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Page 17

by Madeleine Oh

  Michael chuckled, a deep rumble vibrating through his chest. “Take off your bra.”

  Sassy’s quivering fingers fumbled with the hooks, the simple action taking far longer than normal. Finally, the clasp gave way, and she tore it from her shoulders and flung the offending garment across the room.

  Michael’s head dipped and he kissed first one swollen nipple, then the other. Sassy moaned and clutched his dark head to her breast as his tongue and teeth tugged her nipple into his mouth then closed firmly around it.

  Her legs trembled, no longer able to support her weight, and she collapsed against the iron strength of his thigh. His fingers stroked and fondled her inner chamber as his mouth claimed mastery over her breasts. She was his, completely and utterly, to do with as he would. She had no thoughts left, lost in the pleasure his skillful actions were giving her.

  Dimly, she registered a change in position. Her feet were no longer on the floor. Instinctively, she locked her legs around his waist.

  Michael continued to stroke and caress her, his fingers reaching deep inside her, as he carried her across the room. She felt leather against her ass and the back of her thighs, and released his waist.

  “Lie back,” he whispered.

  His words made no sense to her, sound without meaning. Fortunately he understood her problem, and used his free hand to press her shoulders back, until she was lying on the leather table, her legs dangling over the end.

  Michael withdrew his fingers, making her gasp at the sudden loss and emptiness.

  He chuckled again. “Hungry, are you? We can fix that.”

  She heard foil tearing, and the spurt of lubrication. Then he was thrusting a thick, condom-covered dildo inside her. Her vagina clenched and released over and over as she struggled to take all of it inside her. She gasped and moaned, but he skillfully avoided touching her clit or moving the dildo enough to give her relief.

  Sassy’s head whipped from side to side, her fingers digging against the padded leather surface of the table. She pulsed, aching, needing more but not knowing what she needed, only that Michael could give it to her.

  He gripped her chin, stilling her restless thrashing, and forcing her to look at him.

  “How do you like it?” he asked.

  “What?” She blinked, trying to focus on his face.

  Michael smiled, and stroked her cheek. “I should have asked you this earlier, when you could still think clearly. What turns you on the most? What toys do you want me to use, where, and how hard?”

  “I don’t know.” Sassy writhed on the table, trying to move against the dildo that was filling but not satisfying her.

  Michael put a hand on her hip, holding her still. “No. No more until you talk to me.”

  “But I don’t know what to say! I’ve never done this before.”

  His thumb had been idly caressing her hip as he held her down, but now his hand froze. “This is your first time as a submissive?”



  She blinked and forced herself to focus on his face. Was he mad at her? Worse yet, was he not going to finish what they’d started?

  “Please, Michael,” she begged. “Don’t stop now.”

  He chuckled again, but it had a bitter edge to it. “I have no intention of stopping. You’ve just made things a little more challenging. Fortunately for you, I love a challenge.”

  His thumb resumed the slow caress of her hip, stroking up and down the sensitive crease of skin leading to her groin.

  “You know how this works? About safe words?”

  Sassy nodded, eager for him to continue. His gentle caress stopped just shy of tickling her, sending shivers of reaction through her vagina, seizing and releasing the motionless dildo. The promise of more made her body ache with need, hot lubricant dripping between her legs in a futile effort to encourage the dildo to slide back and forth within her.

  “If I do anything you don’t like, you stop me by saying your full name. No matter how much you beg me to stop, if you don’t use your name, I’ll think it’s part of the scene you’re playing. You understand?”


  “How will you stop me?”

  “I’ll say Sasha Davidovitch.”

  Michael smiled, his eyelids lowered in an expression of supreme contentment.

  “Very good…Sasha.”

  Belatedly, Sassy remembered she’d told him her name was Alexandra. But that wouldn’t work as a safe word. Only her mother ever called her Alexandra. She’d been Sasha, or the variant nickname Sassy, since she was old enough to express an opinion. In the heat of passion, that was the name she’d use.

