Is There Life After Football?
Page 35
74. See Jones, Richard S., and Thomas Schmid. 2000. Doing Time. Greenwich, CT: JAI; Petersilia, Joan. 2003. When Prisoners Come Home. New York: Oxford University Press; Richards, S.C., J. Austin, and R.S. Jones. 2004. “Kentucky’s Perpetual Prisoner Machine: It’s about Money.” Policy Studies Journal 21: 93–106.
75. Obviously there are many significant differences between prisons and the NFL. NFL players choose to enter the league, while prisoners are incarcerated against their will. NFL players cherish their experience in the league, whereas few prisoners have anything good to say about their prison experience. Perhaps most importantly, NFL players typically resist their “release,” while most prisoners eagerly anticipate theirs. These differences cast players’ experience inside the bubble in an entirely different light, making it a sought-after destination rather than a fate to be avoided.
76. See Doyle, Michael E., and Kris A. Peterson. 2005. “Re-entry and Reintegration: Returning Home after Combat.” Psychiatric Quarterly 76: 361–70; Tanielian, Terri L., and Lisa H. Jaycocks (eds). 2008. Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corp.
77. See “PDHRA Battlemind Training.” N.d., retrieved 4/21/14.
78. Research interview #353.
79. See Whyte, William H. The Organization Man. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
80. Oriard 1982, p. 323.
81. Bateman, May 3, 2012.
82. Sager, Mike. April 23, 2010. “Todd Marinovich: The Man Who Never Was.”, retrieved 12/12/13.
83. Murray, Mark. N.d. “Poll: Forty Percent Would Steer Kids away from Football.”, retrieved 4/19/14. The poll also found that lower-income parents were more likely to overlook the dangers of football than those with more substantial incomes, suggesting that the game itself may begin to reproduce economic and class distinctions.
1. See Adler, Patricia A., and Peter Adler. 1994. “Observational Techniques,” pp. 377–92, in Denzin, N., and Y. Lincoln (eds.). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; Gubrium and Holstein 1997.
2. See Adler and Adler 1994; Davis, Christine S., and Carolyn Ellis. 2008. “Emergent Methods in Autoethnographic Research,” pp. 283–302, in Hess-Biber, Sharlene, and Patricia Leavy (eds.). Handbook of Emergent Methods. New York: Guilford; Ellis, Carolyn. 2004. The Ethnographic I: A Methodological Novel about Autoethnography. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
3. Lofland, John. 1976. Doing Social Life. New York: John Wiley; Prus, Robert. 1996. Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research: Intersubjectivity and the Study of Human Lived Experience. Albany: State University of New York Press.
4. Adler, Patricia A., and Peter Adler. 1987. Membership Roles in Field Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
5. See Ellis, Carolyn. 1991. “Sociological Introspection and Emotional Experience.” Symbolic Interaction 14: 23–50.
6. Jones and Schmid 2000.
7. Player Care study.
8. Glaser, Barney G., and Anselm L. Strauss. 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. New York: Aldine.
9. See Charmaz, Kathy. 2006. Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; Glaser and Strauss 1967.
1. Player Care study.
2. “Summary of NFL Player Benefits,” n.d.; “Player Benefits.” February 2, 2010.; “Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan.” April 1, 2007.; both retrieved 4/19/14.
3. Also see “Archive for ‘Player Benefits.’” February 12, 2014. NFLcommunications. com.; “Player Care Foundation.” N.d.; National Football League Alumni. N.d. “Moving Forward Together.”; all retrieved 4/19/14.
4. Freeman, Mike. May 19, 2002. “Pension Raised for Pre-1977 Players.”, retrieved 7/10/13.
5. “NFL Announces Distribution of $620 Million Legacy Fund Benefit for Pre-’93 Retired Players.” November 10, 2011., retrieved 7/12/13.
6. “NFL Announces Pension Plan for Retired Players.” November 11, 2011., retrieved 7/12/13.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Academics, support and college experience in
Adler, Patricia
Adler, Peter
bubble’s adoration and
Driver and
Green Bay Packers and
Koonce and
Starr and
women and
AFL. See American Football League
African Americans
business success
“the Dream” and
locker room culture majority as
new social territory for
NFL and representation of
opportunities cultivated for
as predominant in NFL
unprepared for wealth and
life-management tasks of
NFPLA’s requirements for
as overcharging clients
shady advisors as
as taking over all aspects
white collar crime and
wives as
Aiello, Greg
Aikman, Troy
Aldridge, Lionel
ALS. See Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Alzheimer’s disease
American Dream
American Football League (AFL)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Anderson, Donny
Anderson, Elijah
Annuity program
Anti-Defamation League
Arrington, Michael
Asomugha, Nnamdi
Athletes. See Student athletes
Athletes in Action
Atlanta Falcons
Atlanta Journal-Constitution study
Autograph signings
employment after football and
Ayanbadejo, Brendon
Baltimore Ravens
Band of brothers
Barber, Tiki
Bart Starr Award
Beale, Jillian
Beals, Alan
Behaviors, acceptable
Belcher, Jovan
Belotti, Mike
Benchmarking: bubble and
employment after football and
jobs as falling short with NFL salary
Benefits: health insurance
post-career disability
retirement plan
severance pay
Benson, Duane
Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle Retirement Plan
Billick, Brian
Black, William “Tank”
Blackburn, Andre
Black college players. See African Americans
Blake, Jeff
Blumer, Herbert
Boyd, Brent
Bradshaw, Terry
Brady, Tom
Brain (head) injuries
Brandt, Andrew
Brees, Drew
Brody, Anita
Brooks, Derrick
Brown, Jerome
Brown, Jim
Brown, Tim
