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Extermination Day

Page 27

by William Turnage

  He plugged it into his portable and the screen flashed. A 3D hologram appeared above the device. It was the same older Jeff from the future, that they'd seen in the cave.

  “Hello, Mr. Madison. I hope you’re sitting next to Holly. If so, then I’ve succeeded. I also hope that I’m there with you as well. I will have explained much of what you’ll find on this drive. If I’m not . . . well, I never planned on a suicide mission, but I knew the risks before I jumped. The nanobot swarm is dangerous and these new EM pulse guns my company has developed may not be enough to take them all down. That’s why I’m taking high-yield grenades to do the job, just in case. If I’m not there, no need to grieve. I’ve probably already changed things to the point where I don’t exist anyway. At least not this version of me. But I’m starting to ramble. Here’s the deal.”

  It felt strange to be looking at himself from the distant future. It was like looking at his father.

  The hologram Jeff shifted, then said, “Let me tell you the story of my time jump all those years ago. As you probably already know, you landed in 1992, not 2017. The first time around I had no choice but to leave Holly to the nanobot swarm and save myself. I’m sorry, Holly."

  Old Jeff looked down and paused for a second. Holly grabbed his arm suddenly and glanced over at him. He knew that she was probably thinking about how close she truly was to dying, deep underground in Lechuguilla Cave, devoured by the swarm.

  "I barely managed to escape from Lechuguilla alive," continued future Jeff. "When I finally got to Cambridge, I found Patrick Chen and told him my time-travel story, which he didn’t believe at first, despite the proof from my portable. It wasn’t until I was able to convince him to come back to New Mexico with me and kill off the remaining nanobots that he fully believed.

  “I knew that the nanobots would eventually reach the surface, so they needed to be destroyed. Chen and another genius engineer in the MIT graduate program, Franklin Whittenhouse, were able to figure out the communication mechanism that the nanobots used. When we were at Lechuguilla Cave, they sent out a mimicked signal to call the other nanobots that had spread out in the cavern and were tunneling to the surface. Those nanobots then gathered in a small underground chamber. Chen, Whittenhouse, and I were able to use a modified non-nuclear EMP pulse bomb, that Whittenhouse had constructed in his lab, to destroy the remaining nanobots. That’s the short story, but it was very, very difficult to pull off.”

  Jeff couldn’t imagine how hard that must have actually been, to devise a way to destroy the nanobots. But after hearing that news, hope started to spark within him. The nanobots could be killed. Humanity had a chance after all. He squeezed Holly’s leg in his excitement, almost giddy, but only shook his head when she lifted a brow in a wordless question.

  Jeff thought about the blast and the cave-in at the future site of Project Chronos. It had been nagging at the back of his mind for some time now, and he wondered if all the nanobots had been destroyed in the blast. As strong as they were it was entirely possible that there might be a nanobot or two left alive, deep underground.

  No. Jeff put the thought out of his head. They certainly must have died. He looked over at Holly and her eyes were wide with fear.

  She paused the video and said, "We need to tell Paulson to keep watch on the cave. And when we start digging to build Project Chronos we'll need to have a security crew on site with EM pulse cannons, just in case."

  "Agreed. It's better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with this level of technology."

  Jeff started the video again.

  "Chen was eventually able to set up Project Chronos, although no earlier than in my original timeline, since my data drive from the future was lost. I was able to remember a little bit of history and made a fortune in the stock and real estate markets. Since no government officials would believe our story, I had to fund a large portion of Project Chronos on my own."

  "He doesn't mention Buddy Paulson helping," Holly said.

  "Nor does he mention Chen coming through the portal after him," Jeff said. "Seems like his timeline was significantly different from ours, somehow."

  "We salvaged some of the dead nanobots from the cavern and have been studying them for years. Scientists working for me have been able to make quite a few technological breakthroughs over the last several years as a result of those studies. Plus we have some pretty powerful weapons ready for the attack.

  “However, I still don’t think we’re completely ready, even though we are in a much better position this time than we were the first go round. And, most importantly, we unfortunately still have no idea who is behind the attacks. I’m making this recording on August 16, 2037, five months before people started getting sick on January 15, 2038. We now call that day Extermination Day or E-Day. I’ll be time-jumping tomorrow; I won’t be coming back. The scientists and government officials here don’t want me making the jump, one because of my age, even though I’m in fantastic shape and we now have pills to prevent the time-jump nausea. But mainly they don’t want me going back because they’re afraid I’ll screw things up. You see, they think they’re ready for what’s coming, but I don’t believe it.

  “No one here has seen the death that I’ve seen, the utter annihilation of billions. Even though it was a long time ago for me, it’s burned into my memory, like it happened yesterday. My children from my other life, gone. And in this life, my wife, sons, and grandchildren will be killed if I don’t make sure we’re ready for the coming attack.”

  Jeff handed the portable to Holly and stood up to stretch his legs. He thought about his own children who had yet to be born. He knew he would never get to see them grow up. But if he was able to stop the coming apocalypse then they would at least have a chance at a future.

  “So, I’ve made different choices in this life. I’ve done what I had to do, what I thought was right, but more importantly what I think will save the human race in the future. But I still don’t think it’s enough. In over forty years, we have only begun to scratch the surface of what makes these nanobots tick.

  “The technology used in those things is so far beyond anything we are capable of. Our scientists tell me they feel like apes using sticks trying to figure out how a computer works. I fear our defenses against their attack will be nothing more than throwing spears at a tank. That’s one reason I want to go back to try to change the past, to make better preparations, get the project up and running quicker, and get the government behind us sooner."

  A car drove by on the highway in the distance, kicking up dust as it sped by. Jeff watched it pass, the desert sun already starting to feel warm on his face, despite the early hour.

  “The other reason that I want to jump back is that despite everything, despite the passing of the years, I still feel guilty about running and leaving Holly behind. I know there was nothing I could have done to stop the nanobots, and I probably would've died myself, but despite that, I still feel tremendous guilt. And instead of going away, it’s only grown as time has passed. Holly was the scientist, the more valuable member of the group. I should have been the one to die in that cave, not her.”

  Holly took a deep breath and grabbed Jeff's hand as he stood beside her. Hearing about how close she had been to death must be shocking. Jeff felt much the same way. He couldn’t imagine what it would've been like to have left Holly behind to be consumed by the swarm. The guilt must have been overwhelming, must have festered as the years passed, eventually growing into an obsession.

  “So here we are,” continued the future Jeff. “The timeline is changing once again. On this drive you’ll find detailed information on Project Chronos. There are also detailed schematics on the technological progress we’ve made of the last forty-five years. I’ve included all fields possible from medicine to nanotechnology to computer engineering and even theoretical physics. You’ll have a lot of fun with that, Holly.” The hologram smiled, then continued.

  Jeff glanced at Holly. Her eyes were lit up in anticipation of
the discoveries and knowledge that awaited her. Knowledge was a scientist’s elixir, and Holly evidently wanted to gulp it down by the gallon.

  “I also have the financial information and stock reports on all publicly traded companies of the last four decades as well as the results of sporting events.”

  There we go, thought Jeff. That was what he wanted to hear. Now there would be no guesswork, no trying to pull up distant memories of World Series results or trying to recall which tech company actually made any real money in the end.

  “Use this information delicately,” continued future Jeff in a cautious tone. “If you make too many bets too quickly, you’ll attract unwanted attention. And that includes in the investment arena. I learned that the hard way."

  The future Jeff looked down again, a grim look on his face.

  "I've done everything I can. It's up to you now. When our judgment day comes, I pray to God we’ll be ready. That you’ll be ready. Good luck.”

  The video clicked off and windows began opening up on the screen. He and Holly simply stared at the data, mouths open, in shocked silence.


  They had detailed records of the future. They would be able to save thousands of lives and transform the world in positive ways like no one else in history had been able to do. The world was going to change in ways that Jeff couldn’t even imagine.

  The euphoria passed very quickly though as he felt the weight of the great responsibility that had been thrust upon them bearing down already. Holly stood up. Jeff put his arm around her and they both walked slowly back to the car.

  They could change the world. Save the world.

  And they had to do it.

  There were no other options. Not for humanity. Not for themselves. Not for the earth.

  Extermination Day was coming and they had to be ready this time.


  Midnight, June 22, 1992

  One mile underground, Lechuguilla Cave

  Deep in the darkness, under tons of rock and debris, a small creature stirred, its legs quivering at first, then slowly responding in unison. Miniature subcomponents and micro systems rebooted. Its systems were heavily damaged but the micro repair drones inside its hardened body were slowly repairing the damage. It immediately sent out a signal to contact the others. There was no response. The nanobot was alone.

  It was designed to work as one in a group of millions or billions, all networked and working as one mind. Since the nanobot could detect no others, it reverted to its base programming. It was to eat and breed, killing anything with the DNA marker that had been planted in its bio-circuitry.

  The nanobot was not sentient or self-aware, it didn’t understand why it did what it was programmed to do, it just knew that it must do it. It had a hunger and an intense desire to reproduce. And those desires drove it.

  It opened powerful jaws and began gnawing away at the rock that trapped it. Its mandibles were sharp enough and strong enough to cut diamond in a single bite. It knew that escape was upward. It tried to reproduce after consuming enough raw material, but was unable to do so; its mitosis functionality was too badly damaged. Sensors indicated that palladium was needed to complete the repairs necessary for proper mitosis. Perhaps it would find that material while it was digging and eating. Then it could divide and move upwards even faster. No matter, it would find the material and eventually reach the surface.

  The nanobot had time. It didn’t know how far it had to go, but it knew it would escape this tomb. And then it would continue its primary mission.

  Devouring human flesh.

