Her Master's Courtesan
Page 24
Walking into the dark room, I heard a person move on the old bed. The springs squeaked and chains rattled against the iron rungs of the foot and headboards.
Aiden stood by the door for several minutes, just as he did with both Kelsey and me when he first entered this room. I stood with him, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Finally, when we both could make out the different shadows in the room in order to begin the initial training, I heard something unexpected.
I must have gasped in surprise because Aiden chuckled.
He leaned into me, the warmth of his soft lips brushing across my ear when he said, “He’s all yours beautiful. Show me how well you train your slave.”
I was confused at first, but when the man on the bed spoke, I recognized the voice immediately.
“Who’s there?”
Hot and violent, anger surged through my veins. Memories and nightmares echoed within my skull and I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them again.
A wicked smile pulled at my lips and I stepped forward with Aiden at my back for any support or assistance I might need.
“You know who I am.” I spoke softly, seductively, in an effort to further confuse the man chained to the bed.
I approached the bed and felt the heat of Aiden’s body at my back, the soft touch of his palm on my shoulder when he let me know he was there to guide me through the process.
I was confused as to what to do next. I wasn’t strong enough to strike out at the man, but luckily, Aiden knew that I would hesitate, that I would be confused as to what to do, and he’d already stowed away toys that I would need for the initial training.
Whispering in my ear, he pushed the flogger he’d used on me years before into my hand. “Force him into compliance, pet. Training a man is different from training a woman. It takes a level of violence much greater than you are used to. But he will comply. You just have to force his hand.”
I approached the bed and reached out to slide my palm along Trenton’s cheek. Yes – that’s right. Aiden had abducted the one person in the world I hated the most, the one who had hurt me for years – the one who had caused me to go cold. When Trenton pushed my hand away from him, I swung my arm, catching him in the face with the flogger.
He screamed at first, pushing back against the wall in an attempt to avoid another blow.
“Jump away from me again, and I will punish the behavior.” I kept my voice level and without emotion. This was not about lust or love – this was about revenge.
“What the fuck?! Who the fuck are you?!”
I remained calm, enjoying the fact that he didn’t yet recognize who held him. “You will do as I say, exactly as I say from now on…”
The chains at his ankles rattled harder when he tried to jump out and hit me. Aiden came around from behind me, quickly overpowering Trenton and holding him down on the bed.
“He’s all yours, pet. Beat your slave into submission.”
I’m not going to go into detail about the level of violence I used against Trenton that night. And I’m not going to explain how or what I used to rape him repeatedly. But what I will explain is that by the time he recognized who I was, he became angry. He fought hard and for the first time in his life, he lost.
I felt bad for killing my first slave; for allowing my anger to overtake me to a point where he didn’t recover from the blows against his body. We assumed he died of internal bleeding – his organs having been damaged by the force of whatever it was I’d used to hit him. Aiden used the mistake as an example – teaching me that to control others you must first learn to control yourself. Aiden had killed three before he learned that lesson so many years before when he’d been trained to become a Master.
We buried Trenton’s body beneath the willow tree by the creek. When I’m in Aiden’s office, when he has me bent over the desk; and when my eyes are left open to gaze out the window as he fucks me, I look at that tree and I smile.
I’d found control in my life by giving it to a man far stronger than me. I’d found freedom by no longer having to conform to the pressures of society or my peers. I was allowed to act with depravity and lust and I was cared for and treasured because of the demons I had inside me. I’d been the person who destroyed the last piece of my life before Aiden – he’d handed me the tools and allowed me to cut that last connection I had to the past.
Some would believe that I was crazy for having discovered happiness in this life. Most would call what we do cruel and immoral.
But I disagree.
After Aiden took me and after the facts of my life before him became clear during the initial weeks I spent with him, I realized how miserable I’d been for so many years. He’d opened my eyes to the fact that I didn’t have to live the life laid out for me by my parents and friends – my teachers and society. I wanted to do the same for others and I saw the value in what he did as a Master.
