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Fallen Angel, Part 1: Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance

Page 20

by Tracie Podger

  He held up his hand to silence me.

  “You’ll face problems no matter where you go. It’s very public that you’re with Robert and believe me, you’ll find it hard to get a job elsewhere for the same reasons you won’t make friends with these guys.”

  Oh, so not what I was expecting to hear. “I don’t understand,” I said.

  He slid a newspaper towards me. On the front page was a photograph of Robert and me entering the museum for the ball on Saturday.

  “Robert is a very powerful man in this city, Brooke. No one will employ you once they realise who you are because they’ll be worried, like those out there, that you’re a plant. Part of what we do is buy and sell companies, sometimes without the complete cooperation of the owner or major shareholders.”

  “Can you do that?” I asked.

  “Yes, it’s quite common. If there is a company that, say, is a threat to one of ours, we may approach all the smaller shareholders, buy their stock, and eventually take over. An ailing business for example. We might go in, take it over for the price of its debts, strip it bare and sell off the bits or put a team in and run it ourselves.”

  “Oh balls,” I said. “I wonder where that leaves me, workwise.”

  “Where it leaves you, is with one option. Now you can’t work until your permits are arranged, that will take a couple of months at least. For now, have your holiday. Vassago Corporation is only a holding company; in turn it owns many others. Some of those companies come with a little history, perhaps they have a terrible customer satisfaction record or such like, we don’t want to be immediately associated with them. We need someone who can boost the profile of those companies, perhaps have them ready to sell on or bring into the group.”

  He continued, “I’ve spoken with your old boss. He’s told me of some of your work, detailed your clients. They’re high profile enough to show me that you have the talent I’m looking for. You can select two people from the team to join you, I don’t recommend it be Sam though and you’ll work from this floor, although I have plans to create a slightly separate area. Some of the businesses we have, that are outside the group, are a little sensitive and you may need to be discrete.”

  “I don’t know what to say, it sounds interesting,” I said.

  “There’s one last thing, Brooke. You’re Rob’s partner and it’s that, plus your talent that has got you the job. We need someone we can trust.”

  I left Jonathan’s office with his words ringing in my ears, it certainly sounded interesting, but I was a little confused. Anyone in his department could do that. Did they not trust their own team? Still it was something to think about. The more I thought about what Jonathan had said, how hard it might be to get a job knowing I was attached to Vassago Corp, a company known for buying up and selling sometimes with hostility, the more I realised I would have to take the job if I was to stay.

  I arrived back at my desk and Sam was frantically gesturing to me. I opened my email.

  “What’s going on, what’s with the flowers?”

  I replied, “We think they were sent from Michael, on the card was written whore. So they’ve gone in the bin.”

  He emailed back, “What you doing tonight, birthday drinks?” and I felt a little bad when I replied, “Can’t, being taken out somewhere, a surprise, tomorrow?”

  I hadn’t told anyone it was my birthday other that Robert and Sam, and I didn’t do cards but I still felt a little sad. No one else had remembered, there was nothing from my parents. I didn’t have any other family, both sets of grandparents were long dead, there were a couple of aunts somewhere but no one I was close enough to receive a card from. At least I have the flowers from Robert; that was a lovely thought.

  I emailed Sam back, “Lunch?” and saw him immediately shut down his computer and leave his desk.

  We headed out and instead of turning for the deli I asked him, “Do you know a tattoo parlour nearby?” He looked at me, shocked.

  We walked a couple of blocks away and entered a building. I told the man what I wanted but needed it done there and then, and I settled face down on a couch. God, it hurt but I had to concentrate on Sam, to stop him from fainting. We arrived back at the office with a smile on my face at my little surprise for Robert. I settled at my desk, finishing off my work.

  I noticed people start to shut down their computers and received a text at the same time.

  “You’re late.”

  I checked my watch; it was five o’clock. I gathered up my bag and with a fluttering in my stomach, I made my way up to Robert’s office.

  Gina was nowhere to be seen but Robert was leaning against his doorframe, with arms crossed. His dark eyes were getting even darker, and my heart quickened at the thought of what was to come. Closing the door behind me, he locked it.

  “You know I don’t like being kept waiting,” he said, as he moved towards me.

  “Especially since you were the one who requested this meeting, Miss Stiles.”

  I played along, “I’m sorry, Mr. Stone, I was tied up.”

  “Tied up?” he asked, his tongue ran over is teeth. “Now that sounds very interesting.”

  I swallowed down the lump that had jumped into my throat. I stood with my back to his glass desk and he leaned past me to picked up some form of remote. I watched as he raised it slightly and pressed a button.

  “Camera,” he said

  “On or off?” I said, panicked.

  He chuckled, “Off.”

  He walked around me and I was reminded of that very first time with him. He had predatory movements; it was as if he was watching before devouring me. My stomach was in flutters and my nipples hard.

  “Take off your panties,” he whispered. I did as I was told and he walked to his chair.

  “Come here, sit on the desk in front of me.”

