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Training a Pony Girl: The Maddy Saga #2

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by Paul Blades

  Who was this man with so much faith in this powerfully built pony? It was her trainer, of course, Anton Drabik. What other voice did this pony know so well that it could pierce her benumbed senses? Who else would she produce a super human effort for?

  The party had gone on long enough. Snowflake was left to lie where she had fallen. Later, one of the watchmen would drag her into her stall and chain her ankles and collar to the floor. Drabik received his winnings like a gentleman. Good winning was just as important as good losing. The betting had been heavy and Snowflake had earned him about a month's salary. But tomorrow was tomorrow, and, hung over or not, she would get a full workout.

  The other men stumbled off to leave. But Drabik had a stop to make before retiring.

  Maddy, the former Madeline Bertman, had listened to the raucousness of the drunken men with great anxiety. She had been a pony for only ten days, and the customs and habits of the pony barn were new to her. The day had begun like all of the rest since she had been, literally, dehumanized. She had awoken that day, lying on a cotton filled pallet on the floor of her stall. A chain ran from her neck and ankles to rings in the floor and her thighs and ankles were strapped together, making any significant movement through the night impossible.

  The ponies slept gagged with flaps over the eyelets to their hoods closing out all light. The flaps were built in to the hoods, with Velcro on both sides so that could be fixed open or closed. Maddy had awoken it seemed like hours earlier, but since her sight had been taken from her, she didn't know whether there were gleams of morning light through the windows, or whether the barn and all who were in it were still wrapped in darkness. She could hear the steady drumming of the fierce rain on the roof. It mesmerized her, made her think of other stormy nights a world away from where she was now. She had tried to steel herself against tears. She knew that absent some miracle, she was going to be in the power of these evil men for a long time, maybe forever. She had to be strong! But sometimes it was the little things like rainfall drumming on the roof, or the sight of the open sky, that set her off.

  She sniffled now as the tears insisted on coming. She mourned the fact that she could not move her legs, roll over to her stomach, scratch an itch. She could hear the faint sounds of rattling chains from the stall next to hers. She had no idea which of the ponygirls was lying there helpless and bound, would probably never know anything about any of the other hapless young women who had been condemned to this perverse and bizarre life. If only she could talk! She would beg for freedom, promise anything. But as misery swept through her, she realized that even if she could supplicate the cruel men who had mastery over her, it would be of no use. They would laugh and shove their conscienceless pricks into her.

  Finally, she heard the sounds of the barn beginning to stir. She did not know whether it was her trainer or one of the broad shouldered, muscular, stable boys, young men really, who had undone her chains until the flaps over her hood's eyeholes had been lifted. This day it was the tall, blond haired stable boy. He helped her to her feet and then let her pee in the corner chamber pot. She looked at him forlornly. But he could not see her expression. She was just a hooded, female creature. It embarrassed her to be naked in front of what was really a mere boy, someone her own age. He was handsome and his face was kindly. But he had beaten her the other day nonetheless.

  The stable boy released her gag and removed her hood so that she could eat her porridge from a little bowl on the floor, on her knees, like a cat or a dog. Maddy hadn't seen her face for many days and she tried to remember what she looked like. Only her trainer and the stable boys had viewed her facial features since her arrival at the estate. There was only one part of her face that was visible when her hood was on and she was not wearing her mask. That was her plump lips, circled by the mouth opening on her hood, as they parted to receive a swollen male member or when she was wearing her bit, for, other than when she ate, her mouth was not released for any other purpose.

  Maddy hadn't decided if the hoods made them look comical or sinister. But it was psychologically devastating to realize that your face was essentially featureless and that observers would have to depend on the bright blue letters drawn across your chest to ascertain your identity, unless, of course, they recognized the shape of your breasts, or the curves of your ass.