People may look at what we do as enslaving women and occasionally, men – forcing sex and ownership on people who deserved to be free. I saw it differently now that it had been done to me. We didn’t enslave these people, in the traditional sense of the word. We didn’t take their freedom – we gave them freedom. We removed the pressures of life and we delivered them into the hands of men who would continue to care for them – who could afford to care for them. I smiled each time a new courtesan was acquired because I knew that, eventually, she or he would find the same happiness with their owner that Aiden had given me.
Aiden never raped the men; that was my job. But he told me how and he gave me the tools I needed. I was never allowed to rape them with my own body – only toys. I was still Aiden’s courtesan and he’d grown to a point where he wouldn’t share what he considered to be his alone. Aiden would sit back and watch; would handle the physical violence against the men until a time they learned to stop fighting back. I liked assisting in training; it turned Aiden on to watch me pretend to be a Master.
Notice that I said ‘pretend’ – I would never be a true Master – because when it came to Aiden – I was wholly and completely his slave and I would spend the rest of my life pleasing him, finding happiness in the freedom of his desires.
So there you have it. The story of how I came to be the Master of a courtesan who was one of a kind. Ultimately, that is what this story was all about – the process of acquiring, breaking down and reforming a woman into a slave. I’d explained it in the beginning and I demonstrated exactly how it could be done.
Rebecca has found a newborn happiness in the life I’ve given her. She’s young, beautiful and in love. She falls to sleep sated and satisfied and she wakes up when sunlight bathes her smiling face. She spends her days assisting me in my profession. When there is no one to train, she spends her days gardening by my side or exploring the grounds of the property on which I live. She no longer bears the burden of having to make decisions in her life and she is free to explore every light and darkness that exists inside her.
She bends to my will and she submits to my demands.
I haven’t fallen in love with her as she believes – but I’ll never admit or deny that fact to her. She believes what I want her to believe, and she imagines that her thoughts are her own. I show her love in a limited sense of the word – but that is not what this is about. It’s ownership of a rare object – a woman that no other man can have. For as much as you can love an object – that is the manner in which I love her. She amuses me still and probably always will. I admire her tenacity and I am made more powerful as a result of it. She is not a woman that can be traded or given to another owner – for them, she would never submit.
When I first took Rebecca, I mentioned that some women took longer than others to learn their place – and I hadn’t lied. I haven’t met a woman who couldn’t be trained. However, there are some – people as strong or stronger than her – that require creativity on the part of the Master.
This is what makes a good Master.
than losing my temper – rather than killing her when my level of violence could not smother the small spark of rebellion she would never lose – I simply changed her.
And if it hadn’t been for that damn video, I may have never discovered the key to forcing her submission.
It was fortunate that luck just happened to be on my side.
I used her anger and her pain to foster a beast inside her. I led her to abuse the people who’d abused her in order to accustom her to violence. I sold her to a mad man to crush her heart and allowed him to crush her spirit.
When I collected her from Duke’s house, she was finally the empty vessel that I could mold and shape into the perfect whore. One who would submit to every demand I had, and who wouldn’t become jealous or get in the way of my profession. I made her believe what I wanted her to believe about me by making her believe that we were the same.
The story I told her about my mother? Not exactly true. I didn’t care when I discovered that she’d been a whore. I never grew cold, because I’d always been cold to begin with. But it was a lie that molded the woman Rebecca has become. She needed a connection, so I gave her one. Does it matter that it’s all an illusion? She’s happy because I made her believe that abuse is what makes her happy – which is always what I intended to do.
I played the game well and, as usual, I walked away the winner of the ultimate mind fuck. I am now $100,000,000 wealthier – I alone have a Courtesan who not only takes abuse, but inflicts her own and I am revered and admired in my profession because I am the best. I’ve created something no man has created before.
Am I am bastard for what I’ve done? Yes.
Do I care? No.
I want to remind you what I told you at the beginning of this twisted and rather sordid journey. I want to show you that you’d been warned.
I capture women. I break them down. And I rebuild them.
And I am not a good man.
As you can see by the story I’ve just shown you, those facts about me remain the same.
I was not changed – not by her love and not by her kindness.
I am - and always will be - a Master.
The only difference now is that Rebecca is the woman I always knew I could train her to be. After all the games – the lessons and the pain - she is finally happy to be …
… Her Master’s Courtesan.
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Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven