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The Baller's Black Baby Daughter: BWWM Romance

Page 14

by Ciara Cole

  She couldn’t count how many times she wished she could distract Alain from his focus on the old car and continue where they left off with that nighttime beach picnic. She never, never forgot those electrifying moments, of giving herself up to Alain’s demands and wishes, playing his willing submissive and having him take her pleasure to new realms. Could it be he’d lost interest in her physically now that he was deep into what she knew was his other great passion, cars?

  As the days drew on, the once beat-up old 1965 Corvair Monza convertible took on a new lease of life, much like Maya’s romantic heart. She’d taken a huge break from love and now, shining rays of fairytale feelings took shape within her. Spending time with Alain, talking and working long hours with him when she wasn’t at the men’s store, made it no surprise she began falling for him.

  Maya also began falling more and more for cars, too. She now liked learning how things worked and not just going crazy over the exterior or overall look of the classic ride.

  Oh, but it wasn’t beautiful classic cars she dreamed of at night, but of the beautiful man downstairs in the garage while she slept, or tried to. Yes they may have kissed and made out a few times since their night picnic on the beach, but it never got much further. Alain had once mentioned how expectation built up the pleasure when it happened, but wasn’t he taking the sense of anticipation too far?

  Deep down, Maya knew that she liked how Alain seemed so genuine. Other guys would have taken advantage of the situation to the utmost. Whatever else she might not know about him, Maya was sure of one thing – that Alain was real. She wanted to get closer and closer, know him better and better but there were so many invisible walls.

  Maya sensed she’d already fallen for this man. He was intensely good looking, yet was comfortable with himself and confident enough not to worry about whether he was ‘spit-shined and polished’. Working at a men’s store Maya was used to men who were ever too conscious about their physical attributes and playing it to their advantage. Alain with his wavy dark hair that flopped on his forehead and touched his collar, worked hard at what he did and always had a positive attitude that rubbed off on Maya.

  She only had loose connections with her family and not that many close friends. She’d been way too comfortable being solitary and now she had Alain around, she realized everything she’d been missing. The companionship, the security and safety of Alain being there for her was something she cherished.

  Not that they’d officially assigned themselves a ‘couple’ status, but to Maya they’d acknowledged it enough with how many dates they’d spent together when not working, and the amount of hours they shared in each other’s company made it a given they couldn’t possibly spare time for anyone else.

  And yet…Maya didn’t like to think they became exclusive simply by circumstances and not decision. But she quickly told herself to stop overthinking things, and accept the situation for what it was. That both of them were together, and that was all that mattered.

  The one thing that would make an icing on the cake, would be for them to finally become lovers in the fundamental sense.

  Yes, Alain had given her a few earth-moving orgasms, but it had only made her hungry for more. Still, Maya appreciated the way he showed her regard and didn’t treat her like a slab of meat just because she was readily available and always within reach.

  All her friends were envious of her new ‘catch’ and the arrangement they had going on. Though, Maya couldn’t exactly tell her pals that nothing freaky was happening just because she had a hot mechanic stud living in her garage. He hardly had time for anything but restoring the car and come what may, Maya admired his work ethic.

  The only one who possibly knew what was going down was Nikki, whom Maya had known since their high school days, back when their families were neighbors. She had a way of reading Maya all too well and had her own take on Maya’s hopes where Alain was concerned.

  “The best thing that could happen would be watching you and your vanilla prince charming, ride into the sunset in that convertible you guys spend so much time restoring,” teased Nikki.

  Maya felt her cheeks go hot and she shrugged as she tried to hide her discomfiture. “Okay, maybe we’re getting way too ahead of ourselves. And yet…I can’t help but see myself with him for the long term. There’s just something about him that makes me feel that he could be the one.”

  “Normally I’d say let’s wait and see, but it doesn’t seem you two have that much time to spare – considering he came here on holiday,” said Nikki doubtfully.

  “That’s why I simply want to make the best of whatever chance we have. I really don’t mind the thought of maybe a long distance relationship, where we travel back and forth. So long as we’re in agreement, there’s nothing we can’t achieve. So far, I’m glad with the progress we made.”

  “Speaking of progress, that old convertible is beginning to look mighty promising. I have to admit, that man of yours is pretty impressive. He’s even turning you into a certified gearhead. Whatever next?” Nikki chuckled, and went on with her teasing while Maya took it good-naturedly. At least, Nikki wasn’t trying to judge her for taking in a man she’d practically just met, under her roof like Maya’s other friends would have done.

  Not that it would have bothered Maya either way. She didn’t plan on letting anything or anyone stand between her and Alain. And when their night together finally happened, it seemed so perfect and worth the wait. And yet, Maya was to discover that perhaps, the price for finally getting her wish, was too high to pay.

  That night, they’d gone to an annual car show just outside of town. In the past weeks Alain and Maya enjoyed a few of the local parades, picnics and festivals that provided the spectacle of vintage vehicles to fuel their automotive passion. Maya found she enjoyed every moment of these events, and in fact looked forward to the upcoming classic car auction which Alain told her would hold next month.

  Maya had wanted to ask if he thought he’d still be here by then, but she caught herself from doing so.

  They’d taken the bus to and from the event and the trip had been the best Maya ever had. Being on the road with Alain was like a great escape, and as they walked the rest of the way home the night was made more magical when it started to rain.

  Though the forecast that morning had warned of the weather Maya hadn’t thought to bring an umbrella. When the downpour worsened they both ducked beneath the nearby shelter of a closed florist kiosk, the only cover available on the stretch of road. They both laughed as they tried to get the worst of the dampness off their clothes. Maya loved the carefree feeling of that moment and seeing the crinkles show beside Alain’s beautiful blue eyes.

  He seemed to catch something in her gaze, which Maya had tried her best to conceal. She didn’t want to wear her heart on her sleeve and risk Alain suspecting her true feelings. She wouldn’t want to chase him off with her secret wish for them to be together in every sense, and possibly for the long run.

  He gave her a sudden smile that pushed back any of her doubts, as she smiled brightly back at him not caring that her hair dripped slightly unto her face and shoulders. Thankfully the weather stayed warm despite the rain so the chance of catching a chill was lessened. Well, not that she could even feel a single bit cold when Alain looked at her with such heat.

  Reaching up to cup her face in his hands, he murmured, “I read somewhere, that life is not about waiting for a storm to pass…but learning to dance in the rain. Are you ready?”

  “What?” Maya said with a laugh and a look of incomprehension.

  Alain merely smirked, fished his iPhone out of his pocket and a few taps later, put on a song. The melody of guitars and drums filled the night along with the washing sound of rain. Maya gawked as Alain then stepped out into the rain again, walked ahead a few steps and then spun around in a dramatic dance move that had her gasping in amazement. With his arms spread wide he danced to the music, which Maya recognized as a tune from the indie band The La.

  Maya had never seen a man move so well and she figured it was a French thing the way Alain seemed so as one with the music and the rain pelting down. She was turn between humor and disbelief, more so when Alain waltzed forward and held out his hand to the wide-eyed Maya.

  “Shall we dance?” he said and not waiting for her protest, took her hand and led her out into the rain with him. Maya squealed and tried to cover her hair with her other hand but Alain grabbed that too, swinging their arms from side to side as they waltzed around in the heavy rain together. Finally, having lost her breath from all the giggling and twirling, Maya got to break away and gulped in air. Pushing the wet hair back from her face she laughed as heartily as Alain, as he stood across from her and raked his now curly locks back from his forehead.

  As their eyes held the upbeat song, and even the rain faded to the background. There was a look in his eyes that Maya couldn’t fathom as Alain swept his gaze over her face.

  Though they had the distance of a few yards between them, that look took the place of a caress on her goose bumps-covered skin, even as he told her huskily, “I keep wondering why I have this burning need, to give you every special thing in the world you could wish for.”

  Maya stared at Alain, and wondered why he’d think he had to give her anything. She thought she’d made it known in her own way that she didn’t care for material things, or what a man could provide for her. She didn’t care if he had nothing to his name, or if he came from a very humble background or a privileged one.

  Her mind flew back to Alain’s earlier words about not waiting through a storm. That, as well as the whole dancing in the rain seemed suddenly symbolic. Maya decided then, that she didn’t want to keep waiting, wishing, but would take a bold step into the unknown.

  “I don’t want anything else. Just you. I love you, Alain,” she worded clearly, eyes holding his with unwavering purpose. Tuning out the wild beating of her heart, she walked up to Alain, lifted on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his.

  Chapter Seven

  Maya was never the type to be assertive about anything in a relationship. It always had to be the guy to make all the advances, give her all the signals. With Alain, it was different. She was no longer worried about holding back or preserving her pride or feelings. That was why, when she told him she loved him she didn’t even wait to give him the chance to say the words back. Because she was giving her emotions freely, without expectations or motives.

  Maya simply felt happy to be able to tell him how she really felt.

  Just like she was happy she could take the bold step and initiate that kiss in the rain, fusing her lips with Alain’s.

  The kiss, though chaste at first, held a power surge of invitation that felt like a lightning bolt had flashed between them. For what seemed like eternity though was just a few moments they stood still with just their lips touching, the rain streaming down on their linked forms. Till at last, Alain groaned and wrapped his arm behind her neck and tilted her face as he deepened the kiss hungrily.

  The pounding rain along with the raging thunder and lightning were the only things to finally jolt them apart. For the rest of the way home they half-jogged, laughed and held hands and it felt wonderful. Even more wonderful was what came next, once the doors of the garage closed behind them and they shut out the noise of the wind and rain. Now, all that was left was just them.

  “You have such a beautiful smile.” Alain stared intently into her smiling face. “The first time I saw you, I thought of only one thing that could enhance it.”

  “What?” Maya couldn’t help but giggle, caught up in the euphoria that had no indication of ever simmering down for now.

  “The fact that your smile would look even more beautiful beneath the moonlight. You, laying down on my silk sheets and your eyes on mine as I make love to you.”

  Maya nibbled on her bottom lip, wanting to make a joke about Alain being corny, and the fact he didn’t have silk sheets, did he? But instead, she felt the ache in her core spread wider and moister. This infatuation of hers was going to get her in trouble, she knew it but she couldn’t run away now.

