Norma Jean

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Norma Jean Page 6

by Amanda Heath

  He groans long and deep into my mouth as his hand moves from my thigh to under my dress. The trail of fire across my skin has me panting as he gets closer and closer to the place I want him most.

  Uncomfortable I decide to climb up into his lap so he can reach the heat between my legs easier. When I move I guess he breaks out of the spell we are in when we make out. It’s like there is no one else in the world but Chance and his lips. His hands. His body.

  I kind of shake my head to clear myself from the lust hazed fog, I shouldn’t let him get to me like this. Jesus. That was fucking hot. “Later, I promise.” he says as he kisses my neck.

  I make a sound of disappointment which only makes him chuckle. He is always laughing at me, which is kind of annoying especially when I’m not trying to be funny. I told him that once and he said I was being so cute he couldn’t help himself.

  Whatever. I’m not even a little bit cute.

  He backs the truck out of the driveway and head towards the school where the dance is being held. The gym is old as hell and has no air conditioning so I’m hating this shit already. The parking lot is full of cars when we get there and I literally groan. I really hate crowded spaces. Add the no AC and we are all going to stink in like twenty minutes! Eww.

  “We don’t have to stay long.” he says when he opens my door, seeing the look on my face.

  “Okay big foot.” I kiss his cheek since he did something sweet for me. He smacks me on the butt as I start to walk away and I stop. I look back at him and he has a sheepish grin on his face. I can’t help to smile back. That was new.

  “Smalls.” He grabs my hand as we head into the dance. As I predicted every senior and every junior are in the room. A lot of the girls are sweating off their makeup and look like crack whores. I find this totally funny.

  Chance pulls me towards a table in the back as we pass people dancing like idiots in the dark room. The only lights are hanging from the wall, plus the strobe lights flicking on the dance floor. They went for a club theme. How original.

  There is a punch bowl and snacks near the door and tables pushed back against the far wall for people to rest between dancing. I see Creed’s blonde hair peeking through a throng of people and I guess that is where Chance is heading. Creed at first was weird around me, but now he looks at me much the same way Chance does. And only when Chance won’t notice. So when we reach the table and he sees me, his jaw drops. Oh boy.

  “You look beautiful, Norma.” Creed says.


  It takes everything in me not to punch Creed. I honestly want to crunch his pretty face under my fist and watch it bleed. Does he not realize I see the way he looks at her? I thought we were better friends than that. I should have known the second I decided to have a girlfriend he would eye-fuck her all the time.

  Not that I blame him for that. She looks so goddamn gorgeous and I can’t seem to keep my hands off her. That dress makes her legs look killer and miles long. Her eyes have this mysterious sexy look about them and I don’t want to look away. Her hair falls around her face and its looks so fucking soft all I want to do is run my fingers through it.

  “Uh…thank you?” it sounds more like a question, and I feel myself calm down. She has no idea what’s going on in that head of his. If I didn’t love him like a brother, I wouldn’t put up with the fucked up individual that he is.

  I nod at the guys sitting around the table and pull Norma closer to me. “Dance?” I ask next to her ear. She smiles and nods so I lead her onto the dance floor. Leaving all the stuff I don’t want to deal with behind.

  “Creed has been acting weird.” she says to me as I wrap my arms around her waist. Hers go around my neck and we sway to the slow song playing. I can’t help myself as my hands wander down closer and closer to her ass.

  “He is weird.” is all I give her. I don’t want her to know how he is. The boy gets something in his head and he won’t let it go until he gets it. Right now he has Norma in there and I don’t like where his thoughts are. I’m not worried though, she would never do that to me.

  “Well there is that, I guess.” We don’t say anything else as she lays her head down on my shoulder. I take in her pomegranate smell and my dick twitches. Which is nothing new around this girl. She makes me so hard sometimes I don’t think I could ever make it go down.