  I walked around the desk and pushed myself up onto it, my legs dangled over the edge. He picked one up at a time and placed my feet on the arms of his chair, and as he moved forwards, my legs bent upwards, exposing myself to him. I placed my hands on the desk slightly behind me and leaned back while fucked me with his tongue and his nose ran over my clitoris. Raising my head, I could look at the reflection of him in the glass wall behind. The lights of Washington started to twinkle as the sun set.

  I heard a door shut from another floor. It turned me on even more to know people were still around, with no idea what was happening. I moaned quietly as a wave of orgasm started to sweep over me. He was relentless, one minute his tongue was inside me then his mouth would be on mine, and his fingers teased. He unzipped his trousers and I held his tie to pull him closer, then he pushed inside me.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, one hand supported me on the desk, and he fucked me, as I liked it, hard and fast.

  As he slowed his breathing, he rested his forehead against mine.

  “So, next is dessert?” I asked.

  He laughed, “Oh yes.”

  I collected my panties from the floor and used them to wipe myself discretely. We made our way out of the office.

  “Look at the time, Robert, we’re going to have to rush,” I said, it was nearly six o’clock already.

  The lift arrived and instead of pressing for the foyer, he punched in a code and we travelled up one floor, to the penthouse. I looked at him, questioning.

  “My second surprise,” he said.

  The lift doors opened and he unlocked the apartment. He allowed me to walk in first.

  The whole place had been redecorated. The walls were a soft cream, still very modern but with a slight feminine touch to it and some coloured cushions sat on the sofa. I walked to the bedroom; it had completely changed too. A new bed, still large and imposing with an ornate white iron frame had replaced the old one. I turned to him.

  “No longer a fuck pad, Brooke, but our apartment,” he said, and that meant so much to me.

  This had been the place he’d brought his one-night stands, his dates, because it was not personal. There h
ad not been a touch of Robert Stone in there. I walked back to the sitting area and noticed a photograph, the same one I’d seen in the paper earlier that day. It was in a silver frame and showed the two of us walking the red carpet to the entrance of the museum, his arm was by his side, and our fingers were laced together. I walked over and picked it up. Tears sprang to my eyes; it was the very first thing that showed us as a couple.

  Hugging the picture to my chest, I turned, “You have no idea what this means, thank you,” I said.

  “There’s another one at home,” he replied.

  Replacing the frame, I walked towards him. “How do you feel?” I said, looking around.

  “I like it,” he smiled.

  “Next surprise,” he said as he took my hand, guiding us into the bedroom.

  He opened the door to the walk-in closet. One side held his clothes, spare suits, and the other was full of dresses, shirts, trousers, and shoes. There were drawers full of underwear and toiletries.

  “Wow, Robert, what’s all this?” I said, fingering the fabric of some of the stylish and elegant clothes.

  “Baby, you’re out of a job, and it doesn’t do my image any good to be dating someone who looks poor,” he said with a wink.

  “There’s another closet of clothes at home, I asked Taylor to deal with it, buying women’s clothes is not one of my skillsets. I hope you like what she selected.”

  I opened a drawer and pulled out the raunchiest crotchless panties, black lace with little red ribbons on the side and held them towards me. I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “Okay, so those I did buy.”

  “Baby, I love them.” I said as I wrapped my arms around him. I couldn’t image what all those would have cost.

  “We can get ready here, but you’re going to have to hurry. Travis will be here in half an hour,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head and headed for the shower.

  I stood looking at the items in my closet. Forget the fact that he had spent a fortune. What he was saying was that he was sharing his space, his life with me, and again I marvelled at how far we’d come in such a short space of time. There was a huge significant meaning to it all, to the coloured cushions, the new bed, the photo in the frame; he was shedding his old life and starting to embrace a new one.

  I selected a lovely red dress. Taylor had done well; everything was the correct size. I’d forgotten to call her earlier so I sent a quick text.

  “Taylor, you are amazing. I’ve just opened my birthday closet, thank you, thank you xx.”

  She sent a reply, “Honey, you’re worth it xx.”

  I had a quick shower, kept my hair dry, and applied some of the new makeup I’d found. I put on the red dress and some matching underwear, leaving the crotchless ones for another time. Oh, the shoes. There were racks and racks of shoes. What on earth would I do with them all? I chose a red pair to match the dress and stepped into the lounge.

  I was met with a slow whistle, “Do we have to go out? You look too good,” Robert said and I laughed.

  I loved that he wanted me all the time; it was something new and made me feel so good.

  “I want to show you something, I got a little gift for you,” I said as I walked towards him.

  I turned my back and pulled my hair to one side. Still raw but very obvious were two letters, entwined and tattooed at the base of my neck. RS.

  I turned to see him smiling, “Now you can stop biting. I’m permanently branded,” I said, laughing as he pulled me to him. His fingers gently ran over his initials.

  His phone buzzed, “Travis is waiting,” he said.

  “Oh, I’m a little disappointed now,” I replied, “I thought you guys were telepathic. You know, Travis always waiting when you want him. Now I know it’s all done on a text.”

  “Nothing magic about us, baby,” he said.

  We made our way to the lift and out of the building.

  It felt strange to get ready and walk through the foyer for a night out, considering this was a place of work as well.

  “Oh, the Range Rover, I am being spoiled,” I said, as I slid across the black leather seats.

