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Brody_The Betting Billionaire

Page 6

by Bonnie R. Paulson

  But no. That wasn’t good enough. She’d never let him just give her the money. One thing he’d learned about was her pride. She protected it even to the point of starvation.

  Honestly, Brody wanted a real shot with her. He needed one. He needed her to have the money so she wouldn’t date him for his bank accounts and, also, so that she wouldn’t be fighting him every step of the way because she needed the money. He’d seen her desperation to provide for her family with the grip on the chips she’d earned at the casino. He’d seen her lock herself in her suites for almost two weeks. That in itself had to be hard.

  She was doing everything to win and Brody didn’t blame her.

  For the first time, he had the chance to actually have a girl and see if he could get her to like him for him. Really try. If she did, then he won more than just the business.

  If she didn’t come to care for him, at least he knew what he’d always feared – that he wasn’t worth much without the money.

  Back in stride, Brody reached the back of the house and grabbed the railing of the steps. He pulled himself around the corner and climbed the stairs. He’d have to see what she thought at dinner.

  Why put it off when he could actually be around a Kate that wanted to be around him?


  Duncan delivered their plates again. The routine in their meal had taken on a redundancy as Duncan all but ignored Brody but simpered to Kate. She sat at one end of the table and Brody opposite her.

  While Duncan was still in the room, Brody scooted his chair back and grabbed his plate and glass and moved down to sit beside Kate, ignoring her startled glance as she watched him sit.

  She smiled at Duncan and turned wide eyes on Brody. “Is everything okay?” She waited for Duncan to leave the room and then wrinkled her adorable pert nose. “What are you doing? You always eat down there.” Her knuckles whitened as she gripped her fork.

  “No. You always eat here. I’ve moved to accommodate you.” He reached out and grabbed her hand before she could scoot her chair back. “Wait, Kate. I need to say something. First, please, just stay here. Don’t…” He didn’t know how to finish what he was trying to say. There’d been a lot of revelations he’d had to wade through throughout the day and they were all jumbling in his head as he was faced with the actual moment to approach her about it.

  What if she said no?

  Kate shook her head, staring at her plate filled to overflowing with salad and shrimp. She lifted her hand and spoke. “Wait. Brody, I need to apologize for earlier. You didn’t deserve the way I’ve been treating you or the way I acted. I’m trying so hard not to fall for you, I’m even trying not to like you.” Her boldness comforted him.

  “How’s that going for you?” Brody was genuinely worried. What if she backed out? What if she was determined to hate him and she actually convinced herself not to care? He knew strong-willed women had a way of talking themselves into anything they needed to do – look at his mother and the things she’d overcome.

  Kate lifted tear-filled eyes toward him, twisting her lips to the side. “It’s not going well at all. I do like you. Very much. This Brody is one I could care for in different circumstances. But I won’t fall for you. I need the money too much for my family and I… plus, you know. I don’t know if I can deal with the broken heart.” She added the last part with a tremulous smile but they both knew she was serious.

  Brody pressed his lips together, then nodded, pulling her fingers further into his grasp and reveling in the tingle of their skin connecting. He took a deep breath. “What if I just gave you the money? I could forfeit right now. We could get to know each other and see where it goes.” Brody subtly held his breath. Would she go for it? He was throwing so much into the wind taking a chance she wouldn’t run with the money once she had it.

  Kate stared at him, her eyes wide and unbelieving.

  Had Brody gone too far? Had he lost everything in the space of a few words? Would her pride take the route he offered?

  Chapter 11


  Kate couldn’t stop staring at him. What was he offering? Just to pay her to hang out? Like just be there and really get to know each other? The concept was appealing, but it also felt a little like prostitution and she wasn’t that desperate.

  She bit her bottom lip, taking in the blue of his eyes and the angles of his face softened earnestly. Something tried to loosen in her chest but she held onto her emotional protection with an iron fist.

