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Zane's Busy Bodies: Chocolate Flava 4

Page 15

by Zane

  I felt him thrusting his hammer on me while fumbling with the key in the door. If any of his neighbors were out, they were receiving an eyeful. He finally managed to get the door open and kicked it shut when we were inside. The kissing and fondling were intense. We made it to his sofa and he plopped down on it with me still in his lap.

  “You just don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he panted while pushing my shirt up and over my head.

  I hushed him with my mouth. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and whipped out a treat that my candy jar just couldn’t resist. I lifted my skirt and hurriedly slid my panties to the side while he rolled on a Magnum condom. Within a matter of seconds, he was inside me. I matched his thrusts with my own. My vibrators and dildos had nothing on the real thing, especially his. He unbuttoned my bra, tossed it aside, and ravished my breasts like a hungry tiger. I threw my head back and enjoyed the moment. When he squeezed my ass, I raised his chin and disappeared under his neck.

  “Damn, baby,” he moaned. When I lifted my head, my body tensed. He noticed. “What’s the matter?” he asked, never stopping his rhythm.

  “N-nothing,” I stuttered, never stopping my rhythm either.

  In fact, I was a little bit more turned on than I’d been before. Preston’s roommate had come out of his room and I watched him watching us. I should have informed Preston of his presence, but he gave me reason not to. I watched him whip out his third leg and then slowly and seductively knead it. I buried Preston’s face in my chest so that he couldn’t see his roommate watching us or me watching him.

  “Ooooh, Corrine, this pussy is so wet,” he moaned into my chest.

  If only he knew that his roommate had something to do with the extra secretions. My eyes remained fixated on the roommate while my geyser continued to gush out floods of juices I never knew it could hold. He was a stallion that I wanted to mount. He stood about six foot four with glossy, honeysuckle skin, a bald head, and sexy pecs that he revealed after removing his T-shirt. He was fine.

  Preston gripped my waist to assist with my ride. I enjoyed it as well as the visual freak show I was viewing. I shook away thoughts of having him in my mouth while Preston was in my hot box trying to put out the fire, but looking at his roommate’s shaft, I wanted to do a switch-a-roo. After seeing what he was packing, he should’ve been the one driving that Magnum.

  “Corrine, throw this pussy on me,” Preston moaned when he came up for air.

  I followed his commands and did just that. I watched his roommate’s strokes speed up and so did my thrusts.

  “Oooohhh, Corrine! Yes! Yes! Give that pussy to me, baby!”

  I rode him as hard and as fast as I could. I shoved his mouth on my breasts because his head was in the way of my visual tease. While the roommate worked his magic, he blew sensual kisses at me that I wished were on both sets of my lips.

  We were wrong. Dead wrong. If Preston knew what was going on in front of him and behind him, he would’ve been extremely pissed. The roommate continued his strokes. His Hershey love stick was looking extremely scrumptious and enticing. I wanted to climb off Preston and let his roommate take over, or let them both take turns pounding me in competition.

  I quickly tossed those thoughts away after Preston spoke his next words. “Baby, let me hit this pussy from the back.”

  When his roommate heard those words, he slowly backed away.

  “No!” I yelled to them both.

  Preston stopped trying to flip me over and his roommate returned to his original position, with his stripper pole still in hand. I called it a stripper pole because I wanted to slide up and down it.

  Preston and his roommate were sending me into an abyss that I didn’t want to climb out of. I didn’t know if it was merely my imagination but it looked as though the roommate’s wand was getting longer and thicker with each stroke of his hand. I wanted him. I wanted to see what he was about. I wanted to see if he could stoke me like he was doing himself. Preston’s thrusts grew harder and deeper as he watched me fondle my nipples. I was having a blast being pleasured by both men. All of a sudden, Preston gripped my shoulders and hungrily thrust inside me. I watched his roommate’s body flinch. I knew he was about to cum, too. I wanted to join the both of them so I increased my speed and my bounce.

