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Trellis II (The Lone Colony Book 1)

Page 7

by David Byrd

  “Who was the other man with you?” Nick asked. “I need his name. “

  With a small gasp the man died.

  Nick made his way to a comm. panel and called in for backup. Afterwards he settled down in one spot and passed out.

  “Nick wake up man,” Corin said. “You’ve had enough sleep now get your ass out of that bed and get moving.”

  Nick had been in med bay for several days with a concussion in which time his arm was set. The security team found and deactivated an explosive device in engineering after his report. However he left out the details of the second man. So the case was closed on this radical who had tried to sabotage the ship. Stringent security measures had been implemented and an armed guard was stationed in the central corridor barring anyone from entering the engineering spaces.

  “Alright already,” Nick said. “I’ll meet you in the gym in half an hour, now go do some report or arrest someone.” Corin was Nick’s friend. The first real friend he ever had.

  A week later there was a public ceremony in the city center to honor Nick Zale for heroism in the face of danger and for saving over 500 people. Nick had been notified of this beforehand and was extremely nervous. He looked and acted completely different now and actually felt like a new person. He was committed to this life but still had moments of doubt.

  At the podium Alison Brellman was speaking of him and the actions he had taken. He walked up to the podium and accepted the plaque she offered. Alison was beaming and she hugged him close. “Mr. Zale,” she said. “I am so thankful for you. You have no idea what you have done.”

  ‘Please…call me Nick,” he said. “All my friends do.”

  “Then please call me Alison,” she said.

  As Nick looked into her eyes he noticed that she was lovely. Not only in beauty of which she did have but something intangible. Her eyes conveyed confidence and caring.

  As the event ended and the gathered crowd melted away, Alison caught up with Nick. “Nick,” she said. “Would you care to have coffee with me sometime?” Nick could only stammer a shaky yes.

  They started spending as much time together as possible when not performing their duties, and were soon very much in love. A few months later they formalized their union and in the last month of the journey Alison announced that she was pregnant. Nick was supremely happy and had completely transformed his life. It was as if another person lived those previous years…he had nothing in common with that person. The only nagging worry he had from time to time was that someone on the ship was still looking for him.

  Chapter 15

  Trellis II – 12 months until arrival.

  Noel had a surprise for Faye. With everyone busy preparing for the colony ships there had been little time for each other.

  “It’s beautiful here,” Faye said as she sat in the grove of the north quadrant. Noel and Faye were having and old fashioned picnic complete with a blanket to sit on. The “Grove” was the first plot of land that the new crops had been planted on in the north quadrant. The grove was now over an acre of lush crops and plants. Noel drove them here for the sunset view. The contrast of all the shades of green with the soil and the golden sky made for a beautiful setting.

  They ate and talked for a while and then sat back and admired the view.

  “Let’s have a toast,” he said pouring a shot of Vodka from Max’s stock. “To our continued health and happiness.”

  “Noel,” she started. “I can’t. I mean I’d love to but…I just can’t.”

  “What do you mean can’t? It’s a beautiful day, the sunset is golden on the horizon and your plants are growing like weeds.” He said smiling at her. In this light, his wife had a dreamy look.

  “Because love, the plants are not the only things growing,” she said slowly rubbing her belly.

  It took several seconds for Noel to understand. Faye had been unable to have children.

  “I’m going to be a Dad!” he said excitedly as he took Faye in his arms.

  “Yep, apparently the Adaptogen process has been busy doing more than just opening up new brain pathways,” she said.

  They sat and talked for a while about the future and then headed home to tell their friends the good news on the vid. Max, Jean and Hollis were all overjoyed at the news and couldn’t wait to be aunt and uncles to the first child born on Trellis II.

  Eight months later a loud cry could be heard inside the Hastens sleeping quarters. The whole group assembled for the birth. Jean was inside assisting Noel and Faye and everyone was anxious for news from within. Jean came out with a tired smile on her face.

  “It’s all good,” she said. “Just give them a few minutes and Noel will be out with the baby.”

  “Well…What is it?” Max and Hollis said in unison.

  “You boys just settle down for a minute,” Jean said. “You have all the time in the world to be uncles.”

  A few minutes later the door opened and Noel came out looking exhausted but happy.

  “May I present to you our daughter Ms. Elia Hasten,” Noel said.

  Everyone took turns holding Elia and declaring what they would teach her as aunts and uncles tend to do. They visited with Faye for a short time and then left so that she could rest and the Hastens could bond with their new family. The population of Trellis II had just gone up by 1.

  Chapter 16


  The group setup a three-way vid in each habitat where they were all online at the same time and able to watch the spectacle in orbit. The two massive colony ships had arrived in orbit and over the last few hours had disengaged the city domes from the near light speed drives and both could be seen on screen like massive soap bubbles with a flat base.

  “They’re beautiful,” Faye said as the orbital ballet above them played out.

  Hollis had deactivated the energy shield and both domes were now approaching the upper atmosphere heading to their pre-designated coordinates.