  “I don’t understand. I’m not for sale. You understand that, right? Why are you willing to throw that much money away?” That wasn’t the only thing. Why would he be willing to make that kind of a bet and then drop it with only a couple weeks in. She wasn’t sure she wasn’t falling for him. All she knew was she needed that money so she was going to continue to try. It seemed to easy that he would just give up.

  Holding up his free hand, he shook his head. “First off, I’m not trying to buy you. I wouldn’t do you the dishonor of suggesting it.” He pierced her with his deep blue gaze. His tone firmed with conviction. “It isn’t throwing money away. I don’t care about the bet anymore. I just want to get to know you. Don’t you feel the same?” He turned the decision back on her, letting her choose while also trying to appeal to her decency.

  After the time they’d already spent together, didn’t he know she’d already given up on all of that? She didn’t have the freedom to feel, to hope. Not for herself. She had to help her parents and get her dad back from the oil fields.

  Brody sighed, stroking his thumb across the back of her hand. Kate really should try to get her hand back, but the connection between them was intoxicating and she’d been fighting it so long that to just give into his touch for a brief respite was rejuvenating.

  What if she could leave her emotional wall behind? What if she could let down her guard because she didn’t have to fight for the money? Was it fair, if she took the money he offered? She hadn’t done anything to deserve it. Would it have been fair to take it, if she’d won the bet?

  All in all, she had no idea what was really going on. Why was he pushing aside the bet so soon? That bugged her, but at the same time, having the option to leave the stress of poverty behind and to help her parents was more tempting than she could describe. What did he stand to gain, if he put the bet aside?

  Plus, what he’d said in the barn had struck a chord.

  Was she getting in her own way? If she over-thought this, was it because she was being careful or because she was getting in the way of finding happiness?

  What if she just went with it? What if she took the leap and just did it? What could it hurt? She’d have the money and a chance at finding something with someone. Could that be worth the insecurity? Before she could double-doubt herself, she nodded. “Yeah, okay. That sounds good.” A huge weight lifted from her and she took a solid breath, startled at the wide smile suddenly on his face.

  Maybe the stress of the bet had gotten to Brody as well. He’d been trying so hard to get her to fall in love with him, he hadn’t really been himself.

  At least, Kate didn’t think so. She still hadn’t seen the Tux-Brody but that was okay. Now, she wouldn’t be on guard against the Brody with the hat and jeans.

  She could be friends with him without protecting herself. Relieved, she returned his smile and squeezed his fingers.

  “As soon as we’re done with dinner, I’ll contact Teton and have the money transferred.” Worry crossed his face and he cocked his head. “You’re not going to treat it like I’m paying you to be here, right? If you want to leave, you can.” Something in his eyes pushed Kate to reassure him.

  She shook her head, leaning toward him and subduing her smile. “I know I can leave. I don’t want to. I’d like a chance to be here with you and at least see if we can be friends.” She hadn’t released his hand yet and she wouldn’t lie – she was having a hard time wanting to let go.

  “You might still fall in love.” He winked and pulled his fingers f
rom hers to pick up his fork.

  Kate laughed, comfortable with the restrictions of the bet lying at their feet on the floor. “You might fall for me and then where will you be?” She side-eyed him and giggled.

  She’d giggled. Kate didn’t giggle. She better raise her guard up a little bit. She had to remember that he wasn’t the type to fall in love. He’d said that himself. Plus, he was exposed to multiple women who came from better backgrounds than hers. He hadn’t fallen in love yet with them.

  Kate was nothing special and she knew it. She didn’t have what it took to corner a man’s heart. No, she’d be happy just being friends. She’d still protect herself from falling, but at least her entire family wasn’t hanging on her performance. “You don’t fall in love. I know that, remember? I’m not going to fall in love with someone who can’t love me back.” She said with a teasing tone, but just enough seriousness in her expression. He had to know she wasn’t dumb.