  Never would Maya have thought all his sweet talking and seemingly sincere warmth was all a façade. A major part of her had guessed Alain had secrets, but she’d never dreamed that it could prove bigger than the both of them. Yet that night, she could swear that their passion rang true. And when Alain started kissing down on her neck and picked her body up to straddle his waist while he moved them to the lone couch, Maya’s giggles turned to moans as she felt Alain’s hardness press against her heated center.

  Finally, Alain would make her his for the night. They both wanted it more than anything, and it showed in the way they undressed each other, peeling off the damp clothes. He told her she was beautiful, and she gasped in awe when she saw him naked. He had a gorgeous light tan that looked exotic next to her creamy brown skin. He touched and kissed her all over, never missing an inch of flesh. He got on top of her and trailed kisses down her body and came back up. Then he spread her legs and slipped his finger inside her.

  He massaged her tightness within and Maya began to moan and move with his hand.

  “Open your legs wider. Damn. You’re tight and hot, aren’t you?”

  Maya spread wider and pulled him on top of her. “I want you inside me.” She looked into his eyes not bothering to hide her desire. She was so ready for him. To her joy he wasted no time and thrust his thick length inside her. Maya screamed in pleasure.

  Alain stopped moving and Maya could see the muscle ticking in his neck. “You feel like it’s your first time,” he rasped, biting off a curse in French, which made Maya smile.

  “It’s been a while for me,” Maya confessed. “Just please don’t stop. I know the discomfort will pass. Take me, Alain.”

  She pushed up to meet her hips with his and Alain’s breath sharpened. He began to move slow and steady till he was fully inside her. Her walls throbbed and squeezed on him and soon his pace grew faster, rougher. Alain didn’t use a condom, but Maya knew he was aware she was on the pill. All they had to focus on was the pleasure, and it felt incredible. The sensation of hard and smooth, rough and tender gave the perfect synchromesh where their passion revolved at the same speed, shifting like the smoothest of gears.

  Maya didn’t know what to say when their first release shattered through them simultaneously. Then Alain landed atop her, seeming reluctant to remove his erection from inside her. He finally slid off her and Maya just stared into space like one in a daze. How could sex feel like that? So raw and yet so dazzling? Her walls still thrummed from being so perfectly fused round Alain’s thickness. He’d stretched her and filled her until she lost each memory of any lover she’d ever had. A sense of satiation rocked her system and she turned on her side, her back to Alain. She had to figure out what the hell just happened to her mind and body and how she could piece herself back together. Was this how it felt when you loved someone with your whole soul, that just a physical act of fulfilled desire made it feel you were reborn?

  Alain was in just as much turmoil. He’d gone to grab a beer which he gulped as he worked out what the fuck he’d gotten himself into. How had he not seen this coming? He’d held himself in check all this time, half-wary of taking things too fast and then, having his interest wan once the prize was sampled. Yet just now as he’d cum inside her, he’d been so close to echoing Maya’s emotional declaration of just an hour earlier. When she’d told him she loved him.

  He’d felt like a king and a bastard at the same time. Yet when the time came to claim her beautiful, smooth-skinned and curvy body as his, he’d thought of nothing else but her scent, her softness, and her submission. In giving all of herself so uninhibitedly, she’d drawn Alain even further within her spell till he was submerged within her essences.

  Now he was sure, he could never have enough.

  Alain walked back over to the couch and noticed that Maya had fallen asleep. He let out a deep breath. After bedding a woman he
always made sure to be gone, because even the most ‘liberated’ types assumed he could be tied down just within a pair of sexy, sizzling thighs. Yet Maya was the first he could picture himself with the morning after, and the morning after that.

  He glanced at her derriere and felt himself go hard again. She had all the right curves and then some extra, and damn he wanted her again. He slid unto the couch beside her and pulled her close against him. He kissed her shoulders and then her neck. He grabbed one of her breasts and began to fondle and rub. Maya let out a moan, her lush hips rocking against his ramrod stem embedded against her ass. He slid his hand from her breast to her stomach and then down to slip his finger deep into her slit. As always she was ready for him.

  Then Maya surprised him. She turned to face him and then pushed him on his back, before getting on top of him. Alain entered inside of her and it felt even more like heaven as she moved back and forth on him. He seized her juicy breasts and tweaked her nipples, watching her luscious body sway while his ivory member slid in and out of her cocoa folds. It felt too good, it had his head spinning. She moved her hips faster and faster, her walls like silk tightly wound around him. He had to take back control or he’d spill too soon.

  Alain flipped her over and slid out long enough to maneuver her on her hands and knees. Then he drove hard into her from behind and heard her cry out his name. She moaned and begged for more and more. Taking Maya from the back was just as mind-blowing and Alain didn’t think he’d even been this hard, or felt anything as exquisite as Maya wrapped tightly around him.

  Just when he felt too close to the brink he pulled out again and lay her on her back once more, covering her with his body as he surged back deep inside her. Maya gasped and roved her hands down his spine to his ass. Her fingers kneaded into his toned flesh along with her heels urging him faster, deeper.


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