  Michael stepped away from her, opening and closing drawers. When he returned, he had a riding crop tucked in the belt of his pants, and held two small black and silver metal objects in his hands.

  “Nipple clips,” he told her. He watched her face as he demonstrated how the tiny screws moved the two pieces closer together and held them a set distance apart.

  Sassy licked her suddenly dry lips, and swallowed. Her breasts already ached for his touch, for his mouth and teeth and tongue. Would the nipple clips be as unfulfilling as the dildo, a teasing presence that stoked her body’s fires higher without giving any relief? Or would they be the things that finally sent her over the edge? And what was he planning to do with that riding crop?

  He cupped her left breast in his palm, flicking his thumb back and forth across her nipple. Flame shot through her body, and she arched her hips, bearing down on the dildo.

  “Please,” she begged.

  Michael was in no hurry, teasing and tweaking her nipple with his fingers and thumb, then leaning down to take her in his mouth and use his teeth on her. Sassy gasped and moaned, each touch driving her higher. She writhed and wriggled, bucking her hips and arching her back, straining toward a release that was infuriatingly out of reach.

  She felt the firm grip of the plastic surrounding her nipple, pressing tighter and tighter as Michael turned the screws. A high-pitched whine echoed through her ears, and she realized it was coming from her own throat. With a final twist of the screws, the clamp latched on to her nipple, tighter than any of Michael’s previous touches.

  Sassy cried out in joyful release as the orgasm ripped through her, her hips bouncing on the table with uncontrollable spasms. The dildo slipped partway out of her relaxed muscles, and the feel of it sliding over her entrance was enough to start the cycle of tension all over again. Her muscles clenched around it, trapping it from escaping, and she whimpered.


  “You liked that,” Michael said softly, tapping the clip and sending another wave of fire through her. He reached between her legs to grasp the protruding end of the dildo, sliding it further out, then thrusting it fully inside her again.

  Sassy moaned, arching into the thrust. Her muscles tightened, holding the welcome pressure of the dildo deep within her, even as she pulsed in time to the throbbing heat coming from her clamped nipple.

  When Michael cupped her other breast, the anticipation nearly undid her. She whimpered and whined, urging him to fasten the second clamp. In response, he toyed with and teased her breast and nipple until she thought she’d go insane with need. Finally, when she could no longer see through the haze of desire clouding her vision, he tightened the clamp around her swollen nipple.

  Sassy held her breath as the two sides of the clamp moved closer and closer, her body humming with anticipation. Would it be as good as the first one? Could it be?

  Then the clamp bit down on her, hitting the flashpoint and triggering another full-body orgasm. Her chest arched up, her neck bending back, as her hips bounced and trembled in a wet wave of fulfillment.

  Again, the dildo slid partially out of her loosened grasp, and again, Michael teased her body with it before sheathing it fully inside her again.

  “Oh,” she whispered. “That was… I… You… Wow.”

  “That’s just the beginning. I’m still warm
ing you up.”

  Sassy whimpered. She’d had two of the strongest orgasms of her life, and her body ached for more. How much farther could Michael take her? What would the final release be like?

  Gently, he rolled her over, positioning her so that her feet were once again on the floor, and she was bent across the table. The leather tabletop pressed against her swollen, clamped nipples, sending another wave of fire through her, and she let out a shuddering moan.

  Michael’s hands glided over her back, her hips, her thighs, and her ass, stroking and caressing as he arranged her body to his satisfaction. He nudged her thighs further apart, lowering her hips a fraction of an inch and brushing the base of the dildo against the solid bulk of the table.

  Sassy moaned, and rocked her hips forward, pressing the dildo against the hungry walls of her vagina.

  “No!” Michael snapped.

  She froze. She didn’t want to displease Michael. If he wasn’t happy, he’d stop doing the wonderful things he was doing to her body, and she’d never find fulfillment.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “What did I do wrong?”

  He fondled her ass, arousing her and assuring her that he was not unhappy at the same time. “You’re not allowed to pleasure yourself. All your pleasure comes from me.”


  “Say it, Sasha.”

  “All my pleasure comes from you.” As she said the words, she knew they were true. This is what she’d been missing with her previous lovers. They’d used each other to find their own pleasure. No one had ever been responsible solely for finding and giving her pleasure.

  She tensed, suddenly afraid of the other half of that equation. Was she responsible for giving Michael his pleasure? She didn’t know what to do. Would he be dissatisfied? Would he want nothing more to do with her?

  Sassy was cruising without a road map, here. He had destroyed her preconceptions of what it meant to be a submissive. She’d thought it would involve pretending she didn’t have opinions, or allowing a man to feel important by ordering her about. Maybe even getting tied up during sex, or playing a kinky Red Riding Hood meets the Big Bad Wolf game. But this was so far outside of her experience that she had no idea what he expected of her.

  She choked back a tearful moan.

  Michael’s touch softened, moving up to gently circle her back. “Sasha? What’s wrong?”

  “You do please me. You do! But I’m not doing anything to please you. You won’t be happy with me. You won’t—”

  “Sh.” He continued stroking her back. “Turn your head this way.”

  She complied, resting her cheek against the warm leather of the table. She blinked, clearing her vision, and focused on Michael’s face. He was smiling softly, almost indulgently.

  “Pleasing you is pleasing me. See the evidence yourself.”

  She lowered her gaze, to where his erection tented the front of his pants. He hadn’t been hard like that when they’d entered the room. Pleasing her really was pleasing him.

  As the tension eased out of her, he increased the pressure of his hand against her back, driving her into the padded leather of the table. Her nipples, hard and swollen from the nipple clamps, erupted in twin flames. She clenched tightly around the dildo, almost but not quite finding another release.

  She screamed, “Michael!”

  The front of his pants rippled as his cock jumped in response to her scream.

  “You’re beautiful, Sasha.” His touch turned gentle again, stroking the sides of her chest, then dipping below and sliding his hands between her body and the leather table to fondle her swollen breasts.

  Sassy whimpered, arching her torso upward to give him free rein with her breasts. She wanted him to touch her nipples again, but didn’t want the soft caresses to end. Although it didn’t matter what she wanted. Michael would do whatever he pleased to her. And she’d love it.

  He touched the clamps again, delicately, and she moaned with pleasure. Then he loosened the screws, releasing the clamps from her nipples so that her blood flowed once again. Red-hot knives driven into her chest would hurt less. She howled, instinctively rising to clutch her injured flesh.

  Michael caught her arms and held her down on the table, pressing kisses to her shoulders and back until she soothed. Her breasts still throbbed, but the immediate pain was gone.

  “It only hurts for a moment,” he assured her. “But your nipples will stay extremely sensitive for much longer.”

  Releasing her arms, he slipped his hands around to her front and cupped her breasts again. He brushed his thumbs across her nipples, the barest whisper of a caress.

  Sassy moaned, flames pulsing and shooting through her at his touch.

  “Better now?” he asked.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  He chuckled. “Good. But you’ve got a very strong flinch reaction. We’ll have to take care of that.”

  He released her breasts and stepped away. She felt the heat of his presence by her hips, then heard a rasp of fabric, followed by a metallic click. Something soft touched her lower back. Before she could figure out what it was, Michael tightened the strap, belting her securely to the table.

  A tremor rippled through her. Now she really was at his mercy. She couldn’t get away even if she wanted to.

  He slipped a pair of padded jogger’s wristbands on her arms, then pulled her arms forward, not straight over her head but far enough that she was stretched across the table. He expertly attached the bands with other straps, binding her arms and upper body in place. Belatedly, she realized they weren’t regular wristbands, but some kind of extremely comfortable manacles.

  Behind her, out of her range of vision, she heard the tear of foil, followed by the rasp of his zipper, indicating that he was putting on a condom. She shivered, wondering when and how he’d slide his cock inside her. A second slow zip suggested his cock was staying inside his pants, at least for now. Sassy breathed out a disappointed sigh.

