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Page 14

by Madeleine Oh

  Sounded easy enough, but the mattress gave under her weight, the movement sending the pearls swinging and pulling at her nipples. They must have tugged her nipples before, but she’d been too wound up with his touch and the caress of the whip to notice.

  Turning onto her back swung the pearls harder.

  “Alright?” Alan asked at once. She hadn’t realized he’d been watching her that closely and saw her wince.

  “They pull when I move.”

  “They hurt?”

  Truth needed here. “Not hurt exactly but they’re bothersome.”

  “Want them off?”

  He was asking? Yes. Now she had to decide. “Please.”

  “Alright love, let’s make a switch. I take them off and put on a blindfold instead.”

  She looked sideways at the silk scarf dangling from his hand. How would it feel to be helpless in the dark? Her pussy had a pretty clear idea! Was she nuts? She trusted Alan and that was that.

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  Chapter Twelve

  He didn’t have to look quite so pleased, or did he? Gently he eased a ring off her left nipple. The other he tugged and made her wince, so he kissed it better. “They may not be the thing for you,” he said. “We’ll experiment and see what you like, I like, and I can teach you to like. For now, let’s see how you respond to bondage.”

  She made herself go limp as he tied her right hand to the bed-head, leaving a little slack. She could move, but only a few inches. As she tested the limits of movement, Alan grabbed her left wrist and tied that down so her arms were spread wide. After tugging both knots, to make sure they were secure, presumably, he sat on the side of the bed, and ran his hand over her face, down her throat and over her breasts, pausing with his fingers splayed over her belly. “Feeling alright?”

  Hotter than Hades! “Wondering what comes next.”

  His raised eyebrow, and his slow, considered, “Oh, really?” had her questioning the wisdom of her cheeky mouth. He traced slow circles over her belly. “Wondering are you, Jane? Better ease your uncertainty, hadn’t I?” He moved fast to the end of the bed, and grabbed the ribbons from her ankles. In seconds, he twisted both ribbons around the posts at the foot of the bed, and tied her securely with a nice, neat knot.

  “There we are!” He smiled. “You’re helpless now, my love. Apart from a little leeway I was good enough to allow you to avoid cramps, you can’t move, can’t sit up, can’t turn over, can’t do anything but lie there and take whatever I choose to do with you!”

  He bent over and as he stood upright, held the wicked, black leather whip.

  “No!” she cried out, panic rising. “Not that!”

  “Oh yes,” he replied, cracking it in the air.

  The sound sent her pussy flowing, the prospect made her stomach clench and the look in his eye sent a thrill of horror racing. “No!” she yelled, tugging at her wrists. He was damn right! She was helpless and he loomed over her with a whip like an evil ringmaster. She tugged again, just in case, and got the distinct impression she was tightening the knots. “Alan!”

  He moved to the side of the bed, his hand stroking her face until she calmed. “It’s alright, Jane, my love. It’s alright. Want to use your safeword? That’s what it’s for.”

  Did she? “No.” She didn’t sound that sure even to herself.

  “Sure, dear? You do remember your safeword?”

  “Yes. Jane Winston.”

  “Good, Jane,” He brushed his lips over her cheek. “I promise not to harm you. You don’t like my heavy whip do you?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Jane, but you are going to feel it on your skin.”

  She’d not thought it possible to go cold and hot at the same time. She’d been dead wrong. Jane shuddered as sweat broke out over her face.

  “You worry too much, dear,” Alan wiped off her face with a hand towel from the bedside table, “You will learn to trust me and accept what I want. There’s no need to think, worry or try to second-guess what I’ll do. All you have to do is submit.”

  Maybe it was his gentle voice, the touch of his hand on her face or the sheer proximity of male chest, male voice, male scent and male strength, but she nodded. Hell! She even smiled at him, meeting his eyes as she forced her body to relax, accept and wait.

  His right arm moved. Seeing the heavy black handle in his hand, she bit back her protest and waited, willing the desire to overcome the fear and mounting dread.

