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The Baller's Black Baby Daughter: BWWM Romance

Page 2

by Ciara Cole

  Leah wasn’t sure how to begin. At the back of her mind was this fear that he’d blame her in some way, maybe even suspect her of setting this whole thing up to ensnare him. She hoped Derrick would see she was as much a casualty as him in this. Maybe even more.

  Slowly, she made herself tell him about keeping their night a secret but that there was a tape leaked by a rival within the PR company she worked for that showed them together. “And that’s how I got fired. And then a few weeks ago, I started to feel some . . . symptoms. I went to the hospital and it was then that I found out I was pregnant. I was so embarrassed and unsure what to do now that I have a baby on the way.”

  Leah took a quick gulp of water and grimaced slightly at the sight of the barely touched food in front of her. “All I could think of was simply making it through the first few days. I had this conference planned for months and decided not to cancel. I told myself I needed to get my career back on track if I wanted to support myself and my baby.”

  “You mean our baby,” Derrick said, shocking Leah into sweeping up her gaze to meet his. “Unless you tell me it belongs to someone else and I’m not the father.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone but you in almost a year since my last breakup,” Leah said with a fierce burning in her cheeks.

  “I sensed you weren’t the type to sleep around,” Derrick said with a nod. “I at least thought you’d be on the pill.”

  “I was! I’ve been on the pill since I was sixteen,” Leah said defensively. “Now don’t give me that look. Girls take the pill for many reasons—to regulate their periods, teen acne—and not just to have sex.”

  Derrick lifted his hands in acquiescence. “So we’ll take it the method wasn’t foolproof this time. I’m just baffled you never thought to come to me about any of this. We shared a night together so it isn’t like we’re strangers.”

  “But with a baby in the picture, how could I be sure how you’d take it? I never planned to be a mother so soon, nor was I to know if you’d be horrified that you’d have to take responsibility.”

  Leah cut off and drew in a pent-up breath. Anyone who saw her would think she was taking it all too normally, but she really wasn’t. Whenever she was alone, Leah would look down at her belly and rub it, feeling overwhelmed by everything yet knowing it was exactly what she wanted. Of course, she’d thought about how to tell Derrick the news, but deep down, she’d been scared out of her mind even if she couldn’t show it.

  Derrick Talbot had seemed so cool and even compassionate in person. But for some reason, even now, Leah was afraid of how he would react to the news of the pregnancy.

  She looked up at him warily to view how he’d take in her comment about responsibility, but Derrick didn’t seem slighted, saying calmly, “I’ll admit that I never planned for something like this either. But I’d never turn my back on my flesh and blood.”

  Hearing him say it like that lifted Leah’s spirits. But wasn’t it too soon to get her hopes up? This was a whole new experience for her, and she’d half-prepared herself for the chance she’d go through it alone. Yet she felt an eagerness to begin the journey, knowing that in some seven months, she’d be a mother and get to love her little baby with all that she had.

  “I could make you a load of promises,” Derrick began after the few minutes Leah played with her food and ruminated. “Maybe you’ll believe them and maybe you won’t. I know the reputation I’ve built up as a ladies’ man. But when it comes to family and meeting my obligations, I’m not going to be found wanting. That’s not me.”

  “So this is some kind of duty for you?” Leah asked on a short laugh. “I’d hate to feel like I—or the pregnancy—had become a burden.”

  Derrick expelled a muffled oath and shoved a hand through his hair. “Like I said, I’m not going to give you any lofty promises. I believe in action, not words. I had some time to think things through as I headed here on the plane from LA. If I didn’t think I could be there for you and the baby, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”

  Leah was lost in his beautiful black-rimmed gray eyes for a few moments and then exhaled. I guess that will have to do, for now.

  However, she made no comment and instead, turned her attention back to her food as she tried to gather her thoughts.

  How quickly everything had changed. Leah was the type where every little decision needed to be planned. She always prepared for every possible outcome or situation that may arise. She wouldn’t risk anything for anyone. From her career to getting married and having kids, she’d had it all planned out. Until the one night she’d met Derrick. Until the baby. Until now.

