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Fallen Angel, Part 1: Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance

Page 11

by Tracie Podger

  “Ted,” I’d whispered after a couple of minutes.

  He lent down close to me, “Can you undo my trainers and wrap my feet?”

  He looked at me as if I had gone mad, “I kickbox Ted, but I don’t want them to know, not until I put one of them on their arse.”

  He chuckled, “Oh boy, I gotta get me a ringside seat for this.”

  He expertly wrapped my feet for protection and held the rope high so I could climb into the ring. The boys stopped and breathlessly taunted me.

  “Here comes the champ,” Ted said. “Now, no slapping or hair pulling, all right girls.”

  I’d noticed people stop their exercise and watch us. Robert leaned on the ropes in one corner and Travis danced about in front of me. He tapped me gently on the side of the head.

  “Hurt her and I’ll kill you,” Robert said from the corner.

  “Yeah, yeah, brother,” Travis replied.

  He had his gloves up by his chin, defending his head and I took my stance. My legs were slightly apart with one foot behind the other and I bounced on the balls of my feet.

  Travis laughed, “Hey, bro, she’s been watching Rocky.”

  Stupidly he lowered his hand a little to look over at Robert.

  I gave a straight punch to his jaw, and an upper cut to follow took him by surprise. It wasn’t enough to knock him over, I wasn’t that strong, but he’d turned towards me mouth agape and lifted his hands in defence. My leg flew out from behind me, I pivoted around, and my foot connected straight into his stomach.

  The air was knocked out of him and he bent over slightly. That allowed me time to kick his legs away. He stumbled backwards and finally, with a sweep across his ankles, I put him down.

  It was over in a minute and leaning over him, I smiled sweetly.

  “No, not Rocky. I train with one of Europe’s top kickboxers back home.”

  Robert had doubled over with laughter in the corner, the people that had stopped to watch, clapped, and Travis said, “She took me by surprise that’s all.” His male pride was a little dented.

  I doubted very much I would have been able to put him down had he known I could box a little, but the element of surprise worked. I pulled the string of the gloves with my teeth and walked towards Robert.

  “Fuck, Brooke, that was hot,” he said as he undid the gloves and pulled them off.

  “Girl, you might be of some use to me,” Ted said as he walked over.

  Looking to Robert for approval before he spoke and receiving a nod, he added, “Rob and I have a little boxing club going here, for the kids. You might be able to encourage one of our girls to get involved.”

  “Ted, I would love to help. I’m not a trainer but I know enough,” I said.

  I’d walked over to Travis and held out a hand to help him up and with amazing speed he jumped up. He twisted me around him and flung me down on my back. His foot was on my chest, arms raised in victory, and with a smile and a wink, he laughed. Okay, I gave him that small win. A girl had just put him down, he needed to restore his superiority, and it was just for fun after all.

  “Let my girl up,” Robert said

  He’d walked across the ring and pulled me to my feet by my hands. He kissed the top of my head. I smiled, a minor public display of affection, something new for him.

  “Thanks, Travis, now I have a sore backside,” I said punching him softly on the shoulder.

  “Well, I can do something about that,” Robert whispered, with his head bent to my ear.

  After showering I met the guys outside the gym and with an arm around my shoulder, we walked to the car. I felt great, I usually did after a workout, but so far the day had been wonderful. When we arrived home, Robert produced a key on a silver key ring in the shape of the letter T. He handed it to me.

  “You need a key,” he said

  He stepped back to let me open the door myself. It was such a small gesture but one I was so thankful for. He was really trying, he was letting me into his life, and I loved the key ring, T for Trouble.

  Travis walked behind us with his phone to his ear and I saw a look pass between them, that silent communication I was getting used to.

  “Brooke, go unpack your things. I need an hour with Travis,” Robert said.