  Alan wound the black leather tails over his hand, so a large loop of plaited leather curled from one side of his closed fist to the other. “Steady, Jane,” he said as stroked the leather over each breast and down her belly.

  She shut her eyes, to better lose herself in the strange and unfamiliar caress. If this was all he was going to do, she’d have no complaints! Over her belly he stroked, brushing the tops of her thighs, down to her bound ankles, and up along the inside of her legs, pressing the leather into the cleft of her pussy lips, before easing down the other thigh to her ankle.

  “Like that?”

  “Yes!” she exhaled, unaware she’d held her breath.

  “So, Jane, you like the nasty, scary whip, do you? Like the feel of the hard, plaited leather against your tender skin?”

  “Yes, I do!” And what’s more, wanted more of it. She was nuts but didn’t care. She just needed more.

  “Good! I knew you’d see reason.” He stood up, uncoiled the whip and cracked it in the air.

  He stifled her shriek with his mouth. Pressing his lips on hers until she calmed. “Hush, love,” he whispered into her mouth. “You’ve got to get used to this. It’s one of my favorite toys. I love the sound of it.”

  “I don’t!”

  He lifted his mouth away, but kept his chest pressed into hers, pinning her down. “Whether you like it or not, has nothing to do with it, Jane. I like it and you will learn to like it. I’m going to get you used to it and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  His last few words seemed to rattle in her mind. How right he was! She could do nothing. Nothing at all. A sweet shudder of anticipation rippled from her shoulders to her hips. Jane looked up at Alan’s dark eyes and sighed.

  “Brace yourself, Jane!” The mattress dipped to one side as he stood on the bed, and then stepped astride her. His strong legs seemed to go up forever. At this angle, he seemed bigger, more powerful and far, far sexier than ever. She inhaled deeply and caught the scent of aroused male.

  “Ready, Jane?” What the hell for? She knew enough not to say it aloud, but as if he’d read her thoughts, he replied. “This!” and raised the whip.

  She should be terrified, fighting the bonds, yelling the dratted safeword or…waiting with shallow breathing as he raised his right arm, lifting the nasty tail off the bed. Was this how a mouse felt when faced with a snake, or a small creature caught in an owl’s claws? The oddest calm enveloped her as the tail rose higher and with a flick of his wrist, it came down, the knotted tip resting between her breasts.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled very, very slowly.

  The tip of the whip circled each nipple, before tracing the rise and curve of each breast, ending in a neat figure eight before trailing down her sternum. Stimulating her belly, in a slow, precise, spiral that finished with the knotted tip in her naval.

  Alan!” she gasped as a swift adjustment of his wrist brought the tip to the topmost point of her slit.

  “Like it?”


  He threw back his head and laughed, the shaking of his body, shifting the knot lower. Jane tilted her hips to move it just that little bit lower so it brushed her clit, and damn him, he whisked it away.

  “Jane, Jane, Jane,” he tutted, shaking his head. “Good little submissives don’t try to get what they want. They wait until it’s given to them.”

  Maybe, but she wasn’t feeling like a good little submissive. Horny woman was a hell of a lot more accurate. Jane shut her ey
es, took another deep breath and willed herself to be patient.

  “Like the dark do you, dear? That’s right, you agreed to blindfolding, didn’t you?”

  Obviously a rhetorical question. Alan jumped off the bed, grabbed a scarf and in moments, a double band of purple silk blocked out most of Jane’s vision. Fringes of light seeped around the edges of the blindfold, but that was it. She wasn’t just in bondage, she was blind to the world, unable to even guess what was coming next.

  Warm oil in a thin stream ran between her breasts and down her rib cage. Alan’s strong hands smoothing it over her breasts and across her belly. She sensed he was between her legs. A thigh nudged hers, or was it a knee? And a soft flutter of silk brushed her skin. More shifting as Alan moved on the bed. He breathed on her skin and it heated up, warmed wherever his breath touched—across her belly, over her breasts, around her nipples and slowly but certainly down over her navel, to the top of her pussy.

  He had her sighing and moaning, fighting to keep herself from arching her hips to meet his mouth. “Like that do you?”


  “Want more?”

  Jane paused, suspecting a trick question. “I want whatever you will give me.”


  The mattress tipped to one side, but Alan was still between her legs. He’d reached for something perhaps? His fingers parted her pussy. Jane sighed in anticipation of his kiss, relaxing on the pillow as he held her pussy lips open and shoved something cold and hard deep in her cunt. It was the red glass dildo.

  Her gasp gave way to little sighs of delight as he worked the cold glass back and forth, as his thumb put gentle pressure on her clit. She was ready to go into orbit. Her hips rocked in the rhythm of his thrusts, her senses concentrating on the depths in her body and the hard intrusion that filled her with joy. She wanted Alan fucking her, yes, but this was different—glass hard and cold, but slowly warming with the friction of her body.

  “Good, Jane, my sweet horny love. Go, go, take it all!” With this permission, she rocked faster now, shifting her hips and using the slack in her arms to arch her back. It was tremendous, wonderful! Her sighs came faster and louder as her arousal peaked. Alan’s hand descended warm and flat on her belly, holding her to the bed. As swiftly as he’d inserted it, he withdrew the dildo, leaving her empty, bereft and aching with unfulfilled need.

  “Alan!” she yelled but didn’t care, “Why did you stop?!”

  “Because it’s not time for you to come yet. There’s more.”

  His shoulders brushed her thighs, pushing her legs farther apart. He held her wide open, his warm breath brushed her cunt lips. She was gritting her teeth, clenching her fists, anticipating, longing for the supreme kiss that never came. “Please,” she begged, “Alan, please!”

  “Please what, Jane?”

  “Kiss me!”


  He dropped a soft kiss on the inside of her thigh. “That’s not what I want!” His hand closed over her thigh. What now? Damn the blindfold and the wretched restraints! She yanked her arms and grunted.

  “Jane, relax. You’ll get what you want but only if you settle down. You’ll get nothing if you carry on like this.”

  She bit back the recommendation that he go to hell. She wanted more, needed more, was hurting deep inside and Alan was the only one who could ease her raging desire. With a whimper she made her body calm, forced her hips to settle on the bed, let her arms go limp against the restraints and waited. Listening to her heartbeat and the sound of her own breathing.

  How long she waited, she’d never know—thirty seconds, a minute, ten… She just lay there, trusting Alan not to leave her like this, knowing he’d promised her satisfaction. Another deep breath, and something warm and soft wafted over her right arm. Another silk scarf? The furry flogger? It was too light for the fur. Again it came, down her left arm, over her breast, up and down the inside of one leg, then the other. Whatever it was, it was marvelous, stimulating her skin and triggering gentle sensation. So different from the oil and the after-warmth, less intense than the whip, but nonetheless rekindling her arousal. Each touch making it harder and harder to stay still until she let her body rock with the sweet touch.

  He stopped, again. She bit back the protest, pulling her muscles tight as she made herself lie there and wait.

  “Brilliant, Jane! Absolutely bloody brilliant! You can do it! You’re magnificent. Keep that control and you’ll get your reward!”

  His praise worked more like an aphrodisiac than a calmant, but what matter! Soon he’d give her what she wanted. Hell! What they both wanted. He had to be as aroused as she.

  Damn he was! His erection brushed her belly as his mouth closed over her breast. The sigh wasn’t hers. The next was though. His tongue teased her nipple as his breath reheated the remaining oil.

  “Oh! Alan,” she murmured, “you’re wonderful!”

  “Flattery will get you everything, my love, even a nice hard fuck!”

  “Please!” At that promise, her hips rocked, pressing her belly into his erection. Hard! The man was like rock! Perhaps it hadn’t been the dildo after all. Except Alan’s cock was never that cold.

  “You’re such a nice-mannered submissive, Jane.”

  Damn! He moved again. Why now?

  With a gasp, she knew why. His mouth closed on her clit and this time she did leave the bed. Only his hands on her hips held her still. It was glorious, wonderful, incredible! His tongue darting and flicking drove her higher and higher. She wanted him inside, but she’d not complain about climaxing like this. Her back arched. A succession of grunts and moans eased from deep in her lungs until he lifted his mouth off. “Not yet.”

  “Alan, I’m ready. I’m on the point of coming!”

  “Jane, you’re not ready. You need more. Trust me.”

  “Alan, I want your cock in me! Hard!” She was all but shouting and didn’t give a damn. This was torture!

  He pulled the blindfold off. As she blinked in the light, he loomed over her. “Jane, let’s get this straight. I decide when you’re ready and I say you’re not!”

  The wail seemed driven by the throb in her clit and the ache in her cunt, but he didn’t budge a millimeter. “I can see, Jane, I’m going to have to teach you patience. For that noise, you’re going to wait even longer.”

  “That’s not fair!”

  “Who said anything about fair? You accept, just as right now, you suck my cock.” Alan shifted forward on his knees, straddling her chest and pulled his cock from the dark silk. Her tongue licking her lips was pure reflex. “Open wide!”

  She needed no second bidding. Lifting her head, she took him deep. His hands supporting her neck as her lips and tongue worked him. Lying there, bound and helpless, with her lover’s cock seated deep between her lips, her body sang, her cunt flowed and the deep thrill in her clit flared throughout her belly. She held Alan’s cock between her lips, his power and strength against her tongue and she was his, utterly and completely his.

  “Enough, Jane. Can’t have you coming just yet.”

  She really didn’t see why not, but wisely kept that to herself. At least she could see him now, but that stirred her need even more. She looked at up him, feasting her eyes on his face, his wicked smile and the beauty of his body, not forgetting the magnificent cock that stood proud and hard. She longed to reach out, and curl her hand over hard flesh, and smooth her fingers through the curls at his groin but she was tied secure and helpless. That thought sent her senses into overdrive. “I love you, Alan! I love you!”

  “I love you too, Jane, but you still have to wait.”

  “I need you!” Damn him! Couldn’t he see that?

  “I know you do, dear, but it’ll do you good to wait. I’ll let you know when I decide you’re ready.” Two fingers thrust deep in her cunt. If he didn’t see she was ready, he was barking! No, he was driving her wild.

  She tossed from side to side on the pillow as his fingers pumped her. As h
er need rose once again. His thumb brushed her clit and she let out a slow sigh. “Yes,” she whispered as his fingers continued their rhythm, easing her up the peak of her desire. His sweet stimulation drove her higher and higher until it all came together—her body and her mind linked with her need and she was reaching, ready to… “Damn, you!”

  He pulled out yet again. Jane cussed and swore and the only thing that stopped her spitting was his hand on her mouth.

  “Do I have to gag you, love?”

  She sobbed into his hand unable to form the words, incapable of thought. Every nerve ending hurt. Her entire body was primed to climax and he denied her.

  Alan wiped the tears from her eyes. “Wonderful and mine. You know that, don’t you, Jane? You’re mine, my captive, my love prisoner, my submissive, my sex toy. Everything I have and need is here in bed with me.”

  She was not in the mood for sweet talk. She needed a good frigging!

  “I know, darling.” His kiss was slow, deep and gentle. “Now, Jane…” He stood up beside the bed. If he was walking out on her, she’d… He wasn’t! In seconds, he stripped off his boxers and was back between her legs, kneeling between her thighs, lifting her hips and driving into her with force and love.

  Her sigh was a slow keening as he eased his cock deep into her cunt. “This what you want, Jane?”

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” As he drove in deep, pumping with all his strength, her cries echoed off the low ceiling. Jane lost track of place and time. She arched her back, wanting to take all of him into her cunt. She wanted his heart, his soul, his mind, all of them penetrating her, spilling power into her, driving his love deep into her soul and his will into her mind.

  She was shouting, screaming her love. The power between them mounted and peaked. His thrusts deepened and increased. Alan grunted once, twice, three times. Jane screamed as her orgasm burst, shattering into shards of pure ecstasy and joy.

  His climax broke seconds after hers, yanking her sated mind and body even higher, until she collapsed into a sweaty heap of happy woman, with the weight of her powerful lover pressing her into the rumpled bed.


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