  The past two months have been a dream come true. I thought if I could make her smile and be happy then I could make amends for what I put her through. It’s so much more than that though. It’s like when I do see her smile, I feel as if the entire world is at my feet. My body fills with so much warmth, I kind of think I might die. Somehow I went from only trying to fix things, to feeling complete. And that is what she does. She completes me.

  I snuggle in closer to her on the dance floor as I run memories of the last months through my head. I like how every time I take her somewhere new I learn so much about her. We went to a pet shop one day out of boredom and she was like a fat kid after donuts. She just had to play with the puppies and kittens. They had a spider and I totally freaked out but she reached right in its cage and picked it up. I found myself backing up and not stopping till I was really far away.

  One night we hung out at her moms and the banter between the two was strange yet adorable. They traded barbs and then they were laughing and being playful, all in the same sentence. If Norma’s hair was brown she would look actually like her mother. Let’s just say if she looks like her mom when she gets older, then I’ll have no complaints. I also met the snake, which was an interesting introduction to say the least. Rydstorm proceeded to wrap himself around my neck but he didn’t try to kill me. It’s an understatement that I didn’t freak completely out. That’s also where she told me he was named after a demon king in a Kresley Cole book. Whoever that is. Apparently she reads romance novels like nobody’s business.

  She also doesn’t just eat weird shit at Sonic. No she eats it anywhere she goes. I told her one night I would cook dinner for her, she agreed as long as she got to pick what we ate. Spaghetti, New England clam chowder, and pumpkin bread is what she picked. I’m still floored by that one. I made it all for her (with help from my mom of course). We went to the Mexican place one night and I thought for sure she couldn’t weird me out there but no I was wrong. The mixing her queso and salsa wasn’t weird it was the taco salad, extreme nachos, and a sopa with guacamole. I’m still not over that one.

  My favorite experience though was just last week. I had no idea that Norma could sing. So imagine my surprise when I heard this beautiful voice come from Macy’s room. It was time for her nap and since she started teething it has been hard to get her to sleep. The words of Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus coming out in her angel like voice has me seeing things and wishing things I shouldn’t at 18 years old. Like her singing that to a little brown hair violet eyed girl. It’s also when I realized I was so in love with her I don’t think I would ever exist without her. And this is really deep for me, let alone someone my age. I kind of didn’t know what to do with it.

  Being here at the prom with Norma, is unlike anything I could have imagined. I was honestly surprised that she agreed to go with me. But I’m not complaining.

  After the song ends I nuzzle her ear and feel the resulting shiver and smile. “Want to get out of here?” I whisper into that ear as I suck on the lobe.

  “Yeah.” She whispers back arching her neck into my lips.

  “Good.” I say pulling her along through all the other dancers and towards the door.

  Since both of our moms took off tonight to be there to see us off, we can’t go home. So I rented a hotel room. Which isn’t as sleazy as it sounds. Most of our grade rented out the same hotel. I’m sure it will turn into one big party, most likely busted up by the cops.

  We make it to the truck in record time mostly because I’m practically running. Norma’s heels clinch against the pavement as she hurries to keep up with me. We talked about the hotel room of course. I told her it didn�
�t mean anything, hell we could go there and sleep till the morning and I would be fine. Just as long as she is with me. I feel the time we have is getting shorter by the minute. I’ll be headed to Fayetteville really soon and since she isn’t going to college, I don’t know where that leaves us.

  It’s hard to believe that tomorrow I won’t be in high school anymore. I’ll be an adult or what society considers an adult. I won’t have to put up with high school drama and immature assholes. The only thing that really sucks is the fact I’ll be away from Norma, my mom and Macy. My three best ladies.

  I open the truck door for Norma and help her get in. I speed walk to the drivers side door and hurriedly climb in. I notice she is all the way on the other side. I put my hand on her warm thigh and pull her right next to me. I don’t think I could make it to the hotel if she wasn’t close to me.