  I headed for the bedroom and the guys made their way upstairs. I’d noticed that my suitcase had arrived from Sam’s. I felt bad leaving his apartment but I was also excited to be with Robert. When I opened the case, it was empty. I walked to the closet and noticed my clothes hanging, on the opposite rail to Robert’s. My shoes were on a rack and my toiletries stored away in the bathroom. Evelyn, bless her, had indeed moved me in.

  I sent a text to Sam to arrange to meet that evening; I wanted to hear how the meeting with Scott’s parents had gone. With nothing to unpack I wandered upstairs. When I passed the closed door of Robert’s home office, I heard raised voices.

  “For fuck sake, Trav, get me all the information and quick,” I heard Robert say.

  I carried on walking to the kitchen. I took a bottle of water from the fridge and wondered what they could be talking about. Everything had seemed perfectly okay until Travis had taken that call. Something was wrong. I’d noticed the looks they had given each other over the past couple of days. I would have to wait though, I hoped that he would tell me what was bothering him sooner rather than later.

  “Hey,” Robert said as he walked towards me. “Did you unpack?”

  “Evelyn must have, everything’s already put away. I’ve taken part of your closet and a cupboard in your bathroom,” I said with a smile.

  “Just don’t mess with my things, especially my razor,” he said with a laugh and I was pleased to see the tension leave his face.

  Travis left the office, he was still on his mobile and with a raised hand, he waved a goodbye. I assumed he was headed to his apartment.

  “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?” Robert asked. His fingers stroked the side of my face and his arm circled my waist, pulling me towards him.

  I smiled and licked my lips, “How about I put you on your arse too,” I said.

  He looked at me with a smile. “Baby, you’ve already floored me,” he said and led me downstairs.

  I stood in the bedroom and he pulled my t-shirt over my head, the band from my hair, letting it fall around my shoulders.

  “Watching you in that ring really turned me on, Brooke,” he said, as his lips brushed against my neck.

  A fleeting thought flashed through my brain. Violence turned him on and I very, very quickly shoved that thought into a box, chained, and padlocked it.

  He undressed me, kissed me, then ran his fingers through my hair. I felt my stomach clench at his touch, the wanting flowed through my body. I watched as he pulled the shirt over his head, not bothering with the buttons. His stomach muscles rippled with the movement. He removed his shoes and trousers all while his eyes were on mine.

  I pulled him towards me and whispered as I sucked his earlobe. “Fuck me, Robert.”

  He held me away slightly and looked deep into my eyes.

  “No, Brooke. I’m not going to fuck you,” he paused. “I want to make love to you.”

  Tears sprang to my eyes as I raised my hand to his face and he leaned into my touch.

  “I don’t know if I’m going to be any good at this, I mean a relationship, but I want to try,” he said and I just melted.

  He was so gentle. His fingers stroked my body; he kissed across my chest and my stomach. He took his time, bringing me to a wonderful orgasm before he gently eased himself inside me. He was loving and tender and it was the total opposite to the sex we’d had previously, but just as good.

  Later, as I nestled into his arm he said, “Brooke, we haven’t used any protection and I need to tell you something.”

  I looked up at him.

  “We should have been more careful. I don’t want kids, ever. I know I wouldn’t be a good father. You need to know that because we’ve been stupid and I reall
y can’t hear that you’re pregnant.”

  I didn’t want to ask what he would do if I had been, but I understood.

  “I can’t have kids and I’m on the pill anyway,” I said.

  “I’m sorry, but I had to tell you how I felt,” he said.

  I lay beside him, and stroked his chest. I felt so sorry for him. Right then, at that moment in his life, no, he wouldn’t be a good dad. I hoped that as he changed, as he grew emotionally, he might regret that he didn’t have children of his own.

  “I’ve said I would meet with Sam tonight. He’s just asked Scott to marry him and I want to celebrate with them,” I said breaking the silence.

  “Getting married!” he replied, his faced was screwed with disgust.

  “Yes, getting married. Well, technically getting blessed, and don’t make that face, Robert,” I scolded him.

  He raised his hands in surrender. “Fine, but do me a favour, I want Travis with you.”