  “Preston, harder,” I moaned loudly, never taking my eyes off his roommate. I shoved my breast in Preston’s mouth. “Yes! Yes!” Little did Preston know, I was cheering his roommate. I wanted him in me, too, whether it was in my man hole or my mouth. Part of me wanted to tell Preston that his friend was behind him and we needed to let him join us, but I was afraid of what he would say. If he agreed, that would be a first for me.

  “Corrine! Corrine!”

  Preston came. I came all over him and his friend came in his T-shirt. The moment was intense and satisfying. The roommate disappeared back into his room. I collapsed on Preston’s shoulder and he politely lay me down on the sofa. He caught his breath, then stood up.

  “Where’s your bathroom?” I asked after catching my own breath.

  He pointed me in the right direction. I went inside and freshened up. When I returned to the living room, I plopped down on the sofa and watched Preston zip up. He retrieved his keys off the table and I assumed he was about to take me home, but my assumption was wrong.

  “Baby, I need to dash to the store and get some cigarettes. I’m out,” he informed me as he patted his pockets. “You can stay here and chill if you want.”

  “W-what about your roommate?” I worried, but didn’t.

  “His car is not out there. He’s probably with his girl.”

  “Oh.” I smiled internally. “How long will you be gone?”

  “About twenty minutes or so. If you’re not comfortable being here alone, come and ride with me. I’m just not ready to take you home yet.” He smiled devilishly.

  And I’m not ready to go either.

  “I’ll be fine. Bring me back a Coke and some Doritos.”

  “Will do.”

  He left. The slut in me couldn’t pass up the opportunity that was thrown in my face. I dashed to the roommate’s door and tapped on it. “Can I come in?” I asked, trying to disguise the eagerness in my voice.

  “Come on. It’s open.”

  I slowly pushed the door open and felt my way through the darkness as his deep voice guided me to him. When my knees hit the bed, I knew I had made it to the promised land.

  “Preston went to get some cigarettes,” I informed him.

  “That’s more than enough time to do what we gotta do, huh?” he asked but expected no answer.

  “I-I-I shouldn’t be in here,” I stammered and trembled slightly.

  “There are a lot of things we shouldn’t do but we do ’em anyway, don’t we?” I nodded slowly, forgetting that it was pitch black in the room and he couldn’t see. “Come here.” I did as I was ordered. I crawled onto the bed until I reached him. “You like what you saw out there?” he asked.

  “I loved what I saw.”

  “How much did you love it?”

  “I . . .”

  “Don’t tell me. Show me,” he said after placing his finger on my lips to shush me. I liked where this was going. I gently grabbed his legs and smiled after realizing he had no pants on. I pushed them apart then lowered my head toward his hypnotic stick.

  “Mmmmmmmmm,” he moaned while I flicked my tongue all around the head. I bobbed on his dick like it was the last thing I was supposed to do before I died. I was so into pleasuring him that I didn’t hear Preston come inside. I jumped when I felt him climb onto the bed.

  “Preston!” I gasped, knowing that it could only be him.

  “Shhhh. Stay just like that. Don’t move,” he said softly after gripping my thighs.

  “Don’t stop what you were doing,” the roommate spoke to me when I stopped sucking him off to gather myself at what was about to go down. I went back to my task while Preston removed my skirt and panties, then began sucking on my as

  Is this shit really happening? I thought. Preston made me realize it wasn’t a dream when he eased underneath me and began flicking his tongue on my precious.

  “You picked a good one this time,” the roommate addressed Preston.

  Little did they know, I was scoping them both out at the auto shop. This was part of my plan all along. I let them think that it was all their doing. Mama always told me, “Baby, sometimes you gotta let a man think he’s in control.” I smiled and went back to bobbing and grinding. I guess Mr. Right was going to have to wait.

  Lunch Break

  T. Ariez

  “Look, Carmen, as your friend, I gotta tell you, you need to get your shit together. Whatever it is you’re going through at home, you’re going to let it ruin your career if you don’t pull it together. Now, as your boss, I’m telling you that I need you to have all the documents and the presentation to me by the end of the day. The meeting’s first thing tomorrow morning and we have to close this deal!”