  “You’re excited tonight.” She murmurs lacing her fingers with mine on her thigh.

  “I get you all to myself. All night.” She chuckles and I soak in the sound. God I love that sound.

  Her head lays down on my shoulder and she sighs. “Can you believe we won’t be in high school any more after tomorrow?”

  “No. Doesn’t seem like the day would ever come. Can’t wait though.” We settle into a silence as the trucks bumps down the road.

  The hotel is quiet when we arrive but I doubt it stays that way much longer. Our room is on the top floor and I feel myself get nervous. I want tonight to be the night. I want to tell her I’m in love with her. I’m no good with my emotions or my words, so this is starting to feel impossible.

  I slip the plastic card into the door and wait for the light to turn green. When it does I open the door and pull Norma in. I never stopped holding her hand and I don’t think I ever will. It feels so right to walk around like that. Neither one of us leading the other, just walking hand in hand.

  I see her take in the generic room which I’m sure looks like every other room in this place. If not every other hotel there ever was. She looks nervous when she sees the bed. She bites her lip and her breathing is labored. When her violet eyes meet mine, I see the lust swirl around in their depths and I know right then and there, I will always want her. I will always want her to look at me like that.

  I didn't know how else to show her how I feel. So I kissed her like I could imprint myself on her soul. Like time had stopped and I could go on forever. Like I couldn't be without her. But mostly like I loved her. There is no one else on this earth for me, but Norma Jean.

  She clutches onto my shoulders as I devour her mouth. Our tongues dance and our bodies mold together. It’s heaven and it’s hell. I’m so turned on but I don’t want to push her. Then she takes the decision away from me. I’m being backed up towards the bed.

  I feel myself fall as she pushes me down and then she is straddling my hips and her lips are back on mine. She starts trying to take my jacket off and it feels different. Others times we go slower, there’s no rush. Right now it’s like she can’t get me undressed fast enough.

  So I decide to go with it and sit up to take off my jacket. My bow tie and shirt are next. I pull the zipper down on the side of Norma’s dress. Before long we are naked and I’ve never felt anything so good in my life. I touch her any and everywhere that I can. After a while I run my fingers between her legs and find her ready for me. She lets out the sweetest moan, and I feel like I’m gonna blow.

  I reach over the side of the bed and pull out the condom I put in my wallet just in case. It’s ripped and then it’s on. I’m hovering over her and her arms are pulling me down to kiss her lips. Then I’m entering her and it’s the most amazing thing I have ever felt. She cries out and I stop. “Its fine, big foot. Keep going.” So I do.

  Afterwards we are lying on the bed face to face staring at each other. I hope what I see in her eyes is what I think it means. But I’m not jumping the gun on this. She has to say it first. I just know that she would freak out and run if I said it right now.

  She finally sits up in the bed and the white sheet falls around her waist. I turn onto my back and throw my hands behind my head. I stare at the most beautiful creature and I wait with bated breath for what she is going to say.

  Chapter 6


  Losing your virginity fucking hurts. I don’t care what I’ve read in romance novels. Though it was beautiful. He even tried to stop but it was done and no need to be unfinished. While messy and painful I wouldn’t change it for the world. I also realized something about myself.

  I’m in love with him.

  I’m in love with the only person I ever hated.

  It’s sick really. And I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that I fell in love with someone who used to verbally abuse me, or that he fell for the girl who showed him a lie. I’m not this girl he sees when he looks at me. I’m not nice, sexy, or emotionally stable.

  What you see isn’t what I am, I swear it. I still can’t look myself in the mirror. I only see huge angry bumps that will never go away. They will always haunt who I am, make me do crazy things. Like setting out to ruin this boy. Who showed me a side of him that I didn’t know was in there. That boy who messed me up doesn’t exist anymore. He was so young at the time and it is amazing that he pulled himself out of his father’s shadow. He became a good person instead of going down that path.