  Brody put his fork down and considered her a long moment, tenderness in his eyes. After a moment of studying Kate, he reached across and reclaimed her hand, this time as if he picked up something precious above all else to him. “I haven’t fallen in love before. That doesn’t mean I can’t. It means I haven’t had a chance with the right woman.” The brooding light in his eyes as he penetrated Kate’s gaze with his own was mesmerizing. “What if it’s you? What if you’re the right woman?”

  “What if I’m not?” Kate winced at her own words, but she didn’t back down. She was definitely getting in her own way. Loving Brody would be life-changing and not because of the money. No, she didn’t need him for that anymore. Instead, he would be enigmatic and exciting and steadfast. Everything she was missing in her life.

  Brody leaned closer, crooking his finger toward her to get her to lean toward him.

  Kate leaned closer, certain he would kiss her. Hopeful he would kiss her. Disappointed when he didn’t kiss her, she held her breath as he leaned closer and pressed his lips to the skin beside her ear and whispered. “I think I could fall for you.” The warmth of his breath on her sent tingles down her spine.

  She didn’t pull away until he’d leaned back into his seat and picked his fork up again.

  He was going to try to love her? If that was the case, she was glad he’d agreed to pay her because there’s no way she would be able to fight falling for him when he was trying to love her and he thought he could fall.

  What woman would fight that?


  After dinner, Brody called his bookie in front of Kate, grinning at her every few seconds as he finished business with the man. After he hung up, he handed the phone to Kate. “You’ll want to check your account in the morning to verify the funds went through, but you could call your mom to let her know you’re okay, unless you needed to go to her?” His second mention of Kate leaving caught her attention.

  “You think I’m going to leave now, don’t you? Like really leave.” Kate tilted her head to the side and bit her bottom lip. She wasn’t the only insecure one and he was worried she would leave.

  With the phone in one hand, Kate stepped closer to Brody, her feet sliding across the plush carpet. She reached up with her free hand and softly placed her fingers alongside his strong jaw. Kate spoke softly as she searched his suddenly somber face. “Brody, I’m not leaving. I don’t plan on it. I’ll call my mom and touch base. Thank you for being so considerate.” She lowered her hand and held his gaze with hers. “Don’t worry. I want a chance to get to know you as well.” She grinned. Maybe Cinderella wasn’t too far off for her dreams or her future.

  She took the phone and dialed the cellphone number she shared with her mom.

  Two rings and her mom answered. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Mom. Are you okay?” It had been a couple days since Kate had spoken to her mom and she was glad for the spur of the moment call. She worried about her mom being alone.

  “Kate! I’m fine. A nice ranger took me to town to get some groceries. I miss you. When are you coming home?” Her mom’s voice filled with relief as they spoke. The last few calls between them had been brief and filled with half-truths on Kate’s part.

  Kate hadn’t been completely forthcoming when she’d talked to her mom about coming to Brody’s. She’d told her mother that she was going for a job opportunity. Of course, her mom had been ecstatic and wanted to go with Kate, but Kate had refused.

  “Everything is going good. I’m glad you got some groceries. I’m going to finish out the two months, but I wanted to let you know we have money in the account. It should be in there and available as of tomorrow morning. If anything changes, I’ll let you know.”

  “Oh, that is exciting Kate. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to tell your father. I love you.” True excitement flooded her mom’s voice and Kate’s relief left her invigorated. As Kate hung up, she hoped the money would help her family become one again. She missed her dad, and now they could get ahead and he could come home.

  Kate only hoped she knew what she was doing. Brody wasn’t someone to mess with. If he fell for her, she’d feel like a princess. If he didn’t, what would that do to her self-esteem?

  Chapter 12


  Brody’s decision had flipped a switch with Kate. The woman she allowed herself to be with her guard down was disarming and unexpected.

  After calling the bookie, anxiety had twisted in Brody’s gut. He couldn’t focus and the next day Kate had sat around all day inside waiting for a call on the landline confirming the money had been transferred. The longer it took, the more she had to be thinking Brody had lied. She didn’t go far from the phone.