  Continue Reading in Book Two – NanoSwarm

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  Get the Entire Extermination Day Series!

  Extermination Day (Book One)

  January 15, 2038 – Extermination Day - A deadly virus has descended from the heavens killing most of the Earth's population. But that is only the beginning of the assault. Soon vicious nanobot swarms emerge, bent on devouring everything in their path. A small group of survivors is left trying to figure out who is behind the attacks and how to stop them. Their only chance to save the world is to time jump into the past and warn humanity of the impending attack in the future. But do they have a chance with a traitor in their midst thwarting their efforts at every turn? This novel is available for purchase on Click here to buy it.

  The following are two short stories available for free on my website I recommend you read these right after Book One as they set up some of the events that take place in Book Two.

  Battle of Khafji (Short Story)

  Lieutenant Buddy Paulson is a young Navy SEAL in 1991. During Operation Desert Storm he gets a message from the future, from an old man claiming to be him. Is the message real, or an elaborate ruse designed to deceive his SEAL team? What Paulson decides to do will affect not only the fate of his men but the entire world. Available for FREE only on Click here to get it.

  Davidian Conflict (Short Story)

  Lieutenant Commander Buddy Paulson is embedded undercover with the Branch Davidians in Waco Texas in 1993. He's trying to prevent the deaths of over eighty men, women, and children. What should be a routine mission for his team, with their knowledge of the future, quickly takes an unexpected twist. Paulson finds something else at the Davidian compound, something from the future manipulating the timeline in devious ways. Can he stop the threat and save the innocents? Buy the book for a Facebook Like, Google +, or a Tweet, FREE of charge, only on Click here to get it.

  NanoSwarm (Book Two)

  In this sequel to the post apocalyptic thriller, Extermination Day, the world waits quietly for the deadly virus to return. Only this time they are prepared thanks to time travelers from the future. Or so they think.

  When something they believed had been destroyed emerges from the ground, Jeff Madison, Holly Scarborough, and Lieutenant Commander Buddy Paulson must join forces to stop it. As they are preparing to fight, another deadly threat emerges, this one completely unexpected, hiding its lethality in the form of an innocent.

  Jeff Madison never wanted to be a hero. He never wanted to see his friends and family die. He never wanted to time travel into the past to try and save humanity from a deadly virus in the future. But the evil that attacked the world left him with no choice. He's always been a fighter. Now is his time to fight.

  Jeff and the others think they know what is coming on Extermination Day. They've had a lifetime to prepare for the onslaught. The days turn into years, and each passing moment brings the Apocalypse closer. But when the time finally arrives, no one is expecting what comes next. This novel is available for purchase on Click here to buy it now.

  FREE eBook Bonus: Battle of Khafji

  As a special gift to my readers I'm offering a free eBook, Battle of Khafji, available exclusively on my website at, The story is set in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm. A young Navy SEAL, Lieutenant Buddy Paulson, gets a message from the future, from an old man claiming to be him. Is the message real, or an elaborate ruse designed to deceive his SEAL team? What Paulson decides to do will affect not only the fate of his men but the entire world. You can start reading the story below.



  The advanced military attack drone emerged from the time vortex. It hovered for a second in the dark cave, deep underground, as it loaded its mapping program. A quick radar scan of its surroundings revealed exactly where it was and how to get to the surface. It had a message from the future to deliver thousands of miles away. With its destination coordinates laid in, it sped away from the future site of Project Chronos.

  Hours later the drone decelerated from hypersonic speed and hovered over the forward air base near Khafji, Saudi Arabia. Its radar jamming and stealth capabilities from the year 2038 easi
ly kept it from being detected by the military technology of 1991.

  It scanned the base below and found what it was looking for. It dropped low and engaged visual stealth camouflage mode. When it was close enough, it dropped its package into the sand, then flew off into the desert.

  No one even knew it had been there.

  Mission accomplished, it engaged its auto-destruct sequence.

  10. . . 9. . . 8. . .

  Chapter One

  1600 hours, January 31, 1991

  Operation Desert Storm, Khafji, Saudi Arabia

  "Hey, Joe! You dropped one of the packages you idiot," the Sergeant yelled out to Private Franco.

  "Sorry, sir. I didn't see it."

  Franco picked up the package from behind the truck at the mail station and brought it in to be sorted.

  "Looks like this one needs to go out immediately. I'll get right on it."

  An hour later Private Franco jammed on the brakes of the military jeep, skidding it to a halt in the desert sand.

  “Sir, I’m glad I found you,” he said as he jumped out, saluting. “This package just arrived for you, marked urgent. The instructions said for me to deliver it at this exact time and place, look here.”

  The private pointed at the cover of the package—Lieutenant Buddy Paulson noted the GPS coordinates, the time, 1700 hours, and today’s date.

  He glanced at his watch. He was on his way to the mess hall, hot and hungry, and was irritated by the intrusion.


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