  The stable boy cleaned up her face and then performed the ritual daily shaving of her head. Maddy still could not hold back her tears as she felt the sharp razor clean away her meager growth from the day before, leaving only the long strands of her tail, the remnants of her beautiful, waist length locks. It would have been more efficient to use a depilating agent, but the daily experience of having her head shaved was just one more way of reminding the pony that every facet of her bodily functions was under the control of her masters. When Maddy's head was shaved and a creamy lotion applied, the stable boy immediately reapplied her hood and gag and then repeated the process with her loins, forcing her to lie down and spread her legs and bend her knees so that he could have easy access to her nether lips.

  Usually, in the mornings, she and the other ponies were taken up to the track and given a morning run. Because of the newness of her tattoos, Maddy had stayed in the barn for the first couple of days after receiving her marks. The first day, the first full day after her arrival and before she was marked with her owner's crest and her new name, she had been led there to run without knowing what was happening. When the other ponies took off, she was literally left in the dust. Even if she had been alert, she would have finished last, not having the muscles or stamina to keep up. The routine was that the last pony to finish took five strokes from the whip. Her position, bent over a rail, was also suitable for access to her nether parts and the pony could reasonably expect to be ravished after suffering five burning blows across her hindquarters.

  The second day that Maddy ran, she knew what to do, but still finished dead last by a wide margin. The men laughed and joked as they used her. They kept her bent over, her ankles fastened wide apart, the ring in her nose fixed to a ring in the ground, plowing her hot sheath until they heard and felt the signals of her orgasm. She cursed herself and the men who were raping her even as her cunt sent paroxysms of pleasure to her brain. In fact, Maddy had finished last every day that she had made the run so far. But she felt that she was getting better, stronger. Soon, she knew, she would not be last.

  This was partly due to the fact that Maddy had the best, most exacting trainer on the estate, Anton Drabik. He supplemented the punishment she received at the hands of the other trainers for her poor performance. He had a four foot long leather encased reed that he used. Maddy would take ten across the breasts and thighs after she was released by the other trainers to supply added motivation to improve.

  The newly collared pony, although she still foolishly thought of herself as a young woman, had determined that she would be the best ponygirl that she could be. She hated the sting of the whip and she resented the laughter and jibes that were thrown at her when she failed, even though she spoke barely a word of Russian. But she was beginning to understand some. She knew the word for "faster" and the expression for "spread your legs". There was one expression that she wasn't sure whether it meant "suck my dick" or "open your mouth". It didn't matter. The phraseology produced the desired response.

  It was an important training principle that the ponies not be exposed to more actual language than necessary. They were trained instead to respond to hand signals, a pull on their reigns. And their new name.

  Each of the ponies wore their name emblazoned in bright blue ink across their chests. Maddy's new name was "Lightning", and the Russian word was spelled out in large Cyrillic letters just above her breasts. She had seen the letters in the mirror, but she didn't know what they meant. At first, she couldn't even pronounce it. But she had learned that the expression she heard as "molnya" meant she should pay attention, and sometimes her trainer soothed and rewarded her with the sound after an especially hard workout, or
an energetic fuck. When fucking her after yet another poor performance on the morning run, the men would call it out and laugh.

  But this morning there had been no run. The ponies had been paraded around the barn's interior just so they could get some exercise and get out of their stalls for a little while. Right after breakfast, lunch and dinner, the stable boys or the trainers unleashed them from their bindings and led them twenty full circuits around the interior of the building.

  But the rest of Maddy's day was spent with her hips leaning against a horizontal post that extended across her stall about three feet high, her legs spread and fastened wide apart, and the ring in her nose chained to a hook on the wall. Little voluntary movement was possible.

  A thousand thoughts raced through Maddy's mind during the course of that day. She remembered her kidnapping and being held prisoner in a strange dungeon. She recalled her callous treatment at the slave way station, where they had shaved her head and first applied the raiment of her new life upon her body. She cried from time to time as she thought of the people she had left behind, the life that she used to have. Kidnapped on her way home from night classes at college, she went through the many "what if's" that would have spared her this fate. What if she hadn't gone to school that night? Or taken that class? What if she hadn't gotten into that van when her car so conveniently 'broke down'? What if she had agreed to let her rich Uncle Matthew pay for her room and board at a prestigious private college up north?

