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Her Master's Courtesan

Page 15

by Lily White

  My heart soared to know that he was pleased – to know that I’d made up for my earlier transgression – that I’d finally proven myself to be his pet alone.


  After locking Rebecca into her room the night before, I thought about the conversation I had with Anthony during dinner about Duke. I tossed and turned in my bed wondering how long she would live after I turned her over to her new owner. I wondered if he would look as psychotic as I knew him to be when he arrived to pick her up.

  When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of her death – violent and bloody. I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn’t understand my hesitation to sell her.

  I’ve never cared about a courtesan’s fate. It wasn’t my problem what became of them after their owner’s money lined my pockets. That was part of my profession – to not care, to not get attached. Pushing myself up from the bed, I walked into my bathroom, turning the water on as hot as it could go. It scalded my naked body and my muscles tightened beneath my skin. My cock was hard and standing out proud – in need of the feel of Rebecca wrapped tightly around it. I grit my teeth against the unwelcome thoughts – the attraction I had for a woman I would give away in less than a month.

  Her words at the breakfast table suddenly echoed through my head. I’ll do anything you ask, without question or argument. I’ll admit I was intrigued.

  With my hand wrapped tightly around my cock, I stroked up and down, the muscles in my forearm burning from the pace at which I jacked off. But I couldn’t come, not without her perfect pussy wrapped tightly around me.

  A thought came to me suddenly, and I made a decision that I knew would be entertaining and something new in the monotonous task of training women. I’d never before attempted it, but if she would do anything, now was the time to try it out.

  Shutting off the water, I wrapped a towel around my waist and strode quickly into my bedroom. I pulled on a pair of silk pajama pants and grabbed the key to Rebecca’s room. Marching down the corridor, I reached her room, hurriedly unlocking the door before sneaking inside.

  The moonlight coming in through the window bathed her face, creating a dark ethereal glow over her skin. Her skin appeared white where the moonlight touched, making her lips appear blood red, her lashes dark and full over her eyes. I crossed the room, removing the blanket from her body, not waiting for her to wake up before I spread her legs and buried myself inside. She moaned in her sleep and her chest arched forward. I bent over her to take the tip of her right breast between my teeth, pulling at the soft flesh before lapping over it with my tongue. It pebbled and her breast swelled against my face. I finally took as much as I could into my mouth.

  I thrust in and out of her, luxuriating in the wet, tight heat of her cunt. Her hands were suddenly in my hair and I turned my attention to her other breast. The sounds that escaped her lips only encouraged me to pound into her harder. Her nails scraped against my scalp, and I heard her gasp above me. Pulling away from her breast, I looked up into her surprised, but still sleepy eyes. She smiled down at me sweetly and a chill ran across my sweat slicked skin.

  I cleared my throat but my next words still came out on a growl. “You said you’ll do anything, right? You’ll do whatever I ask?”

  She nodded her head, stroking her hand over my hair, her face lighting up to find me buried inside her when she woke.

  I nodded. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  I pulled out of her and flipped her body over, pushing her face into the pillows when I took her from behind. She came hard and her moans were muffled by the way her face was shoved down against the bed. The muscles of her cunt rippled along my cock, gripping me and milking the semen from my body. My balls tightened against me in warning of my impending orgasm and I pulled out quickly, using my hand to scoop up the juices of her body to lube her ass. I buried only the head of my cock into the tight heat and it was enough to set me off. I shot off hard inside her and pushed forward a little farther. She didn’t cry out in pain and her ass relaxed allowing me deeper. She pushed against me and I continued pushing even farther, out and in until she came again. My head fell back to feel the muscles clamp around the head of my dick.

  I slapped at her ass and she turned her head, her body shaking from the aftershocks of her climax. Pulling out I smoothed my hand over the five fingered red mark I’d left on her cream colored skin. I could hear her purr from her satisfaction and I fell over her, tired and breathless – satisfied to have her in my arms.