  Could she truly revise her plans for him and for their baby? And would he really do the same?

  They finished dinner and headed out of the restaurant. Derrick had his bodyguard who doubled as his driver waiting outside to take Leah back to her hotel. Derrick told her he hadn’t checked into one yet since he had headed to her conference straight from the airport.

  Leah was torn. Should she suggest he get a room in her hotel or maybe even invite him into hers? It wasn’t a five-star palace that he was used to, but Leah wondered how it would look to him if she offered that they share her room for the night. Would she look too desperate?

  She knew he still needed to adjust to the baby. Heck, even she did. Being a mother was no joke, and she had a lot of things to figure out. Tonight, though, Leah just couldn’t see herself parting from Derrick so easily. Not when every moment crackled when they were close or made the slightest contact.

  Don’t play yourself, said her sensible side. She didn’t even know what Derrick had planned for ‘them’. Maybe he already had someone and would just be fine supporting Leah and the baby. She’d be like the ‘other woman’, the opportunistic baby mama, or at least that’s how the world would picture her.

  The next moment, Leah decided not to stay negative. She didn’t care about what the world thought, though she did mind about her image being tarnished—and Derrick’s as well. If they decided to keep up any kind of ‘relations’, they’d have to be discreet for certain . . .

  Leah got in the back of the hired car beside Derrick. She knew their time together was slowing slipping away, especially with his next words. “I have to be up early tomorrow. There’s a meeting with the team owner that I can’t afford to miss.”

  Leah’s heart sank, not sure where that left her. That was when Derrick turned her face to him with a gentle hand beneath her chin. “I’d like to say you can stay and finish the conference. But I’d much rather you came back to LA with me. I need to be sure you’re okay. We also need to work out an expense account for you since you lost your job because of me.”

  Leah edged back, a slight frown on her face. “I can handle things. You don’t have to give me money. I’ll just get another job. I’ll be fine.”

  “But I won’t. I’ll be worrying about you and the baby every second now that I know. And that won’t be good for my concentration,” he said broodily, and Leah couldn’t be sure if he was serious or teasing her. The last thing she wanted was to distract him and get him off his game.

  “I really appreciate the thought, believe me, and the fact that you came all the way here just to hear from me directly,” Leah said, turning to Derrick with warmth in her eyes. “You didn’t have to, but you did.”

  “I told you, it was eating at me, especially with the whole tabloid mess and your name getting dragged,” Derrick said with that same angry scowl flashing across his brow.

  Leah let out a short laugh. “Oh, I’ll have to get used to it. Something tells me they’ll be at it for a while, especially with you and me . . .” She cut off, looking embarrassed as she darted her gaze from Derrick’s. “I mean, not that there’s a ‘you and me’, since we aren’t dating or anything. But with the baby on the way . . .”


  Derrick had her voice trailing off again as he took her hand. Slowly, she lifted her gaze to meet his and his eyes were unwavering. “It’s guttin
g to think you have to go through any unjust scrutiny and judgment, and I feel like it’s all my fault.”


  “I do know that anyone who tries to hurt anyone I care about will answer to me,” he growled. He pressed her knuckles to his mouth warmly, the kiss mollifying and sweet. If he was trying to apologize for Leah losing her job and getting all the nasty publicity, then it was certainly working. The slight brush of his lips on her skin sent electricity through her body. Leah started to breathe harder and pulled her hand away before she could fall under his spell.

  But she knew she was already fighting a losing battle. As they drew closer to her hotel, Leah felt her mind swimming, rational thought almost vanishing as she pictured how the night could end. Did Derrick really mean it when he said he cared about her?

  She chanced a look at him and found his hooded gaze resting on her. Could he tell her mind was full of questions? Derrick reached out and gently combed her hair back from her face. “It’s going to be okay, Leah. If you can’t believe in me, at least believe in that.”

  Chapter Three

  Derrick could see Leah taking in his words before she cast down her eyes and confessed softly, “It’s not that I don’t believe in you. We simply took things too fast, and now I feel like there’s so much distance between us.”