  “I’m only going to dinner, I don’t need an escort,” I said, raising myself on my elbow to look at him.

  “Please, Brooke. There are things going on, things I don’t want to talk about yet. Humour me, if you’re going anywhere without me, it’s with Travis, understand?”

  “Welcome back, Mr. Intense, but fine, I’ll take Travis. God, it will be boring for him and he better not be as shocked as you are about two men who love each other getting married.”

  “If you’re going to start talking about two guys, I’m out of here,” he said with a chuckle and he rolled out of bed, pulled on his jeans, and padded barefoot upstairs.

  I stretched, feeling like the cat that got the cream but was a little worried about why I needed a bodyguard, an armed one at that. I’d seen the gun strapped inside Travis’s jacket and it scared me a little. We didn’t do that in England, I’m not used to being chauffeured around with an armed man. One, I guessed, who’d had some combat training judging by the way he threw me to the floor earlier.

  I decided to take a shower as it was getting late. I rifled through my clothes and chose a red dress, my black shoes and once ready, I headed upstairs. Robert was sitting at the breakfast bar reading some papers, something to do with work I imagined. He looked up and smiled appreciatively as I approached.

  “You look too good to spend the night with a couple of gays,” he said.

  “Robert, enough. Get used to it. They’re my friends, take me on, take them on as well,” I replied.

  He rolled his eyes, “Fine, at least I know they won’t be drooling over you.”

  He returned to his papers and I kissed his forehead. I smiled at Evelyn and made my way downstairs where Travis was already waiting.

  Settled in the now repaired Mercedes, I said, “I guess I don’t get to be impressed by the Range Rover now.”

  Travis looked in the rearview mirror and smiled. “This car doesn’t stand out so much.”

  “Why do I need a bodyguard, Travis? I’m only going to dinner with my friends.”

  Again he looked at me, that time there was a little concern etched on his face but didn’t answer and I decided not to push it. I was sure it was just Robert being overprotective.

  When we arrived at the restaurant I was surprised to see Travis walk in with me. I’d assumed he would drop me off and come back later. He spoke to a waiter and was shown to a table of his own, near where Sam and Scott were sitting. I walked over to my best friends and hugged them both.

  “What’s with the Pit Bull?” Sam asked.

  “Shush,” I said, “Robert probably being over the top, I don’t know but don’t worry about it. Now, tell me everything. Start at the proposal, Scott.”

  I had a wonderful evening, I laughed at Scott telling me how nervous Sam had been. How he’d dropped every piece of cutlery, knocked over his glass of wine until he’d finally proposed. It was lovely to watch them, Sam’s hand rested on Scott’s arm; they glanced at each other when they thought I wasn’t looking.

  Although I was aware of Travis watching us at times, I didn’t feel that he intruded. For that I was thankful. I wanted private time with my friends, if Robert was just being overprotective, that was something we would have to work on.

  “So?” Sam said as he waved his phone in front on me.

  He’d wanted to know what I meant by my text the previous evening.

  “I don’t know how to explain it. I just look at Robert and know I don’t need to search anymore, I’ve found whatever it was I was looking for. I feel complete, he makes me feel whole.”

  Sam looked at me in silence, and then simply nodded. Whether he’d understood or not, I didn’t know but he wasn’t going to push it.

  We signalled for the bill, the waiter approached and told us that it had already been taken care of. I looked over to Travis who smiled and raised his cup of coffee. I shook my head. That was another thing to work on; I didn’t want to be paid for either. As I stood, it was with concern that I noticed, just like Robert could, Travis was immediately beside me without me hearing him or knowing he had approached. What was it with those people? I hugged Sam and Scott, again congratulating them, and promised to call the following day.

  “You and Robert are like bloody Ninjas,” I said.

  Travis looked at me, not quite sure what I meant. “Both of you, you sneak about like cats. One minute you’re sitting over there and the next you’re here,” I said as I shook my head and moved toward the door.