  All day.

  Brody hadn’t strayed far, opting to keep her whereabouts under tabs so he knew when it happened.

  The phone finally rang and Brody answered. The account manager on the other end asked for Kate Mattese. Brody swallowed and held the phone piece out to her. She’d had them call his landline because her own phone was with her mom.

  Brody hadn’t left the room, careful not to appear to be eavesdropping but unable to keep himself from listening.

  “This is Kate Mattese. Yes. Yes. It’s transferred? Okay, thank you so much!” She’d hung up and there was something close to ecstatic joy in the air – from Kate.

  Brody felt sicker and more like he was Samson and he’d just cut off his own hair. Why had he given her the money? Why had he come up with the idea to forfeit? Yes, he wanted her to stay. He needed her to prove to him that he was more than money.

  He didn’t care if Trevor won their bet. Of course, that would change, but right then, with the looming possibilities before him, Brody didn’t care.

  She would leave. He had no doubt. The only reason she’d been there was because of the money. Kate had already proven herself to be competent and stubborn. If she wanted something, she would do what it took to get it. She’d gotten the money. Nothing held her there at his house.

  It didn’t seem to matter that she’d admitted that she liked him. Was that enough to keep her there? Brody was afraid it wasn’t. The longer the day became, the more certain Brody was that any minute, Kate would get in her car and leave his home. He’d miss out on getting to know her, he’d lose his money for nothing, and his birthright with Hart Industries would be gone.

  He suddenly never wanted to gamble again.

  Brody stared unseeingly at the book in his hand. The sound of the backdoor sliding shut reached him through the open door to the library. When had Brody lost sight of Kate? He hadn’t noticed she’d left the room, he’d been too caught up in his worry.

  Most likely she’d taken advantage of his distraction and left. She’d gone. She’d be getting into her car and driving away.

  Desperate to be wrong, Brody strode to the glass slider and watched Kate’s long hair move in the breeze as she walked to the outbuilding. Slipping inside, her curvy shape disappeared.

  Please, don’t come out in the car. Don’t drive your car out. No! Brody moved forward, sla
pping his hand on the glass as the garage door opened and her car rolled forward.

  He clenched his teeth and turned away. Fine. She could go. He’d been aware of the risk when he’d considered forfeiting. Now that the reality was there, he had nothing he could control the situation with. It was his own fault.

  He’d better tell the chef that Kate wouldn’t be eating with them that evening. He had to do something to get his mind off her deception. She’d waited until the money had transferred and then she’d left. That was it. Not even a goodbye.

  Honestly, he didn’t care if the chef knew or not, but he needed something to do. He needed to do something that would feel more productive than not.

  In the kitchen, Brody ignored the pain in his chest. “Duncan, I need to excuse Kate from the meal tonight.” Brody didn’t understand the lackadaisical manner that Duncan had taken on.

  With meal time less than a couple hours away, Duncan sat at the counter reading a magazine. Glasses perched on his nose, the man glanced up a smile on his face. “Yes, sir. Kate stopped by and told me before she left for the garage. Have a good time.”

  Brody furrowed his brow and blinked. Have a good time? What was that supposed to mean? Like Brody should be glad that she was gone? That she’d abandoned him? If Duncan wasn’t Pamela’s favorite, Brody would fire him right there.

  “Brody? Where are you?” Kate’s voice carried from the front area.

  Brody turned, folding his arms across his chest. He’d been wrong. She at least had the decency to say goodbye, to own the fact that she’d lied about leaving him. He’d give her that point, but she’d said she would stay. He didn’t want to say goodbye. He wanted to yell it wasn’t fair.

  The first girl he’d really been interested in and she wasn’t interested in anything about him but money.

  Breathless, Kate burst through the kitchen doors. “Duncan, have you seen – Oh, Brody! There you are. Come on. I’m ready.” Her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed, Kate stood there as if she expected him to do something.


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