  “It’s not that big of a problem, Leah. We’ll just have to get to know each other better.” This time, when he lifted her face, he kissed her. Her sexy mouth had been calling to him all night and she smelled sweetly of his favorite combination of mint and citrus.

  Derrick didn’t even try to resist the pull. He swooped down and captured her plump lips with his. He groaned, thinking God, she tastes good. So soft and giving. He bit and sucked on her lips hard and she didn’t protest, letting him part her lips and put his tongue in her mouth. He wanted more the moment their lips merged, wanted to feel his way deep inside her again, to cup her big, perky breasts jutting just above where his hands gripped her waist.

  What a treat. Exploring every corner of her sweetness, Derrick deepened the kiss and decided she tasted and felt even better than he remembered. He let his lips break from hers and trailed wet kisses over her neck and shoulders. He felt her hands on his chest giving a slight push with no real force in them.

  Her voice sounded more than a little breathless when she said, “Get to know each other better? Why do I have a feeling you mean something entirely different when you say that?”

  A rough chuckle escaped him, his fingers tightening on her luscious flesh beneath her dress. “You know what I mean, Leah,” rumbled Derrick in her ear. “Just like you know that when I accompany you up to your room, you’ll let me in.”

  “I will?” Leah whispered.

  Derrick’s answer was to slide his hand the few inches higher to caress her round bosom and then squeeze.

  “Well, unless having an audience is suddenly your thing,” teased Derrick, nodding in direction of the driver before adding huskily in her ear, “From what I remember, you preferred a bit more privacy for our fun and games.”

  This time, she scowled and resolutely shoved at him. With a deep laugh, he reluctantly settled back, letting go of her tempting flesh. She straightened her clothes and sent a glance to the front, where his handler-cum-assistant seemed fully focused on his driving.

  “I hate that you’re so cocky,” muttered Leah, flashing Derrick a glare from those gorgeous deep brown eyes. “And I hate that you’re right.”


  Leah meant it when she said she hated how right Derrick was. And she hated how she felt weak against his arsenal of manly magnetism. It was just like the very first time they’d ever met.

  Leah had walked into the meeting room where she was to be introduced to Derrick Talbot and talk with him about an upcoming press conference. Her eyes immediately caught his attention when she arrived. His immensely tall figure towered over everyone. His aura filled the whole room and made Leah catch her breath. He turned around and made eye contact, and suddenly, Leah knew what love at first sight meant.

  The tension was thick as they stared at each other. The collaborators introduced them and then faded away as Leah tried to take charge of the one-on-one meeting with Derrick.

  Her body coursed with lust, agony, excitement, and anticipation. Derrick had smiled to put her at her ease, and she’d never seen anything more delightful and warm. From that moment on, their instant chemistry kicked in and they went on like fast friends. Was it a wonder they’d just as speedily made it to the bedroom stage by the time the night was through?

  Looks like history is about to repeat itself tonight.

  Everything about Derrick felt so good. How was it that they had this awesome physical affinity? She loved his caresses, his voice teasing the tiny hairs on her skin, and his warm, soft lips planting fiery rosettes of kisses on her cleavage. Heat poured from his body to hers, even beneath all the layers of clothes.

  The hungry, hard kisses they shared just outside her hotel room door made it seem like they wanted to make up for the past two months apart. Leah couldn’t think about tomorrow, or whether Derrick could ever share her feelings. All that mattered was what was happening now and how long she could savor it, draw it out to the last ounce.

  Leah could no longer control herself. She unlocked her door and pulled Derrick in with her. The next instant, he took charge, crowding her backward into the nearest wall. Then he kissed her.

  Leah responded with breathless fervor as Derrick forayed her parted lips, tender yet passionate. He undid her top, letting her breasts spill out of their lace cups. How his eyes burned her skin as he drank in her firm, bouncy mounds. He splayed his big palms over her soft, warm flesh and they were pliable to his possessive touch.

  Aching for him, Leah lifted his shirt over his head, and now it was her turn to rake her eyes over his muscular upper half.