  Robert sat close and held my hand as we drove off into the evening. I recognised the door immediately. That shiny black colour with no number, and again, before we got to the top step, it was opened.

  “Happy Birthday!” I heard and was stunned to see just the one table in the middle of the dining room.

  Sitting around it were Mack and Taylor, Jonathan and Patricia, Richard and Susie, Paul and Rosa, and my beloved Sam and Scott. I was also so pleased to see Evelyn and Travis, once he had parked the car. I couldn’t think of a nicer group of people to spend my birthday with. After a round of hugs and kisses, I turned to Robert.

  “I’ve never had a birthday party before, thank you, and did I tell you today that I loved you?” I said.

  He smiled down at me and I thought, just for one moment, he might say it back. I smiled back, “I know,” I said.

  I had a lovely evening. The chef had prepared all my favourite foods. We started with prawns in a delicate lemon and garlic sauce, followed by fillet of rare beef and then a wild strawberry cheesecake for dessert. It was all too quickly over.

  With an armful of presents, Robert, Evelyn, Travis and I headed for the car. I looked across the road as I climbed into the back seat and could have sworn I saw a familiar figure in the shadows. It was the tight curly hair I noticed, but when I looked again, she was gone. Too much excitement, I guess.

  Robert carried my parcels to the lounge when we arrived home, and we sat while I opened some cards. Among them was a small, very cheap looking envelope. I opened it and found a card with rabbits on the front. Inside, I read...

  “hapy birfday from kerry”

  I was thrilled. I would be seeing her the following day for our weekly workout, but that was nice, she had thought to make sure I got a card on my birthday. I showed it to Robert and he told me that she came into the home the previous night. She had stayed only until the early hours of the morning but it was progress.

  “Now for my card,” Robert said.

  From the inside of his jacket pocket, he produced a familiar small white envelope. It felt hard, inflexible and I wondered what it could be.

  Opening it, I pulled out a black Amex card. I looked up at him, questioning. Across the front was my name, Miss B. Stiles. I held it for a couple of seconds and then placed it back in the envelope and handed it back to him.

  “I can’t take this. Robert, you have already gone way over the top today.”

  “Brooke, you have what, three thousand left? I want you to have this and I won’t take no for an answer,” he said.

  “I’ve never given a gift to anyone, well, other than Travis and Evelyn so, please, don’t make me feel bad by giving it back.”

  Oh, emotional blackmail.

  I took the card back out of the envelope, it was shiny and black of course, with my name in gold; just the card was a work of art.

  “I’ll only use it for emergencies,” I said. “How’s that?”

  “You’ll use it for whatever you want. Well, within reason of course. Why can’t you just accept that I want you to have things, I want you to be able to buy whatever you want, when you want.”

  “Because, I haven’t come from money. What I earned each month was all I had, and once the bills were paid there was little else left. I’m not used to this, it’s all a bit overwhelming.”

  He pulled me to him. “You know as well as I do that you are here, with me for the long term so get used to it.”

  Slapping my backside rather hard, he added, “Now get that stunning ass downstairs before I ruin that dress.”

  Dessert was wonderful, tender and slow and delicious. The cherry on the top of a great evening was Robert gently kissing better my sore neck.

  Waking the following morning, I didn’t feel a year older, my body did, but that was just from the workout Robert had given me in the bedroom. I felt a little sad t
hough, I was unemployed, and there was no need for me to go into work. I’d already copied everything back to Greg, notes to Dan on what was in the pipeline, and what clients would expect. There was really nothing more for me to do.

  I remembered that day was the day for the ladies lunch at the club. I knew ‘the club’ was the upstairs to the restaurant we had been to for my birthday party. It was a gentleman’s club that allowed ladies, the wives, of its members to use the facilities.

  “Morning, beautiful,” I heard, as Robert came out of the closet. He was dressed in his usual black suit.

  “Hey,” I said. “You’re up early, have you got time for a coffee before you go?”

  I jumped out of bed and pulled the usual joggers and t-shirt, then walked with him upstairs.

  “I have that lunch today, with Taylor and the girls, did you remember?” I asked as he quickly drank his coffee while checking his watch.

  “No, baby, I forgot, but you’ll enjoy it. I need Travis with me today, so I’ll send Mark to drive you, okay.”

  “I can get a cab, if you just write the address down for me.”

  “Like I said before,” he said, cupping my chin for a kiss. “No sleazy cab driver is going to be eyeing you in the mirror. No, I’ll make sure Mark is here for midday.”

  I walked to the front door and watched as he climbed into the car and sighed. I made my way back upstairs collecting the laundry on the way. At least I could help Evelyn if I was here.

  “Brooke, leave that please,” she said as she saw me walk across to the utility room.

  “I’m just bringing it up. Can I ask you something?” she raised her eyebrows.

  Everyone in the house dreaded hearing me say that, it usually meant trouble afterwards.

  “Mmm,” was all she said suspiciously.

  “Oh it’s nothing about Robert, more Travis. Does he have girlfriends?” I asked.

  “Well, yes, he’ll go out.”

  “So, does he bring them home, back here?”


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