  Approaching Trellis II at maximum speed, the Mobius destroyer had been cruising as fast as possible since leaving the TGate in this system. The commander had waited 6 long years to be able to complete a mission he started long ago.

  “Approaching optimum firing range commander,” the weapons officer said.

  “Weapons free and fire when in range,” the commander said.

  Alison Brellman had been alerted to the destroyer and had been frantically trying to contact it. Fearing the worst she joined the group channel below.

  “Noel…we have a destroyer entering orbit near us. It’s refusing to acknowledge any signal. If they fire on the domes before we reach the lower atmosphere we’ll be destroyed.”

  “Hollis do you see them,” Noel said. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

  “I can’t activate the shield until they are nearly down and it won’t extend into the upper atmosphere,” he said. “But we still have the two orbs in orbit above us. They are online now but we can’t hope to stop everything they throw at us. Wait…I see two…no three missiles just fired. Two are heading for the domes but the other…Oh my god are heading for us.”

  Hollis took direct control of the orbs through his link. It was as if he was actually there inside each orb. The three missiles suddenly exploded…no not exploded…they ejected dozens of smaller objects…conventional warheads! Hollis had to make a choice. He used both orbs to project and surround the warheads heading for the domes in the largest shield possible…in seconds they impacted on the inside of the shield and exploded. The third missile had already ejected its deadly cargo speeding for the habitats below. With a supreme effort of will he tracked each warhead as fast as his mind could work and encased them in a shield….There were just too many and one slipped through…

  An explosion shook the area as one of the warheads found a target.


  Hollis was in a furious red haze. Everything had happened so quickly. He knew there were only seconds to avoid further destruction. He reached out with his mind thro
ugh the link and targeted the destroyer and with both orbs, encasing the ship just as it opened fire again. The missiles again deployed their dozens of individual warheads which impacted on the inside of the shield bubble. The massive concussions and the shockwaves inside the bubble utterly destroyed the hostile ship. Hollis had a moment to feel great satisfaction at what he had done and then the crushing realization hit that one warhead had found a target.

  Max and Jean were offline…

  Chapter 17


  “People of the SOL commonwealth,” Tobias said through his link to all media broadcasts. “I’m honored and I humbly accept the position of Chancellor. We have seen firsthand what happens when you attempt to experiment with KT. The material is so unstable that we have taken every precaution in building the reactors for humanity’s safety. Five years ago when the two colony ships were constructed, the resources required nearly destroyed our entire way of life. And the lies about the nature of the colony have been exposed to you. I assure you that I will protect you and our way of life. Even now, we are building a massive fleet of Socolov class remote missiles to annihilate that abomination before it has a chance to destroy us. I thank you again and will speak to you again soon.” Tobias closed his link connection and then looked into his desk vid display. All of the former world leaders were on the channel. As he looked at each face he could see fear, resentment, and resignation. In a few cases open hostility but he would deal with those in time.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said. “The latest data displaying after my speech has a 92% favorable rating. So I’m delighted that you have worked in good faith and as long as that continues, your loved ones will be quite safe. That is all.” He dissolved the link and looked at Dr. Lock who was the only person in the room.

  “Lock, what is the status of all of our pet projects?”

  “Sir,” said Lock. All of the...Um…subjects are completely unaware and continue with their normal daily lives.”

  “Excellent. A brilliant plan if I say so myself, I just wish everyone was as manageable.”

  Lock having been dismissed exited the room. After the door closed a series of emotions crossed his face. Suppressed rage, disgust and a new found determination to rid the universe of this monster.

  During the last 5 years, Tobias had begun his campaign to regain control of the system. He started by drugging and abducting several family members from each of the world leaders. He had them brought to the Mars base and instructed Dr. Lock to inject them with a deadly virus. The virus was micro encapsulated but could be activated by broadcasting a special frequency into the subject’s implant. The virus was 100% lethal and took only seconds to kill the subject. Tobias delighted in showing this action through vid footage to all the leaders. The family members were returned and never realized anything had occurred. The leaders were at this point working completely for Tobias culminating in his leadership of the whole system.

  This was not the only power play he ran. He needed to enslave the hearts and minds of the people as well. It started as a series small media clips showing starving impoverished people who he then “rescued” out of poverty. Each of these had a small message of the hardships imposed on the people of Earth in committing such vast resources to the colony ships. These were of course produced by his people and in some cases were complete fiction with actors. Over time, people started viewing him as a protector and savior of the masses. As his popularity grew he changed the messages ever so slowly twisting the truth into more and more horrific tales. By the time of his ascendancy, most of the people in the SOL system actually believed that the colonists on Trellis II had devolved into some kind of horrific life form by experimenting with KT and were planning to destroy Earth. Since his corporation built the TGates, he easily blocked any and all communications from the Trellis system from reaching Earth. With no one to oppose him he was now ruler and he would have his revenge.