  She wanted to bite off a morsel of flesh and it didn’t matter which portion. Every inch of Derrick was wickedly edible. Item for item, Leah removed each inch of clothing until they stood totally naked and lusting for consummation.

  Unable to resist, Leah stared in admiration at Derrick’s strong shoulders, manly chest, washboard stomach, and tapered waist. Trailing her eyes over his supreme male anatomy, she felt her vision linger on his superbly endowed member. Had it grown even bigger than the last time? Her cheeks went hot, thinking how she was going to have to get used to his prodigious girth and length all over again. A shameless shiver pierced her at the thrilling prospect.

  When she finally looked up, it was to catch Derrick’s laughing eyes at her admiring stare. Leah gave a shy smile, wondering why it all seemed so brand new with him tonight. She felt so bold and greedy for him, which frightened her. Wouldn’t it be smarter, maybe even safer, to hold something back?

  But Derrick's eyes on her were whittling away her common sense. He was taking his time too, his gaze inspecting her beautifully shaped breasts, already showing signs of increased fullness from the pregnancy. Her thickly aroused nipples, curvaceous waist with just a hint of baby bump, and the smooth, plump contours of her sex. His appreciative glance fell to her slender legs and pretty feet, her toenails painted in soft blush-colored nail polish.

  “You’re beautiful. I must have been crazy to stay away as long as I did,” he growled.

  Leah thought the same thing too. How could she have kept from making contact again? This man with the sexy, drool-inducing body was nothing like the vastly forgettable lovers in her sexual history. She had to have been insane to have thought she could keep Derrick Talbot forever in the past.

  That cocky smile of his told Leah that he liked her eyes on him as he waited for her gaze to link with his. “If you’re done looking,” he teased, reaching out a hand to hover over her left breast as his grey eyes grew black. “I need to touch you.”

  Leah’s eyes closed in bliss, that big hand closing over her jutting flesh. A soft moan escaped her lips. Just one caress from his long, finely etc
hed fingers had her dripping wet.

  As he drew her closer, Leah swept her hands over his shoulders, then down to shape the outline of his ribcage. It felt good to touch a real man again, all six foot seven inches of him. Growing more eager and daring, she molded his tight ass. Damn. So firm, yet he had the softest skin.

  “You’re so beautifully formed,” Leah moaned in pleasure. Oh, God, her nerve! She’d never, ever said that to a lover before. To any man. Derrick must be a drug, pushing her past her limits.

  “So are you, Leah. You look and feel even better than I remember. It’s amazing, actually.”

  Leah chuckled softly. Could it be true about the saying that pregnancy made a woman sexier, more radiant? She looped her arms around his neck, loving the intimacy between them and the feel of their naked bodies, flesh to flesh. Distinctly contrasting, yet perfectly symmetrical in the intensity of their mutual desire.

  Leah hungrily dragged his lips to hers. The painful grunt escaping his throat made her moistened inner walls contract in response. Just inches away, probing into her midriff, his arousal throbbed as if sensing her sex calling to be filled and stretched like only he could.

  “Leah,” he growled against her lips. “Tell me you want me.”

  He sounded almost in excruciating pain, making Leah’s heart thud. “I do. I . . . want you,” she urged. Was it ever in question? If so, she didn’t hesitate to show it, her eyes on fire, piercing him with blatant lust. She pressed moist kisses on his throat and heard his guttural groans of approval.

  “Touch me, Leah.”

  He was making her take more initiative than she was used to, and Leah was loving it. Quelling any last inhibitions trying to hold her back, she reached out her hand, measuring his pulsating length and smoothing her fingers over the warm velvet stem of masculine power. It jolted in response, exciting Leah with the rigid heat of his arousal.

  Derrick gave an echoing touch, sliding his fingers between her thighs to caress her with an expertise that astonished her. His skill wasn’t cold or calculated, but warm and giving. Leah gave a shiver of delicious pleasure, almost crying out in laughing surprise as her lover’s ardor had him sweeping her into his arms.


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