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Can't Forgive You (Second Chance Diaries Book 2)

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by Emma Vikes

  Lacey had been a recent recruit of the firm when I was still an intern and because of our age, we hit it off since then. She was thrilled when I decided to apply to the firm and had been one of those who gave me a good recommendation albeit, I was already a shoo-in for a position. Apparently, I made a good impression with the partners of the firm so they already considered me if I ever applied.

  “Hmm,” Lacey mused as she looped an arm around mine and practically dragged me to the coffee shop. “I think I might know what it’s all about.”

  My eyebrows rose in surprise and forced us to stop. “What do you mean you know?”

  She chuckled and shrugged. “Well, I already went in and the firm’s buzzing with the news. Apparently, there’s this really big client that chose our firm to represent him. I don’t really know much about the details but I think it might be an embezzlement issue.”

  Embezzlement cases were common with big and small companies. Since Hadfield and Schrearer Firm was one of the top three biggest law firms in San Francisco, it was safe to assume that it was a big client. With that, I could also assume the media would be all over this case which meant it was a huge deal to the firm.

  My toes curled with anticipation.

  We pushed through the glass door of the café together. “You think that’s why Hadfield’s calling me in?”

  Lacey looked at me with admiration glinting in her eyes. “Of course. You’re one of the best ones we have. Hadfield would be a fool if he doesn’t let you handle the case. Besides, your natural charisma and beauty would be good PR for the firm.”

  I playfully glared at her and we ordered our coffee. What I loved most about Lacey was that she was always supportive. “How’s your case with the Marshalls coming along?”

  She grimaced as she accepted her order from the barista and sighed. “Nearly nowhere. I’m not sure what game those two are playing but the whole thing is like foreplay for sex.”

  I bit back a laugh at what she said. She was a divorce attorney and the best one we had. “Why do you say that? The guy cheated on her. She’d be stupid not to end it already.”

  Lacey whistled lowly. “Oh, there you go again. Every time you do that, you make me wonder what the hell the last guy did to make you that bitter. I can’t wait for the day when you break and finally spill why you’re the ambassador for women against romance. Maybe then, I could finally hook you up with a date.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. Without saying anything more, I bumped my hip against hers and we finally went inside the firm. Lacey knew I had a daughter and had met Amy when I was still an intern. But Lacey never pried or asked me who and where Amy’s Dad was. She also didn’t assume he’d been the last relationship I’d ever had.

  The two of us had discussed everything about life but that. But since I’d gotten pregnant with Amy, I stopped bothering with romance and guys. I’d channelled all my energy into providing for my daughter and achieving. Evidently, it all worked out for me and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

  When we both came in, everyone greeted both of us. Well, mostly me, since they knew that had Lacey already came in.

  I passed by my office to drop off my bag and coat then made my way to Hadfield’s office.

  Lacey stood waiting for me right outside, a big smile on her face as she placed her hands on my shoulders, squeezing gently. “I am so incredibly excited for you,” she said in a hushed voice.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle, flashing her a smile. She left me right after that and I stood in front of the wooden double door, aware that Hadfield and the client were behind them.

  Just as I was about to knock, I heard a familiar voice, “Are you sure that you got me a competent lawyer?”

  I could hear the frustration in his voice. The whole thing must’ve affected his business badly. But something about his voice tickled my memory. It sounded strangely familiar. For a moment, I lingered by the door, wanting to listen more to the client speak.

  His voice was a low baritone but he spoke like he was well-educated and well-mannered. He even sounded suave despite his frustration. “I’m sure you’re aware that the media are practically bloodhounds. The moment that this gets out, I need someone who won’t crack under the pressure.”

  No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t put a face on that voice, so I pushed open the door to make my presence known.

  “Ah, Miss Wilson, it’s good you to finally joined us.”

  I barely even heard Hadfield speak because my eyes fell on the man in front of him. His face looked scruffy with his neatly trimmed beard and his blonde hair had darkened. His facial features looked even more defined and his jaw looked like it could cut you. He was dressed sharply, in a grey suit that looked tailored precisely for him.

  Only his eyes remained the same. Vibrant, green and piercing, still captivating me and leaving me in a trance.

  “Miss Wilson, I’d like you to meet our new client, Mr. Logan Crewe.”

  Logan Crewe.

  I’d always known that at some point, our paths would cross again. Despite how big the world was, the possibility that I would bump into him had always been there. For a while, I thought that maybe I wouldn’t. California was a huge state and he’d probably moved onto greener pastures, so I would be safer in San Francisco.

  A part of me knew it was stupid not to entertain the possibility. It just never occurred to me that we would meet in this manner.

  “Mr. Crewe, I’d like you to meet one of the most competent criminal defense lawyers we have in our firm, Miss Olivia Wilson.” Hadfield sounded like a proud father when he introduced me to Logan.

  A part of me wanted to hightail out of the office and face the sanctions I probably would get for running away from a client. But also a part of me knew I had to keep my shit together and remember the fact that Logan was here as a client.

  He stepped forward. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wilson.”

  As soon as he was close, I could smell the expensive cologne he wore. I pursed my lips and tried to pull my lips into a pleasing smile. “Likewise, Mr. Crewe.”

  Hadfield motioned for us to sit down.

  I took the couch opposite from Logan. I crossed my legs and tried my best to focus on Hadfield and ignore the piercing gaze Logan had pinned on me.

  “I’m sure you’re aware that Mr. Crewe here is a partner in an automotive company,” Hadfield spoke.

  I didn’t. I didn’t have a clue what the hell was going on in Logan’s life because I chose not to. I didn’t care if he reached his goals and was a CEO or a co-owner of various companies. But I couldn’t really display my feelings at the moment.

  Hadfield pushed a folder in my direction.

  I picked it up, flipping over it.

  Logan’s achievements in the past years were impressive. He did reach his goals and had various companies and was a co-owner to some. The automotive company Hadfield mentioned was the one here in San Francisco, Outright Auto, one of the leading automotive shops.

  “And as you can see, he’s caught in quite a scandal. Embezzlement case, Miss Wilson. It’s something that you’ve previously worked on and won before.”

  Apparently, the case Logan was facing was that he took a huge amount of cash from the company card and transferred it to his, then withdrew it to hide evidence. The claim was made by Julija Burrows, someone who Logan had worked with.

  “And what’s your relation to Miss Burrows?” I asked, looking directly at Logan.

  “She used to be my personal assistant,” Logan drawled and shrugged. “And I don’t know what pushed her to make that claim, but I didn’t do anything.”

  “And what are the sentiments of the other co-owner of the automotive company?” I asked, flipping through the pages and zeroing in on the name ‘Mitchell Johansenn.’

  Logan sighed. “Mitch is pissed but he knows that I wouldn’t do anything like that. He’s just pissed because the whole scandal is tainting the business.”

  I turned my attent
ion to Hadfield.

  He stared at me with questioning eyes. “So, you’re going to win this case for us and Mr. Crewe, aren’t you, Miss Wilson?”

  Without knowing, Hadfield was putting me in a tight spot. We were in front of the client and rejecting the case wouldn’t do well in my favor for several reasons. One, Hadfield would question my response. Two, I would seem unprofessional, especially if word got out that I had a history with Logan. And three, Logan would think he still had some kind of effect on me.

  I pursed my lips and merely nodded.

  Hadfield let out a sigh of relief as if he’d been expecting me to reject the whole thing.

  Oh boy, if only he knew I was actually considering doing just that.

  He turned to Logan and stood. “Mr. Crewe, I can assure you that our firm will do its best to clean your name. You have Miss Wilson’s word.”

  Logan took it as a sign to stand as well.

  Oh god, he really should leave now. I could be professional upfront with him at the moment but I wasn’t sure how long I would last if this whole thing dragged on even more.

  Logan nodded and then turned to me. His green eyes were twinkling. “Thank you, Miss Wilson.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure,” I said through gritted teeth while I wondered why he had that twinkle in his eyes. I shook his hand.

  Logan shook Hadfield’s hand and my boos walked him out the door.

  I stayed where I was, flipping through the folder until Hadfield came back. I stood up abruptly and whirled around to face my boss.

  He seemed surprised by my sudden rush.

  “I can’t do this.”

  Hadfield stared at me as if I just grew another head on my shoulder. “What?”

  I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. I really hadn’t thought this through but all I knew was I couldn’t handle a case that involved Logan Crewe. “I have so many cases to handle already, Mr. Hadfield. This is a huge case and I don’t…I don’t…” I couldn’t even bring myself to say I wasn’t confident that I could win it.

  Hadfield was aware of my attitude with work. I always brought my A-game to court and made sure I left winning. “You’re the most suited for the job, Miss Wilson.”

  Pursing my lips, I looked down at my feet. “I’m sure Mr. de Angelo would do as good of a job as I would, Mr. Hadfield.”

  Hadfield walked to his desk and sat down on his chair. He looked at me with his weary blue eyes hidden behind his small, circular glasses. A small man, thin and short and his small build deceived everyone. He was one hell of a lawyer in court and never lost a case. He was practically a legend. “That’s a pity. I’m sure you’re aware that Schearer and I are putting up another firm and were thinking of adding a new partner. If you managed to win this case, it’ll put you ahead of your colleagues. It’ll be a waste if you reject it, Olivia.” He knew what he needed to do to bait me to do this whole thing. The smug glint in his eyes said so.

  “And if I don’t win this?”

  Hadfield scoffed and leaned back. “There’s only one case that you’ve lost in your entire career, Olivia. Why do you think I chose you to have this?”

  He trusted me and he was telling me this would be an edge among my colleagues. Even without that, winning the case would do wonders for my career. It was too good to pass up.

  “What do you say, Olivia?”

  I swallowed my pride. Yes, I still hated Logan Crewe and I hated the idea that I would be representing him and technically helping him. The jerk didn’t deserve my help but there was also no way I would pass up such an opportunity because of him. I’d already swore to myself for many years that I wouldn’t let Logan Crewe ruin my life.

  With great reluctance, I nodded my head slowly. “Fine. I’ll do my very best.”



  “Are you even listening to me, Logan?”

  I could hear the irritation evident in Clara’s voice as she tried to get my attention. I blinked, turning my head to face my publicist.

  She looked tired and worn out and it was because of the whole fiasco I was involved in. It had been one thing to handle all the dating scandals I got dragged into, but another to be involved in an embezzlement issue.

  I leaned closer and crossed my legs, flashing Clara a sheepish smile despite knowing she’d be completely unfazed by my charm. “You lost me there a little, Clara.”

  Clara groaned and leaned against the couch, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at me. “Do you know how many sleepless nights I’ve endured because of this whole fiasco you got yourself into?”

  “It’s flattering that I’m the reason behind your sleepless nights, Clara, but we’ve established that I don’t cross the boundaries with my employees,” I arrogantly teased her.

  She gritted her teeth in annoyance and huffed. “Don’t you see the implications of all of this, Logan? It’s not just your position in Outright Auto that’s on the line but investors from various businesses that you run might pull out. This is serious, Logan and it shouldn’t be taken lightly!”

  I was very aware of how serious the whole thing was. It was more like, I was still in a state of shock. My brain kept trying to grasp the fact that the person meant to represent me legally was an ex-girlfriend. I’d bumped into many ex-girlfriends in the past decade and it never bothered me.

  It was just that, this time it was Olivia.

  I hadn’t seen her for a decade. I’d always known she would make a name for herself because it had always been in her nature. Tenacious and goal-oriented and I knew she always wanted to become a lawyer. I also knew that when she did, she would make a damn good one. Hell, I could barely win any argument with her when we were dating.

  Seeing her again, made me wonder how she had been doing for the past years. The memories I had with her were still vivid and more often than not, I caught myself thinking about her. There had been a time when I thought she would run after me. In spite of the fact that she had made it clear to me that she would never chase after a man.

  But when I let go of what I had with her, Olivia didn’t linger around. She dropped me as quickly as I dropped what we had and never looked back. Quite frankly, the fact that Olivia dropped me so easily had always haunted me. Although I questioned why she never begged for me to stay. It had been the first time in my life when someone just let me go without a fight.

  Maybe that was why Olivia continued to haunt me… the one who left such a mark.

  “Logan!” Clara shouted my name, the annoyance clear in her eyes.

  I jumped a little in surprise.

  She let out a long exhale, obviously trying to keep her calm, although she was quickly losing patience. “You met with the firm, right? What did they say? Do we have someone to represent you?”

  I scratched my head and slowly nodded. “Yes, I met with them and Hadfield introduced me to the one that would represent me in the case. Her name’s Olivia Wilson.”

  Clara nodded and she was quick to jot down Olivia’s name on her tablet. “Okay. We’ll do a background check on her on how good she is and—”

  “She’s good,” I quickly said, hearing how defensive my tone sounded when I said the two words.

  Clara looked up from her tablet and at me, eyes questioning. “By that, do you mean she’s undeniably attractive and has a flattering body that you like?”

  Clara had been working for me for nearly six years and she knew me a little too well. It was frightening sometimes.

  I let out a short chuckle and shook my head. It wouldn’t be a problem if I told her I knew Olivia. She just didn’t need to know Olivia used to be an old flame because she would demand that we got someone else represent me. “We went to the same college.”

  Clara’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at me. “You didn’t date her, did you?”

  I played it cool and rolled my eyes. “Just because I’m a chick magnet does not mean I date everyone who sinks their claws at me.”

  It was her turn to roll her eyes at me. “If
she’s an ex-girlfriend, Logan, that wouldn’t benefit us. She could harbor ill-feelings towards you.”

  “Trust me, I don’t think she does,” I replied coolly, leaning back on the sofa and shrugging casually. “And I know for a fact that she’s good. She used to be in a debate team and damn, the other team always lost because of her.”

  I could still see the suspicion in Clara’s eyes and she nodded. I felt relieved that she was taking my word. If she tried to pry on Olivia’s background, she might find out that in fact, I used to date her, and then she would replace Olivia as my lawyer. I could only imagine how heart-breaking it would be for Olivia to lose me as a client.

  She was making it big by representing billionaires now. It would be a bummer if I tainted her track record because my publicist replaced her with someone I didn’t date.

  Clara got her things together and stood. “I won’t run a background check on the lawyer and take your word for it. If you think that she’s good, then she’ll win this case for us. For now, you continue to lay low, Logan. We can’t afford any more rumors or scandals at the moment.”

  I scoffed. “You know I’m a good boy, Clara.”

  She made a face and then left, her head held up high. Clara was about three years older than I was and still single. It was probably because of her strong personality and dominance. But she was a good publicist and to be honest, I probably would be in a lot more trouble if it wasn’t for her.

  I checked the time. It was nearly lunchtime and I had just the right idea of what I intended to do at this hour. Heading out of the building, I took the keys to my car from my driver. I wanted to swing by the firm again and meet with Olivia. This time, I didn’t want to meet with her as a client but as a…acquaintance, perhaps.

  Parking the car in a spot where I could see her when she walked out‒or came back in‒I waited. I didn’t know for sure that she would go to lunch at this exact hour but with what I remembered of her, she wasn’t one to skip meals.


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