyway.

  Gareth lifts my thighs and pushes deep into me. My whole body moves along the table with each thrust. He fucks me standing up, his hands holding my legs open.

  One of his hands leaves my thigh to run across the top of my dress. It finds my breasts and tugs my nipple through my dress and bra. Good sensations ripple through me, traveling down to join the euphoric feeling between my legs.

  His jaw locks and he looks down at me through half hooded eyes. I can’t tear my gaze away, the intense eye contact he makes, half of the pleasure. Each thrust into me intensifies my bliss. It doubles then triples. I explode, biting down on my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming out.

  Gareth reads my pleasure and slows down, extending my orgasm. It stretches on and on, finally ending and leaving me gasping for air.

  He groans and speeds up slightly. Our fast breathing fills the room. I clench my walls around him, wanting him to come hard in me, wanting him to enjoy me as much as I did him.

  He grunts and stills against me. His head rolls back and a long hiss leaves him.

  “Shit,” he groans. “Wow...”

  Not only am I still shaking, I’m hungry for more. If I’m going to do this I might as well do it all the way. I want to take Gareth’s dick in my mouth, to know the feel of it against my throat and the taste of it on my tongue.

  “Raven?” The woman’s voice comes from somewhere outside the door.

  Fear shoots through me, my body kicking into flight mode.

  “Fran,” I gasp.

  Chapter 4


  I’ve worked here long enough to recognize each employee’s voice. Raven’s eyes go wide at Fran’s call. I step away from her, zipping my pants back up, but it’s not quick enough. She sits up lightning fast, plants a hand against my chest, and pushes me away. The force is so strong I stumble back a bit.

  “We have to hide,” she whispers.

  “She won’t come in here,” I confidently say, though I’m not so sure.

  Raven spins around to survey the room. Most of her hair is down now and cascading over her shoulder, giving off a fruity scent.

  Two seconds away from being caught fucking in the executive boardroom and all I can think about is how good this woman smells.

  “In there!” Raven grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction of the supply closet. We tumble into the darkness, Raven quickly
shutting the door behind us.

  She pushes me backwards, silently telling me to walk into the black.

  My calves hit something and I stop backing up. Raven presses tight against me, her ass brushing my dick.

  “Raven?” Fran calls again.

  The door to the boardroom jiggles and opens. Raven sucks in a sharp breath. A long, quiet moment passes.

  I remember Raven’s panties, laying out on the floor by the table. A quick vision of Fran finding them hits me and I start to chuckle. Fran is so uptight she’d probably have a heart attack if she actually found the underwear.

  I cover my mouth, trying to stop the laughter. Raven hits me on the shoulder.

  “Shut up,” she whispers.

  I grab her hand and lower my face close to hers. Though it’s pitch black, her breath against my neck gives away the exact location of her face. I brush my lips against her jaw, but she jerks both her face and hand away.

  The main door closes and quiet fills the room again.

  Raven sighs heavily. “What is wrong with you?”

  I wrap my arms around her waist. “Good question.”

  She sighs in exasperation and breaks away, flinging the door open and letting light into the closet.

  My stomach sinks. “Don’t leave just yet.”

  She snatches up her panties and fiercely yanks them on, tripping on one of her heels in the process and nearly falling over. “I have to.”

  I go to stand next to her but don’t touch her. “We’re just getting started.”

  She turns her face towards me. The look in her eyes, the hunger, says she’s thrilled by my promise. Her willingness is all it takes. Desire fills me again and I reach out for her.

  “No.” She steps away. “We can’t.”

  “We won’t get caught. Listen, I’m...”

  She interrupts me. “I can’t believe I just had sex with you here… there.” She looks at the spot on the table where we did the deed. Her head slowly shakes. “It was...”

  “Amazing,” I growl. “And only the beginning.”

  Raven’s lips purse. Her eyes grow red. “I can’t work here.”

  “Don’t tell me you realized your dream really is to still be a waitress when you’re fifty.”

  She crosses her arms and stamps her foot. “That’s not funny!”

  I chuckle. Seeing her angry is almost as much of a turn on as seeing her without panties on.

  “Stop laughing,” she demands. “Now.”

  “I can’t,” I gasp in between chortles.

  Raven stomps closer and turns an angry face up towards mine. “I’ll make you.”

  “Oh yeah? How?”

  Her lashes flutter and she gulps. She’s breaking.

  “I have to get out of here,” she whispers, looking away from me.

  I grab her arm. “The party’s not over.”

  “For me it is. I have to quit this job.”

  “You’re not serious.”

  She yanks her arm from my hold. “I can’t work here with you, Gareth. I can’t be tempted like this. It’s going to lead to awful things. How could it not? I’m going to get my stuff. Goodbye.”

  There’s a real finality in the words. She rushes for the door.

  I go after her, following her down the hall and past the door to the office party. A drunken rendition of O Holy Night creeps from under the closed door. Apparently Raven and I haven’t been the only ones enjoying ourselves.

  She goes right to the large HR room and to a desk in the far corner. It’s mostly bare, save for a little potted succulent and a folder. Raven snatches the two objects off the desk and turns back around.

  “That’s all you brought?” I question.

  She shoots me a surly look. “I’ve only been here one day. I was planning on decorating more in the future.”

  “Look, I want to tell you...”

