Her Master's Courtesan
Page 21
His finger tapped once on my nose before he said, “But you have been playing games, you’re just too stubborn to realize it. Instead of submitting to me, you decided to pursue me – to weave yourself into MY psyche so that I would refuse to let you go. You forgot the roles, and you did not play submissive to the Master. You attempted to manipulate the Master. But that’s where you fucked up, Rebecca. I’m a Master – the term alone denotes that I’ve been trained in this lifestyle for longer than the majority of men in this society. I was trained by men old enough to be your father and those men were trained by others before them. There is over 100 years of experience and knowledge of deception and psychological conditioning at my fingertips. What do you think you have that could compete against what I know? As soon as I figured out your game and your triggers, I used them to manipulate you.”
He stepped towards me, running his hand along my rib cage, down the side of my stomach, eventually allowing it settle on my hip. Even with what he was now telling me, his touch was electric against me – I would never be able to resist this man. Looking back, I don’t know that I ever really had.
“Do you realize what I’ve brought out of you, what I created simply because I could? I’ll admit, it took me a few days to figure it out, but when I did – it was like playing a musical instrument. The right touch on the proper string, the perfect pull of a bow, or tap of a hammer or mallet – and you sang, Rebecca. Beautifully. I’d venture to say it was one of the most extraordinary things I’ve seen the entire time I’ve done this.” He smiled and leaned down to brush his lips softly against mine. “This life can become very monotonous and nothing surprises me anymore. But you are different – a strong mind trapped inside the body of a woman forced her entire life into a role she didn’t want. You’ve rejuvenated my life – and for that, I want to thank you.”
He stepped away and I groaned at the loss of his touch. The pain returned almost immediately – the dejection and realization that this would be the last time I saw him; that, even if my new owner brought me back to show me off – it would never be Aiden’s hands on me again. It would never be his lips against mine; it would never be his body on top of me or his cock inside me. I’d lost him – completely and irrevocably – he was no longer my Master and I was no longer his Courtesan. I realized I never had been his to begin with.
Tears slipped from my unblinking eyes and time seemed to stop. He strolled slowly in circles around where I stood and I felt his eyes studying me – fascinated by my reaction to what he had done. I was still, my muscles not obeying my mind because my mind had finally fractured completely. Disbelief washed over me and I drowned in the abject weight of the realization that I truly had been nothing more than entertainment – something amusing to him for the time he intended to keep me. Anger and pain were building in me to a point where my hands shook, where my neck hurt from the tension – to a point where I wanted nothing more than to rip his heart from his chest and stomp on it like he’d done to mine.
And even now that I was completely destroyed – that I could no longer push back in this month-long power struggle between us – he continued. Aiden had not yet finished revealing his cards.
“Kelsey never told me about the video. She never laughed at you with me. In fact, she never laughed around me at all. She was an innocent victim – at least when it came to this. I can’t speak for her actions towards you before I entered your life, but I can tell you that - since she’s been here – there has been no reason for you to punish her. SHE is what I’m used to; a woman who breaks easily and who obeys after a few times of being shown what happens when she refuses.”
My eyes burned up at him and the scowl that stretched across my face hurt the skin of my cheeks. My breathing became hurried and panicked and I had to force myself to take deep and slow breaths to keep from passing out.
“It was you who told me, Rebecca. On the night you can’t remember – the same night I drugged you and made love to your body. I said goodbye to you that night; knowing that I would have the memory and you would not. I took the love that you offered, but left you without the benefit of knowing what it was like.”
He was behind me, the front of his shirt tickling across my back. His lips touched my ear and his breath rolled along my skin. A sob escaped me on a loud cry, tears flowing faster than they ever had before. I dropped to my knees and he dropped behind me, still wrapping me in his scent and his seduction. His hands were on my hips, softly caressing the full curves – reminiscent of a lover’s touch.
The deep baritone of his voice escaped on a breathless whisper, weaving itself around the shards of my shattered heart. “It was beautiful, pet; your hands all over my body – my mouth stealing the breath from your lungs. You came over and over again and I took every fucking part of you that night. You called me by my name and I actually liked it. I really wish you could remember what it was like.”
He chuckled – the sound dark and unfeeling. “You saw the bed the following morning - the same morning you punished Kelsey for the first time. It wasn’t her that I spent that night with, Rebecca – it was you. It’s. Always. Been. You. Even when I fucked your friend, every time I sank my dick into a cunt that couldn’t truly satisfy me – I got off because I thought of you.”
I let out a deep breath, my body convulsing from the heartache that consumed me. Why was he telling me this? Why did he have to continue tearing me down when he no longer intended to build me back up? How could a man be so cruel – so heartless?
But then – as if a switch had been flipped – my pain became rage and I snapped.
“Why are you doing this to me, Aiden? You love me – you just fucking admitted it!”
I turned suddenly, shoving my palms against his shoulders. He fell back when I caught him off guard and I jumped on top of him, beating against his chest with my fists. “Why would you fucking do this?!”
I didn’t recognize my own voice. Too much emotion saturated the words and the sound was foreign, like somebody else lived inside me and that woman had finally been set free – no longer bound to morality, expected behaviors or polite manners. For once, I did what I wanted to do and I didn’t care what the consequences would be for my actions.
When your entire world is destroyed – when you’ve lost everything that you valued enough to fight for – results and consequences no longer matter. It was a moment where the decision had been made and the hand had been dealt. Nothing I did could make it better or worse – so I did what I wanted to, I fought the bastard who had destroyed me, the one who had put me back together just to destroy me again.
And even then – I still loved him.
He overpowered me easily. Within seconds I was on my back, his knees between my legs, spreading me apart for him. My arms were pinned above my head and the carpet burned against my wrists. With his free hand he held my throat, trapping my head where he could look into my eyes – humor lighting the blue in his. His fingers gripped my cheeks, forcing my mouth open and he kissed me, hard and deep – his tongue pushing forcefully in my mouth, his taste forcing euphoria over my body and mind.
I fought against him – my struggles useless against the way he held me down. He released my throat, pulling away from our kiss and I watched his hand move down my body – felt the blazing trail of his touch until he swirled his thumb over my clit and buried his fingers inside me. I cried out – half from pain and half from lust - my legs spread wider, begging for more. He chuckled and pulled his hand away, unbuckling his pants to pull the hard length of his cock free.
“You have no idea how hard it’s been to resist you these past few weeks. Kelsey got quite a workout due to the frustration you created in my body. I’ve wanted to fuck you while you’re angry for so long.”
He was inside me instantly and I gasped at the size of him, the stretch of my muscles and the heat it instantly sparked inside me. I could feel how wet he’d made me and I grit my teeth from the overwhelming mix of anger and lust – pain and passion. His hand mo
ved beneath my hips, lifting me from the floor so he could push himself farther inside. I started to shake again from painful sobs. He kissed at the tears on my cheeks and fucked me while I cried. His body moved against mine – dominating and owning me – thrust after thrust after thrust.
I was helpless beneath him, enjoying every agonizing second of the warmth of his body against mine. He spread his legs farther, forcing mine apart even more. My head fell back and when I felt his teeth bite down on the stretched skin of my neck, I screamed out – releasing all the heartache and pain – the poison of his seduction and the lack of forgiveness in his soul. He didn’t say goodbye to me that night in the room – he was saying goodbye now.
This was the final blow to my psyche – the nail in the coffin that was then buried deep in the ground. The little spark of light – of hope – had been destroyed as he took me on the floor of the closet – finally winning the game I hadn’t realized I’d been playing with him all along.
He found his release at the same time mine exploded around him. His mouth covered my lips and he stole my scream and my breath when he filled me inside, hot and thick, my body coming harder to feel him bursting and strong inside me.
We lay breathless against each other, but eventually he pushed himself up over me, using his thumb to wipe away the tears running steadily down my face. His expression was full of pity and I swallowed down the misery that was left behind when the weight of his body no longer crushed mine.
“It’s time to go, my love.” For the first time, I heard sympathy in the tone of his voice. “It’s time to meet your new owner.”
His words slashed through my heart. He finally expressed love, and only at a time when he would let me go. I was confused and I was crushed. I didn’t understand how he could be so cold.
“Won’t I need to clean up first? Won’t he be mad that you’re handing me over – used and filled with your cum?” I was desperate to buy more time, to have even a few more minutes with Aiden by my side. I wouldn’t allow myself to believe that this was the end. I died there on the closet floor beneath him – only a shell of what I’d once been left behind after the destruction of his deceitful storm.
He kissed me again – light and soft, lips so tender that they pulled me apart. The smell of his cologne floated past my nose and I shook with the force of my sobs.
“This man is not the same as me, Rebecca. I don’t think he’ll mind that I tasted you once more before letting you go.”
Pushing himself up onto his feet above me, he grabbed a towel to clean his cock before shoving it back into his pants. He stepped in front of the mirror, straightening his jacket and tie – his hands smoothing his ebony black hair into place on his head.
He walked back over to me and reached down, grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Grabbing the towel again, he cleaned my between the legs as much as possible and smiled when he tossed the towel to the floor.
“You’ll need to be adorned before I walk you out. I hope you understand. It’s standard when an exchange is made.”
He pulled a key from his pocket and opened a locked bureau in the closet. My eyes followed his hands, watching intently when he pulled out a pair of leather wrists cuffs with a chain leading to matching ankle cuffs. It was something you would see on a prisoner being led into a courtroom – the types of chains intended to immobilize a person while still making it easy to transport them.
He secured the cuffs to my wrists silently and I pushed my fingers through his hair when he knelt down to lock my ankles. He sighed when I touched him and his head fell forward for a split second. I prayed it was doubt and second thoughts that weighed down his shoulders.
“You don’t have to do this, Aiden … Master. You can keep me for yourself. You can own me for as long as I remain breathing. You own me now and no matter where you send me, you’ll still own me.”
He shook his head so slightly that I barely noticed the movement. His next words were articulated slowly, spoken without emotion and in a manner so final that I knew there was no use in arguing against them.
After standing up and wrapping a leather collar around my neck, he attached a chain to the D-ring in the center.
His eyes found mine and he smiled. “Duke owns you now, Rebecca. Not me.”
He tugged on the chain and led me, barefoot and still filled with his cum, out of the room. He didn’t speak to me again when he walked me down the corridor to the guest room where he kept Kelsey. When we entered the room, she sat on the bed, naked and smiling up at him. He dropped my chain to the floor, knowing full well that I wouldn’t move from where he’d left me. When he approached Kelsey, he reached down to take her hand and pull her up from the bed. She pressed her body against him, moving her hips seductively against his.
She was a whore – plain and simple. A mind broken over a Master’s cock and reshaped into the slut he wanted her to be.
“I’m taking you to meet your new owner, Courtesan. You need to dress seductively and make me a proud Master when he sees you.” His fingers reached up to grip her chin and I died again when it looked like he was going to kiss her.
He didn’t and my cold heart resettled in my chest after having been pushed up into my throat.
“Yes, Master.”
She walked to grab some clothes from her closet, intentionally swaying her hips in a manner that would enrapture and entice. When I turned to look back at Aiden, I expected his eyes to be locked to her ass, but when I found the ice blue staring directly at me, I shuddered. The intensity of his stare was made more powerful by the fact that I knew I would never see it again.
“Eyes down, pet. The man to whom you have been sold will not condone your rebellion. His pain will be worse than mine. I can promise you that.”
There was a hidden warning in his words – in the menacing tone of his voice. I trained my eyes on my feet and listened as he locked Kelsey into her chains. When she was ready, he grabbed my leash and led us both out – lambs to the slaughter.
Our chains rattled and echoed through the empty halls and sunlight bathed my exposed skin when we were led into the foyer. I heard what sounded like boots approaching, but I didn’t look up into the face of the man to whom I was being given.
“They’re all yours, Duke. I hope you enjoy them.”
The voice that responded sent chills across my skin. “I’ll have weeks of fun with these two.”
He approached me and I saw cowboy boots come into my line of sight. His large hand was rubbing up my stomach, squeezing my breast in his hand so hard; the wind was forced from my lungs. He smelled disgusting – musty and old and I saw how his large belly hung over his pants.
“I think I’ll fuck this one first. I’m not even sure I’ll get her back to my house before I climb back to her cage and take that sweet little pussy.” I watched his hand when he released my breast and his fingers slid between my thighs, pushing up inside me. “Fuck, Aiden, she’s wet already. You are, indeed, the best Master in this society.”
I wanted to vomit and my stomach cramped as I tried to prevent myself from retching all over Duke’s boots.
“Fuck man, I want to throw her down right here in your foyer.” He laughed – sick and disgusting – and pumped his fingers inside me. I tried to tighten my legs, to force him out, but his hands were too large – too strong for me to resist.
I was suddenly pulled forward by my chain and I heard the front door open.
“You should be on your way, Duke. I don’t need to see your big ass, naked and sweaty, in my house. Fuck her when you have her somewhere else.”
When Duke led us outside and the first bits of unfiltered light touched my skin, I felt a hand wrap around my bicep, prohibiting me from moving forward. Aiden pressed his mouth to my ear, when he said, “Be sure to fight, Rebecca.”
I turned to look in his direction, but he forced my head back down. I was left with his last cryptic instruction when I was led into the parking lot – the sharp stones pressing up painfully into the bottom of
my feet.
Duke led us to a trailer intended to carry horses, the bars were covered over with some type of thick black cloth and I knew once we were inside, it would be the last I’d see of Aiden or the life I’d hoped to live with him.
I broke a rule at that moment when I turned to look back at the house while Duke secured Kelsey into one of the cages inside the trailer. Aiden stood at the front door – staring out across the expanse of the driveway at me. He looked beautiful in the stone grey suit and crisp white button down shirt. His black hair was perfectly accented against his tan skin and the sunlight caught the blue of his eyes, making them glow. He smiled one last time before turning and walking into the house, shutting the door behind him and letting me go.
I felt Duke’s hand on my arm and I struggled to free myself of his grip.
“I don’t think so bitch. I’m taking you right fucking now. I break down horses for fun. If a 1000 pound animal can’t escape me, don’t think your little ass will.”
He dragged me into the trailer, throwing me down on top of hay, which filled the cage. Climbing in, he rolled me onto my stomach, flipping the silk of my teddy over my back, exposing everything to his eyes and hands. I closed my eyes when I heard his zipper fall and I coughed on the bile in my throat when he shoved himself inside. He grunted as he fucked me – an animal taking his fill. He smelled and his hands were rough and torn from callouses when he squeezed my breasts. The trailer rocked from how forceful he thrust himself inside me.
When he grunted out his release – when he sounded like a hog busting his load inside a sow – I cracked. I felt nothing and I lay there, motionless and helpless, not giving a fuck about whether I lived or died any longer.
He pulled free and felt his cum drip out of me. The bile forced its way up my throat again and I threw up right there in my cage.
He buckled his pants and stepped out of the cage. “You disgusting bitch. I’ll let you ride in your vomit for the four-hour trip home. Serves you fucking right, you dirty cunt!”