  And then pure and unadulterated anger would sweep through her. She would rage at her unkind fate, the cruelty of the men who had stolen everything from her, the men who used her body like they would a whore's, but even worse. When these fits overcame her, and they were perfectly normal for a new pony just breaking in, she would stomp her booted feet, struggle against the bonds that held her, roar behind her thick, leather mask.

  It was after the luncheon walk that the trainers and some of the stable boys had got to drinking. Maddy heard them laughing and joking, almost obscuring the muffled moans of the ponies that they were abusing. Maddy cringed when she heard her stall door open behind her. A man leaned under the rail over which she was partly bent and released her chain from the wall. Her ankles were undone and she was led by the nose out to the common area of the barn. The men had spread a large cloth over the floor and two ponies were in the middle of it. Maddy could see the forms of their pale white naked bodies and their melded mouths through the small holes in her hood. Their gags had been removed. They were kneeling, their chests pressed together, and were engaged in a passionate kiss, their blue, featureless, expressionless faces conjoined at the mouth. The men were seated around the ponies, laughing and joking as the ponies' mouths worked hungrily, their pretty pony breasts rubbing against each other's.

  When the men saw Maddy, they gave a little cheer of approval. One of the men rolled out a wooden frame. Maddy felt her self pushed down over onto it. Her torso was bent over on top of a three foot wide, padded board. There were round cut outs in it, placed strategically so that her melon sized breasts fell right through. Her legs were spread and her ankles affixed to the bottom corners of the frame. Her head went through a little slot, and her collar was tied in place.

  The finishing touch was when her gag was removed and a wide, rubber ring gag was forced into her mouth. Her collar kept her mouth poised at just the right angle for penetration.

  Maddy struggled at her confinements, frantic at the prospect of her impending gang rape. She felt a hand fondle her hairless nether lips, running a finger between them, coaxing her pussy to lubrication. One of the men stepped in front of her and withdrew his thick, turgid cock from his pants. He grabbed her long, chestnut colored ponytail and presented his hardened meat to her lips. Maddy's body tensed as she prepared to receive his thrust. All she could see of him was his manhood and his denim clothed legs, a pair of rough, khaki boots. He teased her by rubbing his cock along her distended lips. She heard that word again, 'molnya', mixed in with other unintelligible sounds.

  Behind her, the unknown hand that was manipulating her proffered sex, thrust its fingers deep within her. She gave an involuntary moan as her pussy welcomed the thick digits. The cock at her mouth pushed inwards, depressing her tongue. Futilely, bordering on panic, the young pony's body shook. The unknown man pushed his cock past the edge of her throat and descended within. She could feel her esophagus expand as it made way for the thick, hot meat. The man groaned with pleasure as he felt his prick enveloped.

  Maddy continued to be enflamed by the relentless hand at her pussy. She was utterly helpless to prevent her passion's rise. As her head was forcibly drawn slowly up and down on the cock that cruelly pierced her mouth, the hand behind her was removed. She felt a hardness press aside her nether lips and delve between them. Hands fastened themselves on her pale, round hindquarters. As the heat of the stiff cock mingled with hers, she moaned, in frustrated pleasure. The cock behind her slowly pressed on, dragging across her hardened clit, until she felt it buried inside her to the hilt.

  At the same time that her pussy sent a wave of lust through her, Maddy began to struggle for air. The cock in her throat slid slowly out, until its plump, round head passed over her lips once again. She was able to inhale deeply, before the stiff pole returned and was slowly edged down her throat.

  Maddy had never been fucked by two men at once before. She had heard of such things from girlfriends back in Cleveland, before she moved with her father south to Tennessee, who had "taken on" more than one young boy at a time. They had told her how their body felt totally filled and how their minds became overwhelmed with the sensations of servicing two hard, hot cocks at once. The now lust filled pony was reminded of their tales of promiscuity as the twin staffs probed deep inside her.