  Travis placed a hand on my arm to stop me; he wanted to go through the door first. He hesitated; looked from one side to the other before carrying on to the car that was parked without a ticket on the no stop zone immediately outside the restaurant. He opened the rear door; I climbed in and waved to the guys as we sped off.

  I smiled as I recalled the evening in my head, I was so happy for Sam. He’d finally found true love and I really wanted it to work for him. They had been so thrilled to hear that I would extend my stay. I would have to check out how long I could legally stay and if I wasn’t to return to the UK, what I would have to do.

  For the first time in a long while, I felt good, really good, with just a fleeting sense of wondering what would come to burst the bubble.

  As we arrived at the house, Robert was already at the door. I saw him pace as we drove up the drive. He walked to the car and opened the door even before Travis had come to a full stop. Taking my hand he helped me out and I saw him look across the car roof to Travis. I also noticed Travis shake his head. Looking from one to the other, I saw their faces change and both smiled at me.

  “So, did you have a good night?” Robert asked defusing the moment.

  “It was great, other than Pit Bull watching over us.”

  “Pit Bull?” Robert asked.

  I laughed, “It’s what Sam called Travis. What is this all about Robert? I thought he would just drop me off but he sat the whole evening at a nearby table.”

  Robert smiled. “Just protecting what’s mine,” he said, as we made our way upstairs.

  I’d liked what he’d said, referring to me as his but I was still disturbed. However, it was a conversation for another day. I was tired, I’d had a great evening, and I didn’t want to spoil it by saying the wrong thing. We sat in the lounge with a glass of wine in my hand and my feet curled up and tucked under me. I told Robert of my night, recounting the conversation and the proposal, and I hoped that they would have their blessing soon.

  “When they do, will you come with me?” I asked.

  “Are there going to be any straight guys there?” he replied deliberating trying to annoy me.

  “Oh, you should be scared. There won’t be a bloke or woman not wanting to get in your pants, but don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” I said kissing him and he laughed.

  Later that night, as I lay in his arms I thought back to what he’d said ‘just protecting what’s mine’. I wondered what that meant. I was a grown woman, who did I need protecting from? There was so much of Robert’s life that I didn’t know, was there someth
ing in his past he was worried about?

  I listened to his slow breathing, watched his face as he slept and wondered how I had lived that long without him in my life. I knew that I was going to be around for a while. The following morning I would have to call home, tell people I was not returning, not for the foreseeable future anyway. I doubted my parents would be too concerned, but I would let them have a forwarding address for me, ever hopeful they might want to be in contact.

  I slept well that night, comfortable in Robert’s arms and knew that no matter what the future held, I had, for once, made the right choice. It stunned me to have that depth of feeling for him, but I felt fulfilled, I felt content; I felt like I had come home.

  Chapter Seven

  “Morning, beautiful,” Robert said as my eyes fluttered open against the sun streaming into the room. I smiled and reached up, pulling him onto me and kissing him.

  “Mmm, that’s a lovely wake up call,” I said as I felt his erection against my stomach.

  I’d wrapped my legs around his waist, not wanting foreplay but him inside me. I was ready for him.

  “Impatient aren’t you,” he said as I lifted my hips, forcing him into me. I smiled as I looked at him.

  “Only for you,” I gasped.

  He’d hit that sweet place, the place that immediately sent a shiver through me; butterflies danced in my stomach and my legs went weak.

  My hands clawed across his back and down his sides. I felt the scar that ran most of the way down and I also felt his body instinctively recoil away from my touch. Moving my hands to the back of his head, I pulled his face to mine. His tongue explored my mouth. It was short and good, both of us needing the release of a quick orgasm.

  A little later as I sat in the bathroom watching him shower I asked him, “How did you get that scar?”

  He’d stilled, looked at me, and his hand instantly went to his side. It would not have covered the scar; it was too large. Although faint, it was still noticeable. I held my breath, that was another no-go area. Dropping my towel, I walked into the shower with him.


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