  “We can’t go out, even if I’m not working here.”

  “That’s not what I was going to say.”

  “Oh.” Her disappointment shows. It quickly passes, though, replaced instead by a steely look. “I need to go now.”

  She takes a step but I block her path. “I’m your boss.”

  Two wide brown eyes stare up at me. They slowly blink, the brain behind them processing the news. “What?”

  “I’m your boss. You second one. I don’t know if you’ve already met Oliver yet or not, but, well, I’m the second half of Edwards & DeLisle.” I extend my hand for a shake. “Gareth DeLisle. Pleased to meet you.”

  “I haven’t met Oliver,” she flatly says, then keeps on just staring at me.

  “You seem to have missed my point.”

  “I… I...” Her jaw clamps down hard. “But you can’t be my boss. You’re so… so...”

  I wait for her to finish, but there doesn’t seem to be anything else coming. “So what?”

  “So...” Her eyes rove up and down my body. She gulps. “So young.”

  I shrug. “Oliver and I started the company before we were out of college. What can I say? The business has been good to us.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “We were a little busy doing other things.”

  Her eyebrows angrily bunch. “So I guess now’s the part where you tell me I don’t have to quit after all because I’m fired, huh?”

  “What? No...”

  “Just how many new girls do you do this to, Mr. DeLisle? How many do you take into the conference room and screw then get rid of?”

  I try to ignore how good ‘Mr. DeLisle’ sounds on her lips. What makes it extra good is her spiteful tone, but I can’t get distracted. There will be time to enjoy her more later. My adventure with this innocent and yet fiery woman has just begun. Right now, I need to focus on getting her to stay. My future plans will get their turn.

  “I don’t do it to any of them,” I tersely say. “So will you just listen for a minute?”

  She shuts her mouth and waits expectantly.

  “I’m your boss,” I whisper, leaning closer to her. “And what we just did was amazing. I want to do it again. Preferably in the next few minutes. And let me tell you one more thing. What we just did, no one will find out about.”

  Her gulp is audible. “But what if they do?”

  “They won’t,” I breathe into her ear.

  She turns her face to look at me. The room’s lights are turned off but enough street light comes in through the open windows to show her face clearly. Her exhales come out faster.

  “It turns you on, doesn’t it?” I ask.

  She nearly jerks back. “What?”

  “The idea of me being your boss.”

  Raven licks her lips. “No it doesn’t.”

  “You’re a bad liar.”

  Her next exhale is practically a moan. Her hands fall to her sides. I take the potted plant and folder from them and set the objects back down on her desk.

  “Stay,” I tell her. “And I’ll introduce you to a whole new world. Before long you’ll be begging to meet me in broom closets so I can go down on you, to bring me coffee each and every hour so I can fuck you bent over my desk while you try not to scream against my hand.”

  Raven moans.

  I brush my lips along her jaw.

  “Stay,” I whisper. “Stay.”

  Chapter 5


  My head spins. There’s too much to take in at once. The things I’ve said tonight, the things I’ve done…

  None of it is like me.

  And then there’s Gareth and his bombshell. Never once did I stop to wonder just what his job at the firm is. But even if I’d run through every possible option, head executive would have been the last one on my list.

  It turns you on… The idea of me being your boss.

  He’s right. It does.

  His fingers trail down my neck and across my shoulder. My eyelids get heavy and fall closed. The dizziness is getting to me.

  “If you were my secretary,” Gareth says,
each word heavy and dripping with seduction, “I would have you wear the tightest, shortest skirts possible and no panties. So, then when you bent over to pick things up, I would get the full view. And you know what I would do to you?”

  I actually choke over an inhale. “What?”

  “I would lay you down on the carpet, right in the middle of my office, and eat you out till you were dry, till you screamed for me to stop.”

  Now I really sway. I reach behind me and grab hold of my desk, trying to stabilize myself.

  “Would you like that?” he asks.

  I can’t even look at him. I’m ashamed at how much this man turns me on. “Yes,” I hoarsely respond.

  He chuckles. “Good. Maybe we’ll have to transfer you to my department after all. Until then, we should practice. Turn around.”

  I do as he says, turning to face my desk.

  “Bend over. Hands on the desk.”

  I obey, keeping one ear cocked in the direction of the party. We’re in an open working space, maybe even more vulnerable than we were in the conference room. Would we even hear someone coming down the hall?

  Hands push up my thighs, swiveling across my skin. I shake in anticipation. This is so dangerous. So, wrong.

  Knowing these things turns me on even more. Wetness drips from me and soaks my panties. Gareth pushes the fabric to the side and strokes my swollen lips.

  I groan and curl my fingers against the surface of the desk.

  “What do you want?” he asks. “Tell me.”

  I don’t have to think about it. “Your dick.”


  I glance over my shoulder at him. Is he being serious?

  Gareth’s eyes flash. “Sir,” he repeats.

  “Sir,” I slowly say, testing the word on my tongue. I like it. A lot. “I want your dick, Sir… Mr. DeLisle,” I add for extra effect.

  He steps away from me and unzips his pants then goes and sits in my desk chair. His chin jauntily rises up. “Here it is.”

  I’m practically drooling as I get down onto my knees. His dick is semi-hard. The second I touch him, it pulses and grows stiffer. I run my palm up and down its length.

  “Taste it,” Gareth commands.


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