  The men were in no hurry. There was ample time. It was going to rain all day, and what else was there to do? They purposefully let their cocks linger in the warmth and tightness of Maddy's orifices. They could sense the building lust in her and it served as an enhancement to their own pleasure.

  Maddy's body now was trembling with passion. Her dangling breasts were aching and hard as they filled with her excited blood. Her bound hands clenched in frustration behind her. She yearned to meet the thrusts of the two men, to quicken their movements, to push her over the crest of pleasure. But the men were tantalizingly slow, taking their pleasure within her at their own pace. The lust filled pony dragged her tongue along the meat in her mouth as it slowly pierced the entrance to her throat and then just as slowly withdrew. Her mouth salivated, anxious for the salty taste of the man's discharge just as her pussy craved the splash of the hot seed of the man behind her. Suddenly, her body began to jerk and spasm as her pussy began its lustful contractions. "Gaaaaaaaaaa!" she exclaimed as the meat in her mouth distorted her passionate moan. Just as her orgasm reached its peak, she felt the man behind her quicken his pace, his urgency sparked by her display of lust. As his prick began to throb and pulse within her, her contractions began anew, driving her past all rationality. "Gaaaaaaaa! Gaaaaaaa!" she called out as wave after wave of ecstasy flowed through her.

  The man before her pressed his cock deeply inside her throat and groaned. His cock began to spasm as he dumped his load of hot spewm down her esophagus. The sensation of two pricks exploding within her at once drove Maddy wild. All the world seemed to pass away as her consciousness was overwhelmed by her pleasure. Never had she come so hard and for so long.

  The men, having had their way with the new ponygirl, withdrew themselves from her body. Her cunt yawned, empty, and her body regretted the cessation of its sexual torment. Her heart was beating wildly within her, and she panted breathlessly.

  Within a few moments, another pair of hot pricks beckoned at the doors of her body. Hard meat was again thrust into her mouth and into her sensitized pussy. Maddy groaned with completion as the cocks began to batter at her gates. These men, excited by the ardor raised in the bound and helpless pony, succumbed to their cock's needs and thru
st hard and ruthlessly into her. Once more, Maddy's body shivered and convulsed as hard jolts of electrified passion shot through her. When the men jetted their slimy discharges within her, Maddy screamed,

  For a while, Maddy was permitted to lie upon her little altar, to recover her senses. Slowly, she began to refocus on the world around her. Her platform was wheeled around and pointed at the two ponies who were still engaged in a passionate embrace on the barn floor. Through the tiny embrasures in her hood, Maddy could see that the lithe, young females had their faces buried in each other's quims and that their black booted feet and muscular legs were spasmodically jerking and pounding on the floor as they came. For a moment, the fillies slumped with bodily fulfillment. There was the sound of a whip and a dark, red blotch appeared on the hindquarters of the pony on top. Instantly, she buried her face anew between her partner's thighs and began to grind her pussy in the other pony's face.

  Just as the two ponies recommenced their consumption of each other's lust, Maddy felt two hot hands part the rear globes of her hindquarters. A hand dipped into her sopping cunt and, drawing from her a swipe of her viscous discharge, smeared it across the tiny aperture to her bowels. She felt the head of a rigid cock presented to the tiny star and begin to force its way inside. Although lubricated, her brown lips of her rear entrance were not yet used to the stretching force of a thick, hard cock, and her delicate tissues began to tear painfully. "Ough! Ough!" she called out as the pain shot through her, her ringed mouth unable to form words. As the man plowed her rear and the burning began to subside, the sensation of his cock drawing across the tender skin of her anal ring began to send shoots of pleasure to her loins. At the same time, Maddy's mind revolted at this act of sodomy, which had been darkly referred to by her parents and friends as a practice of extreme depravity. She hated her body for welcoming it and she helplessly kicked her bound feet and wrenched her confined torso in a futile attempt to expel the fat, hot intruder.


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