  I don’t know what I was feeling at that moment. Accomplishment for having finally gained control of her, or amusement that it had taken longer than the others. Whatever it was, it was unnerving. I shook myself of the thought and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her against me so that I was spooning her from behind.

  I fell asleep with her in my arms – breaking another one of my rules in the process. It was important for me to remain distant from the women I trained, yet this one somehow weaved her way into my thoughts and touched a part of me no woman had touched before.


  Waking the next morning, I unfolded myself from around her, cursing under my breath for having lost control the night before. I pushed off the bed and left the room. I returned to my room, showered and dressed, eventually heading into the kitchen where I smelled fresh coffee brewing. As soon as I stepped foot into the room, Theresa turned around to hand me a warm mug filled with coffee, black and strong – exactly as I liked it.

  “Good morning, Mr. Oliver. Did everything go as expected for your gathering?” Her cheerful voice matched the pink to her cheeks. She resembled a wrinkled cherub when she smiled and I smiled back down at her while bringing the rim of the cup to my lips. After swallowing down the hot, bitter liquid, I leaned against the counter.

  “It did. We had a lovely evening and the meal was divine. Thank you for choosing my favorites. You spoil me.”

  She blushed even more and waved away my compliment with her hand. “Oh, stop, you’ll make me blush.”

  I smiled thinking that I already had and set the coffee mug on the counter. “Theresa, I’m going to give you today and tomorrow off. I have a new job and I know you won’t want to be here for that. I’ll pay you for your time off, as usual.”

  She looked up at me with surprised eyes. “So soon? Another job? I don’t understand. You’ve never had two at one time before. Is your current one leaving today?”

  “No. She’ll be staying for another month and a half.”

  She opened her mouth as if she was going to ask more questions, but reconsidered and patted me on the shoulder. “You work too hard, Aiden. Don’t you think you’ve sold your soul enough for what you have? You could live three lifetimes off the wealth you’ve already acquired. Money isn’t the only important thing in the world.”

  My thoughts drifted to the girl currently sleeping in a colorful bedroom. I imagined the sunlight flooding in the windows, warming her body and bathing her in an angelic glow. I was pissed for the thought and images going through my mind and I picked up the mug again, turning away from Theresa to sit down at the table. Picking up the morning paper that sat on the wooden surface, I opened it up glancing over the headlines before excusing Theresa from the room.

  “Money is everything to me, Theresa. Now get out of here and enjoy your time off. I’ll see you when you return.”

  “Yes, Mr. Oliver.” Her voice was quiet when she responded and I could hear the disappointment dripping from her words. I wondered if the old woman thought she could someday change me – that I would retire early and settle down. I chuckled at the idea and dismissed her concern.

  When she’d left the room, I read over the articles that interested me while finishing my coffee. When I was done, I placed it on the table, pushing my chair back and standing up to head to Rebecca’s room.

  When I opened the door, the room was exactly as I imagined it would be. Without waking her, I walked into the closet and selected a pair of sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt from the buil
t in bureau. I grabbed a pair of sneakers, some underwear and socks, and a large hat that could be pulled down to shield the face of the person wearing it.

  Moving to the bed, I placed the items down. “Wake up, courtesan. The sun has risen and so must you.” I fought to keep my distance, refusing to give into whatever this foreign feeling was inside of me. Her eyes blinked open and she smiled when she finally recognized that I was standing over her.

  She stretched, blissfully peaceful on the mattress when she said, “Good morning, Master.”

  I smiled and shook my head. She was so far gone. The obstinate women she’d been when I first stole her was completely abolished from her personality, replaced with a submissive who’d do anything to please the man who owned her.

  “Get up and get dressed. We’re going on a field trip today.”

  She pushed up into a sitting position and the comforter fell from her body, gathering in a multi-colored puddle at her waist. She stretched again and I watched the way her breasts moved from the motion, causing my dick to get hard again at the sight of her. I groaned and stepped away from her, preventing myself from reaching out and taking her again.