  I’ve only met Mr. Duncan once, and that was when Chance took me to dinner at his house about 4 weeks ago. I will never go back. His new wife is like 25, which is disgusting. The only words that came out of his mouth were hurtful and insulting. Chance can’t do this and can’t do that. When it’s so clear he doesn’t know his own son at all. I think the divorce was the best thing that ever happened to Chance.

  So here I am sitting in this hotel bed with the white sheets around my waist and one arm crossed over my breasts. While Chance lounges around with his arms behind his head and his perfect body mostly on display. His face is satisfied and lazy. The joy radiating out of him is almost more than I can bare. How could I have decided to destroy him? That puts me right up there with his father. He doesn’t deserve what I wanted to do to him.

  “I love you big foot.” I whisper. He deserves my love, not my revenge. The boy who deserves that doesn’t exist anymore. I’m happy I opened my eyes before I did anything stupid.

  He sits up so fast I’m pretty sure he pulled something. The smile on his face is contagious and I find myself looking into his beautiful hazel eyes and returning that smile. “I love you too, smalls.” he whispers before crushing his lips against mine. It’s sweet and heartwarming. I never want to let it go.


  When I open my eyes early the next morning, I feel this overwhelming sense of peace. I’m happy for the first time I think since I was a little girl. Chance is spooned against my back and his arm is resting over my hip. His hand is curved around my other hip and I feel safe.

  “Morning.” he whispers into my ear, kissing the shell.

  “Morning.” I say back as I roll over to face him.

  My heart stops as I take in his rumpled hair and sleepy eyes. Stubble appears on his face but it does nothing to hide the lazy grin he throws my way as he leans in to kiss my lips softly. Tingles shoot all over my body and I bite my lip when he pulls away. “We have to get going.” he says almost wistful.

  “I know.” And I sigh because I want to stay with him here forever. I kiss his cheek before getting up out of the bed. The place between my legs is sore, in a good way though. I only hope I don’t walk around funny. That would be news worthy “Local high school graduate, who just lost virginity, limps as she walks across the stage to accept diploma.”

  “You okay?” he asks as he watches me walk funny across the room.

  “Yeah. Just sore. I’ll take a bath when I get home. It should help.” I grin at him and pick up my dress from beside the bed on the floor.

  “Okay.” He rises then and I have this need to push him back on that bed and take full advantage of that b
ody. His muscles ripple with his movements and the tingle is back. All that fine piece of man is mine. No one else’s. I can’t even believe it.

  It also has the strange effect on me that no one else has seen him like this. Just me. Yeah I freaking love it. “Your phone.” he says breaking into my staring.

  I guess I didn’t hear it going off staring at him like that. I take a peek at his face and yup he’s looking really cocky. “Shut up.” I say laughing and picking up my phone.

  It’s my mom probably wondering where the hell I am. “What’s up?” I asks as I cradle the phone to my ear and pull the zipper on my dress.

  “Did you have fun? I hope not too much fun. I don’t want to be a grandmother at 34.” She says it teasingly but if she only knew. Luckily Chance isn’t retarded and used a condom. Not that I would let him anywhere near my vagina without one.

  “Yes I had fun. And no not too much fun. We are fixing to leave so I’ll see you in little bit.” I pick my shoes up and sit on the end of the bed to put them on.

  “Okay hurry. Your dad is here and wants to take you out for breakfast.” My shoes make a thumping noise as they hit the ground. I didn’t even realize I dropped them.

  “You asked him to come?” I can’t believe that she would do that. Now I have to play nice with the man who donated his sperm for my creation. Joy.

  “No, he showed up about 30 minutes ago. Your Grammy told him. She knew we wouldn’t invite him.” Damn Grammy. That woman is always in other people’s business. She shouldn’t have invited him, he did knock up her youngest child at 16 and then barely paid attention to me or my mother.

  “Well I shall have a nice word with Grammy.” I hang up the phone and fall back onto the bed.


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