  Erica patted me on my shoulder as she walked out of the bathroom and left me standing there. I stood in the mirror and fixed my suit. My black skirt had risen a bit because my ass was so big. I pulled it down and patted out the wrinkles on my navy blue blazer. Erica was my best friend and I loved working both with and for her, but damn, when she got into boss mode, she really meant business and our friendship went out the window. I still found it amazing how she could flip the script and be two different people all within the same breath.

  Here it was nine o’clock in the morning and I hadn’t even begun to put the presentation together. I had been allotted two weeks to get everything in order so that we could reel in this new client. We were one day away and I hadn’t even started. Now, usually I was on my game and had clients eating out of the palm of my hand, but lately, Jarred and I had been fighting a lot and I couldn’t seem to focus. I usually don’t cry, but today my emotions had gotten the best of me, so I leaned my head back and dropped a couple drops of Clear Eyes into each pupil.

  I needed to regain my composure before I stepped back outside. Hopefully, my red eyes would be clear again in a few moments. Jarred was the reason I’d been so emotional lately. He was my man and the father of my child. He was a good man and provided for both our child and me. His only problem was he couldn’t keep his dick between him and me. He just had to go share it with the world, like it was God’s gift to women or something.

  I couldn’t believe this fool had the nerve to tell me that I was lucky. He said, “All these other bitches just get to taste the dick, but you’re the one I come home to.”

  Now what in the hell kind of shit was that? And I’ll admit, for a while, my ass was dumb for taking it for as long as I have, but I could no longer do it. My son was three years old and I was tired of pretending that we had the perfect family. Jarred’s ass was gonna have to straighten up, or he was gonna have to go. Period.

  I ran my fingers through my loose curls and took one last look in the mirror before I left the bathroom. Image was everything to me, so I had to make sure that I looked good and was on point at all times. That’s why I kept a bottle of Clear Eyes with me. I would say that my hazel eyes set against my slightly darker skin tone were my best asset. Besides that, I couldn’t let these fools I worked with see me sweat. When I sat down at my desk, I stared at the computer screen, wishing the numbers would magically appear in front of my face. I opened PowerPoint and looked at a blank presentation, but I still couldn’t concentrate. I had to really think about my situation for a moment.

  Here I was, twenty-three years old. I’d just graduated magna cum laude, with degrees in marketing and management from an all-black university, and had landed a job with an almost all-white, non-diversified management consulting company. I worked my bag of tricks to get this job, and I wasn’t about to lose it behind some personal matter that could have been taken care of a long time ago. It was hard enough for a sister to get a job in corporate America as it was. I was not about to let them regret hiring me and confirm the stereotype that black women weren’t as good as their white counterparts. Shit, I was better.

  So sitting back in my seat, I looked over at my nameplate for inspiration. It said proudly in big, bold, capital letters: CARMEN ROCKIFORD. That’s right, I was Carmen Renee Rockiford. I was the first black woman to work for Smith Management Consultants. I had been here only a year and here they were looking for me to close the deal with a new client they were trying to bring on board. This would be one of our biggest clients, and the biggest power move of my career thus far.

  If I were able to close it, this would likely bump me to partner in the firm, or at least junior partner. Now don’t get me wrong, I was already doing big things as it was. I just wasn’t doing them officially as partner. I made damn good money and really didn’t need Jarred for anything. Well, almost anything; I needed that dick of his. But now that I think about it, just like him, I could get a nut from anywhere.

  Jarred had his issues, but aside from his cheating habits, he really was a good man. I couldn’t handle sharing my man with Lord knows how many other women, but I guess my battle was that I wasn’t ready to run a “good man” off just yet. Hell, the only way this sixty grand I made a year could keep me warm at night was if I burned it. So, for now at least, I had to get my shit together and pull off this meeting, and then I could worry about Jarred.

  I forced Jarred out of my mind and began clicking away at the computer. Before I knew it, it was 1:30 p.m., and I hadn’t even taken lunch yet. I sat up in my chair and arched my back to stretch it a little. I slowly contemplated whether I should take lunch or just get through this as quickly as possible. Deciding to get it over with, I remained seated because I knew that if I fucked this up, as close as Erica and I had been, not even she would be able to save my job.

  After I finished massaging my temples, I raised my hands again and stretched once more before getting back into my work. But as soon as I put my hand down and fixed my back into the upright position again, I felt a tingle at my center. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried not to think about it. I thought it subsided, but just as I was about to relax and start back working, that tingle turned into a spark and rattled aggressively up my spine.

  It shook my entire body as if I were cold. Involuntarily, my legs squeezed tightly together and that was when I realized that it had been almost two months since I’d last had sex. I’d told Jarred that unless he could assure me that he would quit fucking around on me, he would never get another peek at this pussy. I stared at his picture on my desk and God—that million-dollar smile of his was making me hot.

  Just one look at his picture, and my panties were soaked. I needed a fix right here and right now. I jumped out of my chair so quickly that I almost knocked it over. I ran out of my office and, in record time, I’d made my way to the main lobby. I passed by the security desk, and the two officers who were there smiled at me. I flashed a smile back and hurriedly made my way outside to the parking garage.

  I parked on the sixth floor every day because, with no elevator in the parking garage, it forced me to walk those stairs. As I made my way up the stairs, I was hoping I wouldn’t see Terry, one of the security guards, and thankfully, I didn’t see him this time. I knew how worked up I usually got when I hadn’t had sex, and I could only imagine the disgruntled look on my face.

  Like I said, image was everything to me, and because I passed him three times a day—once in the morning when I got to work, once during my lunch hour, and once again on my way home—I didn’t want Terry to see me, or my face, in a bad way. I probably could have scared a pit bull away with the look on my face alone. However, come to think of it, I didn’t even see him this morning when I got to work.

  I could tell that Terry liked me. I could see it in his eyes. I don’t know what it was, but I had a thing about eyes. Anyway, Terry never really spoke to me, but he always smiled or winked at me when I passed by. I had to admit he was fine; I loved a tall, dark, and handsome-as
s brother. I was faithful to my man, though, so I never paid too much attention to Terry. I was actually glad that I didn’t see him, and maybe that meant I would have a moment alone in my car without interruption, if he wasn’t on duty today.

  Half-jogging, then half-walking, I finished my hike up the stairs, as it was part of my exercise regimen. I thought maybe if I jogged up and down the stairs a few times, I would be okay, and this sexual tension would go away. They say exercise helps relieve tension and that is what I was going for.

  I looked down and then thought to myself, hmm no . . . I needed a fix, and I needed it now.

  I could hear Usher sing in my ear, “There goes my baby” as I spotted my car. My black on black Explorer sat in the corner all by her lonesome. No one else parked on this floor and my car was parked all the way at the end. An idea popped in my head. Maybe I could handle my business real quick, calm my nerves, and then still have my presentation on Erica’s desk by 5:30. I looked at my watch; it was 1:56.

  I almost sprinted to the car. I sat in the driver’s seat and reached over to the glove compartment. I always carried three things with me in my car: a duffel bag with a change of clothes and clean underwear in the backseat, and then a razor and a vibrator in my glove compartment.

  I carried the razor for protection, just in case I had to stay late at work or if I was ever alone at night. And because Jarred and I were both freaks in the bedroom, I carried a vibrator for long trips. I never knew when I’d want to perform for him. I snatched the vibrator out of its baggie and then took a wet wipe to clean it.

  I got out of the car and opened the back door. I climbed in so that I would have plenty of room. I hiked my skirt up, pulled my panties to the side, and inserted the vibrator. “Ahhh.” Now this is what my body needed. Already I began to feel better.

  Without even turning it on, I worked it in and out of my opening slowly so that I could work myself up. With my pointer finger on my left hand, I pressed the button once for the lowest vibration setting. In and out, in and out, slowly and methodically, I stroked my own pussy. I pressed the button again for the next level of vibrations.


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