  She picked up the clothes and her brows furrowed over her pretty green eyes in confusion. I thought she’d ask about the frumpy ensemble I’d selected; but, silently, she stood up, and began pulling the clothes over her body.

  I reached out. “Wait. You need a shower first. I worked you pretty hard last night.”

  She grinned and a blush crept across her cheeks. Balling the clothes up into her arms she turned, her eyes directed to the floor, waiting for me to escort her from the room. I marveled at her complete submission – not even allowing the question I know she wanted to ask about the clothes to escape her lips.

  I led her to the bathroom, waiting patiently while she showered, the scent of sandalwood permeating the steam that filled the room. Stepping out, she dried off while I watched. My cock was hard once again, but I swallowed down my lust, intent to focus on our mission for the day.

  When she was dressed, she walked to stand before me. She looked ridiculous in the clothes I’d selected and I chuckled at the sight.

  “Twice now, you’ve promised to do whatever I asked of you. Yesterday, you begged to remain my courtesan. I’ve considered your request and I’ve decided it would be in MY best interests for you to remain. But, you will have to work for what I’m giving you. If you truly want to stay – you need to promise me to obey completely, to do as I ask without question. Can you do that?”

  She nodded her head, and from beneath the brim of her large hat I heard her response. “Yes Master.”

  “Good. You’re going to prove your loyalty today, pet. It will not be easy and it you might hate me for what I ask of you, but I will keep you if you follow my instructions precisely.”

  “I can never hate you, Master. I love you – I want to please you.”

  Her words crawled along my spine because I knew they weren’t true. I’d had courtesans believe they’d fallen in love before. It was natural for them to feel that way – I trained them to feel that way. But to hear them from her, spoken over lips I knew were soft, from a body I couldn’t seem to get enough of – it affected me in a way that made me uncomfortable. I swallowed the lump of anger at her down my throat.

  Nodding, I instructed, “Look at me, Rebecca.”

  She looked up and my breath caught at the happiness I saw in her eyes. She fought not to smile, but she couldn’t contain the way her face beamed up at me.

  “Before we leave, I’ll need you to do something for me.”

  Her expectant eyes blinked and I smiled.

  “On your knees pet. I want my cock in your mouth and my cum down your throat. After that’s accomplished, we’ll move along to your next task.”


  I walked through the musty and dimly lit library, my hand running along the old books and tomes that lined the shelves. The smell reminded me of school – long nights studying, cramming to get the perfect grades.

  I laughed. It’s only been a couple weeks and already, I no longer identified with the girl I’d been before. Aiden had broken me down, raised me back up by the emotions and feelings he used to fill me, but the final spark, the lifeline that was severed and destroyed the “Rebecca” that had existed before were Mr. Carlisle’s words.

  They’d all seen the video, knew that something so painful and humiliating about me was being spread around and nobody bothered to tell me. Hell – they were probably all laughing at me, watching me struggle to be the perfect girl – the smartest, the prettiest, the most mature and pure. They knew all along there was a huge smear on my reputation. It was something that if I’d known before, I might not have tried so hard – I would have known that I wasn’t the perfect angel I attempted to be.

  I was angry. When Aiden told me there would be a way to stay with him and that I needed to work to make it happen, I jumped at the chance. When he told me he’d have to replace me for his buyer; that we’d have to steal her together, I agreed.

  And when he told me that it was my best friend we would be stealing – that it would be easier because I knew her schedule and he’d seen her before and knew she would fit the order – I didn’t blink an eye when I smiled and approved of his plan.

  So here I was, on a Thursday night, walking through the quiet rows of books, running my finger along their spines, heading for the back corner where I knew my former best friend would be sitting, cramming for the Friday tests. I felt lighter when I walked – without the weight of tests, relationships, or even friendships resting on my shoulders. I no longer had to worry about my future – I knew Aiden would keep me forever. I was proving myself to be all he would ever need and I was giving him love and kindness. He could stop training women and could keep me as his personal courtesan. I smiled because it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from me and I realized as I walked by those shelves that I could breathe easier because of what he’d done.

  He didn’t ruin my life by taking me – he gave me freedom from the life I had before.

  When I broke out on the other side of the shelves, I spotted Kelsey sitting at a round table in the corner. The lamp was switched on at her table which left the rest of the room blanketed in a dim shadow. I watched her for a few minutes, noticing the pencil tucked behind her ear and the way her glasses hung off her nose when she looked down at the book on the table. Her blond hair was pulled back into a messy braid and I noticed her roots just barely showing through. I was surprised she hadn’t gone to the hairdresser to have the tiny brown roots bleached.

  She told people she was a natural blonde, but I knew differently. I’d known her since she was young. When we first met in grade school, she had shoulder length, brown hair and freckles. Through the years, she tried to destroy the image of a normal girl by dressing provocatively and bleaching her hair. By the time she was in high school, she was one of the mean girls of the school – she spread rumors about people she didn’t like and terrorized students she thought were beneath her in social status. And I stood there, watched and did nothing – too afraid of becoming one of the people who were considered less than us. Looking back now – I wish I’d stuck up for those kids against the cruelty of my group.

  I stepped away from the shadow of the bookshelf and Kelsey looked up, blinking her eyes and quickly removing the glasses she didn’t want anyone to know she wore. She looked nervous at first when I approached – not recognizing me beneath the frumpy clothes that Aiden had chosen and the large brimmed hat that disguised my face. When I reached her table, I lifted the brim so the light could hit my eyes. Her jaw dropped and her hand went to her mouth in surprise.

  “Oh my God! Rebecca!” She stood up from the table and ran crossed the room to throw her arms around my shoulders. I let her hug me without returning the gesture. She pulled away and lifted the brim of my hat again to look into my eyes. “Where have you been? You’ve been all over the news. Your family is going craz
y looking for you. What happened?”

  I forced a smile and took her by the hand attempting to lead her away from the table. I knew Aiden was in the room with us somewhere, hiding, watching, waiting for me to get Kelsey to a point where he could grab her and together we could sneak her down the barely used stairwell out to an alleyway where we could get her into his car. I asked how we would keep her from screaming. He told me not to worry about the details and just do as I was told.

  I realized as he drove me up here that this could be my escape, that I could refuse and scream and plead for help from the scant amount of employees who worked the night shift, but what would I return to? A life where all my friends laughed at me – where they all watched me give up my virginity to a boy who used me and then laughed about it afterwards? To a life where I had to become the prim and proper princess again who carried the weight of the perfect image on her shoulders?

  No thanks. I wanted to be with Aiden.

  “Hey, Kelsey. It’s a long story and I need some help. I thought I might find you here and you were the only person I could think of that can help me. I’ll tell you what’s going on, but I need to show you something. I’m in trouble Kelsey.”

  I intentionally made my voice sound panicked, hoping that the urgency in my tone would move her along faster – make her react without thinking so that she would follow me to a place where Aiden would be able to do what he needed to do.

  She grabbed me by the arms, trying to stop me from walking away. I pulled in the direction leading back through the long rows of books, desperate to get her into the dark. “Come on Kelsey, I’ll tell you as we walk, but I don’t have time to stand here and explain. I really need your help, please?”

  “Rebecca, are you pregnant or something? Did you go get an abortion? What the hell is so wrong that you had to disappear for over a week without contacting anybody?”

  Her words pissed me off. Of course she would assume I’d gotten myself knocked up. Behind my back, they all considered me a whore – laughed about how I’d been used and tossed aside by Trenton Carlisle. I wondered if they would laugh if they knew his father had fucked me too.


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