Bryant, Bear
adulation and adoration of
being above laws when in
benchmarking and
either in or out of
employment sought with elements of
flamboyant nicknames in
going all in and
isolation and dependency in
livin’ large in
locker room culture and
nature and diversity of game in
NFL player ethos instilled by
NFL players as living in
outside of
privileges of
serious challenges leaving
spoiled and loving it in
sports media careers and
structure and control
treatment as extraordinary in
wives managed lives in
wives outside of
Buddy culture
Bush, Reggie
Butler, LeRoy
Butowsky, Ed
Byrd, Dennis
Caldwell, David
locker room culture as workplace
locker room for
loyalty, masculinity and
as missed and lost post-career
Campbell, Earl
Canady, Walter
Cannon, Billy
Cap allotments
Career: average length of
injuries as ending
management of
players as not stagnating during. See also Employment after football; Media Careers; Post-career
Carter, Chris
Caruth, Rae
CBA. See Collective bargaining agreement
Celebrated self
Chapman, Hakeem
bad investment comments by
on employment success after football
field hits compared to car crashes
on self-discipline
Charitable foundations: former players livin’ large running
NFL players and questionable
philanthropy and appearance fees for
Chicago Bears
Chicago Cardinals
Childhood aspirations
Child support
Chronic pain, injuries and
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
Cincinnati Bengals
Clabo, Tyson
Clemmer, Donald
Clothes Nazis
Coaching: as employment after football
high school
Koonce on
long hours and hard work of
media careers’ aspects of
salaries and levels of
visions and facts of high school
Coakley, Jay
Collateral consequences: of alcohol usage
of being burden to wives and family
drug abuse in
financial disasters as
functional disabilities as
to injuries
limited insurance windows as
Collective bargaining agreement (CBA)
College experience: academic support and
conveyor belt
elite student athletes’
financial support and
football as centerpiece in
Koonce’s belief of football as diminishing
Koonce’s schedules and
recruiting process
special treatment during
student athletes’ schedules and
time demands
definition and symptoms of
dementia and
injuries’ crisis of
settlements and controversy of
Contracts, non-guaranteed
cost of living in NFL/expenses
extravagant spending
Koonce and
Contracts in NFL: average salary
compared to winning lottery
guaranteed payment
salary scale. See also Contracts, non-guaranteed
Conveyor belt, college experience
Cornwell, David
Corporate world
Cosell, Howard
Cost of living in NFL/expenses, non-guaranteed contracts
Crain, Kurt
Crime/criminal activities
cover ups and
NFL players involved in
white collar
Cromartie, Antonio
CTE. See Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Cultural environment
Cultural-structural disjuncture
Culture. See Buddy culture; Culture shock; Locker room culture; Workplace culture
Culture shock: NFL players experiencing
personal bearings lost causing
post-career living and
transition troubles and
Curtis, Mike
Dallas Cowboys
Dampeer, Jesse
Daniels, Phillip
Data collection
Davis, Al
Davis, Stanley
Davis, Willie
Defensive back (DB)
Degrading slurs
Degree completion
concussions and
injury and
Dental insurance
Denver Broncos
Department of Defense
Dependency. See Social isolation and dependency
Depression: injuries and
pain of
Detmer, Koy
Detmer, Ty
Dickerson, Eric
DiFonzo, Luigi
Director of Player Development (PD)
Division I and II football scholarships
Domestic distress
Dowler, Boyd
Drafts. See Military draft; NFL Draft
“The Dream”
African Americans and
feeling adrift without
football as centerpiece of college and
Koonce’s focus and efforts for
NFL Draft and
as not consisting of money
pathway to
sacrificing and
Dress codes
Drinking: Koonce and
livin’ large with drugs and
Driver, Donald
collateral consequences and abusing
drinking and
Duerson, Dave
“Dumb jock” image
Dungy, Tony
Durkheim, Emile
East Carolina University (ECU)
Easterling, Ray
Ebaugh, H. R. F.
ECU. See East Carolina University
Education: difference of obtaining degree or
as employment barrier yet solution
Koonce on success paths by
student athletes’ sentiments about
ards, Braylon
Edwards, Herman
“88 Plan”
Eisen, Rich
Ellerson, Gary
Elliott, Lin
Elway, John
Employment after football
autograph signings and
benchmarking, problematic and
benchmarking NFL salaries and
cashing in on celebrity status as
challenges and solutions for
Chapman’s success and
coaching as
Dampeer’s success and
data scarce for
Davis, W.’s perfect transition into
education as barrier yet solution for
ego sacrifices and
elements of bubble sought in
entertainment field jobs sought in
feelings of having fallen behind for
flashy, exciting, and fun for
former players’ status of
generational differences for
high public profile desired in
internships as solution for
job bouncing and
Koonce’s reaction to initial offer of
media careers as
memorabilia and autograph signings as
old-timers as better prepared for
old-timers not finding stable
philanthropy and
poor figures for
preparation and experience for
Profit’s success in
self-employment as
self-improvement programs for
severance pay more than
teaching as
time off instead of
waiting for football jobs as
working in off season
wrestling, professional as. See also Career; Media careers; Post-career
Employment/jobs, present
toughness for keeping
Engulfment, in roles
Entertainment field
Esiason, Boomer
Ethos: book titles revealing
code and principles of
commitment, competition, and excitement in
contradiction and paradox in players’
former players insider
NFL players’
sports ethic and
starting over after NFL
Extravagant spending, non-guaranteed contracts
Fainaru, Steve
Fainaru-Wada, Mark