  Chapter 18

  Trellis II

  Both Hollis and Noel raced to the get to the Barlow’s. They were both sick with dread as neither of their friends were responding on link. After the attacking ship was destroyed, Hollis monitored the city domes until they reached an altitude where he could re-engage the energy shield. With the shield in place he bolted for the rover.

  As they grew closer they could see a plume of smoke in the distance. They both arrived at nearly the same time. Part of the habitat was still standing but the greenhouse and part of the lab were just a ruined burned out shell.

  “Hollis go around back and I’ll try to get in the front,” Noel said. “We don’t know if the KT reactor was hit or if it might blow at any moment.”

  Hollis ran to the side and started making his way behind the habitat while Noel wrapped a cloth around his mouth and entered the smoke filled entrance. Everything was dark and the smoke had an electrical metallic taste filling his lungs. He knew they couldn’t last long in this.

  “Max…Jean…we’re here…where are you?” Noel shouted. “Max...Max!”

  Noel stumbled against a console and fell to one knee. There was foot sticking out from behind the unit. He felt for the other leg and pulled toward the door...In a few seconds he managed to make it outside. Gulping clean air, his eyes were watering and he couldn’t do anything for a few moments. He could see a blurry figure coming toward him. As the image resolved, it was Hollis carrying Jean in his arms. Noel understood then that it was Max he pulled out of the habitat.

  “What have I done?” Hollis said. “I could have saved them. I could have chosen to save them.”

  “Hollis, you made the right choice. The only choice…There is no way you would have let 1000 people die. But right now we have to help our friends.”

  Distraught but jumping into action, Hollis checked Jean’s vitals and found that she was alive but her pulse was extremely weak. He slapped a med kit on her arm and adjusted the systems for immediate life support. They would have to stay here until she stabilized.

  Meanwhile Noel attached another kit he brought from his home to Max. The readings showed no life threatening injuries but there was a concussion and a broken hand.

  “As soon as Jean is stabile I will take them both and see to their care,” Hollis said. “You have that new beautiful baby to look after and you will be needed by the colonists when they land.”

  Noel activated his link with Faye and told her everything that had happened. Thirty minutes later the med pack indicated Jean could be moved, so they carefully placed one friend in each rover and headed for Hollis’ habitat. When they arrived, Hollis insisted that they carry both to his sleeping quarters. Noel stayed for an hour and could see that Hollis had everything well in hand so he set out for the city dome 1 landing site to meet A.J. Brellman.

  The ships deployed their struts and settled gently to the surface disengaging the landing engines that would never be needed again. A third of the circumference of the flat base lowered to the surface. The inner cylinder contained large elevator pads for machinery and vehicles. In another part of the cylinder there were banks of elevator pads. The pads are tubes of transparent PlazSteel with a pad or base. Walking into the tube the pad raised or lowered.

  A.J. had seen everything that happened in space and observed the warhead that headed for the surface. She could only hope the people who were giving their lives to this event were all ok. A.J. and Nick descended to the surface for the first time to meet with Noel.

  Nick was nervous. He had met Noel in his previous life and was a complete ass at that brief meeting. For Noel that would have been 6 years ago so he fervently hoped Noel would not recognize him.

  As the Zale’s made their way out of the shadow of the cylinder, they could see a man beside a vehicle of some kind. Noel walked up and greeted them.

  “Mrs. Brellman,” Noel said. “Welcome to Trellis II.”

  “Noel please,” Alison said. “We have been working together for a very long time now so no more of those formal titles. And I know you are very well a
ware of how touchy pregnant women can get. By the way where are Faye and your new baby?”

  “They’re still back at the habitat since the attack,” he said. “A warhead hit the Barlow’s and Hollis is seeing to their medical needs at the moment. Jean is in bad shape but Hollis will call in the cavalry if needed.”

  “I’m so sorry, if there is anything we can do to help please bring them to our med center,” she said. “Noel, I’d like to introduce you to my husband Nick Zale.”

  “Good to meet you Nick,” Noel said. “I hope you two and your family to be will be very happy here.”

  “Thank you sir,” Nick said. “I’m grateful for everything you have done and especially for the protection you were able to provide in the attack. I feared we were going to be blown up.”

  Noel stared at the young man for a few seconds. He was extremely tall and there was something about the way he talked that nagged at the back of his brain like an itch…

  “Call me Noel,” he said shaking the young man’s hand. “Now…I’m sure you have a lot to do and I must get back and check on Hollis then head for home. Why don’t we plan to meet tomorrow? Hollis has re-activated the surface shield so we are safe but we need to discuss our safety for the future.

  They said their farewells and Noel stopped by Hollis’ on the way home. Max had a zip splint on his arm and he was sleeping normally. The med pack indicated that the concussion effects had already been mitigated. Jean on the other hand was not out of the woods. She was in the lab when the explosion hit and was thrown into a wall. She had some head trauma and internal injuries. Hollis was busy hovering over her adjusting different med packs and muttering to his self, so seeing that they were in good hands he went back to Faye and Elia.


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