  Michael glided his hands over her shoulders, back, and ass, subtly asserting his complete domination of her body. The gentle pressure against her still throbbing breasts caused another aching wave of need to grip her. She moaned softly as more lubricant trickled down the inside of her thigh.

  “How does that feel? Anything too tight? Any pinching?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re sure? Tug against the bonds.”

  Sassy tried to move her arms, or stretch against the strap pinning her lower back to the table. She was immobile. But not painfully so.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Good.” His palm slapped her ass.

  She yelped in surprise, instinctively tightening her ass cheeks and jerking forward. Her muscles clenched around the dildo, just as the base of it bumped the table and rocked it inside her. She moaned with pleasure.

  Michael slapped her ass again, rocking the dildo, then did it a third time. He found his rhythm, slapping her and driving her against the table with a steady motion. Soon she was panting with excitement, bearing down hard with each slap then relaxing her muscles and allowing the dildo to slip partially out of her, until the next stinging slap pushed her against the table and forced it inside her again.

  He paused, and she moaned in despair. “Don’t stop, Michael. Please.”

  “I think you’re forgetting who’s the master here.”

  “You. You are! I’m sorry.”

  “That’s not good enough. You need a lesson.”

  Sassy trembled, terrified at the thought of him teaching her a lesson, more terrified that he might stop and never give her the satisfaction she craved.

  He reached between her legs and grabbed the base of the dildo. She moaned, hoping he meant to replace it with his own hard cock. He jerked the dildo free, pulling the fat head of it over her throbbing entrance, and she cried out. Her knees sagged, and if she hadn’t been strapped to the table, she’d have fallen.

  Her thighs were sticky with lubricant, which he smeared with his thumbs as he push
ed her legs wider apart.

  “Your body is mine to control,” he lectured her. “All your pleasure comes from me. However I decide to give it to you.”

  She felt his hair brush the inside of her thighs. Then his mouth closed over her pulsing, hot flesh, and his tongue stroked along her folds and plunged deep within her core. He suckled, pulling on her until she came in a shuddering rush, filling his mouth with her juices as she cried out.

  He bit lightly on her swollen labia, and she moaned, unable to contain her pleasure. When he stood, he kept one hand cupped between her legs, stroking and massaging the hot, slick folds. She whimpered, and sagged against his hand, letting gravity thrust her against his fingers.

  “Where does your pleasure come from?” he asked, slipping one finger between her folds and flicking it across her clit.

  She gasped. “You. All my pleasure comes from you.”

  “And who knows best how to pleasure you?” He flicked her clit again.

  “You!” she cried.

  His finger hovered just above her clit, so close that she could feel the heat of it, but tantalizingly out of reach. “And what will you do?”

  “Whatever you tell me to, whatever you want. I’m yours to command.”

  “Good girl.” He rubbed her clit briskly, almost savagely, thrilling her with the agonizing pleasure. Then he took his hand away.

  Without his support, the straps binding her to the table took her full weight. She grunted, but made no protest. She was his to command. He determined her pleasure.

  Michael cupped and caressed her ass, his gentle, kneading strokes reminding her of how tender she was there after his earlier spanking. His fingers felt cool against her hot skin, and she imagined she could feel her blood pulsing over the globes of her ass. Pulsing for him, because of him.

  She sighed. “Michael.”

  Something else brushed her tender ass, a square of something soft and pliant. Her muscles tightened. The riding crop!

  He swatted her lightly, softer than he’d been spanking her. Sassy’s muscles tightened. Without the dildo to bear down upon, her vaginal muscles clenched tighter than they had before, tighter than when she’d been priming herself for Michael’s domination. The crop fell again, striking her other cheek, and she whimpered softly. The rhythm of strokes built, falling faster and harder, until she couldn’t catch her breath. The pain and pleasure combined, blending and blurring, until she couldn’t say where one ended and the other began. She was floating on a cloud of pure sensation, without definition, without explanation. It didn’t need any. It only needed to be experienced.


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